Angry Security Guard Gets in my Face!
TLDRقصة فيديو مثيرة للاهتمام تتضمن مغامرات الشخص الessian في يومه العشوائي، حيث يبدأ بمحاولة فتح صندوق بدون مقص، ويكتشف بعد ذلك أن يحتوي على شراب الطاقة 'chug rug'. ي.plan لتجربة مغامرة في المول مع صديقه، يصور القطار الدوار وشخص يقوده، ويخطط لمنحه مفاجأة مثيرة. يواجه مقاطعة من قبل حراس الأمان بسبب التصوير في المول، لكن يستمر في رحلته الخيرية بتقديم 10 ألف دولار لسائقين من 'postmates'، مما يولد مشاعر الامتنان والارتياح.
- 😅 الأصدقاء في الحمام يستنفون على الصعيد العالي.
- 📦 يستخدمون فأس بدلاً من مقص لفتح الصندوق.
- 🏀 في النص يتحدثون عن ملعب كرة السلة الكبير.
- 🔥 يظهر أن الشخص الناطق يشرب Chug Rug كل يوم قبل كل فيديو.
- 🛍️ يخططون لزيارة المول و有一个特别惊喜.
- 🚂 يخططون لجعل الشخص الذي يقود القطار سعيدًا جدًا.
- 🎉 يتحدثون عن الشخص الذي يقود القطار ويتمتعه وأنه يستمتع بعمله.
- 💸 يخططون لتقديم تبرع مالي بقيمة 10,000 دولار للشخص الذي يقود القطار.
- 🚔 يواجهون مشكلة مع الأمان في المول بسبب التصوير.
- 🚗 يتحدثون عن تلقي مفتاح سيارة من الشخص الذي أضعها.
- 💰 يقررون في النهاية توزيع 10,000 دولار على سائقين من Postmates.
Q & A
ما الذي يحدث في النص المقدم؟
-النص هو مخطوطة فيديو تحكي عن قصة رجل يحاول مكافأة مشغل القطار في المول بمبلغ مالي كبير للشكر على حسن تعامله.
ما هو الإجراء الذي يتناوله الشخص في البداية من النص؟
-يبدأ الشخص بفتح صندوق باستخدام ال叉ة لأنه لا يملك مقص، ويتحدث عن الأصدقاء الآخرين في الحمام يستخدمون الحشيش.
ما هو الشيء المميز في الصندوق الذي يثير اهتمام الشخص؟
-الشيء المميز في الصندوق هو شراب الطاقة "chug rug"، الذي يشربه الشخص يذكر أنه يشربه كل يوم قبل كل فيديو.
ما هي الخطة الخاصة بالشخص ليوم الذهاب إلى المول؟
-الخطة هي الذهاب إلى المول للمتعة وتقديم مفاجأة خاصة للشخص الذي يشغل القطار، ولكن التفاصيل غير معروفة في النص.
ما هي الوظيفة للشخص الذي يقود القطار؟
-الشخص الذي يقود القطار يعمل في المول ويقود القطار الذي يدور حول المول ويتمتع بشعبية بين الزوار.
ما هي المبلغ التي يحاول الشخص من offeringها للشخص الذي يقود القطار؟
-المبلغ الذي يحاول الشخص من offeringة هي عشرة آلاف دولار.
ما هي الحادثة التي تحدث مع الشخص الذي يقود القطار؟
-الشخص الذي يقود القطار يرفض قبول المبلغ، ويقول أنه لا يقبل النصائح وي继续保持 anonymity.
ما هي الخطوة التالية التي يتخذها الشخص بعد الفشل في offeringة الشخص الذي يقود القطار؟
-بعد الفشل في offeringة الشخص الذي يقود القطار، يقرر الشخص من offeringة المبلغ لسائقين من خدمة Postmates.
لماذا يختار الشخص سائقين من خدمة Postmates لتقديم المبلغ لهما؟
-يختار الشخص سائقين من خدمة Postmates لأنهم يقودون السيارات طوال اليوم وتكلفة الوقود مرتفعة، ويعتقد أن المبلغ سيساعدهم في تخفيف التكلفة.
ما هي المبلغ التي يحصل عليه السائقين من خدمة Postmates؟
-السائقين من خدمة Postmates يحصلون على خمسة آلاف دولار كلا.
كيف يبدو الشخص في النص عن الشخص الذي قام بمنعه من التصوير في المول؟
-يبدو الشخص في النص مضايقًا وغير راضيًا من الشخص الذي قام بمنعه من التصوير في المول، ويتحدث عن الاحترام وعدم ال妥善对待.
