I got arrested.. *THE TRUTH*
TLDRبراندون وصديقه دينيس يرويان قصة مخيفة حول اعتقالهما بسبب سوء تفاهم. في ليلة الاحتفال بعيد ميلاد أحد أصدقائهم، كانوا في نادي ليلي في سان دييغو وشربوا الكحول. بعد مغادرة النادي، اكتشف براندون أنه فقد محفظته، فبدأ بالصراخ والركض لاستعادتها من صديقه. الشرطة، التي كانت تظن أنهم معتدون على شخص آخر، أوقفتهم وألقت القبض عليهم. بعد استجواب طويل، تم إطلاق سراحهم عندما تم العثور على المشتبهين الحقيقيين. براندون يعبر عن سعادته بالعودة إلى المنزل ويطلب من جمهوره مشاركة أفكارهم في التعليقات.
- 😀 براندون هنا، المعروف أيضًا باسم 'Poor Waters'، برفقة أفضل أصدقائه بوكر ودينيس.
- 😲 في تلك الليلة، واجهوا عاصفة مرعبة للغاية ستظل في ذاكرتهم.
- 🎉 كانوا يحتفلون بعيد ميلاد صديقهم علي في النادي الليلي في سان دييغو.
- 🚨 الأمور تصاعدت عندما تم اعتقال براندون ودينيس ووضعهم في الأصفاد.
- 😱 في البداية، كانوا يعتقدون أن الأمر مجرد سوء تفاهم بسبب ركضهم نحو علي لاستعادة المحفظة.
- 👮♂️ الشرطة اعتقدت أن براندون ودينيس متورطان في قفز شخص ما وتخريب سيارته.
- 🕵️♂️ براندون ودينيس لم يكن لديهم هوياتهم معهم، مما جعل الموقف أكثر تعقيدًا.
- 😓 بعد حوالي 15-20 دقيقة من الاستجواب، تبين أن الشرطة أخطأت الهوية.
- 🙏 أخيرًا، تم الإفراج عنهم واعتذرت الشرطة عن الخطأ.
- 🌯 بالرغم من كل شيء، انتهى بهم الأمر بالحصول على البوريتو الذي كانوا يخططون له.
Q & A
من هم الأشخاص الذين ظهروا في الفيديو؟
-براندون، أفضل أصدقائه بوكر ودينيس.
ما هي القصة الرئيسية التي يرويها براندون؟
-براندون يروي قصة عن تعرضه ودينيس للاعتقال بعد ليلة مليئة بالمرح في النادي، حيث تم اتهامهم خطأً بالقفز على شخص وتخريب سيارته.
لماذا لم يذكر براندون القصة في الفيديو السابق؟
-لأن الفيديو السابق كان مخصصاً لعيد ميلاد علي، وكان يريد الحفاظ على الأجواء الإيجابية في الفيديو.
ما هو السبب الذي أدى إلى اعتقال براندون ودينيس؟
-اعتقدت الشرطة أنهم قاموا بالقفز على شخص وتخريب سيارته بسبب الشبه في الوصف الذي قدمه الضحية.
ماذا كان يفعل براندون عندما أدرك أنه فقد محفظته؟
-كان يهم براندون ودينيس بالذهاب لتناول الطعام مع جاستن، وعندما أدرك أنه فقد محفظته، بدأ بالصراخ والركض للبحث عن علي الذي كان يحمل محفظته.
كيف تفاعل الضباط عندما بدأ براندون بالصراخ والركض؟
-طلب الضباط من براندون ودينيس التوقف ووضع أيديهم في الهواء، ثم قبضوا عليهم ووضعوهم في الأصفاد.
كيف أثرت حالة براندون ودينيس السكر على موقفهما مع الشرطة؟
-جعلت حالة السكر التفاعل مع الشرطة أكثر صعوبة وتعقيداً، مما أدى إلى زيادة شكوك الضباط تجاههما.
ماذا حدث عندما وصل علي إلى مكان الحادث؟
-حاول علي إظهار بطاقة هوية براندون للشرطة، لكن الضباط لم يعطوه فرصة للتحدث في البداية، ثم بعد مرور بعض الوقت، تم الإفراج عن براندون ودينيس بعد أن أدركت الشرطة خطأها.
