The Easiest ComfyUI Workflow With Efficiency Nodes

Monzon Media
22 Aug 202305:24

TLDRThe video introduces Efficiency Nodes for Comfy UI, a tool that streamlines the image generation process with a clean and organized interface. The creator walks through the setup, highlighting features like the ckpt loader, VAE clip skip, and various settings for prompts and latent images. Installation instructions are provided, along with a basic workflow example. The video demonstrates the simplicity of generating an image using the efficient loader and sampler, and teases future content on upscaling and image-to-image painting.


  • 🎯 The video introduces Efficiency Nodes for Comfy UI, a tool for streamlined workflow.
  • 🖼️ An example image is generated to demonstrate the use of Efficiency Nodes.
  • 📺 The script mentions a video by Pixelvert that inspired the creator to check out and adopt the setup.
  • 🔍 The script explains the components of the Efficient Loader section, including ckpt loader, VAE, clip skip, loras, and strengths.
  • 📝 The video outlines the process of connecting nodes in the workflow, emphasizing the simplicity and efficiency.
  • 📚 The creator provides a link in the description for downloading Efficiency Nodes and instructions for installation.
  • 💻 Installation instructions are given for both users with and without the custom manager in Comfy UI.
  • 🔄 The process of adding nodes like 'efficient loader' and 'sampling case sampler' is demonstrated.
  • 🖌️ The video shows how to customize the appearance of nodes, such as changing colors.
  • 🏗️ The creator mentions plans to expand on the basic setup and explore upscaling methods and image-to-image painting.
  • 📢 The video ends with an invitation for feedback from users who are already using Efficiency Nodes.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about 'Efficiency Nodes' for Comfy UI, a tool used in image generation and editing workflows.

  • What is the purpose of the Efficiency Nodes in Comfy UI?

    -Efficiency Nodes in Comfy UI are designed to streamline and simplify the image generation process by providing a more organized and efficient workflow.

  • How does the presenter introduce Efficiency Nodes to the viewers?

    -The presenter introduces Efficiency Nodes by generating an example image and explaining the components of the tool, such as the ckpt loader, VAE clip skip, loras, and the positive and negative prompts.

  • What is the significance of the 'efficient loader' section in the script?

    -The 'efficient loader' section is significant because it contains essential elements like the ckpt loader, VAE clip skip, loras, and the strength and clip strength, which are crucial for the image generation process.

  • How does the presenter describe the process of installing Efficiency Nodes?

    -The presenter describes the installation process as straightforward, involving downloading the file, extracting it, and copying it into the Comfy UI custom nodes folder. For users with the custom manager, they can install it directly from the manager.

  • What is the role of the 'sampling case sampler' in the Efficiency Nodes workflow?

    -The 'sampling case sampler' plays a key role in the workflow by connecting the various elements and facilitating the transition from the efficient loader to the image generation phase.

  • How does the presenter demonstrate the use of Efficiency Nodes in the video?

    -The presenter demonstrates the use of Efficiency Nodes by walking through the process of generating an image, starting with the loaders, adding nodes, and finally saving the image with different color options.

  • What are some of the features and options available in the Efficiency Nodes?

    -Some of the features and options available in the Efficiency Nodes include the ability to add nodes, save images, change colors, and use different image generation methods like latent to RGB.

  • What is the presenter's plan for future videos?

    -The presenter plans to expand on the basic setup, try adding upscaling methods, and learn how to do image to image and in-painting in future videos.

  • How can viewers who are already using Efficiency Nodes contribute to the presenter's learning process?

    -Viewers who are already using Efficiency Nodes can contribute by providing pointers, feedback, and suggestions to help the presenter improve and expand their understanding of the tool.

  • What is the presenter's final message to the viewers?

    -The presenter's final message is an invitation for viewers to share their experiences and tips with Efficiency Nodes and to look forward to future videos where more advanced techniques will be explored.



📊 Introduction to Efficiency Nodes in Comfy UI

This paragraph introduces the concept of Efficiency Nodes in Comfy UI, a tool designed to streamline and organize the workflow. The speaker begins by generating an example image to visually illustrate the concept. They mention the minimalistic design, which contrasts with traditional complex setups, and highlight the absence of extraneous elements. The speaker then references a video by Pixelvert that inspired their exploration of this setup. They proceed to break down the components of the Efficient Loader section, including the ckpt loader, various nodes for VAE, CLIP, Skip-Loras, and adjustable strengths for both. The speaker also discusses the positive and negative prompts, latent image section, and the Efficient Case Sampler. They compare this setup to a more complex SDXL workflow, emphasizing the simplicity and efficiency of the current configuration. The paragraph concludes with installation instructions for Efficiency Nodes, including downloading the file, extracting it, and copying it into the Comfy UI folder. The speaker also addresses users with the custom manager, providing an alternative installation method.


🚀 Expanding on Basic Setup and Future Tutorials

In this paragraph, the speaker expresses their intention to expand upon the basic setup introduced earlier and explore additional features such as upscaling methods and image-to-image inpainting. They invite viewers who are already using Efficiency Nodes to share their insights and tips. The speaker also mentions their plans to cover these topics in upcoming videos. The paragraph ends on a casual note, encouraging viewers to stay tuned for future content and signing off until the next video.



