Stable Diffusion 3! Sample Images and ComfyUI Nodes!

17 Apr 202405:05

TLDRIn this AI Fuz video, Ed introduces the audience to the newly released Stable Diffusion 3 through its API. He highlights the work of Zo Z Z zho, who has created 'Comfy UI Nodes' for implementation. Ed demonstrates the usage of the new node in Comfy UI, explaining its features like positive and negative prompts, PR ratio mode, and model options such as SD3 and SD3 Turbo. He also discusses the image generation process with various prompts and praises the detail and color handling of the generated images. Ed reminds viewers to obtain an API key from Stability AI and configure it properly to use the tool. He encourages the audience to explore the model further, noting it's still early days for SD3, and concludes by inviting viewers to join him for the next AI Fuz video.


  • 🎉 Stability AI has released Stable Diffusion 3, which is available through an API.
  • 🛠️ Zo Z Z zho has created ComfyUI nodes for Stable Diffusion 3, allowing users to try it out.
  • 📝 The nodes include a positive and negative prompt, PR ratio mode, text-image input, and model options SD3 and SD3 Turbo.
  • 🌟 The nodes also feature a seed randomization option and a strength setting.
  • 🖼️ The video demonstrates the generation of images using a simple prompt, showcasing the output quality.
  • 🖌️ The generated images are detailed and handle a variety of colors well.
  • 💡 Users are reminded that an API key is required to use the system, which can be obtained from Stability AI's website.
  • 🔗 The video provides a link to Zo Z Z zho's GitHub for accessing the ComfyUI nodes.
  • 📁 Users need to clone the repository to their custom nodes folder and update the config file with their API key.
  • 🚀 The model is still in early stages, suggesting there's more to explore and discover.
  • 🤖 The video is part of an AI Fuzz series, indicating a focus on AI-related content and tools.
  • 👋 The presenter signs off, inviting viewers to enjoy and experiment with the technology on their own.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the introduction and demonstration of Stable Diffusion 3 and ComfyUI nodes created by Zo Z Z z zho.

  • Who is the presenter of the video?

    -The presenter of the video is Ed.

  • What feature of Stable Diffusion 3 is currently working?

    -The text-to-image feature is the only thing that works at the moment in Stable Diffusion 3.

  • What are the two available models in Stable Diffusion 3?

    -The two available models in Stable Diffusion 3 are 'model sd3' and 'sd3 turbo'.

  • How can users try out the ComfyUI nodes for themselves?

    -Users can try out the ComfyUI nodes by visiting Zo Z Z z zho's GitHub, cloning his repository to their custom nodes folder, and obtaining an API key from Stability AI.

  • Where should users place their API key to use Stable Diffusion 3?

    -Users should place their API key in the config file of Stability AI to use it.

  • What is the purpose of the seed parameter in Stable Diffusion 3?

    -The seed parameter in Stable Diffusion 3 is used for randomization, and it can be fixed for consistent results.

  • What kind of images did the presenter generate as examples?

    -The presenter generated images of a mouse and a scene with a resolution of 1344 by 768 pixels.

  • How did the presenter describe the quality of the generated images?

    -The presenter described the quality of the generated images as pretty good, with nice detail and good handling of colors.

  • What advice does the presenter give to users about the future of Stable Diffusion 3?

    -The presenter advises users that it is still early with this model, suggesting that there is more to come and encouraging users to play with it and explore its capabilities.



🚀 Introduction to Stable Diffusion 3.0

The video begins with a warm welcome from the host, Ed, who introduces the latest update from Stability AI, specifically the release of Stable Diffusion 3.0. Ed explains that the API has been released and is already being utilized by Zo Z Z zho, who has created a new node for it. Ed provides a link to Zo's GitHub for viewers to try out the new features themselves. The video then showcases the nodes in the Comfy UI, highlighting the Stable Diffusion 3 node which has positive and negative prompts, PR ratio mode, and the ability to generate text images. Ed demonstrates the process of generating images using a simple prompt and discusses the quality of the generated images, mentioning the detail and color handling capabilities of the model. He also reminds viewers that they will need an API key to use the new features, which can be obtained from Stability AI's website, and instructs them on how to integrate the key into the configuration file for use.



