Update from Ukraine | Ukraine Liberated important island on the South. Ruzzian Airfield Drone Strike

Denys Davydov
28 Apr 202421:01

TLDRIn the latest update from Ukraine, significant advancements have been made on the front lines, particularly in the Hon region where Ukraine has liberated Nesta Island, an area strategically positioned between the Nippro River and the Black Sea. This move could potentially allow Ukraine to expand its bridgehead and liberate more territory, which may be used for future advancements. The situation in Kink has stabilized with no recent advancements, as Russia focuses on the East near Bahmut and Od. The Kimbers Peninsula is crucial for Ukraine to control, as it would provide an additional port for trade and potentially disrupt Russian supply lines. The Ukrainian Marines have successfully maintained control over bridgeheads. Additionally, the Russian Airfield in Kushes Village has been confirmed as attacked by Ukrainian UAVs, with satellite images showing damage to the area. Despite the challenges, Ukraine continues to receive support from allies, and there is optimism for future military assistance, including the potential arrival of F-16 fighter jets. However, the situation remains complex and difficult in the East, with Russia showing significant advancements and the Ukrainian defense facing struggles. The video also discusses the impact of Ukrainian officials' attempts to block certain Telegram channels, which inadvertently led to the blocking of important communication lines for the Ukrainian military and intelligence.


  • 🇺🇦 Ukraine has made a significant advancement on the front lines, liberating Nesta Island, which could potentially be used to expand their bridgehead for future advancements.
  • 🏖️ Nesta Island's liberation is strategically important as it could allow Ukraine to control the Kimbers Peninsula, providing a port for goods and grains delivery via the Black Sea.
  • 🛰️ Confirmation of a Ukrainian UAV attack on the Russian Airfield in Kushes Village, Candari K, with satellite images showing damage to the area.
  • 🚁 The Ukrainian Marines were responsible for the successful mission to liberate bridgeheads and maintain control in Alekski and Kinki.
  • 🛬 There was no advancement in Kink, and Russia has been unable to push Ukrainians out, with the situation being relatively stable for the past months.
  • 🚧 Russia has been concentrating its efforts on the East, near Bahmut and of D, with the Ukrainian defense lines not being as robust as in other areas.
  • 🛍️ Russia is facing challenges in supplying its forces in the Kimbers Peninsula due to the Ukrainian control over the bridgehead.
  • 🔥 The Ukrainian counterattack in the South is aimed at disrupting Russian supply lines, with videos showing damaged Russian supply trucks.
  • ⏳ The situation in the East is becoming complicated for Ukraine, with Russia having a significant advantage in strength and skill, and sending new brigades to expand the offensive.
  • 🚨 There is a risk for the village of Nelki, as Russia may strike it from two sides, creating a significant risk for the Ukrainian Army in the sector.
  • Telegram channels used by Ukrainian intelligence and military have been blocked, which could impact the flow of important information regarding Russian forces and missile attacks.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of Nesta Island for Ukraine?

    -Nesta Island is strategically important for Ukraine as it is located between the streams of the Dnipro River and close to the Black Sea. Its liberation could potentially allow Ukraine to expand its bridgehead, facilitating future advancements and providing a significant strategic advantage.

  • Why is the situation in Kherson important for Ukraine?

    -The stabilization of the situation in Kherson is crucial as it prevents Russian forces from pushing Ukrainians out. Additionally, it is important for Ukraine to control the Kherson Peninsula to use the port of Mykolaiv for shipping goods or grains through the Black Sea.

  • What was the outcome of the Ukrainian UAVs attack on the Russian Airfield in Kushes Village?

    -The attack on the Russian Airfield in Kushes Village was confirmed by satellite images, showing damage to the parking stand of the airplane and the apron. Russia removed all their airplanes from the area, indicating the success of the Ukrainian strike.

  • What is the current situation regarding the Russian military's advancement in Eastern Ukraine?

    -The situation in Eastern Ukraine is challenging for Ukraine, with Russia making significant advancements. Russia has broken through Ukrainian defense lines and is approaching villages such as Nelki and Alexandri, posing a serious risk to the Ukrainian Army.

  • How does the Telegram ban impact the flow of information in Ukraine?

    -The Telegram ban has a significant impact on the flow of information in Ukraine. It affects not only the channels criticizing the Ukrainian government but also those used by Ukrainian intelligence and the military to communicate critical information about Russian forces and missile attacks.

  • What are the implications of the Ukrainian soldiers being stopped in Germany?

    -The incident of Ukrainian soldiers being stopped in Germany is tragic and complex. While details are still emerging, it highlights the challenges and risks faced by Ukrainian personnel even when seeking medical treatment abroad.

