“This Is What They're Hiding About BlackRock” - Whitney Webb Latest Prediction

Unscripted Crypto
24 Mar 202413:39

TLDRThe video script discusses the influence of debt barons like BlackRock on the global financial system, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights BlackRock's role in shaping monetary policy and their strategic use of debt to increase profitability and control over assets worldwide. The script also delves into the concept of a 'Nature's economy,' where natural assets are financialized, potentially leading to the creation of new asset classes and expanding the financial system's reach. Concerns are raised about the potential for AI and trusted third parties to centralize control in a system marketed as decentralized, questioning the implications for accountability and the true nature of oversight in the emerging digital financial ecosystem.


  • 🏢 BlackRock's significant role in the COVID monetary situation and their influence on the financial system.
  • 💡 The 2019 Jackson Hole meeting where Mark Carney discussed the new financial system, aligning with BlackRock's strategies.
  • 🌐 BlackRock's use of debt to increase profitability, power, and global ownership.
  • 🌳 The concept of 'Nature's economy' and the commodification of natural assets by financial institutions like BlackRock.
  • 🔄 The ambition to expand the financial system by integrating natural assets, potentially increasing the global asset pool significantly.
  • 💰 The potential use of retirement funds to finance the privatization of energy and infrastructure in the global South.
  • 🌱 Push towards a green model and decarbonization, with BlackRock positioning as a key player in infrastructure development.
  • 🔗 The idea of a universal ledger on blockchain for tracking and managing natural assets, raising questions about surveillance and control.
  • 🤖 The role of AI in risk management and the potential for increased surveillance and automation in the financial system.
  • 🔄 The possibility of trusted third parties, potentially chosen by governments or international bodies, to have significant control in the new financial ecosystem.
  • 🚨 Concerns about the potential for continued corruption and lack of accountability in the creation and management of new financial systems.

Q & A

  • What role did BlackRock play in the COVID monetary situation?

    -BlackRock had a significant role in the COVID monetary situation, as they presented their 'going direct' paper at the 2019 Jackson Hole meeting, which outlined policies that were followed when the pandemic hit.

  • How does BlackRock utilize debt to increase its profitability and power?

    -BlackRock uses debt to increase its profitability and power by acquiring and controlling assets around the world, thereby positioning themselves as a powerful entity in the financial system.

  • What is the 'Nature's economy' concept?

    -The 'Nature's economy' concept refers to the idea of commodification of natural assets, such as forests and lakes, and integrating them into the financial system as tradable commodities, which could significantly expand the asset pool.

  • How does the intrinsic exchange group contribute to the 'Nature's economy'?

    -The intrinsic exchange group, a product of the Rockefeller Foundation and the multilateral development banking system, is one of the early groups propelling the 'Nature's economy' forward by promoting the unlocking and financialization of natural assets.

  • What is the goal of Larry Fink and BlackRock in developing new asset classes?

    -The goal of Larry Fink and BlackRock is to create new asset classes, particularly through the financialization of the natural world, in order to perpetuate their business model and maintain their control and influence over the financial system indefinitely.

  • How does the global carbon market fit into BlackRock's strategy?

    -The global carbon market is a key part of BlackRock's strategy as it allows them to unlock new assets and create more collateral, expanding their control and influence in the financial system and perpetuating their existing models to unprecedented levels.

  • What is the role of AI and blockchain in the new financial governance system?

    -AI and blockchain are expected to redefine risk management and introduce a universal ledger for tracking and surveillance of financial transactions. This could lead to increased control and potential manipulation by the entities that manage these systems.

  • Who might choose the trusted third parties in the new digital financial ecosystem?

    -National governments or international bodies like the UN may choose the trusted third parties in the new digital financial ecosystem, allowing them to exert significant control over the system.

  • What concerns does Whitney Webb raise about the intersection of environmental stewardship and financial exploitation?

    -Whitney Webb raises concerns that the financialization of the natural world could lead to exploitation under the guise of environmental stewardship, transforming living entities into tradable commodities and potentially diluting accountability and increasing control over the natural environment.

  • How does the 'Wizard of Oz' model apply to the use of AI in the new financial system?

    -The 'Wizard of Oz' model suggests that AI could serve as an intermediary between the system's architects and the public, creating a layer of abstraction that might reduce accountability and increase control, as decisions are obscured behind the facade of AI's supposed impartiality.



🏢 The Rise of Debt Barons and their Influence on Global Finance

This paragraph discusses the significant role of debt barons, particularly BlackRock, in shaping the global financial landscape, especially in the context of the COVID-19 monetary situation. It highlights BlackRock's influential position at the 2019 Jackson Hole meeting and the implementation of their 'Going Direct' paper, which served as a policy blueprint when the pandemic struck. The paragraph emphasizes how the control of debt has been central to the power and success of entities on Wall Street. It also introduces Whitney Webb's perspective on the strategic use of debt by financial titans to consolidate global dominance and the potential for using new asset classes, such as natural assets, to perpetuate their business models and control over the natural world.


🌿 The Commodification of Nature: A New Asset Class

The second paragraph delves into the concept of 'Nature's economy' and the tokenization of natural assets, as promoted by the Intrinsic Exchange Group, a product of the Rockefeller Foundation and the multilateral development banking system. It discusses the potential for unlocking a vast amount of new assets by integrating natural assets into the financial system, which could significantly expand the current global asset pool. The paragraph raises concerns about the intersection of environmental stewardship and financial exploitation, as well as the role of AI and blockchain in redefining risk management and creating a surveillance infrastructure under the guise of innovation and sustainability.