😄 Unboxing Chug Rug and a Special Day Out
The video starts with the host preparing for a day out with friends who are getting high in the bathroom. He uses a fork to open a box containing Chug Rug, an energy drink that he claims to drink every day before recording videos. The host then reveals plans to go to the mall for fun and a special surprise for a train operator. They interact with the train operator, who is popularly known as 'train guy', and the host expresses gratitude for his support from fans. The surprise involves a generous tip for the train operator, who is revealed to be Brian, and the host's intention to make him extremely happy.
🤔 Unexpected Encounter with Security
The second paragraph unfolds as the host and his crew are at the mall, where they plan to surprise the train operator with a significant tip. However, they encounter an aggressive security guard who confronts them about filming without permission. The guard's behavior is disrespectful and confrontational, causing an uncomfortable scene. The host explains that they had been filming for an hour without any issues and that they intended to spread positivity. The security guard's interruption disrupts their plan to give the train operator a generous tip, which he ultimately declines, stating he does not accept tips.
🚗 Spreading Positivity with Postmates Drivers
After the unpleasant encounter with security, the host decides to turn the negative situation into a positive one. He still has $10,000 intended for the train operator and chooses to tip two Postmates drivers instead. The host orders food through Postmates and plans to give $5,000 to each driver as a tip. He meets the first driver, Patrick, and gives him the generous tip, which Patrick gratefully accepts, sharing that it's the biggest tip he's ever received. The host expresses his appreciation for the drivers' hard work, especially considering the high gas prices.
🎉 Generous Tips and a Melted Boba Tea
In the final paragraph, the host meets the second Postmates driver, who is relatively new to the platform with only 14 deliveries. The host gives him a $1,000 tip, which greatly surprises and pleases the driver. There's a light-hearted moment when the host discovers that his boba tea has melted during the video. The host reflects on the day's events, expressing a desire to continue creating content that spreads positivity and generosity. He also addresses the earlier incident with the security guard, choosing to blur the guard's face to prevent any harassment and emphasizing the importance of understanding and respect. The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to share positive comments and a reminder to subscribe for more content.
💡Chug Rug
💡Train Guy
💡security guard
The friends are in the bathroom getting high.
Using a fork to open a box because there are no scissors available.
The box contains Chug Rug energy drink, which the speaker drinks daily before making videos.
Planning a surprise for the train guy at the mall.
Interaction with the train guy, who is appreciated by the public.
A humorous moment where the speaker pretends the train guy hates him.
The train guy is revealed to be very kind and enjoys his job.
A past incident where the train guy went out of his way to help.
The speaker's intention to give a $10,000 tip to the train guy.
A visit to the bank to withdraw the money for the tip.
A humorous comment about the 'Computerized Cobbler' store name.
A security guard confronts the group about filming in the mall.
The train guy refuses the offered tip due to his job's policy.
The decision to tip Postmates drivers instead, due to high gas prices.
Giving a $5,000 tip to two Postmates drivers, one a veteran and one new.
The emotional reactions of the Postmates drivers receiving the large tips.
The blurred face of the security guard to avoid harassment.
A reflection on the day's events and the intention to continue spreading positivity.
give me a second i i need to get my
story straight my friends are in the
bathroom getting higher than the empire
all right you got the box open though
what are we doing with a fork i don't
have scissors i don't have scissors
that's a whole ass house a basketball
court you don't have scissors i do but
they're probably upstairs why not just
be efficient and get a fork and open the
damn box
all right guys you won't believe what's
in this box
it's chug rug chug rug is an energy
guys honestly
a lot of people don't know this but i
actually can't
a lot of people don't know this but i
actually drink chug rug every single day
before every video
it's warm it was outside
we're gonna go to the mall have some fun
but i have a very special surprise
planned bro you know train guy the guy
that does the train stuff around the
mall yep i'm not going to say what i'm
doing yet but we're literally going to
make him extremely happy
what's good man how are you
good to see you how have you been
can we get on the train again
yes you're the best is it cool for
recording people love you man
okay thank you so much hey one more and
we get a free one we should have saved
our one from earlier where do you want
to sit
can we sit right behind you mind if you
like oh thank you
but you hate me right do you like it
i'm just kidding i appreciate you though
thank you thank you hey brian
oh no way mclovin's birthday
yeah yeah of course
the id for the shirt that's a good trade
no get in here oh
all right we're ready to go
so guys the man in front of us is going
to get blessed today he has no idea but
we're going to surprise him
you are surprising him yeah but i mean
listen we're taker before it's a group
effort and i want to get emotional here
it's very sentimental i truly like want
to say that like your guys support
always motivates me inspires me to
