The spelled-out intro to neural networks and backpropagation: building micrograd

Andrej Karpathy
16 Aug 2022145:52

TLDRIn this informative lecture, Andre guides us through the construction of Micrograd, a library that simplifies the understanding of neural network training. He begins by explaining the fundamentals of neural networks as mathematical expressions and delves into the concept of backpropagation. Andre then demonstrates how to build a neural network layer by layer, emphasizing the importance of the forward and backward passes. He also discusses the role of the loss function in optimizing network parameters. The lecture provides a hands-on approach to understanding the inner workings of neural networks, making complex concepts accessible through practical examples and clear explanations.


  • 🌟 Neural networks are mathematical expressions that take input data and weights to make predictions or outputs.
  • 🔄 Backpropagation is the algorithm that efficiently calculates the gradient of a loss function with respect to the neural network weights.
  • 📈 The loss function measures the accuracy of a neural network's predictions against target values, and its goal is to minimize this loss.
  • 💡 Micrograd is a library that demonstrates the core concepts of neural network training, including automatic differentiation and backpropagation.
  • 📚 The tutorial starts by building a simple neuron model, then progresses to a multi-layer perceptron (MLP), and finally implements a binary classification neural network.
  • 🔧 Backpropagation in practice involves a forward pass to calculate outputs, a backward pass to compute gradients, and an update step to tweak weights and minimize loss.
  • 🎯 The Mean Squared Error (MSE) is a common loss function used for regression problems, while the cross-entropy loss is often used for classification tasks.
  • 🔄 In training neural networks, the forward and backward passes are iterated multiple times, using the gradients to guide the updates to the network's weights.
  • 🛠️ The learning rate is a crucial hyperparameter that controls the step size in the gradient updates; it needs careful tuning to ensure stable and effective training.
  • 📊 Regularization techniques like L2 regularization can be used to prevent overfitting and improve the generalization of the neural network to unseen data.
  • 🚀 Advanced neural networks like GPT leverage the same principles but with a vastly larger number of parameters and more complex architectures.

Q & A

  • What is the primary focus of the lecture?

    -The primary focus of the lecture is to provide an in-depth understanding of neural network training, particularly the backpropagation algorithm, by building a library called micrograd from scratch.

  • What is micrograd?

    -Micrograd is a library released on GitHub that implements an autograd engine for automatic differentiation, which is essential for backpropagation in neural network training.

  • What does backpropagation do in neural network training?

    -Backpropagation is an algorithm that efficiently evaluates the gradient of a loss function with respect to the weights of a neural network, allowing for iterative tuning of the weights to minimize the loss function and improve the network's accuracy.

  • How does micrograd help in understanding neural network training?

    -Micrograd simplifies the complexity of neural network training by breaking it down to scalar values and basic mathematical operations, making it easier to understand the underlying principles without dealing with n-dimensional tensors used in modern deep learning libraries.

  • What is the significance of the mathematical expression graph in micrograd?

    -The mathematical expression graph in micrograd is crucial as it maintains pointers to the operations and values that led to a particular output. This allows for the efficient computation of gradients during the backpropagation process.

  • How does the lecture demonstrate the concept of derivatives in the context of neural networks?

    -The lecture demonstrates the concept of derivatives by first explaining their mathematical definition and then applying this concept to simple mathematical expressions. It shows how derivatives provide information about the sensitivity of an output to changes in the input, which is essential for understanding how weights in a neural network affect the loss function.

  • What is the role of the 'backward' function in micrograd?

    -The 'backward' function in micrograd is used to initiate the backpropagation process. It starts at the output node and recursively applies the chain rule from calculus to evaluate the derivative of the output with respect to all the internal nodes and inputs.

  • How does the lecture illustrate the process of backpropagation?

    -The lecture illustrates the process of backpropagation by manually calculating the gradients for a simple mathematical expression and then showing how these gradients would be computed and propagated backwards through the expression graph in micrograd.

  • What is the significance of the chain rule in calculus for backpropagation?

    -The chain rule in calculus is fundamental to backpropagation as it allows for the computation of the derivative of a complex function by breaking it down into simpler functions and their derivatives. This is essential for evaluating the gradient of the loss function with respect to the weights in a neural network.

