The spelled-out intro to language modeling: building makemore

Andrej Karpathy
7 Sept 2022117:45

TLDRThe video discusses building a character-level language model called MakeMore, which generates new names based on a given dataset. The model is trained using bigram statistics and can be optimized using gradient-based methods. The quality of the model is evaluated using the negative log-likelihood loss. The video also explains the process of training the model, sampling from it, and the importance of regularization to prevent overfitting.


  • 📈 The script introduces the concept of a bigram character-level language model, which predicts the next character in a sequence based on the current character.
  • 🔢 The model is trained using a dataset of 32,000 names, aiming to learn the patterns and structure of human names.
  • 🎯 The training process involves counting the frequency of bigrams (pairs of characters) in the dataset and using this information to build a probability distribution for character sequences.
  • 🔄 The script outlines two methods for training the model: one based on explicit counting and normalization of bigram frequencies, and another using gradient-based optimization with a neural network.
  • 💡 The neural network approach is more flexible and scalable, allowing for the handling of larger datasets and more complex patterns than the table-based approach.
  • 📉 The quality of the model is evaluated using the negative log-likelihood loss, which measures how well the model's predictions match the actual data.
  • 🔧 The script demonstrates how to implement a simple neural network with a single linear layer and a softmax function to predict character probabilities.
  • 🌐 The model can be used to generate new names by sampling from the predicted probability distribution of characters.
  • 🔄 The training process includes a backward pass to calculate gradients and an update step to adjust the neural network's weights, minimizing the loss over time.
  • 🔍 The script also discusses the concept of regularization, adding a penalty term to the loss function to encourage the weights to be near zero, resulting in smoother probability distributions.
  • 📚 The content is educational, aiming to teach the principles of language modeling and neural networks, and their application in generating human-like text.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the 'make more' repository mentioned in the script?

    -The 'make more' repository is designed to generate more of things based on the data it is trained on. In the context of the script, it is used to generate unique names that sound like real names but are not actual names already in existence.

  • What type of neural network is used in the character level language model discussed in the script?

    -The script discusses implementing various types of character level language models using neural networks, including bi-gram and back of work models, multilingual perceptrons, recurrent neural networks, and modern transformers equivalent to GPT2.

  • How does the character level language model predict the next character in a sequence?

    -A character level language model predicts the next character in a sequence by modeling the sequences of characters and knowing how to predict what comes next. It treats every single line as an example and within each example, it treats them as sequences of individual characters.

  • What is a bigram language model and how does it work?

    -A bigram language model is a type of statistical language model that always works with just two characters at a time. It looks at one character given and tries to predict the next character in the sequence, essentially modeling the local structure of the language at a very basic level.

  • How does the script handle the special start and end tokens in the context of bigram language modeling?

    -The script introduces a special start token and end token to handle the beginnings and ends of words in the dataset. It wraps the list of words with these special tokens, allowing the model to understand where a name or word starts and ends, which is crucial for accurate bigram predictions.

  • The 'names.txt' dataset is a large collection of names used to train the 'make more' model. It contains 32,000 names and is used to generate new, unique names that sound like real names but are not pre-existing names.


  • How does the script use the 'zip' function in Python to handle bigrams?

    -The script uses the 'zip' function in Python to iterate over words with consecutive characters. This is done by creating an iterator over the tuples of their consecutive entries, effectively sliding through the word and creating bigrams from each pair of adjacent characters.

  • What is the role of the 'torch' library in the script?

    -The 'torch' library in the script is used for creating and manipulating multi-dimensional arrays, particularly for storing and manipulating the counts of bigrams in a two-dimensional array. It is part of PyTorch, a deep learning framework that allows for efficient handling of tensor operations.

  • How does the script visualize the bigram counts for better understanding?

    -The script uses the 'matplotlib' library to visualize the bigram counts. It creates a figure and plots the counter array to provide a visual representation of how often each bigram occurs, which helps in understanding the structure and patterns within the data.

  • What is the purpose of the 's2i' and 'i2s' lookup tables in the script?

    -The 's2i' (string to integer) and 'i2s' (integer to string) lookup tables are used to map characters to integers and vice versa. This is necessary for indexing into the two-dimensional array used for storing bigram counts, as the array requires integer indices.

  • How does the script ensure that the neural network outputs a uniform probability distribution when initialized?

    -The script initializes the neural network weights with random numbers from a normal distribution. To ensure a uniform probability distribution when initialized, the weights could be set to zero, which would result in all outputs being equally likely. However, the script uses random initialization and then optimizes the weights through gradient-based learning to fit the training data.



📚 Introduction to Character Level Language Modeling

The paragraph introduces the concept of character level language modeling and the Make More repository on GitHub. It explains the goal of building a model that generates more data based on a given dataset, like names. The example used is a names.txt dataset with 32,000 names sourced from a government website. The Make More model is described as a character level language model that learns to predict the next character in a sequence, thereby generating new, unique names.