💡Efficiency Nodes

Efficiency Nodes is a term used in the context of the video to describe a set of tools or features designed to streamline and optimize the workflow within a user interface (UI), specifically Comfy UI in this case. These nodes are intended to reduce unnecessary steps and make the process more intuitive for users. In the script, the speaker introduces Efficiency Nodes as a way to manage various components such as loaders, samplers, and image sections efficiently.

💡Comfy UI

Comfy UI appears to be a user interface or platform being discussed in the video, which is used for creating or managing certain digital workflows. It is implied that Comfy UI is a tool that allows users to connect different elements or 'nodes' to create a functional and organized workflow. The video's theme revolves around optimizing this interface for better efficiency.


YouTube is a video-sharing platform mentioned in the script where the speaker discovered the Efficiency Nodes for Comfy UI through a suggested video. It serves as an example of how users can find and share content related to software tools and tutorials, which is relevant to the video's theme of learning and applying new technologies.

💡ckpt loader

The 'ckpt loader' is a term used in the script to refer to a component within the Efficiency Nodes of Comfy UI that is responsible for loading checkpoints. Checkpoints are typically points in a process where the state is saved, allowing users to return to a specific point or to start from that point in future sessions. In the context of the video, the ckpt loader is one of the elements that contribute to the streamlined workflow.


VAE, or Variational Autoencoder, is a type of artificial intelligence model used for generating new data that is similar to a given set of data. In the context of the video, VAE is likely used as part of the workflow within Comfy UI to generate or modify images based on certain inputs or prompts. The VAE is one of the technical components that users of Comfy UI would interact with when setting up their workflow.

💡Positive and Negative Prompts

Positive and Negative Prompts are terms used in the context of AI and machine learning workflows, particularly when training models to generate content. Positive prompts are examples or instructions that guide the AI towards desired outputs, while negative prompts are examples or instructions that help the AI avoid undesired outputs. In the video, these prompts are part of the workflow setup within Comfy UI, indicating a focus on steering the output towards the creator's vision.

💡Latent Image Section

The Latent Image Section is a part of the workflow within Comfy UI that deals with the generation and manipulation of images in a less direct or hidden (latent) manner. This could involve working with underlying features or representations of the images before they become fully visible or tangible. The term 'latent' suggests that this section is where the foundational work is done to create the final visible images.

💡Sampling Case Sampler

Sampling Case Sampler seems to be a component or tool within the Efficiency Nodes of Comfy UI that is used to select or generate specific instances or examples from a larger set of possibilities. In the context of the video, this tool is likely used to pick certain images or data points from a dataset to be used in the workflow, contributing to the overall efficiency and specificity of the process.


Installation, in the context of the video, refers to the process of adding new features or tools to a software or platform. Specifically, the speaker is discussing the installation of Efficiency Nodes into Comfy UI. This process involves downloading a file and adding it to the Comfy UI folder, which enables the new features for use within the interface.

💡Custom Manager

The Custom Manager is a feature or tool within Comfy UI that allows users to manage and install custom nodes or features. It seems to provide an easy way for users to add new functionalities to their workflow without manually copying files, making the process more streamlined and user-friendly.

💡Image Node

An Image Node is a component within the Comfy UI workflow that is used to handle and process images. It is implied that this node can be used to save, modify, or generate images as part of the workflow. In the video, the speaker uses the Image Node to save the final output of their workflow.

💡Upscaling Method

The Upscaling Method refers to a technique or process used to increase the resolution or quality of an image. In the context of the video, the speaker mentions planning to expand on their workflow to include an upscaling method, suggesting an intention to improve the quality or detail of the images generated within the Comfy UI platform.


Efficiency Nodes is a tool for Comfy UI that streamlines the workflow.

The presenter generates an example image to demonstrate the use of Efficiency Nodes.

There is a notable lack of unnecessary elements in the Efficiency Nodes interface, making it more user-friendly.

The video was inspired by a suggestion from YouTube user Pixelvert, whom the presenter appreciates.

Efficiency Nodes includes various components such as ckpt loader, VAE clip skip, loras, and clip strength.

The presenter explains the positive and negative prompts section and the latent image section in the workflow.

An example of an Sdxl workflow is provided, highlighting the different sections and their purposes.

The presenter acknowledges that the setup is basic but emphasizes that it contains all necessary elements.

Efficiency Nodes is easy to install and the presenter provides a link in the description for the download.

Instructions for installation are given, including how to extract the downloaded file and where to place it.

For users with the custom manager, installing Efficiency Nodes is as simple as searching for it and clicking install.

The process of adding nodes and connecting them in the workflow is demonstrated step by step.

The presenter shows how to save the image using the save image node and customize its appearance.

A practical example is given, where the presenter chooses specific settings to generate an image.

The presenter mentions plans to expand on this setup and learn new methods for image processing.

The video concludes with an invitation for feedback and a teaser for future content.