Using AI to Create Better Songs than Artists

6 Mar 2024109:49

TLDRThe transcript captures a creative process of composing music and lyrics, experimenting with various styles and genres. The user interacts with an AI, requesting it to produce songs with specific themes and elements, such as a sad song, a fast-paced track, and a country tune with 808s. Throughout the session, the user provides feedback, suggesting changes in tempo, genre, and even lyrics, reflecting a dynamic and iterative approach to music creation. The AI's responses range from playful to frustrated, highlighting the challenges and triumphs in the quest for the perfect song.


  • 🎵 The transcript appears to be a detailed account of a user's interaction with an AI music generation platform, where they experiment with creating songs by inputting various parameters and receiving feedback on the output.
  • 📝 The user's process involves selecting different styles of music, such as acoustic pop, emo, and hyper pop, and providing inputs like song titles and desired moods to generate lyrics and melodies.
  • 🎤 The AI's output includes a mix of song fragments, lyrics, and comments on the quality of the generated content, with the user often expressing dissatisfaction and asking for adjustments.
  • 🔄 The user frequently resets and modifies their requests, indicating a trial-and-error approach to finding a satisfactory result.
  • 😕 There are numerous instances where the user expresses frustration with the AI's inability to understand or execute their requests correctly.
  • 😂 The transcript includes humorous and casual language, reflecting a laid-back and conversational interaction between the user and the AI.
  • 🎶 The AI's responses range from song lyrics and musical suggestions to error messages and notifications about processing times.
  • 🌐 The user discusses sharing their creations on social media platforms like TikTok and the potential for the AI-generated music to go viral.
  • 🤖 There are references to the AI's limitations, such as not recognizing certain commands or struggling with complex tasks like combining multiple genres.
  • 🎧 The user's experience highlights the challenges and possibilities of using AI for creative tasks like music composition.
  • 📌 The transcript serves as a testament to the evolving capabilities and limitations of AI in the field of music and creative arts.

Q & A

  • What is the primary activity the speaker is engaged in throughout the transcript?

    -The speaker is primarily engaged in creating and experimenting with music using an AI music generation tool, composing various songs with different styles and themes.

  • What type of music does the speaker seem to prefer or be experimenting with the most?

    -The speaker appears to prefer and experiment with various genres, including pop, acoustic, emo, and hard styles. They also mention hip-hop, 808s, and drill rap.

  • How does the speaker react to the AI-generated music and lyrics?

    -The speaker has a mixed reaction, expressing both excitement and dissatisfaction with the AI-generated music and lyrics. They often ask for adjustments and provide feedback, such as wanting faster tempos or different genres.

  • What is the significance of the term 'cooking' in the context of the transcript?

    -In the context of the transcript, 'cooking' is a metaphor used by the speaker to describe the process of creating or generating music with the AI tool.

  • What are some of the themes the speaker wants to explore with the AI-generated music?

    -The speaker wants to explore themes such as loneliness, sadness, motivation, love, and even specific scenarios like being a live broadcaster or racing race cars.

  • How does the speaker interact with the AI music generation tool?

    -The speaker interacts with the AI music generation tool by providing inputs such as genre, style, tempo, and thematic elements. They also give feedback and make requests for changes to the generated music and lyrics.

  • What is the speaker's attitude towards the AI's ability to generate lyrics?

    -The speaker seems to have a somewhat dismissive attitude towards the AI's ability to generate lyrics, often stating they can add their own lyrics later and focusing more on the music itself.

  • What is the role of the chat in the AI music generation process?

    -The chat appears to be a platform where the speaker is receiving suggestions or feedback from others, and it also seems to be a medium for interacting with the AI music generation tool.

  • How does the speaker handle the AI's inability to recognize certain inputs?

    -When the AI fails to recognize certain inputs, the speaker either repeats the request, tries alternative phrasing, or moves on to explore different options without getting too frustrated.

  • What is the outcome of the AI music generation process as described in the transcript?

    -The outcome varies, with the speaker sometimes expressing satisfaction with the generated music, while at other times criticizing it as too happy, too slow, or not fitting the desired theme or style.

  • Does the speaker have a specific goal or intention for the music they are creating?

    -The speaker seems to be experimenting and exploring different styles and themes without a clear, singular goal, although they mention wanting to create a hit and expressing interest in the potential of the AI-generated music for various themes.



