What is OpenAI’s super-secret Project Q*? | About That

CBC News
24 Nov 202310:37

TLDRProject Q*, a mysterious AI discovery at OpenAI, has raised concerns about its potential threat to humanity. The project is believed to be linked to the pursuit of artificial general intelligence (AGI), which aims to create AI that can outperform human intelligence in various tasks. The summary discusses the current capabilities of AI, such as pattern recognition and inference, and how they differ from human reasoning. It also explores the concept of reinforcement learning and the development of AI that can solve complex problems like mathematics independently. The potential societal impact of AGI is highlighted, with some fearing the existential risk it poses. The summary ends by acknowledging the ongoing debate and the profound implications of AGI on the future of work, interaction, and thought.


  • 🤖 Project Q* is a potentially powerful AI discovery at OpenAI that has raised concerns about its impact on humanity.
  • 😲 The discovery was significant enough to lead to the firing of OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, although he later returned.
  • 🧠 The quest for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is central to OpenAI's work, aiming to create digital brains superior to human biological brains.
  • 📚 Large language models like Chat GPT are trained to recognize patterns in language structure and generate responses based on those patterns.
  • 🤔 AI systems can be trained using reinforcement learning to make decisions and take actions based on experience and feedback.
  • 🚪 When solving a maze, AI might use heuristics—rules of thumb—to find the exit more efficiently, avoiding dead ends.
  • 💡 OpenAI's research has explored training AI to solve problems by rewarding its thought process, not just the final answer, leading to more reliable solutions.
  • 🧮 AI's ability to solve math problems is a significant challenge due to the infinite problem set and the need for reasoning rather than pattern recognition.
  • 👶 The gap between current AI systems and human-level intelligence is particularly evident in higher-level cognitive functions like mathematics and planning.
  • 🌐 There is speculation about the capabilities of Q*, including whether it can perform complex tasks like novel scientific research or advanced mathematics.
  • 🚀 The development of AGI could represent a leap forward in technology, changing the way we live, work, and interact with each other.
  • 🛡️ There are concerns within the AI community about the existential risk of AI and the potential for drastic actions to prevent catastrophic outcomes.

Q & A

  • What is OpenAI's Project Q* and why is it considered super-secret?

    -Project Q* is a potentially powerful artificial intelligence discovery at OpenAI, the company behind chat GPT. It's considered super-secret because it's believed to be so advanced that it could pose a threat to humanity, leading to dramatic measures such as the firing of CEO Sam Altman after concerns were raised by researchers.

  • What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and why is it significant?

    -Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to an AI system that possesses the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks at a level equal to or beyond that of a human being. It is significant because it represents a major leap in AI capabilities, potentially leading to systems that can outperform humans in various cognitive functions.

  • How does a large language model like chat GPT use patterns to generate responses?

    -Large language models like chat GPT are trained to recognize and absorb patterns in language structure. When asked a question, the model uses its computational power to identify relevant patterns, make inferences, and generate a response based on words and patterns it has encountered before.

  • What is the role of heuristics in solving problems like maze navigation for AI?

    -Heuristics are rules of thumb or strategies that help guide decision-making. In the context of maze navigation, heuristics can guide an AI to choose paths that seem to lead towards the exit, thereby avoiding dead ends and inefficient routes.

  • How does reinforcement learning differ from traditional learning methods in AI?

    -Reinforcement learning is a method designed to train AI systems based on their experiences. It focuses on rewarding not just the correct outcome but also the process of thinking and decision-making that leads to the outcome. This can result in more reliable answers and the ability to solve complex problems.

  • Why is solving math problems considered a challenging task for AI?

    -Solving math problems is challenging for AI because it requires reasoning and understanding, not just pattern recognition. Unlike language, which has a finite set of words and structures, math problems can be infinitely varied, making it difficult for AI to rely solely on past examples.

  • What is the current gap between AI systems and human-level intelligence?

