Watch This Before Starting a Podcast! 5 Things They Don't Tell You...

3 Sept 202010:44

TLDRIn this informative video, Pat Flynn, host of the Smart Passive Income Podcast, shares five lesser-known challenges faced by podcasters and offers practical advice on overcoming them. He discusses the limitations of podcast analytics, the need for consistent effort to gain listeners, the importance of planning to maintain content consistency, the limitations of using social media for growth, and the difficulty of obtaining reviews. Pat provides a strategy for increasing reviews and directs viewers to his website for a podcast cheat sheet to ensure success in podcasting.


  • 📈 Podcast analytics are limited, focusing mainly on downloads and plays.
  • 🚀 Starting a podcast doesn't automatically guarantee listeners; consistent marketing efforts are required.
  • 🎯 Consistency in podcasting is challenging but crucial for audience retention and growth.
  • 📅 Utilize a content calendar to plan episodes and guest appearances to maintain consistency.
  • 🌐 Social media is not the most effective strategy for growing a podcast audience; explore other avenues.
  • 🎤 Appearing as a guest on other podcasts and engaging in niche-specific content can help reach new listeners.
  • 📞 Engaging with listeners who actively participate in your community can increase the likelihood of receiving reviews.
  • 🌍 Be aware that reviews may not be visible from all countries; tools like Podkite can help consolidate feedback.
  • 💌 Directly messaging active listeners with a personalized request for a review can be an effective strategy.
  • 🛠️ Use a two-step process on social media to identify engaged listeners and then personally ask for reviews.

Q & A

  • What are the limitations of podcast analytics according to Pat Flynn?

    -Podcast analytics are limited as they primarily provide download and play numbers, device information, and geographical data. This is not as comprehensive as the analytics available on platforms like YouTube.

  • How has the podcast landscape changed since Pat Flynn started his podcast in 2010?

    -The podcast landscape has become more saturated with over a million podcasts, making it harder to gain listeners compared to 2010 when fewer podcasts existed and it was easier to get featured and attract downloads.

  • What is the 'honeymoon period' of podcasting as described by Pat Flynn?

    -The 'honeymoon period' refers to the initial excitement and high motivation during the early stages of starting a podcast, where the host may produce multiple episodes with great enthusiasm.

  • What does Pat Flynn suggest as a strategy to avoid 'pod fade'?

    -To avoid 'pod fade', Pat Flynn recommends planning ahead by creating a content calendar, scheduling episodes and guests in advance, which helps reduce the pressure of constantly producing new content.

  • Why is using social media alone not an effective strategy for growing a podcast audience, according to Pat Flynn?

    -Social media alone is not effective for growing a podcast audience because it mainly reaches people who already follow the podcast. It does not necessarily attract new listeners who have not discovered the podcast yet.

  • What is the importance of getting reviews for a podcast?

    -Getting reviews is important as it not only validates the podcast and its content but also helps in attracting new listeners by providing social proof and improving the podcast's visibility in directories.

  • How can podcast hosts ensure they are seeing all reviews, including those from different countries?

    -Podcasts hosts can use tools like to collate and view reviews from different countries in one place, ensuring they don't miss out on any valuable feedback.

  • What is Pat Flynn's two-step process for getting more reviews from listeners?

    -The two-step process involves first asking listeners to share what they learned from the latest episode on social media or via email, and then individually messaging those who respond, thanking them for listening and personally asking them to leave a review.

  • What is the main takeaway from Pat Flynn's experience with episode 96 of the Smart Passive Income Podcast?

    -The main takeaway is that creating niche content can lead to unexpected success, as it can be shared within specific communities, leading to more downloads and growth of the podcast audience.

  • What resources does Pat Flynn offer for those interested in podcasting?

    -Pat Flynn offers a podcast cheat sheet and other resources for podcasting, which can be accessed by visiting

  • How can listeners engage with Pat Flynn and his content?

    -Listeners can engage with Pat Flynn by subscribing to his channel, leaving comments, and asking questions, as he is open to interacting with his audience and providing further assistance.



🚀 Starting a Podcast: The Unspoken Truths

This paragraph discusses the initial challenges and misconceptions about starting a podcast. It highlights that podcast analytics are limited and that simply launching a podcast does not guarantee listeners. The speaker, Pat Flynn, shares his experience and emphasizes the importance of consistency and growth strategies, such as analyzing download trends and focusing on content that stands out. He also advises on leveraging one's network and being a guest on other podcasts to gain exposure.


📈 The Reality of Growing Your Podcast Audience

In this paragraph, the speaker delves into the common misconception that social media is the best way to grow a podcast audience. While it's beneficial to post episodes on social media, it primarily reaches existing followers rather than attracting new listeners. The speaker suggests alternative strategies, such as appearing on other podcasts, participating in forums, speaking at events, and creating niche content to reach untapped audiences. He shares a personal example of how focusing on a specific niche led to one of his most popular episodes.


