Tracking a phone and reading their messages - this app should be illegal!

Liron Segev
13 May 202312:39

TLDRThe video script discusses the alarming capabilities of spy tracking apps, which can be installed on a phone in just 15 seconds. These apps can access messages, photos, and location data without the user's knowledge. The video emphasizes the importance of privacy and outlines steps to protect one's phone, such as checking for Play Protect, managing app permissions, and monitoring battery usage. It also advises viewers to be cautious about which apps have access to their location and data, and to use tools like Tracker Detect to scan for nearby tracking devices. The summary serves as a cautionary guide for users to safeguard their personal information and privacy.


  • 🕵️‍♂️ Installing a spy tracking app on a phone can be done in just 15 seconds, granting access to messages, pictures, and real-time location tracking.
  • 🔍 The software remains invisible unless one knows where to look, and it can collect web history, keystrokes, and even take screenshots of the phone's screen.
  • 🚫 This type of invasion of privacy is unethical and illegal without the person's consent, contrasting with permitted monitoring of children or elderly with their permission.
  • 🔑 To install such an app, physical access to the device is required, and it may involve trickery or taking advantage of the person being distracted.
  • 🛡️ Google's Play Protect is a system that checks apps for malicious usage and prevents their installation by default; turning it off is a significant red flag.
  • 📱 Checking app legitimacy involves reviewing the installation source, such as ensuring apps are from trusted stores like Google Play.
  • 👀 Be wary of apps that request permission to overlay on top of other apps, as this is often unnecessary and could indicate spyware.
  • 🔋 Spyware apps are typically battery-intensive, so monitoring battery usage can help identify suspicious activity.
  • 📁 Reviewing 'special access' permissions can reveal apps that have unnecessary permissions, such as accessing all files on the device.
  • 💰 Be cautious of apps that may incur costs through premium SMS without your knowledge, leading to unexpected charges.
  • ⚙️ Usage access permissions allow tracking of other apps used and can be a sign of spyware if granted to unnecessary apps.
  • 📍 Ensure that location services are only enabled for trusted apps and that no unauthorized users have access to your location data.

Q & A

  • What is the primary concern with the spy tracking app discussed in the transcript?

    -The primary concern is that the app is an invasion of privacy, as it can be used to secretly track someone's phone, read their messages, access their pictures, and monitor their location without their consent.

  • How much time is required to install a spy tracking app on someone's phone?

    -It takes only 15 seconds to install a spy tracking app on someone's phone.

  • What is the first step a person would need to take to install a spy tracking app on your phone?

    -The first step is to have physical access to the target's device.

  • What is Play Protect and why is it important?

    -Play Protect is a Google system that checks apps for malicious usage and prevents harmful apps from being installed. It is important because it acts as a security measure to protect the phone from spyware and other malicious applications.

  • How can one check if Play Protect is enabled on their phone?

    -You can check if Play Protect is enabled by going to your phone's settings, searching for 'Play Protect' or 'App security', and then looking for the Play Protect option to see if it is turned on.

  • What is the significance of the 'install unknown apps' setting in the context of spyware?

    -The 'install unknown apps' setting allows the installation of apps from sources other than the official app store. Disabling this setting can prevent the installation of spyware apps that are not available on the official app store.

  • How can you verify if an app on your phone is legitimate?

    -You can verify an app's legitimacy by checking where it was installed from. Go to the app settings, click on the app icon, and scroll to the bottom to see the store it was installed from, like Google Play Store.

  • What is the potential giveaway that a spyware app is running in the background?

    -Spyware apps are often battery-heavy due to their constant operation. Checking the battery usage to see which apps are running and for how long can reveal suspicious activity.

  • How can you check which apps have special access permissions on your phone?

    -You can check for special access permissions by going to your phone's settings, searching for 'special access' or 'special app access', and then reviewing the list of apps with such permissions.

  • Why is it recommended to regularly review app permissions and settings?

    -Regularly reviewing app permissions and settings helps to ensure that no unauthorized or suspicious apps have access to personal data, location, or other sensitive information, thus maintaining privacy and security.

  • What is the 'Tracker Detect' app and how can it be used to enhance phone security?

    -The 'Tracker Detect' app, developed by Apple, is available on the Google Play Store and can be used to scan for nearby AirTags or other tracking devices. This can help users detect if someone is attempting to track their movements without consent.



📱 Understanding Spyware and Protecting Your Phone

This paragraph explains how quickly a spy tracking app can be installed on someone's phone and the extent of privacy invasion it allows. It covers the invisible nature of such software on the phone and the types of data it can access, including messages, photos, keystrokes, and location. The speaker emphasizes the importance of consent when monitoring someone's activities and provides steps to reverse the process a 'creep' would follow to install such an app. This includes checking for physical access to the device, ensuring Play Protect is enabled to prevent malicious apps, and reviewing app security settings.