🎵 Lyrical Exploration and Music Style Decisions

The paragraph discusses the process of creating lyrics and choosing the right music style. The speaker seems to be experimenting with different styles, mentioning acoustic pop and emo, and is also considering the audience's preferences. They discuss the importance of an instrumental in making a good song and the challenge of adding lyrics afterwards. The conversation includes some technical aspects of music production, such as BPM and the use of certain software features.


🚀 Fast-Paced Beats and Emotional Titles

This paragraph focuses on the desire for a fast-paced song and the importance of a fitting title. The speaker is not concerned about the lyrics as much as the overall feel of the song. They discuss the process of refining the song, including removing certain elements and adding others to achieve the desired effect. The speaker also mentions the emotional impact they want the song to have, aiming for a sad and relatable theme.


🎭 Loneliness and Generic Songwriting

The speaker in this paragraph is looking to create a song that captures feelings of loneliness and sadness. They discuss the challenge of making the song sound generic yet emotional, and the process of finding the right lyrics and music style to convey these feelings. The conversation also touches on the use of certain software features to enhance the song's emotional impact.


🎤 Struggles of a Live Broadcaster's Life

This paragraph delves into the hardships of being a live broadcaster, with the speaker expressing the emotional and psychological toll of the job. They describe the feeling of being watched by countless eyes and the pressure to perform. The speaker also talks about the loneliness and the struggle to maintain authenticity in a digital world. The paragraph ends with the speaker naming the song 'H son's nightmare' and reflecting on the challenges of the live streaming industry.


🎵 Downloading Success and AI-Generated Music

The speaker in this paragraph is amazed by the quality of an AI-generated song they've just downloaded. They express disbelief and excitement about the song's potential. The conversation includes discussions about different music styles, such as Hip Hop and New York drill, and the process of refining the song. The speaker also contemplates the future of music creation with AI and its impact on the industry.


🎶 Internet Gangsters and Virtual World Conquests

This paragraph is about creating a song with a specific theme of internet gangsters and virtual world conquests. The speaker is excited about the concept and discusses the elements they want to include, such as a screamy and dark tone. The conversation also touches on the challenges of fitting the theme to the music and the speaker's enthusiasm for the final product.


🎵 Funky 808s and Country Beats

The speaker in this paragraph is exploring the fusion of different music genres, specifically wanting to combine country with 808s and funk. They discuss the creative process, the challenges of finding the right balance, and the excitement of experimenting with new sounds. The paragraph also includes the speaker's reflections on the potential of the song and their anticipation for its completion.


🎶 Cuck in VR and the Art of Songwriting

This paragraph focuses on the creation of a song about the experience of being a 'cuck' in virtual reality. The speaker is intrigued by the concept and discusses the emotional depth they want to achieve. They also talk about the technical aspects of the song, such as the importance of tempo and genre selection, and the process of refining the song to match the theme.


🎵 Loneliness and the Quest for Up Tempo

The speaker in this paragraph is looking to create a song about loneliness and the absence of friends. They discuss the emotional weight of the theme and the challenge of making the song relatable. The conversation includes the speaker's thoughts on the song's tempo and the desire to make it more upbeat, despite the sad theme.


🎵 Break Core and the Struggle with Music Production

This paragraph describes the speaker's struggle with music production, particularly with finding the right sound and style. They discuss the process of 'cooking' the song, the challenges of combining different elements, and the frustration with the results. The speaker also contemplates the potential of the song and the desire to make it 'go hard'.


🎵 Emotional Hardship and the Power of Music

The speaker in this paragraph is reflecting on the emotional hardship they're experiencing, as expressed through the music they're creating. They discuss the theme of not being able to achieve love due to financial struggles and the impact of this on their music. The conversation also includes the speaker's thoughts on the song's structure and the emotional response they hope to elicit from listeners.


🎵 The Role of 808s in Music and Creative Expression

This paragraph focuses on the importance of 808s in music and how they can add depth to a song. The speaker discusses their feelings about the use of 808s across different genres and the creative process involved in incorporating them. The conversation also touches on the speaker's thoughts about the emotional impact of music and their desire to create something that resonates with listeners.


🎵 Composing Love Songs and the Challenge of Corniness

The speaker in this paragraph is attempting to compose a love song that is both corny and heartfelt. They discuss the challenge of striking the right balance and the process of experimenting with different lyrics and music styles. The conversation includes the speaker's reflections on the emotional content of the song and their anticipation for the final product.


🎵 Motivation and Love in Music

This paragraph is about the creation of a song that combines themes of motivation and love. The speaker discusses the use of specific instruments and the desired emotional impact of the song. They also talk about the process of composing the song, including the choice of lyrics and the arrangement of the music.