🧠 Understanding Bigram Language Models

This paragraph delves into the specifics of bigram language models, emphasizing the prediction of the next character based on the current character. It describes the process of character level language modeling, explaining that the model treats each line as an example and each character within the line as a sequence. The paragraph outlines the implementation of various character level language models using neural networks and concludes with the plan to eventually work with images and image-text networks.


🔢 Counting and Analyzing Bigrams

The focus of this paragraph is on the methodology of counting and analyzing bigrams within the dataset. It details the process of examining the total number of words, the shortest and longest words, and the frequency of individual characters. The paragraph introduces the concept of a bi-gram language model and explains how it can be used to predict the likelihood of characters following one another in a sequence.


📈 Visualizing Bigram Frequencies with Matplotlib

This paragraph discusses the visualization of bigram frequencies using the Matplotlib library. It explains how to create a 2D array for storing bigram counts and how to use Matplotlib to plot this data. The paragraph also introduces the concept of a special start token and end token to handle the beginning and end of character sequences within the model.


🤖 Training the Bigram Language Model

The paragraph describes the training process of the bigram language model. It explains how to use the counts of bigrams to train the model and how to convert these counts into probabilities for sampling. The paragraph also discusses the use of PyTorch for creating and manipulating multi-dimensional arrays, which are essential for handling the bigram data efficiently.


🎲 Sampling Names from the Trained Model

This paragraph covers the process of sampling names from the trained bigram language model. It explains the loop for sampling characters and the conditions for continuing or breaking the loop. The paragraph also touches on the inefficiencies in the current sampling process and the need for a more efficient way to handle the probabilities.


📉 Optimizing the Model with Negative Log Likelihood

The paragraph introduces the concept of negative log likelihood as a measure of the model's quality. It explains how to calculate the likelihood of the entire training set based on the model's assigned probabilities and how this can be converted into a log likelihood. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of minimizing the negative log likelihood to improve the model's predictive capabilities.


🔄 Implementing Model Smoothing for Improved Predictions

This paragraph discusses the issue of assigning zero probability to certain bigrams and introduces model smoothing as a solution. It explains how adding a small count to all bigrams can prevent zeros in the probability matrix, leading to a smoother and more uniform model. The paragraph also highlights the importance of understanding broadcasting semantics in PyTorch for efficient tensor operations.


🧠 Transitioning from Counting to Neural Networks

The paragraph describes the transition from manually counting bigrams to using a neural network for character level language modeling. It explains how the neural network receives a single character as input and outputs a probability distribution over the next character in the sequence. The paragraph sets the stage for future discussions on expanding the neural network to handle more complex tasks.


🔧 Constructing the Neural Network for Bigram Modeling

This paragraph details the construction of a neural network for bigram language modeling. It explains the creation of a training set consisting of bigrams and their corresponding labels. The paragraph also covers the process of one-hot encoding the inputs and the initialization of the neural network's weights. It sets the foundation for training the neural network to predict the next character based on the current character.


📊 Encoding Integers and Defining the Neural Network Layer

The paragraph focuses on encoding integers into vectors suitable for neural network input using one-hot encoding. It also discusses the definition of the neural network's first layer, where the weights are initialized and the input vectors are multiplied to produce logits. The paragraph highlights the importance of data types and the process of converting integers into floating-point numbers for neural network inputs.


🤹‍♂️ Interpreting Neural Network Outputs as Probability Distributions

This paragraph explains how to interpret the outputs of the neural network as probability distributions. It describes the process of converting logits into log counts, exponentiating these to get pseudo-counts, and normalizing them to get probabilities. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the neural network outputs are positive numbers that sum to one, ready for interpretation as probabilities.


🧩 Putting It All Together: The Full Neural Network Pipeline

The paragraph outlines the full pipeline of the neural network for bigram language modeling. It summarizes the process from input dataset preparation, through the neural network layers, to the output of probability distributions. The paragraph also discusses the use of softmax to convert logits into probabilities and the differentiable nature of all operations, enabling backpropagation for optimization.


📉 Evaluating Model Performance with Negative Log Likelihood

This paragraph discusses the evaluation of the neural network's performance using the negative log likelihood loss. It explains the calculation of the loss based on the assigned probabilities and the actual next characters in the training set. The paragraph highlights the high loss indicating the current poor performance of the model and the need for optimization to improve the model's predictions.


🚀 Optimizing the Neural Network with Gradient Descent

The paragraph describes the optimization of the neural network using gradient descent. It explains the process of resetting gradients, performing a backward pass to calculate gradients, and updating the network's weights. The paragraph demonstrates the iterative process of forward pass, backward pass, and weight update, leading to a decrease in the loss and improved model performance.