💼 Financialization of the Natural World: Implications and Critiques

This paragraph explores the process of financializing the natural world, where natural assets are identified and then fractionalized and sold as shares, generating substantial revenue through IPOs. It questions the premise of using this method as a means to 'save the planet' and instead suggests that it serves to perpetuate the debt-based financial system. The paragraph also discusses the potential for AI to play a significant role in the new digital financial ecosystem, with trusted third parties potentially selected by national governments or international bodies. It raises concerns about the potential for a lack of accountability and increased control in this system, where decisions may be obscured behind the facade of AI's impartiality.



💡Debt Barons

The term 'Debt Barons' refers to individuals or entities that wield significant influence and power through the control of debt. In the context of the video, it specifically highlights financial institutions like BlackRock, which have used debt to increase their profitability, power, and ownership globally. The video discusses how these entities have played a pivotal role in shaping monetary policies and economic control, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

💡Jackson Hole meeting

The Jackson Hole meeting is an annual economic policy symposium where central bankers and other financial leaders gather to discuss economic issues. In the video, it is mentioned as the platform where Mark Carney discussed the new financial system and BlackRock presented their 'Going Direct' paper, which influenced the policies followed when COVID-19 hit.

💡Financial System

The financial system encompasses the institutions, markets, and instruments that facilitate the creation, management, and exchange of financial assets. The video discusses the transformation of this system, particularly through the introduction of new asset classes and the financialization of natural assets, which is proposed to revolutionize traditional business models and extend the control of entities like BlackRock.

💡Natural Assets

Natural assets refer to elements of the natural environment that have economic value, such as forests, lakes, and biodiversity. In the video, the concept of 'Nature's economy' is introduced, where these natural assets are拟 to be commodified and integrated into the financial system, allowing them to be bought, sold, and traded as financial products.


Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger technology that allows for secure and transparent record-keeping. In the video, it is discussed as the potential universal ledger for tracking and managing the new asset classes, including natural assets, emphasizing the role of surveillance and risk management in the financial system.

💡AI and Risk Management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in the context of the video to refer to the use of advanced algorithms and machine learning to manage risks in the financial system. AI, particularly in conjunction with blockchain, is seen as a tool for enhancing surveillance and control, allowing financial entities to manage risks in new and unprecedented ways.

💡Global Carbon Market

The global carbon market is a system that allows for the trading of carbon emissions allowances, with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In the video, it is discussed as a new asset class that financial entities like BlackRock are positioning themselves to control, using retirement assets and other financial instruments to invest in infrastructure and carbon markets.

💡Financialization of Nature

The financialization of nature refers to the process of treating natural assets as commodities to be traded in financial markets. This concept is central to the video's discussion, where it is presented as a strategy for financial entities to expand their control and create new debt instruments, under the guise of environmental stewardship.

💡Trusted Third Parties

Trusted third parties are entities that are relied upon to validate and verify transactions or data within a system. In the context of the video, these parties are crucial in the new financial ecosystem, potentially chosen by governments or international bodies, and could influence the operation of AI and blockchain systems.

💡Wizard of Oz Model

The 'Wizard of Oz' model is a metaphor used in the video to describe a situation where the true decision-makers and power holders are hidden behind a facade or intermediary. In the context of AI and the new financial system, it suggests that while AI may appear to be in control, the real power lies with the humans who program and manage it.

💡Digital Financial Ecosystem

The digital financial ecosystem refers to the network of digital financial services, technologies, and institutions that make up the modern financial landscape. In the video, this ecosystem is being reshaped through the integration of AI, blockchain, and new asset classes, leading to a significant shift in how financial transactions and risk management are conducted.


People building the financial system are often debt barons, such as BlackRock.

BlackRock played a significant role in the COVID monetary situation, following the 2019 Jackson Hole meeting and Mark Carney's discussion on the new financial system.

The going direct paper presented by BlackRock at the 2019 Jackson Hole meeting influenced the policies that were implemented when COVID hit.

Debt is used by financial giants like BlackRock to increase profitability, power, and ownership globally.

Controlling the most debt on Wall Street leads to being the most powerful and successful.

Whitney Webb exposes the role of debt barons in shaping the post-COVID financial landscape with strategies from the going direct paper.

Finance Titans are architects of a new era of economic control, using their mastery over debt as a strategic play for global dominance.

Larry Fink's ambition is to develop new asset classes, such as natural assets, to perpetuate the existing business model for millennia.

The intrinsic exchange group, a product of the Rockefeller Foundation, is propelling the concept of Nature's economy, which could be six times the size of the current global economy.

BlackRock aims to unlock and control as many natural assets as possible, expanding their control over the financial system and the natural world.

The goal is to have all financial assets on a universal ledger, such as blockchain, making them trackable and surveillable.

Risk management through AI and blockchain could lead to unprecedented control over financial assets.

There is a push towards a new financial governance system focused on green models and decarbonization.

BlackRock is positioning itself as a key player in the global infrastructure development, acquiring one of the largest infrastructure developers in the world.

There is an ambition to use retirement funds to finance the privatization of energy and infrastructure in the global South.

The commodification of the natural world is part of an ambitious plan to birth new asset classes and revolutionize the traditional business model.

The Nature's economy concept, powered by the intrinsic exchange group and championed by organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation, aims to integrate natural assets into the financial system.

The potential selection of trusted third parties by national governments or international bodies like the UN could lead to centralized control in the guise of decentralized systems.

AI is likely to play a significant role in the new digital financial system, acting as an intermediary between the system's architects and the public.

The Wizard of Oz model, where AI serves as a facade for decision-making, could dilute accountability and augment control in the digital finance era.