The Wombo Dream Realistic style is a game-changer!

Bob Doyle Media
17 Jul 202239:06

TLDRThe video script discusses the Dream from Wombo app, an AI-powered text-to-image tool that creates art based on prompts. The user explores various features, including different styles and the diffusion technique, showcasing the app's ability to generate surreal and realistic images. The session includes experimenting with prompts like 'shoe and eggs', 'alligator sandcastle', and 'Bambi laughing at breakfast' in different artistic styles. The user also highlights the app's safety features, which prevent generation of inappropriate content.


  • 🌟 The app discussed is 'Dream from Wombo', a text-to-image creativity tool utilizing artificial intelligence to generate art based on user input.
  • 🎨 The app offers various styles for the generated art, including realistic, surreal, and those inspired by famous artists like Picasso and Matisse.
  • 📈 The user demonstrated the app's ability to create images by typing prompts such as 'shoes', 'sand castle', and 'alligator sand castle'.
  • 🤖 The AI generates the images internally without using clip art, offering a unique and sometimes unexpected interpretation of the prompts.
  • 🖼️ The output can be photorealistic or fantastical, with the AI making decisions on the final image based on its understanding of the prompt.
  • 📸 The app has an option to save the generated images as phone backgrounds or to download them with additional information like the artwork's name.
  • 🎥 There's a feature to create videos of the image generation process, showcasing the AI's decision-making along the way.
  • 🚫 The AI has built-in safety measures to avoid generating inappropriate content, such as anything related to weapons, pornography, or explicit material.
  • 💡 The user's experience with the app highlights the creative potential and exploration of different prompts to generate a wide range of art.
  • 🌐 The app can be downloaded through a provided link in the description, available for various devices.
  • ⏰ The user's live stream showcased the app's capabilities in real-time, allowing viewers to interact and suggest prompts.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the app discussed in the transcript?

    -The app discussed in the transcript is called 'Dream from Wombo'.

  • What type of tool is Dream from Wombo?

    -Dream from Wombo is a text to image creativity and productivity tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate art based on text prompts.

  • How does the Dream from Wombo app create its images?

    -The Dream from Wombo app creates images by using artificial intelligence to interpret the text prompts and generate art that represents the descriptions, without relying on clip art.

  • What is the 'diffusion' process mentioned in the transcript?

    -The 'diffusion' process mentioned in the transcript is likely a technique used by the app to generate a variety of options from the text prompt and then select the most appropriate image.

  • What style of art was the focus of the demonstration in the transcript?

    -The focus of the demonstration in the transcript was on the 'realistic' style of art.

  • How does the app handle inappropriate content?

    -The app is designed to avoid generating inappropriate content such as anything related to weapons, pornography, or anything even slightly suggestive.

  • What is the significance of the 'chat is ready to display messages' phrase in the transcript?

    -The phrase 'chat is ready to display messages' is significant because it indicates a feature of the app or platform being used, where the chat function becomes active and starts displaying viewer messages.

  • What was the user's reaction to the generated image of an alligator sandcastle?

    -The user found the generated image of an alligator sandcastle fascinating and appreciated the interesting details added by the app.

  • How does the app generate videos of the image creation process?

    -The app can generate videos that show the step-by-step process of creating an image, including the choices made along the way and the final selection, providing insight into the app's artificial intelligence at work.

  • What was the user's final verdict on the app's ability to create art?

    -The user was highly impressed and fascinated by the app's ability to create unique and interesting art, even considering animating some of the generated images in another program.



🎨 Introduction to the Dream App

The speaker introduces an app called Dream from Wombo, a text-to-image creativity tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate art based on text prompts. The app offers various styles for the generated art, and the speaker highlights the realistic style, showing how it creates fantastical yet photorealistic images. The speaker also mentions a new update with a diffusion process but doesn't delve into it deeply. The focus is on demonstrating the app's capabilities by creating different images, starting with a simple prompt like 'shoes' and gradually moving to more complex and absurd combinations, such as 'shoe and eggs'.


🦎 Alligator Sand Castles and Starfish

The speaker continues to explore the Dream app by combining prompts like 'alligator sand castle' and 'starfish' to see how the AI generates images. The app creates a variety of images, sometimes more cartoony than others. The speaker is fascinated by the process and the choices the AI makes. The discussion also touches on the app's speed in generating results and its ability to add depth of field to the images. The speaker then adds 'Music' and 'night' to the prompt, resulting in a different take on the alligator sand castle with starfish theme.


🍳 Laughing at Breakfast Scenarios

The speaker experiments with different 'laughing at breakfast' prompts, including 'an old man laughing at breakfast' and 'Bambi laughing at breakfast'. The AI generates a range of images, some more surreal than others. The speaker appreciates the app's safety features, which prevent it from creating inappropriate content. The session also includes creating a video of the AI's image generation process and exploring how the app would handle prompts like 'Bambi crying at breakfast' in various artistic styles, including Picasso and Matisse.


🖼️ Artistic Styles and Surreal Scenes

The speaker delves into the various artistic styles available in the Dream app, using prompts like 'Bambi crying at breakfast' to demonstrate how the AI interprets and generates art in styles such as Dali, Escher, and a throwback style. The speaker also tries to push the boundaries with prompts like 'santa scaling a skyscraper' and 'santa claus army invading a family picnic', resulting in a range of surreal and imaginative images. The focus is on the AI's ability to create unique and sometimes unexpected visual outcomes.


