Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out.

Andrej Karpathy
17 Jan 2023116:20

TLDRThe video script discusses the process of building a GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model from scratch. It explains the concept of self-attention and how it enables efficient processing of sequences by modelling the relationships between tokens. The script provides a step-by-step guide on implementing a Transformer model, including the setup of the neural network architecture, the attention mechanism, and the training loop. It also touches on the use of multi-head attention and position encoding to improve model performance. The goal is to create a model that can generate text similar to Shakespeare's works, demonstrating the power of language models in understanding and producing human-like text.


  • πŸ“ The video discusses building a GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model from scratch, focusing on the inner workings and components of the system.
  • πŸ€– GPT models are capable of interacting with users and completing text-based tasks, demonstrating a probabilistic nature that allows for multiple possible outcomes.
  • πŸ“ˆ The foundational architecture of GPT is the Transformer, introduced in the seminal 2017 paper 'Attention is All You Need', which has become a cornerstone in AI applications.
  • 🌐 GPT models are trained on large datasets, with the pre-training phase involving extensive exposure to internet data to learn language patterns and structures.
  • 🎯 The training process involves creating character-level language models, where the model predicts the next character in a sequence based on the previous context.
  • πŸ” The video emphasizes the importance of understanding the 'under the hood' components of AI systems like GPT to appreciate their capabilities and limitations.
  • πŸ“š The script mentions the use of the 'tiny Shakespeare' dataset as a toy example for training a Transformer-based language model, highlighting the model's ability to generate Shakespeare-like text.
  • πŸ”§ The video provides a practical guide to implementing a Transformer model, including the creation of a neural network for the self-attention mechanism and the use of multi-head attention.
  • πŸ“ˆ GPT models have evolved significantly since their introduction, with later versions like GPT-3 boasting a vast increase in parameters and capabilities.
  • πŸš€ The video touches on the potential of GPT models to be fine-tuned for specific tasks beyond language modeling, such as question-answering or sentiment analysis.
  • πŸ› οΈ The speaker introduces 'Nano GPT', a simplified version of GPT designed for educational purposes, which is available on GitHub for those interested in exploring the model further.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the construction of a GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model from scratch, focusing on the underlying components and neural network architecture that make it work.

  • What does the acronym 'GPT' stand for?

    -GPT stands for Generatively Pre-trained Transformer, which is a type of language model used for natural language processing tasks.

  • What is the Transformer architecture?

    -The Transformer architecture is a neural network design introduced in the paper 'Attention Is All You Need' in 2017. It is the foundation of the GPT model and is particularly effective for handling sequence-to-sequence tasks such as machine translation.

  • How does the GPT model generate text?

    -The GPT model generates text by predicting the next character or token in a sequence, given a starting context or prompt. It uses a Transformer architecture to model the probability of each possible next character based on the characters that came before it.

  • What is the role of the 'attention mechanism' in the Transformer model?

    -The attention mechanism in the Transformer model allows the network to weigh the importance of different parts of the input data when generating the next token. It helps the model to focus on relevant information and improves its ability to understand the context and relationships within the input sequence.

  • What is a 'character-level language model'?

    -A character-level language model is a type of language model that predicts the next character in a sequence, one character at a time. This is in contrast to word-level or subword-level models, which predict entire words or parts of words.

  • How is the training data represented in the GPT model?

    -The training data is represented as a sequence of characters, which are then tokenized into integers based on a vocabulary of possible characters. The model is trained on these integer sequences, learning to predict the next character in the sequence based on the previous characters.

  • What is the purpose of the 'positional embedding' in the GPT model?

    -Positional embeddings are added to the token embeddings in the GPT model to provide the network with information about the position of each token in the sequence. This helps the model to understand the order and structure of the text data.

  • What is the 'block size' in the context of the Transformer model?

    -The block size, also known as the context length, refers to the maximum number of characters or tokens that the Transformer model considers at once when making predictions. It defines the size of the chunks of text that the model processes during training and inference.

  • How does the GPT model handle the generation of text?

    -The GPT model handles text generation by taking a sequence of characters as input and predicting the next character in the sequence. This process is repeated, with each predicted character becoming the input for the next prediction, allowing the model to generate text one character at a time.



πŸ€– Introduction to Chachi PT and AI Interaction

This paragraph introduces Chachi PT, an AI system that has gained significant attention for its ability to interact with users and perform text-based tasks. It explains how Chachi PT can be used to generate content, such as haiku, to emphasize the importance of understanding AI. The paragraph also discusses the probabilistic nature of AI, demonstrating how it can produce different outcomes for the same prompt. The focus then shifts to the 'under the hood' components of Chachi PT, specifically the neural network that models the sequence of words, highlighting the Transformer architecture from the landmark 2017 paper 'Attention is All You Need'.