always do good stuff and that's what my
content's all about this guy that's
driving the train we always come to the
mall he's so nice so nice and like you
know what it's one of those things where
it's like
he actually enjoys his job yup and he
actually has fun with like the things
he's doing he's for the kids yeah you
know what i mean like he's always here
driving the train and every time we see
him like we always dab him up he's very
happy to see us in fact the one time we
were here well he's doing a speech he's
doing a speech oh my god look at this
honey hey i appreciate you come on come
on come on say what's up to the vlog
let's get bro yo what's good how are you
i'm good how about you just chilling
just riding the train what are you
listening to uh 20 minutes hey
yes sir
this one time we rode the train our car
was like on the other side of the mall
and he actually dropped us off there and
when we got out he's like i usually
don't do this but for you guys i'll drop
you off by the front hi so that sentence
right there stuck with me and i'm like
he went out of his way to do something
you're gonna go out of your way to do
something great and it's worth ten
thousand dollars so before we do it
we're gonna go to the bank and like get
the money bro it's like i mentioned to
me yeah yeah
okay just go ahead and say it that's the
best store in the mall right there
right there
computerized cobbler
did i just point that out that's the
best store i just want to say like when
they were having a brainstorm sesh
thinking about the name it's a shoe
store okay
who came up with computerized cobbler
it's the gamertag
it's the default gamertags they give you
but you guys are 742. dude we're
literally like three feet away from this
guy do you think he heard everything we
just said not at all okay focused right
now yeah he's locked in that's good gang
hey what's good
let's see if he drops us off again here
this is where he drops off
excuse me do you think we can get
dropped off here again
stop i'm sorry i know you said last time
you're not allowed to do this right wow
thank you so much dude you're the best
can i ask a question
where was the inspiration for the name
computerized cobbler would be
inspirational like where'd you come up
with the name computerized cobbler well
the name is because we do orthopedia
international repair
but it's computerized oh so oh so it's
more than just selling shoes
that's awesome there's an origin to
everything yeah all we have to do is ask
can i get your number
my number yeah
he wants to take you out on a date
okay maybe soon okay okay
mister shoot your shot baby somebody
dropped their keys and we're trying to
find who it is i don't know if it was
the train driver i'm hoping this is his
because if not we're gonna have to take
to the lost and found excuse me sir are
these your keys
someone dropped these
okay right right here to the right
okay all right thank you
that's the worst feeling bro like you
reach in your pocket you don't have your
keys what's worse losing your keys or
your wallet i think wally wallet
definitely because you're gonna get your
keys back but wallet but to replace a
car keys hard
this is like a movie scene look at it
give me get in here
dude imagine i start running on the
walls like
someone dropped their keys we're told to
bring it here for the lost and found
are you pedro yeah
how are you
nice to meet you
looking at you on youtube because my
friend was telling me he's like hey you
know facebook i don't know who that is
but now you now i do can i hug you yeah
all right nice to meet you same here all
right well hopefully someone comes back
for those keys yeah they will if they
want to leave no definitely have a good
one okay bro imagine like grug finds
keys and keeps the car imagine you just
open youtube and twitter one day and
it's like faze rug steals a person's
jeep no and then in your next challenge
video you give it oh my god i wonder if
he's gonna take it he seems like such a
good guy that he won't want to accept
money from someone else to be honest he
is kind of quiet he's very quiet but
like he's super nice at the same time
he's so nice all right we're going to
hit the bank right now get the 10k and
honestly i just love doing like this man
it's all good don't worry about it we
need your video cool yeah yeah
bro what are you guys doing this is my
video do you guys watch my videos though
yeah okay
can you pull out your phone real quick
yeah all right but
can i see like the youtube channel
yo get this get to get this we're
testing my fans to see if they're really
oh oh oh
hey oh
you value you valid no cap no kizzy no
no no kizzy no kizzy for real you got
venmo oh no oh
you got cash app
you got
you got apple pay
yo thanks for being subscribed though i
appreciate you guys thank you pleasure
hey you too you too have a good one
wait you took a picture right yeah and
you dropped it yeah okay yeah we got you
we returned it to like the security over
there yeah of course have a good one
all right guys we got the 10k here man
i'm so excited like ten thousand dollars
could be life-changing to some people a
huge life-changing experience yeah you
could turn this 10k into 100k yeah and
honestly like you could just tell he's a
wholesome guy this is gonna be great i
want to pull him off to the side because
it might be hectic in the mall bro you
know what's crazy he's like i don't even
know his name damn i can't either i got
to ask him for his name too so brian
always talk about this too like this guy
goes in the same exact route in the mall
all day yeah so like i think something
like this could literally like help him
change his whole entire life and
honestly like even if he wants to just
take a little vacation all right
then we're good
we validate we value about