  • How might the F-16 fighter jets affect the dynamics of the conflict?

    -The F-16 fighter jets, expected to be obtained by Ukraine during the summer, could pose a significant challenge to the Russian military. Although they may not be a huge game changer, they could cause severe losses to Russia and potentially reduce the effectiveness of Russian gliding bomb strikes.

  • What is the current stance of Telegram regarding the blocking of channels related to violence?

    -Telegram's policy is to ban accounts and channels that collect coordinates for targeting strikes or post direct personal information that incites violence. This policy applies to both Ukrainian and Russian channels, aiming to prevent the platform from being used as a tool for violence.

  • What is the importance of the Ukrainian counterattack in the South?

    -The Ukrainian counterattack in the South is significant as it disrupts Russian supply lines, particularly targeting the road from Bahmut to Ivano-Frankivsk. This effort aims to prevent Russia from occupying key areas and to cut off supplies to the Russian army.

  • What are the potential implications of Italy supporting Ukraine with Storm Shadow cruise missiles?

    -If confirmed, Italy's support with Storm Shadow cruise missiles would provide Ukraine with a more potent offensive capability, potentially causing significant damage to Russian military assets and altering the dynamics of the conflict.

  • How does the Ukrainian military's reliance on Telegram affect their operations?

    -The Ukrainian military's reliance on Telegram for communication makes the platform's policies and actions critically important. The blocking of certain channels could disrupt the flow of intelligence and operational information, impacting the military's ability to respond effectively to Russian advances.



🗺️ Ukrainian Military Advances and Strategic Importance of Nesta Island

The video discusses recent Ukrainian military advancements, particularly focusing on the strategic capture of Nesta Island. Nesta Island, situated between the streams of the nipro river and near the Black Sea, has been retaken from Russian forces. The significance of this victory lies in the potential for Ukraine to expand its bridgehead, which could facilitate future advancements and the liberation of surrounding areas. The island's control is also crucial for Ukraine's access to the port of Me life, allowing for the delivery of goods and grains via the Black Sea. The video also mentions the stabilization of the situation in Kink, where Russian forces have been unable to dislodge Ukrainian forces. Additionally, it highlights the Ukrainian Marines' control over bridgeheads and the successful attack on the Russian Airfield of Kushes Village in candari K, confirmed by satellite imagery.


🔍 Russian Advancements and Ukrainian Defense Strategy in the East

The second paragraph details the Russian military's movements and advancements, especially in the eastern part of Ukraine. It covers the occupation of various villages and the strategic risks posed to Ukrainian forces. The speaker discusses the rapid Russian assault, which was unexpected, and the potential for Russia to occupy further areas, including the village of Nelki. The video also touches on the Ukrainian defense lines, which are not as interconnected or robust as Russia's, and the challenges faced by Ukraine in stopping the Russian offensive. The speaker also mentions the lack of a new Russian mobilization and the reliance on volunteers, contrasting with Ukraine's situation.


🚨 Russian Propaganda and Ukrainian Counterattacks in the South

The third paragraph focuses on Russia's military strategy and propaganda efforts, including the capture and display of western-made equipment and vehicles as trophies. It discusses the Ukrainian counterattacks in the south, which aim to disrupt Russian supply lines and prevent further territorial gains. The video highlights the Ukrainian General Commander's acknowledgment of the complicated situation on the front lines, with Russia deploying new brigades to expand their offensive. It also addresses the potential impact of the F-16 fighter jets on the conflict and the challenges they may face against the Russian air defense and Su-35 aircraft.


📰 Telegram Censorship Issue and Its Impact on Ukraine

The fourth paragraph discusses the recent controversy surrounding the blocking of certain Telegram channels in Ukraine. It explains how the Ukrainian government's request to Apple led to the restriction of channels, including those used by Ukrainian intelligence and military for communication. The video outlines the negative consequences of this action, as it has disrupted a vital source of information and coordination. The speaker also refutes claims that Telegram is working for the Russian FSB, explaining the platform's policy against promoting violence and its equal enforcement on both Ukrainian and Russian channels.


✈️ F-16s and the Future of Aerial Warfare in Ukraine

The final paragraph delves into the potential impact of modernized F-16 fighter jets on the Ukrainian military's capabilities. It contrasts the F-16's capabilities against the Russian Su-35 and discusses the strategy of using multiple F-16s simultaneously to overcome the disadvantage against individual Russian aircraft. The video also mentions the possibility of Ukraine receiving more jets than initially promised and the potential for these aircraft to cause significant losses to the Russian forces. It concludes with a mention of the British defense minister's statement about Italy potentially supplying Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Ukraine.



