Master Udio with THIS - Make Better Songs Instantly

AI Search
2 May 202431:29

TLDRThe video provides an in-depth guide on how to master the use of Udio, a music generator that can create songs from a single prompt. Despite initial complaints about customization and consistency, the video demonstrates various tips and tricks to improve the output quality. It covers writing custom lyrics, using meta tags for song structure, and manipulating the AI to repeat melodies and choruses. The host also addresses how to add instrumental solos, control pronunciation of acronyms, and even generate speech or standup comedy instead of songs. The video highlights genres that work well with Udio, such as country and Broadway musical, and those that may yield less satisfactory results, like pop and EDM. It concludes with advice on controlling the prompt for better results and encourages viewers to experiment and share their own tips for enhancing their Udio-generated music.


  • 🎵 Udio is a music generator that can create realistic songs from a single prompt.
  • 🔄 Users can customize songs by writing their own lyrics and structuring them into sections like verse, chorus, and bridge.
  • ✍️ It's recommended to write lyrics with a consistent number of syllables per line for sections that need to repeat.
  • 🔢 Udio has a character limit (less than 350 characters for best results in a 33-second generation).
  • 📜 The platform allows for the addition of various song sections such as intro, interlude, and outro.
  • 🔄 The 'extend' feature enables users to duplicate melodies for verse and chorus by using the 'repeats' tag.
  • 🎶 Adding 'solo' tags can insert instrumental solos like violin, piano, or guitar between song sections.
  • 🎶 Using 'echo' in brackets can make the singer repeat certain words for added effect.
  • 🚫 Udio cannot generate songs in the style of specific artists without permission.
  • 🎶 The platform can also generate speech and spoken word pieces, not just songs.
  • ⚙️ Certain genres like country, bluegrass, and Broadway musical work well with Udio, while others like pop, EDM, and R&B may yield less consistent results.
  • 📝 To improve pronunciation of acronyms or difficult words, separate letters with hyphens or write out the pronunciation.

Q & A

  • What is udio and how does it work?

    -Udio is a revolutionary music generator that allows users to enter a single prompt and it generates an ultra-realistic song. It can be customized with lyrics and various musical sections such as verse, chorus, and bridge.

  • Why is it recommended to write your own lyrics instead of using udio's autogenerated lyrics?

    -Writing your own lyrics allows you to have full control over the content, timing, and structure of the song, ensuring that the lyrics are exactly how you want them to be sung.

  • How can you structure the lyrics for udio to understand the different sections of a song?

    -You can structure the lyrics by breaking them up into sections like verse one, verse two, chorus, etc., and enclosing these sections in square brackets for udio to recognize them as separate parts.

  • What is the maximum character limit for a single generation in udio?

    -For the best results, udio suggests using less than 350 characters for a single generation, as one generation is only 33 seconds long.

  • How can you make udio repeat the same melody for a verse or chorus?

    -To make udio repeat the same melody, you can use the 'repeats' keyword in the section title, such as 'verse repeats' or 'chorus repeats', and ensure that the number of syllables per line is roughly the same for the sections you want to repeat.

  • Can you add an instrumental solo in a generation using udio?

    -Yes, you can add an instrumental solo by typing the instrument name like 'violin solo', 'piano solo', or 'guitar solo' in the lyrics section where you want the solo to occur.

  • How can you prevent udio from adding unwanted ad libs or random lyrics at the end of a generation?

    -To prevent unwanted ad libs or random lyrics, you can force the track to end with an instrumental by using meta tags like 'instrumental break' or 'interlude'.

  • What are some of the music genres that work well with udio?

    -Some music genres that work well with udio include country, bluegrass, and Broadway musical. These genres tend to produce realistic and well-mixed results.

  • Are there any genres that do not work as well with udio?

    -Genres such as pop, EDM, trance, dubstep, R&B, and future bass may produce mediocre results in udio and might benefit from trying a different music generator like Sunno.

  • How can you control the pronunciation of acronyms or hard-to-pronounce words in udio?

    -To control the pronunciation of acronyms or hard-to-pronounce words, you can separate the letters with hyphens, ensuring each letter is capitalized, or you can write out the pronunciation of the word.

  • What is the purpose of using meta tags like 'intro', 'bridge', and 'outro' in udio?

    -Meta tags like 'intro', 'bridge', and 'outro' are used to add specific sections to the song that are not part of the standard verse-chorus structure. They help in creating a more complex and dynamic song composition.

  • Why is it suggested to keep the number of styles in the prompt to a minimum when using udio?

    -Keeping the number of styles to a minimum helps prevent confusion for the AI and ensures a more consistent and cohesive output. Mixing too many styles can lead to a generation that does not align with any specific genre.



🎵 Customizing Songs with Udio - Tips and Techniques

The video introduces Udio, a music generator that takes prompts to create songs. It addresses common complaints about customization and consistency, then provides tips to improve music generation. The host recommends writing custom lyrics and demonstrates how to input them into Udio, including using square brackets for sections like verse, chorus, and adding meta tags like 'intro' and 'interlude.' The process of extending song generations and ensuring melody repetition is also covered, with a playful anecdote about an AI girl named Anna.


🔄 Repeating Melodies and Extending Songs in Udio

The paragraph demonstrates how to make Udio repeat the same melody for verses and choruses by using 'verse repeats' and 'chorus repeats' in the lyrics. It also explains how to add a bridge and outro to a song. The host shares a technique to ensure the melody matches across different sections by maintaining a consistent number of syllables per line. Additionally, the inclusion of an instrumental solo within the lyrics is shown, using tags like 'guitar solo' and how to handle unwanted ad libs by ending the track with an instrumental section.