💬 The Challenge of Getting Podcast Reviews

This paragraph addresses the difficulty of obtaining reviews for podcasts and the misconception that simply asking for reviews will yield results. The speaker explains that reviews are not always visible from the podcast's home country and recommends using tools like Podkite to view reviews from different countries. He shares a two-step strategy for increasing reviews: first, identify listeners who have engaged with the content, and second, personally reach out to them with a direct message or video, which has proven to be highly effective in eliciting reviews.

🛠️ Podcasting Tips and Resources for Success

In the final paragraph, the speaker offers additional support for those interested in podcasting, providing a resource link for a podcast cheat sheet on his website. He encourages viewers to engage with him for further questions and assistance, aiming to help them start and succeed with their podcasts. The speaker also invites viewers to subscribe to his channel for more content and expresses enthusiasm for continuing to support the podcasting community.



💡Podcast Analytics

Podcast analytics refers to the measurement and analysis of data related to podcast downloads, plays, and listener engagement. In the context of the video, it is mentioned that podcast analytics are currently limited and not as comprehensive as other platforms like YouTube, making it challenging for podcasters to gain detailed insights into their audience's behavior and preferences.

💡Downloads and Plays

Downloads and plays are metrics used in podcast analytics to track the number of times an episode has been downloaded or played by listeners. The video emphasizes the limitations of these metrics, as they provide limited information compared to the extensive data available on platforms like YouTube.


Saturation in the context of the video refers to the large number of podcasts available, making it more challenging for new podcasters to gain listeners and stand out. The speaker mentions that despite the saturation, it is still possible to succeed by working harder and smarter to attract and retain an audience.


Consistency in podcasting is the practice of regularly releasing episodes according to a set schedule. The video highlights the importance of consistency in maintaining and growing an audience, as it helps listeners know when to expect new content and can lead to higher engagement and retention rates.

💡Content Calendar

A content calendar is a planning tool used by podcasters to schedule and organize their episodes in advance. In the video, it is suggested as a strategy to counter the challenge of maintaining consistency, by allowing podcasters to plan their episodes and guests ahead of time, reducing the stress of last-minute content creation.

💡Social Media

Social media is a platform for creating and sharing content or participating in social networking. While it is commonly used for promoting podcasts, the video argues that relying solely on social media for growth is not an effective strategy, as it primarily reaches existing followers rather than attracting new listeners.

💡Niche Content

Niche content refers to specialized or focused content that appeals to a specific segment of the audience. The video suggests that creating niche content can help a podcast reach a targeted audience and grow its listener base, as it encourages sharing within that specific community.

💡Podcasting Reviews

Podcasting reviews are feedback or evaluations left by listeners on podcast platforms. The video discusses the difficulty of obtaining reviews and the importance of having them for a podcast's visibility and credibility. It also provides a strategy for increasing the likelihood of getting reviews by directly engaging with active listeners.


Podfade is a term used to describe the phenomenon where a podcaster loses motivation or consistency over time, leading to a decline in the frequency or quality of podcast episodes. The video warns against podfade and emphasizes the need for podcasters to stay consistent with their content production to maintain and grow their audience.

💡Guest Appearances

Guest appearances involve a podcaster being a guest on another podcast. This is highlighted in the video as an effective strategy for growing a podcast's audience, as it allows the podcaster to reach new listeners who are already engaged with similar content.

💡Smart Passive Income Podcast

The Smart Passive Income Podcast is a podcast hosted by Pat Flynn, who shares his experiences and strategies for creating passive income through online businesses. In the video, it is used as an example to illustrate the success that can be achieved through podcasting and the importance of implementing effective strategies to grow and maintain an audience.


The importance of understanding the limitations of podcast analytics and focusing on the upward trend of downloads.

The reality that starting a podcast does not automatically guarantee listeners, and the need for consistent effort in marketing and content creation.

The challenge of maintaining consistency in podcasting and strategies to overcome the 'pod fade' by planning ahead and utilizing a content calendar.

The misconception that social media is the primary growth channel for podcasts, and the need to explore other avenues for reaching new audiences.

The difficulty of obtaining reviews for podcasts and the importance of reviews in helping the show grow, despite the challenges.

The strategy of niching down content to attract a specific audience and the example of a niche episode that became the most downloaded.

The recommendation to use tools like to consolidate and view reviews from different countries.

A two-step process for increasing podcast reviews, involving social media engagement and direct messaging.

The personal touch of reaching out to listeners who engage with your content and the impact this can have on review generation.

The host's experience of having over 1600 podcast episodes and the insights gained from a decade of podcasting.

The advice to make a big deal out of your podcast launch and utilize your existing network to gain initial listeners.

The benefits of being a guest on other podcasts to grow your audience and the strategy of leveraging existing listener bases.

The concept of the 'honeymoon period' in podcasting and the importance of preparing for the hard work beyond the initial excitement.

The strategy of repurposing podcast content for social media and the potential downsides of spending too much time on existing audiences.

The offer of a podcast cheat sheet for those looking to start or improve their podcast, available at