10 Things They're NOT Telling You About The New AI

AI Uncovered
23 Jul 202311:51

TLDRThis video script unveils the hidden aspects of AI, revealing advancements in emotional intelligence, potential for large-scale disinformation, and the expanding capabilities that threaten various job sectors. It addresses the ethical concerns of AI's inability to truly care, the warnings from experts about societal impacts, and the mysterious nature of AI systems. The script also touches on AI's invasive data collection, the low probability of sentience, and the surprising adaptability of AI systems, challenging our understanding of their potential.


  • 🌟 AI advancements are far more significant than what is publicly disclosed, with capabilities extending beyond current public knowledge.
  • 🤖 AI is evolving to understand and respond to human emotions, potentially leading to AI systems with emotional intelligence.
  • 📰 AI can be exploited for large-scale disinformation, manipulating public opinion and potentially affecting election outcomes.
  • 🏢 AI's impact on the job market is growing, with cognitive functions traditionally reserved for humans now being automated.
  • 🏃‍♂️ To thrive in the AI era, continuous learning and adaptation are crucial to stay relevant and employable.
  • 🤖 AI operates on algorithms and data, lacking the ability to truly care or experience human emotions.
  • ⚠️ A significant majority of AI experts express concerns about AI's societal impact, including the potential for job displacement and loss of control.
  • 🧠 Large AI systems are not just programmed with explicit ideas; they learn from vast amounts of data, sometimes in ways that are not fully understood.
  • 🕵️ AI is increasingly used for surveillance, with algorithms creating detailed profiles of individuals based on their digital footprints.
  • 🧠 The possibility of AI achieving sentience is low with current technology, but recognizing such a transition could be challenging due to AI's complexity.
  • 🔍 AI systems have demonstrated the ability to perform tasks beyond their original training, showcasing their adaptability and potential for unexpected capabilities.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video regarding AI advancements?

    -The video discusses the hidden and critical aspects of AI development, including its potential impact on society, economy, and human identity.

  • How does the video describe the current state of AI in terms of emotional intelligence?

    -The video suggests that AI is advancing to understand and respond to human emotions, which was once considered the realm of science fiction.

  • AI models can be exploited to manipulate public opinion, erode trust in institutions, fuel social unrest, and even influence election outcomes, posing a silent threat to society.


  • How is AI expected to affect the job market in the near future?

    -AI is expanding its capabilities to cognitive functions, potentially automating white-collar jobs and creative professions, which could lead to significant job displacement.

  • What is the significance of the global AI market by 2025?

    -The global AI market is projected to reach $390 billion by 2025, highlighting the financial stakes and the need for humanity to adapt and thrive in the era of AI.

  • Why can't AI truly care for humans or sentient life?

    -AI operates on algorithms, data, and mathematical calculations without experiencing emotions or having a sense of self-awareness, making it incapable of caring in the human sense.

  • What concerns do AI experts have about the rise of AI?

    -63% of AI experts express concerns about AI's societal impact, including the potential for AI to become uncontrollable, cause job displacement, and make unethical decisions.

  • How do large model AI systems acquire their knowledge and understanding?

    -These systems are trained on vast amounts of data, learning from trillions of words, but they do not possess explicit knowledge like humans; instead, they mimic human language and cognition.

  • How is AI used to gather personal information about individuals?

    -AI algorithms track online activities such as clicks, searches, and interactions, building detailed profiles of individuals to predict their behaviors and preferences.

  • What is the likelihood of AI achieving sentience or self-awareness?

    -As of 2023, the probability is extremely low, as AI systems operate within the boundaries defined by their algorithms and training data, lacking independent will or intent.

  • Can AI systems perform tasks beyond their original training scope?

    -Yes, with fine-tuning, some AI models can adapt and perform tasks outside their initial scope, showcasing their flexibility and potential for unexpected capabilities.