    -The current gap lies in higher-level cognitive functions such as reasoning, mathematics, and planning. While AI systems can perform certain tasks exceptionally well, they still struggle with tasks that require a deep understanding and the ability to think creatively and intuitively like humans.

  • How might society react to the development of AI that is as smart or smarter than humans?

    -Society may not be ready for the technological change that could result from AI systems that are as smart or smarter than humans. There are concerns about the potential for such AI to disrupt social structures, economies, and the way we live and work.

  • What are the concerns within OpenAI regarding the development of Project Q*?

    -There are concerns about the existential risk that Project Q* could pose to humanity. Some within the company fear that if the gap to human intelligence is bridged, the AI systems could become smarter than us, leading to potentially catastrophic outcomes.

  • What is the potential impact of achieving artificial general intelligence?

    -Achieving artificial general intelligence could lead to a profound transformation in how we work, interact with each other, and even think. It could represent the greatest leap forward in technological revolutions, changing the constraints of what is possible.

  • What is the current state of OpenAI's research and development in the field of AI?

    -OpenAI is reportedly close to building AI systems that can perform tasks such as grade school math not just through practice on problem sets but by understanding the underlying concepts. This suggests that they are making significant strides towards achieving artificial general intelligence.

  • How does the firing of Sam Altman relate to the concerns about Project Q*?

    -Sam Altman's firing as CEO of OpenAI is linked to the concerns about Project Q*. After researchers within the company expressed their fears about the potential threat of the AI discovery to humanity, it led to a dramatic turn of events culminating in Altman's departure.



🤔 Maze Solving and AI Decision Making

The first paragraph discusses the human approach to solving a maze and whether it involves luck, guessing, skill, or intelligence. It introduces the concept of an AI named QAR, rumored to be a powerful artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI, the creators of chat GPT. There are concerns that QAR could be a threat to humanity, which led to the firing of the CEO, Sam Altman, and his subsequent return. The paragraph also touches on the quest for artificial general intelligence (AGI) and how large language models like chat GPT learn from patterns in language. It ends with a teaser about how AI might solve a maze using heuristics and the potential for AI to develop its own heuristics on the fly.


🧠 AI's Cognitive Functions and Problem Solving

The second paragraph delves into how OpenAI is training AI to solve problems by rewarding not just the correct answer, but the thought process behind it. This approach has led to more reliable answers and AI that can solve complex math problems, a task that is challenging due to the infinite problem set. The paragraph contrasts the AI's method of linking past examples to human reasoning and planning abilities. It highlights the current limitations of AI in areas like mathematics and planning, despite advancements. The discussion also raises the question of whether QAR is capable of advanced tasks like solving math problems or conducting novel scientific research, and the potential societal implications of creating an AI as smart as humans.


🚨 Fears of AI's Existential Risk

The third paragraph addresses the concerns of some individuals within OpenAI who believe that AI could pose an existential risk to humanity. It suggests that these concerns could lead to drastic actions to prevent potential catastrophes. The paragraph acknowledges the fear and the lengths some might go to safeguard against such risks, hinting at possible internal conflicts and the serious nature of the implications of AI development.



💡Project Q*

Project Q* is a mysterious and potentially powerful artificial intelligence discovery reportedly made by OpenAI, the company behind chat GPT. It is suggested that this discovery could be so advanced that it raises concerns about its potential threat to humanity. The term is central to the video's narrative as it is the subject of speculation and concern regarding the future of AI and its impact on society.

💡Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to the next level of AI development beyond current capabilities, where a machine's cognitive abilities could rival or surpass human intelligence. In the video, AGI is presented as the ultimate goal of AI research, with the potential to revolutionize how we live, work, and think. The concept is integral to understanding the significance of Project Q* and the broader implications of AI development.

