We Are The World - U.S.A for Africa (35th Anniversary Tribute) ONE GUY, 21 VOICES

JC Almeida Music
14 Mar 202007:14

TLDRThe video script features a powerful message of unity and collective responsibility, underscored by a musical backdrop. It calls for a global awakening to the challenges we face and emphasizes the importance of love, compassion, and collective action in creating a better world. The lyrics suggest that change begins with each individual's choice and action, highlighting the potential for everyone to contribute to a brighter future. The recurring theme is one of hope and belief in our shared humanity, urging us to recognize our roles as part of a larger family and to take steps towards making a positive impact.


  • 🌐 The world needs unity and collective action to address its challenges.
  • 🕊️ Love is emphasized as a fundamental value necessary for progress and harmony.
  • 🤝 There's a call for everyone to contribute and lend a helping hand to others.
  • 💪 Individual and collective strength is derived from knowing someone cares.
  • 🌟 The belief in oneself and unity can lead to overcoming difficult situations.
  • 🎉 The message of creating a better day is a recurring theme, highlighting optimism and hope.
  • 👫 The 'we are' phrase is used to emphasize the importance of community and shared responsibility.
  • 🎈 There's a strong emphasis on the power of choice in shaping a brighter future.
  • 🌈 The song conveys a positive message about the potential for change and improvement.
  • 💡 The lyrics suggest that every person has the capacity to make a significant impact on the world.

Q & A

  • What is the central theme of the script?

    -The central theme of the script is unity and collective responsibility, emphasizing that we are all part of a larger family and that love and helping each other are essential for creating a better world.

  • How does the script suggest we should respond to the call for change?

    -The script suggests that instead of pretending that someone else will make a change, we should actively participate and lend a helping hand to create a better day for everyone.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'God's great big family' in the context of the script?

    -The phrase 'God's great big family' signifies the interconnectedness of all people and the idea that we share a common bond, promoting the value of love and mutual support.

  • What role does belief play in the script's message?

    -Belief is portrayed as a powerful force that can inspire and motivate individuals to come together and make a positive impact, contributing to a brighter future.

  • How does the script address the concept of freedom?

    -The script implies that freedom is not just the absence of oppression but also includes the freedom to care for one another and to live in a world where everyone's lives are stronger and more fulfilling.

  • What is the significance of the repeated phrase 'we are the children'?

    -The repeated phrase 'we are the children' serves to remind us of our collective youth and potential, emphasizing that it is our choices and actions that will determine the future.

  • What is the 'choice' referred to in the script?

    -The 'choice' referred to in the script is the decision each individual must make to contribute positively to society and to work towards creating a better day for all.

  • How does the script use music to convey its message?

    -The script uses music as a backdrop to enhance the emotional impact of its message, creating an atmosphere that encourages reflection on unity, love, and the power of collective action.

  • What is the significance of the applause in the script?

    -The applause signifies recognition and approval of the ideas presented, as well as a collective agreement to take action and make a difference in the world.

  • How does the script encourage individuals to take action?

    -The script encourages individuals to take action by highlighting the importance of personal responsibility and the collective power of 'you and me' in making a brighter day.

  • What is the ultimate goal of the message conveyed in the script?

    -The ultimate goal of the message is to inspire unity, promote love and compassion, and motivate individuals to make choices that lead to a better world for everyone.



🌟 Unity and the Power of Love

This paragraph emphasizes the importance of unity and collective action. It speaks to a time when the world must come together as one, highlighting our shared responsibility to make a change and not merely rely on others to do so. The narrative stresses that we are all part of a larger family and that love is the essential need. It calls for lending a helping hand and creating a better day for everyone, suggesting that belief and collective effort can lead to a brighter future. The paragraph concludes with a message of empowerment, stating that we are the ones who can make a difference.


🎶 The Choice We Make for a Brighter Tomorrow

This paragraph focuses on the choices we have in shaping a better future. It reiterates the message that our actions and decisions play a crucial role in creating a brighter day for all. The paragraph reinforces the idea that we are the children of the world and that the choices we make affect not only ourselves but others as well. The use of repetitive musical cues suggests a rhythmic and hopeful tone, encouraging us to believe in our power to bring about positive change.




