This A.I. will replace us..

15 Mar 202414:02

TLDRThe video script discusses the capabilities of an impressive AI that can generate music and vocals from text prompts and lyrics. The reviewer tests the AI by inputting lyrics from well-known songs and specifying different genres, receiving results in various styles like energetic synthwave and opera. The AI's ability to create melodies, rhythms, and adapt to different languages showcases its potential, raising questions about the future impact on music production jobs.


  • 🤖 AI's potential to replace music producers is a concern as it advances rapidly.
  • 🎵 The AI can generate music based on text prompts, including creating vocals from typed lyrics.
  • 📝 The demonstration involved inputting lyrics from well-known songs and specifying genres.
  • 🎶 The AI produced two versions of the same song, with differences in style and arrangement.
  • 💡 The AI's ability to match verse rhythm to the track was highlighted as impressive.
  • 🏠 The creation of an instrumental version in the big room house genre showcased its versatility.
  • 🎵 The AI was able to transform a simple ringtone into an opera, demonstrating complexity in vocal generation.
  • 🔥 The AI's composition skills were praised, especially in capturing the essence of the requested genre.
  • 🌐 The AI can handle different languages and genres, as demonstrated with the 'The Pacito' in electronic swing.
  • 🚀 The AI's rapid development in music production capabilities is a significant change from just a year ago.
  • 💭 While the AI is impressive, it has not completely replaced the need for human music producers yet.

Q & A

  • What is the AI's capability in music production according to the transcript?

    -The AI can generate music based on a text prompt and create vocals based on typed-in lyrics. It can also adapt the music to different genres and styles.

  • How does the AI generate music from a well-known song's lyrics?

    -By inputting the lyrics of a well-known song and specifying the genre, the AI can create a version of the song in the chosen style, including appropriate rhythm and melody.

  • What was the first song used to demonstrate the AI's music generation capabilities?

    -The first song used was 'Blinding Lights' by The Weeknd.

  • How quickly can the AI produce a music piece?

    -The AI can produce a music piece in about 10 seconds.

  • What genres did the AI create for the song 'Banana Phone'?

    -The AI created versions of 'Banana Phone' in Opera and electronic swing styles.

  • How does the AI handle different languages in music production?

    -The AI can take lyrics in different languages, such as Spanish, and produce music in a specified style, like electronic swing.

  • What was the reaction to the AI's generated music?

    -The reaction was positive, with the AI's generated music being described as 'really good,' 'incredible,' and 'amazing.'

  • What was the AI's performance when given a task to create a breakcore version of 'Highway to Hell' by AC/DC?

    -The AI did not understand the assignment correctly and did not produce the expected breakcore version.

  • What is the overall concern regarding AI in music production?

    -The concern is that AI might eventually replace human music producers due to its rapidly improving capabilities.

  • What additional feature did the AI demonstrate in music production?

    -The AI demonstrated the ability to generate instrumental music, such as big room house and jungle break beats.

  • What was the conclusion about AI replacing music producers?

    -While the AI is impressive and improving rapidly, it is not quite ready to replace human music producers yet.



🎵 AI Music Generation and Vocals

This paragraph discusses the capabilities of an AI in generating music and vocals based on text prompts and lyrics. The AI is tested by using well-known song lyrics and specifying the genre, resulting in two different musical outputs. The reviewer is impressed by the AI's ability to create music with proper rhythm and fitting vocals within 10 seconds. The AI's potential in creating instrumentals and its accuracy in capturing the specified genre are also highlighted.


🎶 Versatility in AI Music Styles

The paragraph emphasizes the AI's versatility in producing music across various styles, including opera, heart, and electronic, with a focus on its ability to generate complex vocal arrangements. The reviewer is amazed by the AI's quick generation of music and its potential to do anything within a year. Experiments with different genres, languages, and meme songs showcase the AI's adaptability and creativity in producing diverse music styles.