💡Nesta Island

Nesta Island is a geographical location that has strategic importance in the context of the video. It is situated between the streams of the Dnipro River and close to the Black Sea. The Ukrainian Army's successful liberation of this island is highlighted as a significant advancement on the front lines, potentially allowing for the expansion of a bridgehead and future military operations.


A bridgehead in military terminology refers to a foothold or a defended area created by an advancing force within enemy territory. In the video, the creation of a bridgehead is discussed in relation to Nesta Island, suggesting that it could be used as a staging area for further military advances by the Ukrainian forces.

💡Maritime Supply

Maritime supply pertains to the transportation of goods or resources via sea routes. The video mentions the potential use of the port in Mykolaiv for the delivery of goods or grains through the Black Sea, which is currently being impeded by Russian forces. This highlights the strategic importance of controlling maritime supply routes in the conflict.

💡Russian Defense Lines

Russian defense lines are the military fortifications and positions established by Russian forces to protect their territory and operations. The video discusses the relative strength of these defense lines in different regions, noting that they are less robust in the area of Nesta Island compared to other locations like Zaria.

💡Ukrainian Marines

The Ukrainian Marines are an elite branch of the Ukrainian military responsible for amphibious operations. In the context of the video, they are credited with the successful mission to liberate Nesta Island and maintain control over bridgeheads in strategic locations.

💡Russian Airfield

The term refers to an airbase or airport used by the Russian military. The video describes an attack on the Russian Airfield in Kushes Village in Candari, which was confirmed by satellite imagery showing damage to the parking stand and apron area, indicating a strategic hit on Russian military assets.

💡UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)

UAVs, or drones, are aircraft without a human pilot aboard, which can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously. The video mentions that Ukrainian UAVs were used to attack the Russian Airfield, showcasing the use of modern technology in warfare.


Mobilization in a military context refers to the process of assembling and preparing troops and resources for war. The video discusses the lack of a new mobilization by Russia, contrasting it with the situation in Ukraine, where the mobilization process has been a topic of discussion and analysis.

💡Front Lines

The front lines denote the boundary or zone where opposing military forces are engaged in conflict. The video provides an update on the front lines, particularly in the eastern part of Ukraine, where the situation is described as challenging for Ukrainian forces due to rapid Russian advancements.


A counterattack is a military maneuver where a force that was initially on the defensive retaliates against an attacking force. The video mentions a Ukrainian counterattack that has put them in a position to threaten Russian supply lines, which is crucial for disrupting enemy operations.


Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging and voice over IP service. In the video, it is discussed how Telegram has been used for communication and information sharing in the conflict, but also how Ukrainian officials' attempts to block certain channels have led to unintended consequences, including the blocking of channels used by Ukrainian intelligence.


Ukraine has made an advancement on the front lines in the hon region, liberating an important island called Nesta Island.

Nesta Island is strategically located between the streams of the nipro river and close to the Black Sea.

The liberation of Nesta Island could potentially allow Ukraine to expand its bridgehead and liberate more territory in the future.

The situation in Kink has stabilized with no advancement in recent months, as Russia focuses on the East near bahmut and of d.

Control over Kimbers Peninsula is crucial for Ukraine to utilize the port of me life for goods and grain delivery through the Black Sea.

Russian defenses in the area are not as robust as in Zaria, presenting a potential opportunity for Ukraine to advance.

Ukrainian Marines are responsible for controlling bridgeheads in aleski and kinki.

A Russian Airfield in the village of kushes was attacked by Ukrainian UAVs, confirmed by satellite images.

Russia has removed all airplanes from the damaged parking area at the airfield, indicating significant damage.

Ukraine launched a strike on Cape of tanut, with circumstances of the attack still unknown.

Many civilian airplanes were destroyed in a Russian attack on the Ukrainian Airfield of kaminga in Neo City.

Russia has made significant advancements in the Eastern side of Ukraine, occupying several villages and posing a risk to nelki Village.

Ukrainian officials acknowledge that the situation is not good for Ukraine on the East, with Russia having a significant advantage in strength and skills.

Russia has not announced a new mobilization for their army, relying on volunteers and existing soldiers.

Ukraine is expected to receive F-16 fighter jets during the summer, which will face a significant challenge against the Russian army.

The British defense minister suggests that Italy will join in supporting Ukraine with Storm Shadow cruise missiles.

A telegram gate incident occurred in Ukraine where several telegram channels were blocked, impacting Ukrainian intelligence and military communication.

Ukrainian intelligence criticizes the blockage of telegram channels used by Ukrainian forces for important information sharing.