Type Triangles in Pokémon

13 Dec 202309:36

TLDRThe video script discusses the concept of type triangles in Pokémon, a system where types are super effective against each other in a cyclical manner. It categorizes the triangles into perfect, imperfect, and monotype, with the iconic water-fire-grass being a perfect example. The script explores various type combinations, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, and suggests potential new starter trios. It also mentions a fan game project by content creator Tasty Ker, where viewers can contribute to the game's development.


  • 🔺 The concept of a type triangle in Pokémon refers to a trio of typings where each type is super effective against the next in the cycle, with water-fire-grass being the most recognizable.
  • 🔺 There are 16 type triangles in the franchise at the time of the recording, which can be categorized into perfect, imperfect, and monotype triangles.
  • 🔺 Perfect triangles, like water-fire-grass, have a super effective loop and each type resists the one they're super effective against, ensuring no inherent advantage.
  • 🔺 Imperfect triangles, such as psychic-fighting-dark, lack the perfect chain of resistances, leading to some types having a disadvantage.
  • 🔺 Monotype triangles, including ghost and dragon, are unique as these types are super effective against themselves, allowing for various type configurations like squares or lines.
  • 🔺 Grass and Rock types are commonly paired in imperfect triangles due to their shared super effective matchups, but Grass does not resist Rock.
  • 🔺 The flying type is underutilized in the franchise with few primary flying types, making it challenging to form balanced triangles with other types.
  • 🔺 A potential new starter trio could be based on secondary type triangles, such as psychic-dark-fighting, offering a fresh take on type dynamics.
  • 🔺 The script suggests the idea of a game where the evil team specializes in the ground type, which shares a common weakness with the steel-rock-fire triangle.
  • 🔺 The flying-fighting-rock triangle is highlighted as the top pick for a new starter trio, being perfect and not including water, fire, or grass.
  • 🔺 The video encourages viewers to explore the possibilities of type triangles and supports the idea of a fan-made Pokémon game project by Tasty Ker.

Q & A

  • What is a type triangle in the context of the Pokémon franchise?

    -A type triangle in the Pokémon franchise refers to a trio of typings where each type is super effective against the next one in a specific order, forming a cycle. The most recognizable example is the water-fire-grass triangle.

  • How many type triangles are there in the Pokémon franchise at the time of the recording?

    -There are 16 type triangles in total in the Pokémon franchise at the time of the recording.

  • What are the three categories of type triangles mentioned in the script?

    -The three categories of type triangles mentioned in the script are perfect triangles, imperfect triangles, and monotype triangles.

  • Why is the water-fire-grass trio considered a perfect type triangle?

    -The water-fire-grass trio is considered a perfect type triangle because it not only forms a super effective loop, but the types also resist the type they are super effective against, ensuring no inherent advantage for any type over the others.

  • What is an example of an imperfect type triangle and why is it considered imperfect?

    -An example of an imperfect type triangle is the psychic-fighting-dark trio. It is considered imperfect because dark is immune to psychic, which disrupts the chain of resistances that would otherwise make it a perfect triangle.

  • How do grass and rock types commonly feature in type triangles?

    -Grass and rock types commonly feature in type triangles because every type that rock is super effective against also happens to be super effective against grass. This results in grass and rock being part of four different imperfect triangles.

  • What is unique about monotype triangles like ghost and dragon?

    -Monotype triangles like ghost and dragon are unique because these types are super effective against themselves. They can form type triangles, squares, pentagons, or even just lines, and while they lack a chain of resistances, no type has an advantage over the other.

  • Why are primary flying types underutilized in the Pokémon franchise?

    -Primary flying types are underutilized in the Pokémon franchise because there are very few primary flying types, with most of them being single-stage Pokémon. The only primary flying types that can form a trio with evolutions are the Noivern line and the Corvite line, with the latter breaking the triangle upon evolution.

  • What is the significance of the grass-ground-poison type triangle?

    -The grass-ground-poison type triangle is significant because it is a perfect triangle where grass and poison don't have the best showings in the franchise, but ground is the best choice as it hits the most things for super effective damage and has an immunity.

  • How does the script suggest utilizing the flying-fighting-rock type triangle?

    -The script suggests that the flying-fighting-rock type triangle, while imperfect, could be made perfect with one change: replacing fire with steel. This new triangle could bring attention to underrated Pokémon and would be a great choice for a new starter trio.

  • What project is Tasty Ker working on related to the Pokémon franchise?

    -Tasty Ker is working on a project called 'Chat Makes a Pokémon Game,' which is a fan game where viewers can contribute to the game's development by participating in the stream, creating Fakemon, developing the story, and more.



🔺 Understanding Type Triangles in Pokémon

This paragraph introduces the concept of type triangles in Pokémon, focusing on the well-known water-fire-grass trio and explaining how each type is super effective against the next in the cycle. It also mentions the existence of 16 type triangles in total, highlighting that the starter trio is the prime example. The speaker expresses hope that future DLCs will introduce new type trios, and encourages viewers to like and subscribe for more Pokémon content. The paragraph also categorizes type triangles into perfect, imperfect, and monotype, with the water-fire-grass trio being a perfect example. It notes that outside of this trio, only three other perfect type triangles exist, while 10 are considered imperfect and two are monotype.