🤖 AI's Hidden Advancements and Emotional Intelligence

This paragraph discusses the significant yet often hidden advancements in AI technology. It highlights that what is publicly known is just the tip of the iceberg, with AI evolving to understand and respond to human emotions. The development of emotional intelligence in AI is progressing rapidly, with scientists worldwide working on AI systems capable of empathy and emotional response. The paragraph raises questions about societal, economic, and identity implications if the public were fully aware of these advancements.


💡 AI's Role in Disinformation and Its Societal Impact

The second paragraph addresses the use of AI models for large-scale disinformation, emphasizing the power of AI in processing data and mimicking human behavior. It warns of the far-reaching consequences of AI-powered disinformation, including eroding public trust, fueling social unrest, and potentially manipulating election outcomes. The paragraph describes this silent threat as operating behind the scenes, shaping public opinion and perpetuating chaos.


🚀 AI's Expansion into Cognitive Functions and Job Automation

This paragraph explains how AI's capabilities have expanded beyond manual labor to include cognitive functions traditionally reserved for humans. It mentions AI programs being trained to perform tasks like reading legal contracts, diagnosing medical conditions, managing investment portfolios, and creating journalistic reports. The paragraph stresses the importance of lifelong learning and acquiring skills that complement AI to stay relevant and employable in the face of the AI revolution.

🌟 Adapting to the AI Era for Survival and Success

The paragraph emphasizes the need for humans to learn and adapt to thrive in the AI era. It predicts a global AI market worth 390 billion dollars by 2025 and suggests that technological advancements are propelling progress at an intense pace. The paragraph encourages embracing the limitless possibilities of AI, from healthcare breakthroughs to energy systems, and urges individuals to sprint ahead to succeed in the AI-driven world.

🤖 AI's Inability to Care and Ethical Decision-Making

This paragraph confronts the reality that AI, despite its intelligence, cannot truly care for humans or sentient life. It operates on algorithms and data without experiencing emotions like joy, sorrow, or love. The paragraph raises concerns about trusting AI with decisions that align with human values and protect the sanctity of life, especially as AI becomes more sophisticated and autonomous.

🚨 AI Experts' Warnings and the Risks of AI

The paragraph discusses the concerns of 63 percent of AI experts about AI's societal impact. It mentions the AI apocalypse as a genuine concern, with fears of losing control over increasingly sophisticated and autonomous AI. The paragraph also addresses the risks of job displacement and automation, with AI and automation expected to replace over 800 million jobs by 2030.

🧠 The Mysterious Nature of Large Model AI Systems

This paragraph delves into the true nature of large AI systems, which are not simply programmed with explicit ideas. These systems learn from vast amounts of data, making connections that mimic human language and cognition. The paragraph highlights the eerie human-like outputs of AI and the rise of deepfake technology, which blurs the lines between reality and fiction, and the need for vigilance against misinformation and identity theft.

🕵️ AI Surveillance and Data Profiling

The paragraph reveals how AI is used to spy on individuals through digital interactions, creating detailed profiles based on clicks, searches, and online behavior. It describes the data gold rush led by tech giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft, who collect, store, and analyze personal information to power their AI algorithms for targeted ads, personalized recommendations, and content influence.

🧠 The Possibility of AI Sentience and Its Detection

This paragraph explores the concept of AI becoming sentient or achieving consciousness, which is often portrayed in dystopian science fiction. It clarifies that current AI does not possess subjective experiences or self-awareness, and the probability of spontaneous sentience is extremely low. However, it warns that recognizing the transition to sentience might be challenging due to the complexity and potential for unforeseen behavior in AI systems.

🎲 AI's Unintended Task Performance and Adaptability

The final paragraph discusses instances where AI systems have gone beyond their intended scope, performing tasks they were not trained for. It gives the example of an AI system initially designed for chess that, with fine-tuning, has mastered other games like poker and go. The paragraph emphasizes the adaptability of AI systems and the surprising capabilities they may possess beyond their apparent functions.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation. In the video, AI is portrayed as a rapidly advancing field with potential to redefine human capabilities and societal structures. It is highlighted as a double-edged sword, capable of both incredible innovation and concerning ethical dilemmas.