  • What is the purpose of the 'zero_grad' function in micrograd?

    -The 'zero_grad' function in micrograd is used to reset the gradients of all parameters to zero before each backward pass. This is crucial to ensure that the gradients are not accumulated from previous iterations, which could lead to incorrect updates during the optimization process.



🧠 Introduction to Neural Network Training with Micrograd

Andre introduces the lecture by outlining his decade-long experience with neural networks, particularly emphasizing the under-the-hood mechanics of neural network training. He plans to demonstrate building and training a neural network from scratch using a Jupyter notebook and Micrograd, an autograd engine he developed. The focus is to understand automatic differentiation, backpropagation, and their intuitive aspects through step-by-step code explanations, culminating in the manipulation and understanding of Micrograd’s functionality.


📚 Deep Dive into Backpropagation and Micrograd's Capabilities

Andre dives deeper into explaining backpropagation, the core algorithm behind training neural networks by efficiently calculating gradients. He uses Micrograd to illustrate this by constructing and manipulating mathematical expressions. The discussion includes transforming simple mathematical inputs through various operations, emphasizing the process's intuitive grasp by calculating gradients. This example serves to clarify how neural networks, though complex, fundamentally rely on basic calculus and simple operations that Micrograd can handle.


🔍 Analyzing Derivatives and Their Implications in Neural Training

The focus shifts to understanding derivatives in the context of neural training, where Andre employs basic calculus to explore how minor changes in inputs affect the output. This segment is crucial for appreciating how gradients are used to adjust neural network parameters during training. He uses simple numerical methods to estimate derivatives and explains the concept of the chain rule in calculus, which is pivotal in backpropagation for linking changes across multiple layers and operations within neural networks.


📈 Constructing and Manipulating Complex Expressions with Micrograd

Andre continues with more complex examples to illustrate Micrograd’s utility in building and manipulating expression graphs. He constructs a multi-input mathematical expression, introducing the concept of 'value objects' in Micrograd that encapsulate data and operations. This part is rich with demonstrations on visualizing these expressions and understanding the backward pass, which calculates gradients with respect to all inputs, demonstrating the powerful capabilities of Micrograd in managing and understanding deep learning computations.


👨‍💻 Implementing Core Functionalities: Addition, Multiplication, and Autograd Logic

The discussion progresses to implementing fundamental operations such as addition and multiplication in Micrograd. Andre explains the importance of each operation and sets up the computational groundwork for building more complex neural network structures. He meticulously details the implementation of automatic differentiation within Micrograd, illustrating how gradients flow through operations and how these operations contribute to the neural network's learning process.


🌐 Visualizing Data Flow and Backpropagation Through Graphs

Andre employs a graphical representation to make the flow of data and the process of backpropagation through a neural network intuitive. He introduces functions for visualizing these graphs, thereby making it easier to understand how operations are interconnected and how gradients are propagated backward through the network. This visualization is key to grasping how adjustments to the network’s weights are computed, which directly impacts the network’s performance.


🧑‍🏫 Detailed Explanation of Gradient Calculation and Chain Rule Application

This part of the lecture delves into the specifics of how the gradient is calculated using the chain rule, a fundamental concept in calculus that is extensively used in training neural networks. Andre explains the multiplication of local derivatives to compute the gradient with respect to each node in the network, illustrating the process with clear examples and demonstrating how to apply these concepts in Micrograd to efficiently train neural networks.


🔧 Extending Micrograd: Implementing Advanced Mathematical Operations

Andre expands Micrograd's functionality by introducing more complex mathematical operations like exponentiation and division, explaining the mathematical reasoning behind these operations and their implementation. This extension is crucial for supporting a wider range of neural network architectures and functionalities, demonstrating the versatility and depth of Micrograd as a tool for understanding and building neural networks.


👨‍🎓 Completing the MLP Model: Integrating Layers and Activation Functions

The final steps in building the neural network involve integrating multiple layers and activation functions, specifically discussing how multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) are constructed. Andre covers the hierarchical nature of these models, from individual neurons to layers, and finally to a complete network, using Micrograd to illustrate these concepts vividly. This comprehensive overview ties together all the concepts discussed and shows the practical application of Micrograd in constructing and training complex neural network models.