كيف شعر براندون ودينيس بعد الإفراج عنهما؟
-شعرا بالارتياح والفرح، وأكدا أنهما لم يكن بإمكانهما التفكير في أي شيء آخر سوى العودة إلى المنزل بأمان.
ما هو الطلب الأخير الذي طلبه براندون من المشاهدين؟
-طلب من المشاهدين ترك تعليقاتهم حول القصة وإذا كان لديهم أي فيديو للحادثة لإرساله إليه.
🚨 Arrested During a Night Out
Brandon recounts a chaotic night that he and his friend Dennis experienced. The night started with celebrating their friend Ali's birthday at a club in downtown San Diego. After leaving the club, things took a turn when Brandon and Dennis were arrested by the police. Brandon explains that they were put in handcuffs and placed in the back of a cop car, facing the real possibility of going to jail.
👮♂️ Confronted by the Police
As Brandon and Dennis were running to retrieve Brandon's wallet from Ali, they were stopped by police officers. The situation quickly escalated as more cop cars arrived, and the police instructed them to stop and put their hands up. Brandon and Dennis were confused and scared as they were handcuffed and made to lie on the ground, surrounded by a large crowd from the recently closed club.
🚔 Accused of a Crime
The police accused Brandon and Dennis of jumping someone and vandalizing their car, matching the description of the suspects. Despite their protests of innocence and attempts to explain, the police were convinced they had the right people. Brandon, still drunk and bewildered, struggled to understand the accusations and feared the worst as they sat handcuffed on the cold ground.
👥 Cleared of Charges
After what felt like an eternity, Ali finally arrived with Brandon's ID, but the police initially dismissed him. Eventually, they realized their mistake when the actual suspects were apprehended elsewhere. The police apologized and released Brandon and Dennis. Despite the frustration and embarrassment, they were relieved to be free and immediately went to get burritos to end their stressful night.
🏠 Relieved to Be Home
Back at home, Brandon reflects on the night's events with a mix of humor and relief. He expresses gratitude for not being in jail and shares the absurdity of the situation. Despite the ordeal, he remains in good spirits, joking about how the night unfolded and appreciating the comfort of being back in his own home.
Brandon and his best friend Dennis share a crazy story about being arrested during a night out in San Diego.
The incident occurred on Brandon's best friend's birthday while they were celebrating downtown.
Brandon and Dennis were initially enjoying their time at the club and had been drinking.
After leaving the club, Brandon realized he had lost his wallet and started panicking.
Dennis reminded Brandon that he had given his wallet to their friend Ali for safekeeping.
While trying to get his wallet back from Ali, Brandon and Dennis were stopped by the police.
The police mistook Brandon and Dennis for suspects who had jumped someone and vandalized a car.
Brandon and Dennis were handcuffed and placed in the back of a police car.
Brandon recounts the fear and confusion they felt during the arrest.
The police eventually realized they had made a mistake when Ali arrived with Brandon's wallet.
The officers apologized and released Brandon and Dennis, acknowledging their mistake.
Brandon reflects on the embarrassment and relief of being released without charges.
Despite the ordeal, Brandon and Dennis managed to get burritos after their release.
Brandon emphasizes the importance of carrying ID and avoiding misunderstandings with the police.
The video ends with Brandon expressing his gratitude for being safe and sharing his story with his viewers.