πŸ“ Language Modeling and Transformer Architecture

This section delves deeper into the mechanics of language modeling, emphasizing the role of the Transformer neural network in Chachi PT. It describes how the model predicts characters in a sequence, such as generating text in the style of Shakespeare. The paragraph outlines the process of training a Transformer-based language model using a character-level approach and the 'tiny Shakespeare' dataset. It also introduces the concept of tokenization and encoding, explaining how characters are translated into integers for the model to process.


🌐 Training and Data Handling in AI Systems

The paragraph discusses the practical aspects of training AI systems like Chachi PT, including data handling and the training process. It explains how the training data is divided into a training set and a validation set to prevent overfitting. The concept of block size and context length is introduced, illustrating how the model is trained on smaller chunks of data rather than the entire text at once. The paragraph also touches on the use of batching for efficiency during training, where multiple chunks of data are processed in parallel.


πŸ”’ Encoding and Batch Processing

This part of the script explains the encoding process in detail, showing how text is converted into a sequence of integers that the neural network can understand. It covers the creation of an encoding and decoding system, where characters from the text are mapped to unique integers. The paragraph also describes how these encoded sequences are then organized into batches for efficient processing by the neural network, with a focus on maintaining the independence of each sequence within a batch.


πŸ“ˆ Implementing a Bigram Language Model

The paragraph introduces the implementation of a bigram language model using PyTorch. It explains how the model takes a sequence of tokens and predicts the next character in the sequence. The script includes code for creating a token embedding table, processing input and target sequences, and calculating the loss function using cross-entropy. The paragraph also discusses the reshaping of logits and targets to fit the dimensions expected by PyTorch's cross-entropy function and the generation of text from the model.


🎯 Training the Model and Evaluating Performance

This section focuses on the training loop of the neural network and evaluating its performance. It explains how the model is trained using an optimizer, such as Adam, and how the loss is calculated after each batch. The paragraph also introduces the concept of an estimated loss function, which provides a less noisy measurement of the model's performance by averaging the loss over multiple batches. The script includes code for running the training loop and shows the improvement in loss over time, indicating that the model is learning effectively.


πŸ”„ Weighted Aggregation and Matrix Multiplication

The paragraph discusses the concept of weighted aggregation in the context of self-attention mechanisms within the Transformer architecture. It explains how information from previous tokens in a sequence can be aggregated to provide context for the current token. The script introduces a mathematical trick using matrix multiplication to efficiently perform this aggregation, allowing for the tokens to 'communicate' with each other in a data-dependent manner. The paragraph also includes a toy example to illustrate how this operation works and how it can be vectorized for efficiency.


🧠 Self-Attention Mechanism and Positional Encoding

This section introduces the self-attention mechanism, a crucial component of the Transformer architecture. It explains how each token in a sequence can emit a query and a key, and through dot product operations, determine the importance of other tokens in the sequence. The paragraph also discusses the concept of positional encoding, where each position in the sequence is assigned a unique embedding to provide information about the position of each token. The script includes code for implementing a single head of self-attention and integrating it into the existing model structure.


🌟 Multi-Head Attention and Feed-Forward Networks

The paragraph builds upon the concept of self-attention by introducing multi-head attention, which allows for multiple parallel attentions to be applied and their results concatenated. This enhances the model's ability to capture different aspects of the data. The script also adds a feed-forward network after the self-attention mechanism, providing an additional layer of computation for each token. The paragraph discusses the benefits of this architecture, including improved validation loss, and includes code for implementing multi-head attention and feed-forward networks in the model.


πŸš€ Scaling Up the Model and Training

This section discusses the process of scaling up the model by increasing the number of layers, embedding dimensions, and heads. It explains the adjustments made to the learning rate and batch size to accommodate the larger model. The paragraph also introduces the concept of dropout as a regularization technique to prevent overfitting. The script includes code for training the scaled-up model and discusses the improvements in validation loss. The output generated by the model is more recognizable as text, though still nonsensical, demonstrating the model's ability to capture the structure of the input text.


πŸ“š From Pre-Training to Fine-Tuning

The final paragraph provides an overview of the process of training a model like GPT-3, emphasizing the two main stages: pre-training and fine-tuning. It explains how pre-training involves training the model on a large dataset to complete documents, while fine-tuning aligns the model to perform specific tasks, such as answering questions. The paragraph also touches on the challenges of fine-tuning, including the need for specialized data and multiple stages of training. The script concludes by highlighting the architectural similarities between the model discussed in the video and larger models like GPT-3, while acknowledging the significant differences in scale and training infrastructure.



πŸ’‘Chachi PT

Chachi PT, as mentioned in the transcript, refers to a language model that has gained significant attention in the AI community. It is a system designed to interact with users by performing text-based tasks, such as writing haikus or explaining concepts. The term is used in the context of showcasing the capabilities of AI language models and how they can generate text in a sequential and probabilistic manner. The example given in the script demonstrates how Chachi PT can produce different outcomes in response to the same prompt, highlighting the system's flexibility and adaptability.