📌 Categories and Examples of Type Triangles

This paragraph delves into the three categories of type triangles in Pokémon and provides examples for each. It starts by explaining that perfect triangles, like the water-fire-grass trio, have a super effective loop and resistance to the type they're super effective against. The paragraph then discusses imperfect triangles, using the psychic-fighting-dark trio as an example, and notes that these lack the perfect chain of resistances. Lastly, monotype triangles are introduced, with ghost and dragon types being the only ones that can form such triangles due to their unique properties. The speaker also observes the frequent pairing of grass and rock types in several imperfect triangles and discusses the limitations of these combinations.



💡Type Triangle

A type triangle in the context of the Pokémon franchise refers to a trio of Pokémon types where each type is super effective against the next in the cycle. The most recognizable type triangle is water-fire-grass, which is often associated with the starting Pokémon in many games. The concept is central to the video as it discusses various type triangles and their effectiveness in battles, as well as their potential for new starter Pokémon combinations.

💡Super Effective

In the Pokémon series, an attack is considered 'super effective' when it deals double the damage to a Pokémon of a specific type. This is a crucial strategic element in battles, as trainers aim to use Pokémon with moves that are super effective against their opponents. The concept is integral to the video's discussion of type triangles, as it explores how each type in a triangle has a move that is super effective against the next type.


In the context of the video, 'resist' refers to a Pokémon type's ability to withstand attacks from another type, taking reduced damage or being immune. This resistance aspect is important in the formation of type triangles, as it creates a balance where no single type has an inherent advantage over the others. The video discusses how perfect type triangles have a chain of resistances that contribute to their balance.

💡Imperfect Triangles

Imperfect triangles in the Pokémon franchise are type trios that do not have the ideal chain of super effectiveness and resistances. Unlike perfect triangles, these have at least one type that either has an advantage or a significant disadvantage, disrupting the balance. The video uses this term to discuss various type combinations that do not form a perfect strategic balance.

💡Monotype Triangles

Monotype triangles are a unique category of type triangles where a single type is super effective against itself. This means that the types in such a triangle have a circular relationship where each type can be defeated by the one it is super effective against. The concept is interesting because it deviates from the typical structure of type triangles and is used in the video to explore the versatility of certain types like ghost and dragon.

💡Grass and Rock

Grass and rock are two Pokémon types that frequently appear together in type triangles, often as part of imperfect triangles. The reason for their common pairing is that rock-type moves are super effective against multiple types that grass-type Pokémon are also weak against. The video highlights this recurring theme and discusses how grass and rock's presence in multiple triangles contributes to their significance in the Pokémon type system.

💡Flying Type

The flying type in Pokémon is characterized by its unique position in the type chart, as it is one of the few types that can be the primary type of very few Pokémon, with most being single-stage Pokémon. The video notes the underutilization of primary flying types and discusses the challenges in forming a perfect triangle with them due to their limited options and the evolution of some lines that break the triangle's balance.

💡Secondary Types

Secondary types in Pokémon refer to the additional type a Pokémon has beyond its primary type. The concept is important in the video as it explores the potential for new starter trios that utilize secondary types to create unique and balanced type triangles. This adds depth to the strategic element of team building in Pokémon games, as trainers can mix and match types to cover weaknesses and exploit对手的 vulnerabilities.

💡Game Balance

Game balance is a critical aspect of Pokémon, ensuring that no single type or combination of types is overly dominant or disadvantaged. The video discusses various type triangles and their impact on game balance, highlighting the importance of creating a fair and engaging gameplay experience. It also touches on the challenges in maintaining balance as new types and mechanics are introduced.

💡Fan Content and Creation

Fan content and creation refer to the works and projects developed by fans of a franchise, such as Pokémon, that expand upon or provide alternative experiences to the official content. The video mentions a fan game project by a content creator named Tasty Ker, where fans can contribute to the game's development. This concept showcases the passion and creativity of the fan community and their desire to engage more deeply with the franchise.


The concept of a type triangle in Pokémon, describing a trio of typings where each type is super effective against the next one in the cycle, such as the recognizable water-fire-grass.

There are 16 type triangles in total at the time of the recording, with the possibility of new ones being introduced in future DLCs.

Perfect type triangles are those where the trio not only makes a super effective loop but also resists the type they're super effective against, with water-fire-grass being a prime example.

Imperfect type triangles lack the perfect chain of resistances, such as the psychic-fighting-dark triangle, where dark is immune to psychic, giving psychic a disadvantage.

Monotype triangles, such as ghost and dragon, are interesting as they are super effective against themselves and can form different type configurations like squares or pentagons.

Grass and rock are common types in type triangles due to their frequent super effective interactions, but all resulting triangles are imperfect.

The flying type is unique with very few primary types, making it challenging to form a balanced primary flying type triangle.

A perfect triangle of grass-ground-poison is suggested, utilizing the strengths of each type and poising it as a strong contender for a new starter trio.

An imperfect water-ground-electric triangle is discussed, highlighting the disadvantage of electric type in this configuration.

The potential of a steel-rock-fire triangle for a volcanic or industrial-themed region is mentioned, with each type having a common weakness to ground.

A project by content creator Tasty Ker is introduced, where a fan-made Pokémon game is being developed with community contributions.

The last three type triangles discussed include steel-fairy-fighting, flying-ice-ground, and a potential new starter trio of flying-fighting-rock.

The video concludes with a summary of all 16 type triangles in Pokémon, emphasizing the depth and variety of these interactions.