what is going on you guys Brandon here
aka poor waters and today I'm here with
my best friend
Booker and I'm also here with Dennis
okay okay on a more serious note because
this was actually from what I remember
this but don't laugh okay you were
probably more scared than me from what I
remember this was a really really scary
freaking crazy storm like this is a
story that I'm gonna be telling my kids
is a story that I couldn't wait to tell
you guys so if you guys follow me on
instagram or if you guys watch my blog
from yesterday you guys saw that it was
my best friend all these birthday and we
all went out to the club you know we
went downtown San Diego we're all having
a good time
so there was something that happened
during that time and you know we might
be smiling and laughing about it right
now but I'm telling you when it was
happening we devlin smile well the last
thing we were doing was smiling and
laughing so let's just put it this way
me and Dennis were arrested we were in
handcuffs we were sick boat we were
sitting in the back of a cop car one of
you ever seen a proper we had cops on
top of us bro we were about to literally
be sent over to jail like this is not a
joke bro like let's just say I can't
believe right now I'm under my roof I
can't believe I'm safe on camera I can't
believe I'm uploading a YouTube video I
was already trying to think of how I can
hit up Brian to come make a video and
show me in jail and the thumbnail like
oh my brother got sent to jail crazy
insane laws behind bars like bah bah bah
all the shame by the way Brian if you
did that make you upload on my channel
not yours but let's just get stranger
story so first of all what I do want to
say because I know a lot of people are
probably gonna be like oh why didn't you
tell us this before like why didn't you
say in your last video well the main
reason that I didn't want to put this in
my last video was because my last video
was kind of dedicated all to Ali's
birthday I went to the mall I bought him
a birthday game we were all hanging out
we were all at the club having a good
and I knew a lot of his friend and a lot
of his family members we're gonna be
watching that video he was waiting for
that video and it was just it was just
good vibes all around the whole video
had said positive vibes so I didn't want
to ruin it by sitting down and tongue a
story of what happened to me and Dennis
I don't know it would just be selfish it
would take away from all he and his
family and I didn't want to do that so
here we are the day after and I'm just
going straight into it so me and Dennis
and all the boys we were at the club
dancing all these birthday we're having
a really good time as you guys know
obviously we were drinking a little bit
we were me and Dennis I'm not gonna lie
I was drunk okay I would just be
straight up there was a nollies birthday
this is my best friend I've known him
since kindergarten I've known him since
we were 5 years old and now he's turning
20 for his colby year okay me and Dennis
got drunk we were there we were at the
club from probably like 10:00 p.m. till
2:00 in the morning 2:00 in the morning
that's when we left the club after we
left the club like I said we were
chilling we were all having a good time
it was a great day we were about to go
get some burritos we were going to a
taco shop me Danny's we were all about
to go eat so we're leaving all Leah and
Jordan they were like across the street
they were walking I don't know if they
were walking to the taco shop or what
they were doing like I said I'm not
gonna lie guys I don't have the best
memory of that night because I was a
little drunk so Ollie and Jordan
wandered up I don't know maybe they
didn't want food or maybe I don't know
alien Jordan wandered off so me and
Dennis we were gonna catch a ride from
Justin me Dennis and Justin we were
gonna drive to the taco shop I don't
know if you remember from my vlog we
were leaving with Justin its J Street
and we got Jay RJ Street we got Jay to
drop us home hey Dennis you are shotgun
so as we're getting in the car luckily I
felt my pockets and I'm like [ __ ] I
don't have my wallet I lost my wallet
and I thought that I left it at the club
I went crazy I was like bro Danny I lost
my wallet I left it at the club they
already closed
someone stole it for sure blah blah blah
and then Dennis goes bro don't you
remember you gave your wallet to Olly
let all evil my wallet cuz my pockets
were full and I didn't want my wallet to
follow so Ali had my wallet and like I
said me venison Justin we're gonna go
get food
Ali and Jordan were walking on the other
side of the street
so once I find out that I don't have my
wallet and Dennis said all he has it I
start screaming
Ali Ali bro and he can't hear me he's
all the way on the other side I probably
looked like an idiot I was drunk
screaming screaming at 2:00 in the
morning for my wallet so Ali can't hear
me so I start running I start running to
Ali and then Dennis is like bro what are
you doing so Dennis comes after me and
we were both running to only to get my
wallet down the street running down and