πŸ’‘Transformer architecture

The Transformer architecture is a neural network design introduced in the 2017 paper 'Attention is All You Need'. It is the foundation of models like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and has become a cornerstone in natural language processing. The architecture is known for its ability to handle long-range dependencies in data and its efficiency in parallel processing. It primarily consists of self-attention mechanisms that allow the model to weigh the importance of different parts of the input data. In the context of the video, the Transformer architecture is what enables the language model to understand and generate text sequences.


Self-attention is a mechanism within the Transformer architecture that allows different parts of the input data to attend to, or focus on, different parts of the same input. It is a key component that enables the model to capture complex relationships within the data. In the context of the video, self-attention is crucial for the language model to understand the context and generate coherent text. It allows the model to weigh the relevance of each word in the input sequence to predict the next word accurately.

πŸ’‘Probabilistic system

A probabilistic system is one that operates on the principles of probability and statistics to make predictions or decisions. In the context of the video, the language model Chachi PT is described as a probabilistic system because it can generate multiple possible outcomes for a given input. This means that the model does not produce a single, deterministic response but rather a range of likely outcomes, each associated with a certain probability.

πŸ’‘Language model

A language model is a type of artificial intelligence model that is designed to understand, interpret, and generate human language. In the context of the video, the language model refers to systems like Chachi PT and GPT that are trained on large datasets to predict the next word or sequence of words in a text. These models learn patterns and structures of language by analyzing vast amounts of text data, enabling them to generate text that mimics human writing.


In the context of machine learning, 'pre-trained' refers to a model that has been trained on a large dataset before it is fine-tuned for a specific task. Pre-training allows the model to learn general features and patterns from the data, which can then be adapted to more specific tasks with less data. In the video, GPT models are described as being pre-trained on a large chunk of the internet, enabling them to generate text in a variety of contexts.


Tokenization is the process of breaking down a text into individual elements called tokens, which could be words, characters, or subword units. This process is crucial for training language models as it allows the model to work with the text data in a structured and manageable format. In the video, tokenization is discussed in the context of preparing text data for training the Transformer model, where characters from the 'tiny Shakespeare' dataset are converted into a sequence of integers.


In the context of neural networks and language models, an embedding is a vector representation of a token (such as a word or character) that captures its semantic meaning. Embeddings are learned during the training process and are used as input to the model, allowing it to understand and generate text. In the video, token embeddings are mentioned as a crucial step in the process of training the language model, where each token from the input text is mapped to a high-dimensional vector space.


Fine-tuning is the process of further training a pre-trained model on a smaller, more specific dataset to adapt it to a particular task or application. This technique allows the model to adjust its learned features to better suit the nuances of the specific data it will encounter. In the context of the video, fine-tuning would involve adjusting the pre-trained Transformer model to perform tasks such as answering questions or generating text in a specific style or format.

πŸ’‘Character-level language model

A character-level language model is a type of language model that operates at the character level, rather than at the word or subword level. It learns to predict the next character in a sequence of text, which allows it to generate text with a high degree of flexibility and creativity. In the video, the character-level language model is discussed in the context of training the Transformer on the 'tiny Shakespeare' dataset, where the model learns to predict the next character in the sequence of Shakespeare's works.


Building GPT from scratch, in code, explained step by step.

Chachi PT, a system that allows interaction with AI through text-based tasks, has taken the AI community by storm.

Probabilistic nature of AI demonstrated through different outcomes from the same prompt.

Language models like GPT understand the sequence of words or characters in a language.

Understand the neural network behind GPT with the Transformer architecture from the paper 'Attention is all you need'.

GPT stands for Generatively Pre-trained Transformer, indicating its generative nature and pre-training process.

Training a Transformer-based language model using a character-level approach with the tiny Shakespeare dataset.

The Transformer network does heavy lifting in language models, enabling them to predict sequences of characters or tokens.

Exploring the concept of tokenization and encoding text into a sequence of integers for neural network processing.

Training the Transformer involves sampling random chunks of data and feeding them into the model in batches.

Understanding the importance of batch size, block size, and the maximum context length in Transformer training.

Creating a simple neural network to implement a bigram language model as an introduction to more complex Transformers.

Discussing the use of cross-entropy loss to evaluate the quality of predictions made by the language model.

Generating text from the model by predicting the next character in the sequence and concatenating it to the existing context.

Training the bigram language model and observing improvements in loss as the model learns to better predict character sequences.

Introducing the concept of self-attention in Transformers, allowing tokens to communicate and interact with each other based on their context.

Implementing multi-head attention to allow for multiple independent channels of communication between tokens in the sequence.

Explaining the use of layer normalization and residual connections to improve the optimization and training of deep neural networks.

Scaling up the model by increasing the number of layers, embedding dimensions, and heads to improve performance and generate more recognizable text.