🎸 Adding Instrumental Solos and Echo Effects

This section discusses adding instrumental solos to a song generation and the importance of adjusting lyrics to fit within the time constraints. It also covers how to prevent unwanted lyrics at the end of a generation by forcing an instrumental ending. The host provides a method to customize the echo or harmony of certain words by using curved brackets and demonstrates the effect with the words 'shine,' 'apart,' 'unseen,' and 'maze.'


🎙️ Udio's Versatility - From Songs to Voiceovers and Comedy

The host explores Udio's ability to generate speech and voiceovers, as well as spoken word and standup comedy. By changing the prompt and using specific meta tags, the AI can be directed to perform lyrics as voiceover, spoken word, or even insert laughter for comedic effect. The paragraph also includes an example of a standup comedy routine generated using Udio.


🎛️ Fine-Tuning Udio's Prompts for Better Results

The paragraph delves into optimizing Udio's prompts for better song generations. It suggests keeping the style simple and focusing on one or two styles to avoid confusion. The host shares insights on which genres work well with Udio, such as country and bluegrass, and which do not, like pop and EDM. It also highlights the inability to control specific aspects like BPM, key, and time signature through the prompt.


🈲 Limitations and Workarounds in Udio

This section covers the limitations of Udio, including the inability to generate songs in the style of famous artists without permission. The host provides a workaround for ensuring proper pronunciation of acronyms and difficult words by separating the letters with hyphens or by typing out the pronunciation. It also discusses using hyphens to add pauses in the lyrics and to help with pronunciation.


📝 Final Tips and Encouragement for Experimentation

The final paragraph offers additional tips for using Udio, such as using hyphens to introduce pauses and to assist with pronunciation. The host encourages viewers to experiment with Udio and share any useful tips they discover. The video concludes with a call to action for likes, shares, and subscriptions for more content.




Udio is a revolutionary music generator that can create songs based on a single prompt. It is a tool that has been discussed in the video for its ability to generate music with varying levels of customization and consistency. The video aims to provide tips on how to get the most out of udio to improve the quality of generated music.


Customization refers to the ability to modify or change certain features or elements of a product to suit individual preferences. In the context of the video, customization is a key aspect of using udio, where the user can input their own lyrics, choose genres, and apply various settings to generate a song that aligns with their creative vision.


Lyrics are the words of a song, often including poetic or rhyming elements that convey the song's message or story. The video emphasizes the importance of writing one's own lyrics for greater control over the song's content and to customize the timing and structure of the song within udio.


Sections refer to the different parts of a song, such as verse, chorus, and bridge. The video demonstrates how to organize lyrics into sections like verse one, chorus, and interlude, which can be imported into udio to structure the song generation process.

💡Meta Tags

Meta tags are descriptors that provide additional information about a piece of content. In udio, meta tags like 'intro', 'bridge', and 'outro' are used to guide the music generation process, allowing users to specify different parts of the song and their desired characteristics.


An echo, in the context of music and audio production, is a repeating sound that occurs after the original sound. The video shows how to use brackets to instruct udio to repeat certain words in the lyrics, creating an echo effect that can add depth and interest to the song.


A solo is a piece of music, or a section of a song, where a single instrument is featured. The video discusses the option to include an instrumental solo, such as a violin, piano, or guitar solo, in the generated song, adding variety and showcasing the instrument within the track.


💡Standup Comedy

Standup comedy is a type of live performance where a comedian performs in front of an audience, usually speaking directly to them. In the video, the concept of standup comedy is used creatively with udio to generate speech instead of singing, inserting laughter, and creating a comedic monologue from the provided lyrics.


Pronunciation is the way in which words are articulated when spoken. The video offers tips on how to ensure that acronyms or difficult-to-pronounce words are correctly articulated by udio, such as separating letters with hyphens or using the phonetic pronunciation in the lyrics.


Genres refer to categories of music that share common characteristics, such as instrumentation, song structure, and style. The video discusses various music genres that work well with udio, like country and Broadway musical, as well as those that may produce less satisfactory results, such as pop and EDM.


Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of a phrase or name, such as 'NATO' for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In the context of the video, acronyms present a challenge for udio's pronunciation capabilities. The video provides a solution to ensure proper pronunciation by separating the letters with hyphens.


Udio is a music generator that can create ultra-realistic songs from a single prompt.

Users can customize their songs by writing their own lyrics and structuring them into sections like verse, chorus, and bridge.

The video provides tips for improving music generation in Udio, such as using custom lyrics and meta tags like 'intro', 'interlude', and 'outro'.

To repeat a melody or chorus, use the 'repeats' keyword in the section title, such as 'verse repeats'.

Adding an instrumental solo like 'guitar solo' can insert a clear solo between song sections.

To prevent unwanted ad libs or vocals at the start of an extended track, use 'instrumental break' or 'interlude'.

Harmonies or echoes can be customized by placing the word to be echoed in brackets.

Udio can generate speech as well as songs, with options to create voice overs, stand-up comedy, or spoken sections.

The system automatically refines prompts by adding keywords, which is generally recommended unless a specific prompt is required.

It's best to input one or two styles to avoid confusing the AI and producing inconsistent results.

Genres like country, bluegrass, and Broadway musical work well in Udio, while pop, EDM, and R&B may yield less consistent results.

Udio cannot produce songs in the style of a specific famous artist without permission.

To ensure correct pronunciation of acronyms, separate each letter with a hyphen.

Hyphens can also be used to create pauses in a song or to assist with the pronunciation of difficult words by typing out their phonetic pronunciation.

Many of the tips shared are effective most of the time, but results can be hit or miss, and further experimentation is encouraged.

The video offers a comprehensive guide on how to use Udio to make better songs, including practical applications and creative techniques.