oh yeah Dennis was drunk too
and so Jade's just like okay what the
hell so he gets in the car he's warming
it up he's starting a car in Jays head
poor Jay he thinks we're going to all
these getting my wallet and we're gonna
go eat some burritos we're gonna go get
Mexican food he's sitting in the car he
probably has a heater on he's Robbie's
handsome okay now here's where things
get crazy here's where all this laughter
and jokes and everything turns into like
serious shape this what I was like
confused bro just confused I was like
bro what the hell so anyways so we're
running we see Ollie and Jordan they're
far away but we're running to them and
all you see there's one cop car parked
there's another cop car court and the
cop is out of the car and their lights
are on and meanness I went what the hell
and the one the cop that's out of the
car left stop running stop running so
we're like oh [ __ ] I didn't even so you
know I know I'm sorry I thought he was
just trying to stop running like it's
dangerous you're running in the middle
yeah like school I'm we were kids and
saw the hell okay stop running then what
does he say stay right there
stop right there don't move and in my
head I'm like wait it's running that bad
of a thing like I was it like in the
street I was in the sidewalk like why do
I have to stop right here so me and
Dennis stop and like I see touch his
face and he's [ __ ] terrified and I'm
like bro and I'm like okay I see what I
see one of the cops walking towards us
and then I see the other one that parked
the car - love that get out of the car
and they're really fast yeah
they were coming fast stop right there
don't move and I'm just like okay okay
put your hands up and I'm just like
Dennis what did we do so we both put our
hands up all of a sudden you see three
cops three separate cops walking towards
us and two cop cars parked with the
lights on
everybody's looking the club had just
closed so runs outside everyone's
outside everybody's outside the club
there's probably 100 200 300 people
there's hundreds of people all Lee and
Jordan they're all the way down so the
cops stopped us they make us put our
hands up and they come to us and they
can't cuff us they come me and Dennis
and then it was just Hank I was like
they made us I get on her knees yeah and
when we leave flat on the floor God like
it wasn't just so like okay put your
hands right back and hit them it was
like get on the ground so we're
literally broke from what I remember
Dennis I don't know clear my memory I
was like this and they made us get on
the floor and on my head on my shoulder
all this because I ran and then how was
your hand oh my god god it was so tight
I was telling about like yeah in the
nice weather yo officer Jesus Christ can
you like not make this so tight bro in
my head I'm like all of this because I
ran across the street damn if I knew
that look walked [ __ ] like all this
because we ran into were resident they
were being like douche bags and you
can't blame them because of what they
thought we did you can't blame them for
being do straps on the index are sitting
there and like I didn't want to bring it
up Dennis didn't want to bring it up but
I'm sure in your head you were thinking
yo what did we do like why are we like
this they weren't answering they weren't
really talking to us they just arrested
us they were [ __ ] breathing heavy
they were like tired - guys I'm telling
you we were like on the floor and hang
up the Casa like whatever so after like
two three minutes of us just sitting
there arrested handcuffed everybody
steering me it doesn't look natural like
wait what did we do what do we do the
cop comes up to us bro you might have to
say what the console is - I don't
remember fully I just know he started
saying some [ __ ] about oh you guys
jumped somebody at know at first een
[ __ ] our pockets uh-huh to get our IDs
oh yeah and the worst part is you ready
this dumbass
I had his ID it was in my wallet
so they emptied everything they put on
the car and the guy was like reading my
thing it's like he was like whatever
like searching up my name to see like if
I haven't eaten history whatever so he
checked my history like I was good
whatever and then he went he's like
where's your wallet he was telling me
was your ID you walk around my ID
whenever in the banister on explains him
he's like no like he was like telling
him like oh like I don't have that like
that's why I was running I was gonna go
get it he was not happening
he's like music so you don't carry your
ID you don't carry your own stuff I kept
trying to tell him what my wallet is
with my friend and he was not happening
where's your ID sir I need to see your
ID where's your ID
bla bla bla just kept saying how many
times repeat it where's your ID you want
to fire your PID you are not how many
times you repeated it how many times
have the suns lost over like the past
two three years how many games that's
how many times he repeated that they aka
Allah Allah voice would be gone for the
next ten years if you said as many times
as his sons lost but anyway so I'm
trying to tell my yo I don't have my ID