💡Stable Diffusion 3

Stable Diffusion 3 is a new release from Stability AI, which is a company specializing in AI models. In the context of the video, it refers to an advanced version of an AI model that is capable of generating images from textual descriptions. It is significant as it allows for more detailed and higher resolution image generation, which is a core focus of the video's demonstration.


An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. In the video, the API for Stable Diffusion 3 is mentioned as a crucial component that enables the integration of the AI model into other software, such as the ComfyUI nodes discussed.

💡ComfyUI Nodes

ComfyUI Nodes refer to a user interface element that allows for the interaction with the Stable Diffusion 3 model. These nodes provide a visual and interactive way for users to input prompts and generate images using the AI model. They are highlighted in the video as a convenient tool for utilizing the capabilities of Stable Diffusion 3.

💡Positive and Negative Prompt

In the context of AI image generation, a positive prompt is a description that the user wants the AI to include in the generated image, while a negative prompt is a description of elements that the user wants to avoid. The video demonstrates how these prompts are used within the ComfyUI nodes to guide the image generation process.

💡PR Ratio Mode

PR Ratio Mode likely refers to a parameter or setting within the AI model that controls the balance between precision (P) and recall (R) in image generation. Precision relates to the accuracy of the generated image in relation to the prompt, while recall is about the comprehensiveness of the elements included. The video suggests that this mode is adjustable to achieve desired results.


Text-to-Image is a process where an AI model converts textual descriptions into visual images. It's a key feature of Stable Diffusion 3, as demonstrated in the video, where textual prompts are used to generate a variety of images, showcasing the model's ability to understand and visualize complex concepts.

💡Model SD3 and SD3 Turbo

These refer to different versions or configurations of the Stable Diffusion 3 model. SD3 is the base model, while SD3 Turbo likely represents a faster or more efficient version of the model. The video suggests that users can choose between these models based on their needs for speed or quality in image generation.

💡Seed Randomization

Seed Randomization is a feature that allows for the generation of different outcomes from the same input by introducing a random element or 'seed' into the process. In the context of the video, it is used to create variations in the generated images, providing users with a range of options from a single prompt.


In the context of AI image generation, strength refers to the intensity or dominance of the influence of a prompt on the generated image. Setting the strength to 'out of one', as mentioned in the video, likely means that the prompt has a strong influence on the final image, ensuring a closer match to the user's description.


Resolution in digital imaging refers to the detail an image can show, typically measured in pixels. The video mentions a resolution of 1344 by 768, indicating the high quality and level of detail that the Stable Diffusion 3 model can achieve in its image outputs.

💡API Key

An API key is a unique code that is required to access and use an API. In the video, it is mentioned that to use the Stable Diffusion 3 model, users need to obtain an API key from Stability AI and configure it in their system. This key is essential for authenticating and authorizing the use of the AI model's features.


Stable Diffusion 3 has been released with an API, allowing for new workflow opportunities.

Zo Z Z zho has built ComfyUI nodes for Stable Diffusion 3, making it accessible to users.

A link to Zo Z Z zho's GitHub will be provided for users to try out the new nodes.

The Stable Diffusion 3 node in ComfyUI features positive and negative prompts.

PR ratio mode is set to 'text image', which is currently the only functioning mode.

Models available are 'sd3' and 'sd3 turbo'.

Users can choose between a seed randomized or fixed setting.

The strength of the image generation can be adjusted, with a default setting of one.

A simple prompt is used to demonstrate the node's capabilities.

Generated images are of high quality, with good detail and color handling.

The resolution of generated images can be up to 1344 by 768 pixels.

To use the node, an API key from Stability AI is required.

Instructions on how to obtain an API key and configure it will be provided.

Users are encouraged to clone Zo Z Z zho's repository for custom nodes.

The model is still in early stages, suggesting more features and improvements to come.

The presenter will let the demonstration run and hopes viewers enjoy experimenting with the new model.

The video concludes with an invitation to join another AI Fuzz video in the future.