Dezgo Ai Tutorial (2024) How to Use Dezgo Ai | Image to Image | Text to Image Generator

Web Whizz
3 Aug 202309:18

TLDRThis tutorial introduces Dezgo Ai, an AI system capable of text-to-image generation and image editing. It covers the platform's main functions, including generating images from text prompts, editing existing images to fit textual descriptions, upscaling images, and impainting from text. The guide also mentions joining the Dezgo Discord server for additional features and improved user experience.


  • ๐Ÿš€ Dezgo AI is an AI system that functions as a text-to-image and image-to-image generator.
  • ๐Ÿ“ Users can directly visit the Dezgo AI website through the link provided in the video description.
  • ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ The 'Text to Image' function generates an image based on a text description.
  • ๐ŸŽจ The 'Image to Image' function edits existing images to fit a given text description.
  • ๐Ÿ” Users can choose different AI models for more control over the final output.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ The 'Upscale' function increases the size and resolution of an image.
  • ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ 'Inpainting from Text' allows users to replace parts of an image based on text descriptions.
  • ๐Ÿ”— Joining the Dezgo AI Discord server grants access to beta features and faster image generation.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก Clear and specific text prompts improve the accuracy of AI-generated images.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ Users can experiment with different AI models and settings for desired outcomes.
  • ๐ŸŽฅ The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to use various functions of Dezgo AI.

Q & A

  • What is Dezgo Ai?

    -Dezgo Ai is an AI system capable of generating images from text descriptions. It can also edit existing images to fit a text description.

  • How to access Dezgo Ai?

    -You can access Dezgo Ai by visiting the website provided in the video description.

  • What are the main functions of Dezgo Ai?

    -The main functions of Dezgo Ai include Text to Image, Image to Image editing, Upscaling images, Impainting from text, and advanced features available in the beta version.

  • How does the Text to Image function work in Dezgo Ai?

    -The Text to Image function allows users to generate an image by inserting a text prompt and selecting an AI model, which will then produce an image based on the given description.

  • Can users have more control over the generated images in Dezgo Ai?

    -Yes, users can have more control by using the Control Text to Image feature, which allows them to type specific instructions to guide the AI in generating the final output.

  • How does the Image to Image function edit an existing image?

    -The Image to Image function lets users edit an existing image by providing a text prompt describing how they want the image to be changed. The AI then attempts to modify the image according to the prompt.

  • What is the Upscaling function in Dezgo Ai?

    -The Upscaling function increases the size of an image, typically doubling its dimensions, which results in a clearer resolution and improved image quality.

  • How does the Impainting from Text function work?

    -The Impainting from Text function allows users to replace a specific part of an image with a new description. Users provide a 'mass prompt' to describe the target part of the image and a 'from-to' prompt to describe the desired change.

  • What are the benefits of joining the Dezgo Discord server?

    -Joining the Dezgo Discord server grants access to beta features, faster image generation, the ability to generate more images at once, and the option to increase image quality and add more data.

  • Why might the AI not produce accurate results in Image to Image editing?

    -The AI might not produce accurate results if the text prompt is not clear enough or if the chosen AI model is not suitable for the desired outcome. Users should provide detailed and clear prompts and may need to experiment with different AI models.

  • How can users download the generated images from Dezgo Ai?

    -Users can download the generated images by clicking the download button provided after the AI produces the output.



๐Ÿ“ Introduction to DeskGo AI and Its Features

This paragraph introduces the DeskGo AI, a text-to-image generator system that can also edit existing images to fit a text description. The tutorial aims to guide users through the various functions of DeskGo AI, encouraging them to visit the website for more information. The user interface is briefly explained, highlighting the product box and the ability to upload files from a computer. The paragraph outlines the primary functions such as text-to-image, control text-to-image, image-to-image, upscale, impainting from text, and the exclusive beta feature accessible through the DeskGo Discord server.


๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Demonstrating DeskGo AI's Functions: Text-to-Image and Image-to-Image

In this paragraph, the user demonstrates how to use the text-to-image function by selecting a random text prompt and choosing an AI model, epic diffusion 1.1, to generate an image. The user then proceeds to the image-to-image function, using the previously generated image and attempting to edit it by removing a black hole and changing the lightning to water. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of clear text prompts for accurate AI-generated outputs and suggests experimenting with different AI models for better results. The paragraph concludes with a brief mention of the upscale and impainting from text functions, noting that proper mass prompts and from-to descriptions are necessary for successful image modifications.



๐Ÿ’กDezgo Ai

Dezgo Ai is an artificial intelligence system mentioned in the video that specializes in generating images from textual descriptions. It is a text-to-image generator, which means it can create visual content based on the words and phrases provided by the user. The system is showcased in the video as a tool that allows users to edit existing images or generate new ones that align with their textual prompts. For instance, the video demonstrates how to use Dezgo Ai to create an image of a world destroyed by a black hole with a lightning strike, based on a textual description entered by the user.