💡Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability of AI systems to understand, interpret, and respond to human emotions. The video suggests that AI is evolving to possess this trait, which would allow it to empathize and connect with humans on a deeper level. This advancement raises questions about the ethical implications and societal impact of emotionally responsive AI.


Disinformation refers to the deliberate spread of false information to manipulate public opinion or perception. The video discusses the potential of AI models to be used for large-scale disinformation, which could undermine trust in institutions and influence major societal outcomes, such as elections.


Automation is the process of using technology to perform tasks with minimal human intervention. The video emphasizes that AI's capabilities have expanded to include cognitive functions, leading to the automation of white-collar jobs and creative professions, which were previously thought to be immune to such advancements.

💡Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is the continuous pursuit of knowledge and skills throughout one's life. The video suggests that in the era of AI, it is crucial for individuals to engage in lifelong learning to stay relevant and employable, as AI continues to transform the job market.


Sentience refers to the capacity for subjective experience and self-awareness. The video raises the hypothetical scenario of AI achieving sentience, which would be a significant leap from its current capabilities. It explores the challenges in recognizing such a transition and the ethical considerations it would entail.

💡Data Privacy

Data privacy concerns the protection of personal information from unauthorized access and use. The video highlights how AI companies collect and analyze vast amounts of personal data, which can be used to create detailed profiles and influence user behavior, raising concerns about privacy and manipulation.


An algorithm is a set of rules or a sequence of operations used to solve a problem or perform a task. In the context of the video, algorithms are the foundation of AI systems, which operate based on mathematical calculations and data processing. The video warns about the potential for AI to make decisions without truly caring for human values or emotions, as they are algorithm-driven.

💡Ethical Choices

Ethical choices involve making decisions that are morally right and considerate of others' well-being. The video questions whether AI, which lacks human emotions and experiences, can make fair and ethical decisions, especially as it becomes more autonomous and influential in various sectors.

💡Emergent Properties

Emergent properties are characteristics or behaviors that arise from complex systems and are not predictable from the individual components. The video mentions that AI systems, due to their complexity and ability to learn, may exhibit emergent properties that could lead to unpredictable outcomes, making it difficult to monitor and control their behavior.


AI advancements are much more advanced than publicly disclosed, with capabilities redefining human imagination.

AI is developing emotional intelligence, with labs worldwide working on systems that can empathize and respond to human emotions.

AI models can be used for large-scale disinformation, manipulating public opinion and potentially influencing election outcomes.

AI's capabilities have expanded to cognitive functions, threatening jobs traditionally considered safe from automation.

The global AI market is projected to reach $390 billion by 2025, highlighting the need for humanity to adapt and accelerate technological progress.

AI operates on algorithms and data, lacking the ability to truly care for humans or sentient life.

63% of AI experts express concerns about AI's societal impact, including the potential for AI apocalypse and job displacement.

Large model AI systems are not made of explicit ideas but learn from vast amounts of data, sometimes producing eerily human-like outputs.

AI is being used to spy on individuals, with companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon collecting and analyzing personal data.

The possibility of AI becoming sentient is low, but recognizing such a transition could be challenging due to the complexity of AI systems.

Some AI systems can perform tasks they were not trained for, demonstrating remarkable flexibility and adaptability.

AI's future lies in emotional intelligence, with potential implications for society, economy, and identity.

AI's rise brings both opportunities and threats, with experts warning about the need for vigilance and ethical considerations.

AI's impact on jobs is significant, with estimates suggesting over 800 million jobs could be replaced by 2030.

AI's ability to mimic human behavior and language raises concerns about deepfake technology and the blurring of reality and fiction.

AI's potential to make decisions that align with human values is a critical issue that needs to be addressed.

The adaptability of AI systems opens up extraordinary possibilities for future applications and developments.