all right let's do this bro hopefully
he's not busy right now i'm right after
you brother
that stretch though that low-key kind of
helps though oh my gosh hi
yeah how are you
hi nice to meet you yeah yeah come
through no he's closed
no we'll return at 3 35 oh so he's
coming back what time is it what time is
it what time is it 3 18 3 18. okay we
got some time to kill nice to meet you
waiting to meet you for a long time hell
yeah i've lived in san diego my whole
life we always get people coming up to
me saying they've met me like five times
so it's kind of rare to meet someone i
haven't met yeah yeah
it's me it's me
you want to get a picture
of course let's do it let's do it
imagine that was plastic
shaky you're the best i appreciate you
really like you
i really appreciate it i appreciate you
i hope i get to run into you again oh
absolutely because i know you're a very
positive influence on it of course yeah
look at the people oh wow yo we got a
crowd i like it hey appreciate that you
know i
i know you hear this a lot but like yeah
just keep doing what you're doing means
the world it means the world
hey back up back up
hey look guys train guy is back
i still need to know his name we want to
give you a tip
a good man
but i can't give you a tip
because you're such a nice guy
ask us in a nicer way because we're not
harming anybody so we're doing it
putting the camera right there
nobody in the mall gave you permission
to even film us
get out i know who you are
get out
no no no this isn't how you do it that
is not how you no hey you can't
are you okay i didn't do anything wrong
listen you know who he is
famous and it's not about no it's it's
not about being famous it's about
your supervisor it's not about being
famous it's about respect and how you
come up to someone and i i know you're
doing damn well you
multiple times not to film or photo
anything or anyone in this movie you can
just do it
we'll leave i'm tired of having to
repeat myself but we didn't we've never
met you before
supervisor sorry for pausing the video
guys but i just want to clarify this was
the first time we were told not to film
and this was my very first time even
seeing this security guard we were in
the mall for an entire hour filming
before this even happened so we thought
we were in the clear but i guess we
weren't i don't know i just don't think
he handled this right
i'm not being i'm trying to you can come
guys i didn't do anything wrong
no he did
to give someone ten thousand dollars
i've never even met him yeah bro guys
i'm sorry but there's a certain way of
doing things like if you don't want me
to feel it's like hey man if you could
please put the camera down that is
completely wrong you know us like we
like to spread positivity and do good
around the world but that guy guys that
is wrong
that is wrong if we were in the mall
being disruptive like throwing stuff at
people throwing food like bro guys you
guys know my content we don't ever go
around trying to like mess with anyone
so like the fact that he went in our
face like that and like touched our
camera i'm sorry like stuff like that
like it's more about respect i'm trying
to talk to him in a calm way and he's
screaming in my face he literally made a
okay there's a fine line between things
like one of the girls that was trying to
defend me said that oh do you not know
who he is he's famous it's not about
being famous having followers to treat
me different it's more about the respect
talking human to human how he came up
was just all wrong in general i felt so
disrespected and embarrassed in front of
all my fans i've never had that happen
he screamed at the top of his lungs i'm
sorry but we came here to give someone
ten thousand dollars in which by the way
he didn't want to accept it which is
fine he just told us that he doesn't
accept tips and you know he kind of just
like walked away so we love train guy
we'll always come here to support you
but i have ten thousand dollars should
we tip someone else we gotta find
something it sucks because i really
wanted train guy to take it but he
literally was not taking off camera we
talked to him and he wasn't comfortable
he just didn't want to take the money
like he just was like hey that's not me
well guys i still have this ten thousand
dollars to give away i figured postmates
drivers would be the best to tip to
because they'll be driving all day
everyone knows the gas prices are
extremely high so instead of just giving
this to one postmates driver i figured
we ordered two post mates okay give 5000
to each i'm sure that'll help out a lot
we still need to spread that good energy
that we were trying to do earlier today
absolutely guys we're gonna try to turn
a negative into a positive because
that's how it is on facebook's channel
even if something bad happens we always
try to turn it around so we just ordered
two post mates and about a tip and five
thousand dollars it's a double win
because we get food and they get a tip
hey yes sir baby let's go all right guys
first post mates pulling up this is not
creepy at all he just sees us like with
a camera what's good my man
all right good how are you doing all
right thank you thank you you're welcome
you're welcome hey quick question go for
it what's the biggest tip you've gotten
through postmates uh i think 25 hours
25. can i top that well hey if you want
to try it ah definitely i'll try i'll
try here's a thousand are you serious
oh crap yeah i didn't want to curse but
oh no you're good wait hold on
three here's two are you serious yeah
cause it was boba and i love boba i
appreciate you yeah of course thank you
so much how is it being a postmates
driver like now with the gas prices and
all that like do you break even do you
still make like a decent income you know
what man gas prices are ridiculous and