The term 'call' in the context of the script refers to a summons or a demand for action, indicating a moment when the world must unite for a common cause. It embodies the idea of a collective response to a situation that requires immediate attention and collective effort. This is evident in the lyrics 'there comes a time when we heed a certain call when the world must come together as one', signifying the importance of unity and collaboration in addressing global issues.


In the script, 'pretending' refers to the act of avoiding the reality or truth of a situation by acting as if everything is normal. It is used to critique the passive attitude of not taking action to address problems. The lyrics 'we can't go on pretending day by day' emphasize the urgency of the issues at hand and the need to stop ignoring them and start taking steps towards change.

💡God's great big family

The phrase 'God's great big family' is a metaphorical expression used in the script to convey the idea of unity, inclusiveness, and the interconnectedness of all people. It suggests that everyone is part of a larger, divine plan and that we share a common bond, transcending our differences. This concept is integral to the video's message of love, unity, and collective responsibility.


The concept of 'love' in the script represents the fundamental human emotion that drives compassion, empathy, and positive change. It is portrayed as the essential element that can bring people together and foster a sense of unity and understanding. The lyrics 'and the, you know love is all we need' highlight love as the key ingredient for creating a better world and overcoming challenges.

💡helping hand

The phrase 'helping hand' symbolizes the act of assistance or support offered to others in times of need. It reflects the idea of contributing positively to society and helping to improve the lives of others. The script encourages individuals to take an active role in supporting each other, as indicated by the line 'we all must lend a helping hand', which suggests that collective action is necessary for creating a better future.


In the script, 'children' serves as a symbol of innocence, potential, and the future. It underscores the idea that the actions and decisions of the current generation will have a significant impact on the world that future generations will inherit. The lyrics 'we are, we are the children' and 'we are the ones who make a brighter day' imply that it is the responsibility of the present to shape a better tomorrow for those who will come after us.


The concept of 'choice' in the script represents the power of individual and collective decision-making. It emphasizes that the future is not predetermined but is shaped by the decisions we make. The lyrics 'there's a choice, it's true, we make a better day just you and me' suggest that every action counts and that it is through our choices that we can create a more positive and brighter future.


The term 'believe' in the script signifies the act of having faith or trust in something, often referring to a positive outcome or change. It is a call to maintain hope and optimism, even in challenging times. The lyrics 'but if you just believe, for together, we are' suggest that belief is a powerful force that can unite people and inspire collective action towards a common goal.

💡better day

The phrase 'better day' in the script symbolizes an improved future, a time of greater happiness, and well-being. It encapsulates the idea of progress and the potential for positive transformation. The lyrics 'do we make a better day, you and me' and 'we make a better day just you and children' reflect the video's central theme of striving for a brighter tomorrow through collective effort and conscious choices.


The concept of 'change' in the script refers to the transformation or alteration of conditions, behaviors, or circumstances. It is a key theme that underscores the need for improvement and the potential for a better future. The lyrics 'that someone somewhere will soon make a change' and 'it's true we make a better day just you, me' suggest that change is both necessary and achievable through collective will and action.


In the context of the script, 'free' signifies liberation, autonomy, and the absence of constraints or oppression. It is used to convey the ideal state of being where individuals can live without fear and with the ability to reach their full potential. The lyrics 'their lives will be stronger and free' express a vision of a world where people are empowered and can enjoy the benefits of true freedom.


The call for unity in the face of global challenges.

The importance of living as one to maximize our collective potential.

The recognition that we cannot continue with the status quo.

The inherent strength in acknowledging our shared humanity.

The universal need for love as a fundamental requirement.

The empowering message that we are all part of a larger family.

The call to action for individuals to show they care.

The transformative power of freedom and strength.

The metaphor of turning stone to bread, symbolizing the potential for change.

The collective responsibility to lend a helping hand.

The aspiration for a better future through collective effort.

The reminder that belief can overcome adversity.

The assertion that together, we are capable of creating a brighter day.

The choice we have to make for a better day.

The emphasis on personal and collective responsibility.

The message of hope and the potential for a better tomorrow.

The final call to action for individuals to make the right choice.