🔍 Checking App Legitimacy and Battery Usage

The second paragraph delves into the process of verifying the legitimacy of apps on one's phone. It discusses the importance of checking for apps that are allowed to install unknown apps and reviewing the source of app installations, such as the Google Play Store. The speaker also advises on inspecting apps that are allowed to run on top of other apps and checking for unusual battery usage, which could indicate spyware. Additionally, the paragraph covers reviewing special access permissions, such as file access and premium SMS permissions, to ensure no unauthorized apps are taking advantage of these features.


📍 Securing Your Phone from Location Tracking

The final paragraph focuses on protecting one's location privacy. It guides users on how to check which apps have access to their GPS location and advises on being cautious about granting precise location access to apps that don't necessarily need it. The speaker also mentions the use of Google's 'Tracker Detect' app from the Play Store to scan for nearby tracking devices, such as AirTags. The paragraph concludes with a reminder of the importance of privacy and the option to explore further resources on the topic.



💡Spy tracking app

A spy tracking app is a type of software that allows someone to monitor another person's phone activities without their knowledge. In the video, it is mentioned that this app can be installed in 15 seconds and provides access to messages, pictures, and real-time location tracking. It is a significant invasion of privacy and is used as the central theme to discuss the various ways it can be detected and prevented.

💡Play Protect

Play Protect is a security feature by Google that checks apps for malicious behavior and prevents potentially harmful apps from being installed on an Android device. In the context of the video, it is crucial to ensure that Play Protect is enabled to protect against the installation of spyware apps.

💡App security

App security refers to the measures taken to protect apps on a device from unauthorized access or malicious activities. The video emphasizes the importance of checking app security settings, particularly the Play Protect feature, to ensure that the device is safeguarded against intrusive apps.

💡Install unknown apps

This phrase relates to the settings on a phone that allow the installation of apps from sources other than the official app store. The video script discusses how disabling this option can prevent the installation of spyware, as such apps often come from unverified sources.

💡Legitimate apps

Legitimate apps are those that are officially authorized and safe to use, typically downloaded from trusted sources like the Google Play Store. The video advises viewers to verify the legitimacy of apps installed on their phones to avoid unknowingly using spyware.

💡Display over other apps

This permission allows an app to appear on top of other apps or the user interface. In the context of the video, it is suggested that checking which apps have this permission can help identify potentially malicious software that should not require such access.

💡Battery usage

Battery usage refers to the consumption of a device's battery power by different applications. Spyware apps are often battery-intensive due to their continuous operation. The video highlights examining battery usage as a method to detect unusual app behavior that could indicate the presence of spyware.

💡Special app access

Special app access denotes the permissions granted to apps to perform certain actions, such as accessing files or sending premium SMS messages. The video script cautions viewers to review and manage these permissions to prevent unauthorized access to personal data by potentially harmful apps.

💡Data usage

Data usage is the amount of mobile data consumed by apps on a device. The video suggests monitoring data usage as a way to spot unexpected increases that could be a sign of spyware uploading data to a remote server.

💡Location services

Location services are features on a device that allow apps to access the user's geographical location. The video emphasizes the importance of reviewing which apps have permission to use location services to prevent unauthorized tracking.

💡Tracker Detect

Tracker Detect is an app available on the Google Play Store that helps users scan for nearby Bluetooth devices like Apple AirTags that could be used for tracking purposes. The video mentions this as a tool for Android users to ensure they are not being tracked without their consent.


Installing a spy tracking app on a phone can be done in just 15 seconds.

Once installed, the app can copy every message, picture, and track the phone's location in real time.

The spyware remains invisible unless one knows where to look on the phone.

The app can access web history, keystrokes, email addresses, passwords, and messages.

Location history and screenshots of the phone screen, including logged-in apps, can be taken by the spyware.

Spyware is a severe invasion of privacy and is not acceptable without consent.

Physical access to the device is required to install tracking software.

Disabling Google's Play Protect is a red flag for malicious app installations.

Checking app security settings can reveal if Play Protect is enabled and secure.

The ability to install unknown apps should be reviewed in phone settings.

Legitimate apps should be verified by checking their installation source, like the Google Play Store.

Spyware often requests permission to appear on top of other apps, which is a suspicious behavior.

Battery usage can be a telltale sign of spyware due to their constant operation.

Special access permissions, like file access and premium SMS, may indicate the presence of spyware.

Usage access permissions allow apps to track other apps' usage, which can be exploited by spyware.

Wi-Fi control permissions in apps like Airbnb are unnecessary and should be disabled.

The ability for apps to turn the screen on without user intent is another red flag.

Checking the screenshot folder can reveal unauthorized screenshots taken by spyware.

Data usage can significantly increase with spyware active, prompting a review of data-using apps.

Location permissions should be carefully managed to prevent unauthorized tracking.

Using Tracker Detect from the Google Play Store can help find nearby tracking devices like AirTags.