🌐 Expanding the Model to the Full Training Set

This paragraph discusses the expansion of the neural network model to the entire training set of bigrams. It explains the process of iterating over the full dataset and performing gradient descent to optimize the model. The paragraph highlights the flexibility of the neural network approach and the potential for scaling up the model to handle more complex tasks.


🔧 Fine-Tuning the Model with Regularization

The paragraph introduces regularization as a technique for fine-tuning the neural network model. It explains the addition of a regularization loss term to the overall loss function, which encourages the weights to be near zero, leading to smoother probability distributions. The paragraph discusses the balance between fitting the data and maintaining a uniform probability distribution.


🎨 Sampling from the Neural Network Model

This paragraph demonstrates how to sample from the neural network model, showing that it can generate sequences similar to those in the training set. It explains the process of sampling from the probability distributions output by the neural network, which have been trained to predict the next character in a sequence.


🎉 Conclusion and Future Directions

The paragraph concludes the discussion on character level language modeling using bigrams. It summarizes the process of training the model, evaluating its performance, and optimizing it using gradient descent. The paragraph also looks forward to future discussions on expanding the model to handle more complex sequences and neural network architectures.



💡Language Modeling

Language modeling refers to the process of teaching a computer to understand and generate human language. In the context of the video, the focus is on building a character-level language model that predicts the next character in a sequence. This is achieved by training the model on a dataset of names, allowing it to learn patterns and relationships between characters.

💡Character-Level Modeling

Character-level modeling is a type of language modeling where the model is trained to predict the next character in a sequence at the individual character level, rather than at the word or sentence level. This approach treats each character as a separate entity and focuses on the relationships between characters in the data.


A dataset is a collection of data used for training a machine learning model. In the video, the dataset consists of 32,000 names that the 'make more' model uses to learn the patterns and structures of names. The dataset is crucial for the model to make accurate predictions and generate new, unique names.

💡Neural Network

A neural network is a series of algorithms that attempt to recognize underlying relationships in a set of data through a process that mimics the way the human brain operates. In the context of the video, neural networks are used to implement various types of character-level language models, including simple bi-gram models and more complex models like transformers.


A bi-gram, or bigram, is a sequence of two adjacent items from a language sample. In language modeling, bigrams are used to predict the probability of a word based on the word that precedes it. The video focuses on building a bigram language model that predicts the next character in a sequence given the current character.


Training in the context of machine learning refers to the process of feeding data to a model so it can learn from the input and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed for the specific task. The video describes the step-by-step process of training the 'make more' model on the names dataset to generate new names.


A transformer is a type of neural network architecture introduced in the paper 'Attention Is All You Need'. It is designed to handle sequences of data and is particularly effective for natural language processing tasks. In the video, the creator mentions building a transformer equivalent to GPT-2, which is a large and advanced transformer model used for language tasks.


GPT-2, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer 2, is a state-of-the-art language prediction model developed by OpenAI. It is a transformer-based model that is pre-trained on a large dataset and capable of generating coherent and contextually relevant text. The video mentions that the creator plans to build a transformer model equivalent to GPT-2 for their 'make more' repository.


GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control and source code management, often used for collaborative projects. In the video, the 'make more' repository is mentioned as being hosted on GitHub, where others can view and contribute to the project.


A webpage is a document prepared for publication on the World Wide Web and accessible via a web browser. In the context of the video, the creator has a GitHub webpage for the 'make more' project where they plan to document and share their progress.


The introduction of a character-level language model called 'makemore' that generates new names based on a given dataset.

The use of a large dataset of 32,000 names sourced from a government website to train the model.

The concept of treating each line of text as an example and each character within as a sequence.

The explanation of a character-level language model's ability to predict the next character in a sequence.

The plan to implement a variety of character-level language models, including bi-gram and back of work models, multilingual perceptrons, recurrent neural networks, and transformers.

The ambition to eventually build a transformer equivalent to GPT-2.

The process of loading and preparing the dataset for training, including the creation of a massive string and splitting it into words.

The method of analyzing the dataset to understand the total number of words and the length of the shortest and longest words.

The construction of a bi-gram language model that predicts the next character in a sequence given a previous character.

The approach of wrapping the list of words with a special start and end character to model the beginning and end of words.

The creation of a dictionary to maintain counts for every bi-gram in the training set.

The use of a two-dimensional array to store the counts of bi-grams for efficient manipulation.

The visualization of the bi-gram counts using the matplotlib library for better understanding.

The process of sampling from the bi-gram character level language model to generate new names.

The inefficiency of the bigram language model and the need for a better model.

The introduction of a neural network framework for building character-level language models.

The plan to optimize the neural network parameters using the negative log likelihood loss function.