🚀 Advancements in AI and its Impact on Jobs

This paragraph reflects on the rapid advancements of AI in music production and its potential impact on jobs. The reviewer recalls their previous skepticism but now acknowledges the AI's impressive capabilities, as demonstrated by its ability to produce music in different genres and languages. The paragraph concludes with a call for viewer opinions on whether they are worried about AI replacing human jobs in music production or not.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is showcased as a technology capable of creating music and vocals based on text inputs, indicating its advanced capabilities in the field of creative arts.

💡Music Generation

Music generation is the process of creating or producing music using artificial intelligence or other computational methods. It involves inputting data such as lyrics or a specific genre, and the AI generates a unique musical piece. In the video, the AI's ability to generate music based on user prompts is a central theme, highlighting the evolving role of technology in the creative process.


Vocals refer to the human voice used for singing or speaking in music. In the context of the video, the AI's capability to generate vocals is a significant aspect, as it demonstrates the technology's ability to mimic human singing and integrate it into the music it creates.

💡Text Prompt

A text prompt is a piece of text that serves as a starting point or guide for generating content. In the video, text prompts are used to instruct the AI on what kind of music to create, including the lyrics and the desired genre, which the AI then uses to generate a song.


In music, a genre refers to a category or style of music that shares similar characteristics, such as instrumentation, song structure, and mood. The video script discusses various genres like energetic synthwave and retro wave, which the AI uses to create music that fits the specified style.


An instrumental is a piece of music that contains only music and no vocals. It focuses on the melody, harmony, and rhythm played by musical instruments. In the video, the AI is tasked with creating an instrumental version of a song, demonstrating its versatility in producing different types of musical content.


Opera is a form of theatre in which music has a leading role, and the parts are taken by singers. It is known for its dramatic and complex vocal performances. In the video, the AI's ability to create an opera version of a pop song illustrates its advanced understanding of different musical styles and the capacity to adapt lyrics and melodies to fit a specific genre.

💡Hard Rock

Hard Rock is a genre of rock music that is generally heavier, louder, and more aggressive than regular rock, often characterized by distorted guitars, strong rhythms, and intense vocals. In the video, the AI's creation of a Hard Rock version of a song showcases its ability to produce music across a wide range of genres, including those with distinct characteristics.


Funk is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities in the mid-1960s. It is characterized by rhythmic, danceable music with strong basslines and syncopated rhythms. In the video, the AI's attempt to create an aggressive Funk beat demonstrates its understanding of the unique rhythmic patterns and musical elements of this genre.


Language refers to the system of communication through speech, writing, or signs, used by a particular community. In the context of the video, the AI's capability to understand and generate music based on lyrics in different languages highlights its versatility and adaptability in handling diverse cultural content.


Sampling in music production refers to the process of reusing a portion or 'sample' of a sound recording in a new piece of music. It is a common technique in many music genres, especially electronic and hip-hop music. The video script mentions the possibility of using the AI for sampling, indicating its potential application in various music production techniques.


AI can generate music based on text prompts, including vocals.

The AI can create vocals based on typed-in lyrics.

The AI's music generation process is impressive and quick, taking only about 10 seconds.

The AI correctly identifies and generates music in the specified genre, such as energetic synthwave and retro wave.

The AI maintains proper rhythm and structure in the generated music, fitting verses and choruses appropriately.

The AI can create an instrumental version of a song in various genres, like big room house.

The AI's ability to transform a simple melody into a complex composition is noteworthy.

The AI can generate music in different styles, including opera, showcasing its versatility.

The AI can handle complex vocal patterns, even in opera style, which is impressive.

The AI's rapid development in music generation capabilities is highlighted, with significant improvements over a year.

The AI can generate music in different languages, demonstrating its adaptability.

The AI can recognize and generate music in various styles, such as aggressive funk and jungle break.

The AI's ability to transform classic rock songs into different genres, like breakcore, is showcased.

The AI can handle multiple genres in a single session, demonstrating its flexibility and range.

The AI's potential to impact music production jobs is discussed, with a cautious yet optimistic view.

The AI's capability to generate music from lyrics in different languages, like Spanish, is highlighted.

The AI's potential in sampling and music production applications is considered.