WATCH This Before You Start Selling A.I Art on Etsy

Patryk Marketer
18 Aug 202309:31

TLDRThe video discusses the realities of selling AI art on Etsy, a platform that has seen a surge in AI-generated content listings. The speaker, who has been selling AI art since March, addresses the issue of market saturation but encourages viewers not to see it as a barrier. They share their personal journey, including the initial ease of sales, subsequent challenges, and eventual breakthrough. The importance of product quality, standing out from the competition, and treating the venture as a long-term business are emphasized. The video also touches on the seasonality of sales and the unpredictability of income, suggesting that having a stable job alongside this endeavor can be advantageous. The speaker concludes by urging honesty, commitment, and treating AI art sales as a serious business endeavor.


  • 🎨 **Saturation in the Market**: The AI art market on Etsy has become saturated, but it's not a reason to quit; instead, focus on quality and standing out.
  • 📈 **Long-Term Strategy**: Selling AI art is a long-term game, and patience is key. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme.
  • 🛍️ **Quality Over Quantity**: Having many listings can help overcome saturation, but it's the quality and reputation of your listings that truly matter.
  • 🌟 **Standing Out**: To succeed, your store needs to stand out. This could be through better presentation, a unique theme, or offering a variety of listings.
  • 🚀 **Breakthroughs Happen**: Even in saturated markets, breakthroughs are possible with persistence and continuous improvement.
  • 📉 **Seasonality Affects Sales**: Be prepared for the ups and downs of seasonality. Not every month will be profitable, and that's part of running a business.
  • 📚 **Understanding Your Audience**: Know what your customers are looking for and create relevant products that align with current trends and needs.
  • 🎓 **Education and Research**: Before creating and selling AI art, research what's popular and what people are searching for to avoid adding to market saturation.
  • 📅 **Seasonal Themes**: Align your product offerings with the calendar, creating back-to-school or Halloween-themed items when appropriate.
  • 💰 **Invest in Your Business**: Treat your Etsy store as a business, and be prepared to invest time and possibly money to see long-term success.
  • ⏳ **Patience and Persistence**: Success won't come overnight. Be prepared to work through slow periods and keep refining your approach.

Q & A

  • What is the main challenge the speaker identifies when selling AI art on Etsy?

    -The main challenge identified is saturation, with an increasing number of sellers offering AI-generated content on the platform.

  • How does the speaker suggest overcoming the issue of saturation in the AI art market on Etsy?

    -The speaker suggests focusing on the quality of the product, standing out with better presentation, and offering a variety of listings that appeal to customers.

  • What is the speaker's view on the long-term prospects of selling AI art on Etsy?

    -The speaker believes it's a long-term game and likens it to building a business, which requires time to build reputation and consistent sales.

  • Why does the speaker think that some sellers might fail to succeed in selling AI art on Etsy?

    -The speaker thinks sellers might fail because they create irrelevant or low-quality listings, do not understand what people are looking for, and do not adapt to the seasonality of the market.

  • What advice does the speaker give for new sellers on Etsy regarding the creation of AI art?

    -The speaker advises new sellers to create relevant products that align with current trends and seasons, such as back-to-school or Halloween themes.

  • What is the significance of having a large number of listings in the speaker's strategy for selling on Etsy?

    -Having a large number of listings makes it harder for competitors to keep up and increases the chances of recurring purchases and a higher store reputation.

  • How does the speaker describe the experience of someone who is new to selling AI art on Etsy?

    -The speaker describes it as a challenging experience with a learning curve, where new sellers might initially struggle with saturation but can eventually break through with quality and strategy.

  • What is the role of seasonality in the sales of AI art on Etsy, according to the speaker?

    -Seasonality plays a significant role, causing fluctuations in sales volume. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding and adapting to these seasonal changes.

  • Why does the speaker recommend maintaining a regular job while starting out with AI art on Etsy?

    -The speaker recommends this approach to provide financial stability and reduce the risk associated with the unpredictable nature of running a business.

  • What is the speaker's strategy for managing the seasonality and unpredictability of the AI art market on Etsy?

    -The speaker's strategy includes building a diverse range of listings for different seasons, investing in the quality of the store and listings, and treating the venture as a long-term business.

  • How does the speaker encourage interaction and community among those interested in selling AI art?

    -The speaker encourages joining a Discord community through their YouTube membership, which provides a platform for like-minded individuals to connect and share insights.



🎨 Navigating Saturation in AI Art Sales on Etsy

The speaker discusses their experiences selling AI art on Etsy, a platform that has seen an increase in AI-generated content. They note that while saturation is a concern, it's not insurmountable. The key to overcoming this challenge is to focus on quality, unique presentation, and standing out from the competition. The speaker emphasizes that having a large number of listings, building a reputation, and securing recurring purchases are strategies that can mitigate the effects of saturation. They also highlight the importance of creating content that resonates with current trends and interests, such as back-to-school and Halloween themes.