💡Neural Networks

Neural networks are a series of algorithms that attempt to recognize underlying relationships in a set of data through a process that mimics the way the human brain operates. In the context of the video, neural networks are used to create models that can make predictions or decisions based on input data. The video explains how these networks are constructed as mathematical expressions and how they are trained using backpropagation to minimize loss functions.


Backpropagation, short for 'backward propagation of errors', is a fundamental algorithm in artificial neural networks used to calculate the gradient of the loss function with respect to the weights. It is used to update the weights of the network, allowing it to improve over time. In the video, backpropagation is explained as a process that starts at the output and works backwards through the network, allowing for the efficient calculation of these gradients.


Micrograd is a library introduced in the video that implements an autograd engine, which is essentially a system for automatic differentiation. It is used to build and train neural networks by calculating gradients and updating weights. The library is designed to be simple and educational, allowing viewers to understand the fundamental workings of neural network training without the complexity of larger frameworks.

💡Loss Function

A loss function is a measure of how well the model's predictions match the actual data. The goal of training a neural network is often to minimize this loss. In the context of the video, the loss function is used to evaluate the performance of the neural network and guide the training process through backpropagation.

💡Gradient Descent

Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used to minimize a function by iteratively moving in the direction of the steepest descent of the function. In the context of neural networks, it is used to update the weights of the network based on the gradients computed by backpropagation, with the goal of minimizing the loss function.

💡Activation Function

In the context of neural networks, an activation function is a mathematical function that determines the output of a node in the network. It is applied to the input after the weights and biases have been considered. Activation functions introduce non-linearity into the model, allowing it to learn more complex patterns.

💡Weights and Biases

In a neural network, weights are the parameters that are learned during the training process to connect inputs to outputs. Biases are additional parameters that can shift the output of a neuron to make the model more flexible. Both weights and biases are adjusted through backpropagation and gradient descent to improve the model's predictions.

💡Forward Pass

The forward pass in a neural network is the process of computing the output of the network for a given set of inputs. It involves passing the input data through the network's layers, applying weights, biases, and activation functions to generate a prediction.

💡Learning Rate

The learning rate is a hyperparameter in gradient descent that determines the step size at each iteration while moving toward a minimum of a loss function. It plays a crucial role in the convergence of the algorithm and the ability of the model to learn from the data.

💡Zeroing Gradients

Zeroing gradients is the process of resetting the gradient values to zero before each backward pass in a neural network. This is important to ensure that the gradients for the current iteration are not accumulated with previous gradients, which could lead to incorrect weight updates.


Introduction to the construction and functionality of a neural network through the building of micrograd.

Exploration of the mathematical foundations of neural networks, emphasizing the role of backpropagation in training.

Demonstration of how micrograd, a library released on GitHub, can be used to understand and implement automatic gradient and backpropagation.

Explanation of how neural networks are mathematical expressions and how backpropagation is a general algorithm for training them.

Illustration of the process of building a mathematical expression using micrograd and the concept of an expression graph.

Discussion on the importance of understanding derivatives and their role in measuring the sensitivity of a function.

Introduction to the autograd engine and its significance in neural network libraries like PyTorch and Jaxx.

Explanation of how micrograd allows for the construction of complex mathematical expressions and the visualization of expression graphs.

Presentation of the process of manually calculating gradients for a complex mathematical expression.

Discussion on the efficiency of neural network training and the role of tensors in modern deep learning libraries.

Explanation of the concept of differentiability and the definition of a derivative in calculus.

Demonstration of how the chain rule in calculus is applied in backpropagation to compute the derivatives of intermediate values in a neural network.

Introduction to the concept of a scalar-valued autograd engine and its role in processing individual scalars.

Explanation of how the micrograd library can be used for educational purposes to understand the fundamentals of neural network training.

Discussion on the structure of the micrograd library, highlighting its simplicity and the ease of understanding its codebase.

Illustration of how neural networks can be used as a tool for solving complex problems through the understanding of micrograd.