🎵 Racing Themes and Multilingual Music Creation

The speaker in this paragraph is excited about creating a song with a racing theme. They discuss the incorporation of different elements, such as Arabic influences and the use of specific instruments like the violin and flute. The conversation also includes the speaker's thoughts on the potential of the song and their anticipation for the final product.


🎵 The Art of Music and AI's Role

This paragraph reflects on the role of AI in music creation and the speaker's mixed feelings about it. They discuss the quality of AI-generated music, the potential impact on artists, and the speaker's personal experiences with creating music. The conversation also touches on the speaker's thoughts about the future of music and the role of AI in it.




Lyrics refer to the words of a song, which are a crucial component in music composition. In the context of the video, the speaker is focused on creating lyrics for a song, emphasizing the importance of the right style and genre to match the music they are trying to produce.

💡Music Style

Music style refers to the distinctive features that characterize a piece of music, including its genre, rhythm, melody, and overall mood. In the video, the speaker is actively exploring different music styles, such as acoustic pop and emo, to find the right fit for their song.


An instrumental in music refers to a piece or part of a song that is played without any lyrics or vocals. In the context of the video, the speaker is discussing the creation of an instrumental track before adding lyrics, highlighting the importance of a strong musical foundation in songwriting.

💡Genres and Vibes

Genres are categories of music that reflect different styles and musical elements, while 'vibes' refer to the emotional or atmospheric quality a song creates. In the video, the speaker is trying to understand and incorporate various genres and vibes to achieve the desired emotional impact with their music.

💡Song Composition

Song composition involves the process of creating a song, which includes writing lyrics, creating a melody, and arranging the various musical elements. In the video, the speaker is engaged in the composition process, discussing the structure of their song, such as the number of lines and the desired tempo.

💡Emotional Expression

Emotional expression in music refers to the conveyance of feelings and emotions through the lyrics, melody, and overall mood of a song. In the video, the speaker is aiming to express specific emotions like sadness and loneliness in their music, which is a key aspect of their creative process.


Creativity in this context refers to the speaker's ability to generate original and imaginative ideas for their music, including lyrics and the overall sound. The speaker is actively seeking to produce something unique and engaging, demonstrating a key aspect of the artistic process.

💡Music Production

Music production encompasses the entire process of creating and recording music, from the initial songwriting stage to the final mixing and mastering. In the video, the speaker is involved in various aspects of music production, such as composing lyrics, selecting genres, and discussing the technical aspects of the music.


Collaboration in music refers to the process of working together with others to create a piece of music. In the video, the speaker is interacting with others, likely through a chat or discussion platform, to gather ideas and feedback for their song.


Streaming in the context of the video refers to the act of broadcasting oneself, likely on a platform like Discord, while engaging in activities such as music production. The speaker mentions streaming as a way to share their music creation process with others in real-time.


The user is experimenting with creating lyrics and music styles, showing a process of trial and error.

The user expresses a desire to create a song with a specific structure, mentioning the use of eight-line verses for optimal results.

The user discusses the importance of instrumental quality for a song, stating that a great song can be made without lyrics.

The user attempts to customize the music style by mentioning specific genres and artists, showing an understanding of different music vibes.

The user experiences technical difficulties, possibly with a music creation tool, and expresses frustration.

The user seeks to create a song with a sad and emo vibe, indicating a preference for emotional depth in music.

The user demonstrates a willingness to iterate and revise their creative process, showing a growth mindset.

The user expresses dissatisfaction with the output, highlighting the challenge of creating music that meets personal standards.

The user shows an interest in fast-paced music and attempts to adjust the tempo of their creation.

The user discusses the concept of 'BPM' in music, indicating a basic understanding of music production terminology.

The user engages with the chat, seeking feedback and suggestions, showing a collaborative approach to music creation.

The user contemplates the idea of creating a song about loneliness and sadness, reflecting a desire to convey emotional themes.

The user expresses a preference for a 'fast' song, indicating a specific preference for the energy and mood of the music.

The user attempts to create a song with a specific theme, such as 'John Barrel,' showing a creative and imaginative approach.

The user discusses the concept of 'Nightcore' in music, indicating an awareness of different music subcultures.

The user expresses a desire to make a song about their own experiences, such as the challenges of being a live broadcaster.

The user shows a pragmatic side by focusing on the technical aspects of music creation, such as saving and downloading their work.