📈 The Long-Term Approach to Selling AI Art on Etsy

The speaker emphasizes that selling AI art on Etsy is a long-term endeavor rather than a get-rich-quick scheme. They compare it to building a traditional business, where initial stages involve investment, marketing, and the gradual building of a customer base. The speaker shares their own journey, which included a period of struggle due to market saturation but has since improved with consistent effort and quality listings. They also discuss the seasonality of the business, which can lead to fluctuating sales, and suggest that having a stable job while pursuing this venture can be advantageous. The speaker encourages treating the AI art business seriously, investing time and effort, and considering the use of virtual assistants to help with the creative process.



💡AI Art

AI Art refers to artwork that is created using artificial intelligence algorithms. In the context of the video, the creator discusses the challenges and strategies of selling AI-generated art on the online marketplace Etsy. AI art is a new genre, and the video provides insights into how to stand out in a saturated market with unique and high-quality AI art listings.


Etsy is an e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies. The platform is mentioned as the marketplace where the video's creator and others are selling AI-generated art. The discussion revolves around the experiences and strategies for successfully listing and selling products on Etsy.


In the context of the video, saturation refers to the oversupply of similar products in the market, making it harder for individual sellers to stand out. The creator talks about the saturation in the AI art market on Etsy and how it has increased due to more content creators entering the space. The video offers advice on how to overcome this saturation through quality and unique offerings.


Reputation in this video script refers to the credibility and recognition a seller builds up over time on a platform like Etsy. It is tied to the quality of listings, customer reviews, and repeat purchases. The creator emphasizes that having a strong reputation can help sellers overcome market saturation and attract consistent sales.


Seasonality in the video refers to the fluctuating demand for products throughout the year due to events or changes in consumer behavior. The creator discusses how running an Etsy store selling AI art is affected by seasonality, which can lead to unpredictable income and challenges in maintaining consistent sales.

💡Long-term game

The term 'long-term game' is used to describe the approach of building a business for the long haul rather than seeking quick profits. The video's creator suggests that selling AI art on Etsy is not a get-rich-quick scheme and requires patience, consistent effort, and a strategic approach to grow over time.


Discord is a communication platform that the video's creator uses to engage with a community of like-minded individuals. It is mentioned as a place where viewers can join for support and discussion about selling AI art on Etsy. The creator provides a way to access this community through their YouTube membership.


Presentation in the video script refers to how a product is displayed or marketed on Etsy. The creator argues that having a better presentation can differentiate a seller's AI art from others and attract customers. It includes the visual appeal, listing quality, and how the product is described.


A marketplace, as discussed in the video, is a platform where buyers and sellers come together to trade goods. Etsy is an example of an online marketplace where AI art is being sold. The creator shares experiences from not just Etsy but also other marketplaces like eBay and Facebook Marketplace, indicating a broader understanding of e-commerce dynamics.


Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. The video touches on this concept when discussing how saturation naturally occurs in a capitalist, free-market system where anyone can enter the market and sell their products.


Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching, and running a new business. The video's creator speaks to the challenges and realities of entrepreneurship, particularly in the context of selling AI art on Etsy. It is portrayed as a difficult journey with potential for great reward but also significant ups and downs.


Selling AI art on Etsy is a new genre that has gained popularity this year.

The saturation in the AI art market on Etsy is a significant issue due to an influx of AI-generated listings.

Despite saturation, there are ways to stand out, such as building a reputation and increasing listing quality.

The presenter has been selling AI art on Etsy since March and shares their journey and lessons learned.

Joining a Discord community of like-minded individuals can provide support and insights into the AI art market.

Having many listings and recurring purchases can help overcome the issue of saturation.

The quality of the product and how it stands out from the competition are key to success in a saturated market.

This venture is a long-term game, unlike dropshipping, and requires patience and consistent effort.

The presenter suggests treating the AI art business on Etsy as a long-term investment similar to building a traditional business.

An example of a successful store is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of hard work, effort, and unique presentation.

Creating high-quality, relevant listings that cater to current trends and customer needs is crucial for sales.

Seasonality is a challenge in this business, with income varying greatly from month to month.

The presenter advises having a stable job while pursuing AI art on Etsy as a side business due to the unpredictable nature of income.

Using a stable income to hire and train a virtual assistant for AI art creation can be a strategic move.

The presenter emphasizes the importance of treating the AI art business as a serious, long-term commitment.

Honesty and realism are presented as essential when approaching the AI art market on Etsy.

The presenter encourages viewers to engage with the content by liking, commenting, and subscribing for more insights.