and honestly I don't expect any of you
guys to have been arrested but if you
guys have been arrested or if you've
seen shows on TV or anything the worst
possible thing that could happen is you
interacting with a cop and not having
your ID that is honestly the worst thing
I'm begging all these seiza so he could
bring me my ID all he's not looking he's
all the way all the way down and I don't
want to scream the coppers are they I
don't want to swim Ollie okay whatever
so he has any since ID he doesn't have
mine so at this point the cop
automatically assumes that I'm like you
know I did something no matter what and
I just want I still think it's cuz me
ran at this point I still think we're in
this huge mess
because I ran to get my wallet then the
cop breaks it down
who did you got jump why did you jump in
why did you wreck his car you vandal bro
so I guess the story the whole story was
that someone got jumped by two people
and after he got jumped the two people
who the cops thought it was one and two
after the guy got jumped those two
people wrecked his car they vandalized
his car smashed window window and we're
both wearing hoodies and I'm just like
okay when the cop is telling me this
I allows a little drum so I'm a little
slow just like what I'm not allowed
scared because sometimes in your your
Jung you say something like not but I'm
sure that because okay guys imagine me
drunk going like this is a cop what you
think we did like it brands like we're
just with our friend yeah so it sounded
so fake like it sounded like you're
trying too long yeah it sounded like I
was trying to lie and I was really bad
at it but at the same time like what I'm
not gonna I couldn't really like I was
just like looking around like I was
confused I didn't know maybe like this
guy like what not me for a second no
yeah at the bro the cop was saying it
with such confidence you guys jump
somebody you guys me a nice car he
started making me think that I actually
did it yeah you [ __ ] come on freakin
convinced us bro okay so listen so at
that point we're sitting there for like
15 minutes everybody's looking
everybody's looking everyone I'm
surprised honestly there's no snapchat
for it bro honestly if those people
because when me and Dennis go out to the
club there isn't really any fans like no
one really knows who I am or who Dennis
is because my age range is probably what
like middle school high school some some
college but no one really knows who we
are I'm sure if there was a fan or even
not even a fan if someone just knew we
were there would be a video house
president there is yeah I'm sure there's
a video but people just haven't released
it because it was a woman yes there's
well if there's a video of us please
send it to me like seriously there is
someone out there with a video there
were hundreds of people and they were
all watching we're sitting there for
about 15 minutes handcuffed it's
freezing cold outside it is like 2:00 in
the morning 3:00 in the morning at this
point there are two cop cars plugged
with the lights on there are three
officers in our face interrogating us
who did you jump why did you jump in why
did you vandalized his car and bro they
were saying it was such confidence I
started just to tell myself I give up it
was me I did it just take me I didn't
know what to do
I kept saying I didn't do it I swear we
were with our friends one of our boys
waiting in the car the
two of our other friends are across the
street right there just like please
listen well you don't know how bad I
wanted to reach for my phone and text J
like yo J okay to help the car we're not
going to be coming anytime soon
we're not gonna get the burritos we are
not we're going to jail we go to jail J
and then the thing that drove me crazy
is like more cops kept coming like
what's the place I think we're arguing
or fighting with yeah more cops were
just coming and like uh me they're just
standing around us 15 minutes past 20
minutes past and we're just denying it
and at this point the officers look
pissed like they they think we're
wasting their time like in their head
admit to it or you're going to jail
admit to it or you're going to jail oh I
might also try gonna throw up I thought
I don't know I needed water I kept
saying Eddie's Maya we saved Maya in our
language Miami's water like dead is Maya
bro I need Maya ro about 20 minutes past
see oli oli turns the corner of the
street and I'm just a bow you don't
understand the smile on my face
it's probably like when the Sun went on
you if I send everyone a championship
that's the smile when I saw all these
because guys at the point I guess like
50% of why the cops were not believing
it's cuz I didn't have my ID that is a
huge factor a huge factor so like on top
of you know two drunk guys you know both
like I guess we fit the description that
the people that jumped the guy were two
middle Easterns and they were around our
age same I guess same high and whatever
so we fit the description we're drunk
we're dressed like then we're
middle-eastern like just like the guys
were and I don't have my ID he was so
sketchy so I don't blame the cops for