🐕 Dog Family Picnics and Nature Scenes

The speaker continues to explore the Dream app's capabilities by creating images of a 'dog family picnic' and various nature scenes like 'snow-capped mountains at sunset'. The speaker is intrigued by the AI's interpretation of prompts and its ability to adjust the imagery based on additional details like 'heavy rain'. The session showcases the AI's creativity in generating unique landscapes and scenes, including the addition of elements like 'giant gorillas' and 'UFOs' to the prompts.


🎭 Creative Prompts and Their Interpretations

The speaker concludes the session by experimenting with more creative and whimsical prompts such as 'bad breath', 'Pee-Wee Herman bad breath at breakfast', and 'donut breakfast'. The AI generates a variety of images, some of which capture the speaker's intended themes while others take unexpected turns. The speaker is amused by the results and contemplates the potential for animation and further exploration of the app's capabilities. The session emphasizes the fun and exploratory nature of using the Dream app to create art.



💡Wombo Dream

Wombo Dream is an AI-powered text-to-image creativity tool that generates art based on the text prompts provided by users. It is featured in the video as the main subject, showcasing its ability to produce a variety of artistic styles from surreal to realistic. The app is used to create unique pieces of digital art, as demonstrated by the speaker's interactions with it throughout the video.

💡Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is the driving force behind Wombo Dream, enabling it to understand text prompts and translate them into corresponding images. The speaker marvels at the AI's ability to create realistic and fantastical art, highlighting its role in facilitating user creativity.

💡Text to Image

Text to image refers to the process of converting textual descriptions into visual images. In the video, this concept is central to the functionality of Wombo Dream, as users input text prompts that the AI then translates into unique pieces of digital art. The speaker explores various text prompts and observes how the AI interprets and visualizes them, demonstrating the potential of this technology for creative expression.

💡Creativity Tool

A creativity tool is a device, software, or method that aids in stimulating and expressing creative ideas. In the video, Wombo Dream is presented as a creativity tool that leverages AI to help users generate art from their textual descriptions. The speaker emphasizes the app's role in fostering creativity by allowing users to produce unique and imaginative pieces of art with minimal effort.

💡Productivity Tool

A productivity tool is any application or system that helps individuals or teams to complete tasks more efficiently. While not traditionally considered a productivity tool, Wombo Dream is referred to as one in the video, suggesting that it can help users to brainstorm ideas, visualize concepts, or simply take a creative break that might enhance overall productivity.

💡Realistic Style

Realistic style in art refers to the depiction of subjects as they appear in real life, with a focus on accurately representing details and textures. In the video, the speaker chooses the realistic style to generate images that closely resemble real-world objects or scenes. This style is used to demonstrate the AI's ability to create lifelike representations from textual descriptions.

💡Surreal Art

Surreal art is a style of art that combines unexpected, dreamlike, or bizarre elements, often creating a sense of the uncanny or the strange. In the video, surreal art is produced by Wombo Dream when the AI generates images based on the speaker's prompts, resulting in fantastical and otherworldly scenes. The speaker explores the surrealistic capabilities of the app, showcasing its potential for creating unique and imaginative art.

💡Diffusion Technique

The diffusion technique in the context of AI-generated art refers to a process where the AI algorithm iteratively refines and adjusts the generated image to better match the input prompt. While the speaker admits to being unprepared to discuss this technique in detail, it is implied that the diffusion technique contributes to the AI's ability to generate a variety of options before settling on a final image.


Photorealistic refers to images or artwork that are so detailed and accurate in their representation that they closely resemble photographs. In the video, the speaker uses the term to describe the quality of the images generated in the realistic style by Wombo Dream, emphasizing the app's ability to create images that look like they could have been taken by a camera.

💡User Prompts

User prompts are the textual descriptions or requests entered by users into a creativity tool like Wombo Dream. These prompts serve as the input for the AI to generate corresponding images. In the video, the speaker provides various user prompts to demonstrate the app's capabilities, highlighting how different prompts lead to diverse and sometimes unexpected outcomes.

💡Content Moderation

Content moderation refers to the process of monitoring and controlling user-generated content to prevent the spread of inappropriate or harmful material. In the context of the video, the speaker notes that Wombo Dream avoids generating images related to weapons, pornography, or anything suggestive, demonstrating a built-in content moderation system that ensures the AI-generated art is safe and suitable for all users.


Introduction to the Dream from Wombo app, a text to image creativity tool utilizing artificial intelligence.

The app generates art in a variety of styles based on the text prompt provided by the user.

The app uses AI to create art, avoiding the use of clip art for a more unique and creative result.

An update to the app introduced a new process called 'diffusion', enhancing the creative capabilities of the tool.

The realistic style of the app produces photorealistic and usable art, different from the surreal styles.

The app can generate absurd and fantastical combinations, like shoes and eggs, based on the user's prompts.

The creative process of the app includes generating multiple options and then selecting one as the final output.

The app allows users to save their creations as phone backgrounds or download them with additional information.

The app also has the capability to create videos of the art generation process, showing the choices made along the way.

The AI model avoids generating inappropriate content, such as weapons or explicit material.

An example of combining different styles, such as Picasso and Dali, with the realistic style for unique results.

The app's ability to generate art based on complex and abstract concepts, like 'bad breath'.

The exploration of different styles, like 'throwback', for generating art with distinct visual feels.

The app's capacity to create dynamic scenes, such as 'santa claus army invading a family picnic'.

The demonstration of the app's versatility with prompts like 'dog watching a UFO' and 'alien watching a dog'.

The creative use of the app to generate art based on popular culture references, like 'Pee-Wee Herman'.

The app's ability to handle and visualize abstract concepts combined with everyday objects, such as 'donut breakfast'.

The overall experience of using the Dream from Wombo app as a tool for creative expression and exploration.