๐Ÿ’กText to Image

Text to Image refers to the process of generating visual content based on textual descriptions. In the context of the video, this is one of the primary functions of Dezgo Ai. Users can input a textual description into the system, and the AI will create an image that corresponds to the text. This feature is particularly useful for creating custom images or visualizing concepts described in the text. The video provides an example where the user inputs a description of a world destroyed by a black hole, and the AI generates an image that matches this description.

๐Ÿ’กImage to Image

Image to Image is a function of Dezgo Ai that allows users to edit or alter existing images to fit a given textual description. This feature enables the AI to modify certain aspects of an image based on the user's input, such as removing or adding elements to the image. The video shows an example where the user wants to remove a black hole from an image, and the AI adjusts the image accordingly, although it may not always produce perfectly accurate results, highlighting the importance of clear and specific textual prompts for better outcomes.


Upscale is a term used in the video to describe the process of increasing the size and resolution of an image. The Dezgo Ai system offers an upscale function that allows users to double the size of their images, resulting in a clearer and more detailed visual output. This feature is beneficial for enhancing image quality, especially when the original image is small or low-resolution. The video illustrates this by showing how an image's size can be doubled, improving its overall quality.

๐Ÿ’กImpainting from Text

Impainting from Text is a feature of Dezgo Ai that enables users to modify specific parts of an image using textual descriptions. This function allows the AI to recognize the target area within the image and replace or alter it based on the text prompt provided by the user. The video demonstrates this by changing lightning to water in an image, although it also notes that the AI might not always produce the exact desired results, emphasizing the need for clear and precise textual prompts.

๐Ÿ’กAI Model

An AI Model in the context of the video refers to the specific algorithms or neural networks used by Dezgo Ai to generate or modify images. The system offers various AI models, each designed to produce different styles or types of images, such as anime or realistic visuals. Users can choose the AI model that best suits their needs for a particular task, which affects the final output of the generated or edited image. The video highlights the importance of selecting the appropriate AI model to achieve the desired results.

๐Ÿ’กControl Text

Control Text, as used in the video, refers to the textual prompts that็”จๆˆทๆไพ› to guide the AI in generating or editing images. These prompts are essential for instructing the AI on what specific changes or elements to include in the final image. The video emphasizes the importance of clear and detailed control texts for achieving accurate and satisfactory results. The more precise the control text, the better the AI can understand and execute the desired modifications.


Resolution in the context of the video pertains to the quality and detail of an image. Higher resolution images contain more pixels and thus offer greater clarity and detail. The Dezgo Ai system allows users to adjust the resolution of their images, which can enhance the visual quality, especially when upscaling or refining images. The video illustrates how the upscale function can double the size of an image, effectively increasing its resolution and making the details clearer.

๐Ÿ’กDiscord Server

The Discord Server mentioned in the video is an online platform where users of Dezgo Ai can join to access additional features and functions of the AI system. By joining the server, users can benefit from faster image generation, more batch processing options, and the ability to unlock advanced parameters. The Discord community likely serves as a support network and a space for sharing tips and experiences among users of the Dezgo Ai system.

๐Ÿ’กBeta Access

Beta Access in the video refers to the opportunity for users to test and use new or upcoming features of Dezgo Ai before they are officially released. These beta features may offer additional capabilities or improvements over the standard functions of the AI system. Access to beta features often requires users to join a specific community or platform, such as the Dezgo Ai Discord Server, where they can provide feedback and contribute to the development of the system.


The term Download in the video refers to the process of saving the AI-generated images to the user's device. Once an image is generated or edited using Dezgo Ai, users have the option to download it for further use or sharing. This feature is essential for users to utilize the output of the AI system in their projects or for personal use. The video demonstrates this by showing how users can download the image of a world destroyed by a black hole after generating it with the Text to Image function.


Dezgo AI is an AI system that can generate images from text descriptions.

It can also edit existing images to fit a text description.

Users can choose different AI models for various styles of image generation.

The interface allows for uploading and dragging files from your computer.

Text-to-Image function generates an image from a text prompt.

Control over image generation can be adjusted with the control text-to-image feature.

Image-to-Image function edits an existing image based on a given text description.

Upscale function can double the size of an image, improving its resolution.

Inpainting from text allows replacing parts of an image using text descriptions.

Edit Image from Text function enables modifications to an image through text prompts.

Joining the Dezgo Discord server provides access to beta features and additional capabilities.

Clear text prompts are crucial for achieving accurate AI-generated image results.

Different AI models can produce varying results, so experimenting with them is recommended.

The tutorial demonstrates generating an image of a world destroyed by a black hole and lightning.

Image-to-Image function can be used to modify elements of an image, such as removing a black hole.

Upscale function improves image quality by increasing its size.

Inpainting from text can change specific parts of an image, like transforming lightning into water.

Proper description in prompts is necessary for achieving the desired image modifications.

Creating a Discord account can enhance the image generation process with increased speed and quality.