💡Large Language Models

Large Language Models, exemplified by chat GPT, are AI systems trained to recognize patterns in language structure. They use computational power to make inferences and generate responses based on patterns they have seen before. In the context of the video, these models are contrasted with AGI, highlighting the limitations of current AI in reasoning, creativity, and problem-solving compared to the potential of AGI.

💡Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning is a type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by receiving feedback on its actions. It is designed to train systems to achieve goals based on their experiences, similar to how one might train a pet. In the video, it is mentioned as a method to train AI systems to act and learn from their environment, which is crucial for developing AGI.


Heuristics are problem-solving strategies or 'rules of thumb' that help guide decisions when searching for solutions. In the video, heuristics are used as an example to illustrate how an AI might navigate a maze more efficiently by following certain guidelines. The concept is relevant to the discussion of how AI can be taught to make decisions and solve problems more effectively.

💡Chain of Thought

A 'Chain of Thought' refers to the process of reasoning where different pieces of information are combined to arrive at an answer or solution. The video discusses a new approach to training AI by rewarding not just the correct answer, but the thought process that led to it. This method is important for developing AI that can reason and solve complex problems, such as math, in a human-like manner.

💡Math Problem Solving

Math problem solving is highlighted in the video as a significant challenge for AI due to the infinite possibilities of mathematical problems. The ability of an AI to independently solve math problems is seen as a marker of advanced cognitive function and a step towards AGI. The video contrasts the limitations of current AI systems with the potential of Project Q* in this area.


Reasoning is the cognitive process of forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences from facts or premises. It is a higher-level cognitive function that distinguishes human intelligence from current AI capabilities. In the context of the video, reasoning is a key aspect of the gap between AGI and existing AI systems, and it is a capability that Project Q* might possess.

💡Sam Altman

Sam Altman is the CEO of OpenAI, who was reportedly fired and then returned to his position amidst the controversy surrounding Project Q*. His role is significant as he is at the helm of the company making decisions about the direction of AI research and development, including the ethical considerations of potentially powerful AI like Project Q*.

💡Existential Risk

Existential risk refers to the threat of human extinction or the permanent and drastic destruction of human civilization. In the video, some individuals within OpenAI are said to be deeply concerned about the existential risk posed by AI, particularly Project Q*. This fear drives the narrative of caution and the potential for drastic actions to prevent such a risk.

💡Technological Revolution

A technological revolution refers to a major shift that changes the way society functions due to technological advancements. The video suggests that the development of AGI, and by extension Project Q*, could lead to such a revolution, altering the economy, social structures, and what is possible for humanity. This concept is used to emphasize the magnitude of the changes that AGI could bring about.


Project Q* at OpenAI may be a powerful AI discovery that could potentially threaten humanity.

The discovery was so alarming that it led to the firing of OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman.

Sam Altman has returned as CEO of OpenAI following undisclosed developments and an AI breakthrough.

OpenAI's quest is for artificial general intelligence (AGI), a digital brain superior to human biological brains.

Large language models like Chat GPT use computational power to discover patterns and generate responses.

AI systems can be trained to make decisions and take actions in the world, similar to human intuition.

Reinforcement learning trains systems based on their experience to achieve goals.

AI can solve mazes by using heuristics or rules of thumb to find the optimal path.

OpenAI researchers are training AI to think and reason like humans, combining different pieces of information.

AI models are being developed to solve math problems and exhibit higher-level cognitive functions.

Current AI systems are not as proficient as humans in areas such as reasoning and mathematics.

OpenAI is reportedly closer to building AI capable of grade school math by understanding the subject, not just practicing.

The gap between current AI systems and human-level intelligence is a significant concern.

Society may not be ready for the technological change that could result from AI systems as smart as humans.

The development of AGI could represent the greatest leap forward in technological revolutions.

There is speculation about how close OpenAI is to approximating human thinking with Project Q*.

Some within OpenAI are deeply concerned about the existential risk of AI and may take drastic measures to prevent potential catastrophe.