We Need to Delete Artbreeder Before It's Too Late

19 Dec 202017:13

TLDRThe transcript describes the experience of exploring Artbreeder, a website that uses AI to blend and create new pieces of art. The user navigates through various categories, generating unique and sometimes unsettling images, reflecting on the potential and ethical implications of AI-generated art. The video ends with a teaser for future content where the user plans to upload their own images and experiment further with the platform.


  • 🎨 Art Breeder is an online platform that utilizes programming to blend different pieces of art together, creating new and unique portraits or landscapes.
  • 💡 The concept of 'breeding art' can be misunderstood and may lead to a variety of outcomes, from lovely portraits to surreal and sometimes unsettling images.
  • 🤖 The technology behind Art Breeder uses AI to generate art, similar to how Google's AI can create faces, offering a wide range of possibilities and combinations.
  • 🌐 The website offers a variety of categories for users to explore, including general portraits, characters, landscapes, sci-fi, bio art, albums, furries, and anime portraits.
  • 🔄 Users can mix and match different elements to create new images, with the potential for both innovative and horrifying results, reflecting the unpredictable nature of AI-generated content.
  • 💸 There are different levels of access on the platform, with paid options like 'advanced breeder' and 'champion breeder' that allow for additional features, such as uploading personal images.
  • 🚀 The potential applications of Art Breeder are vast, including concept art for projects, album covers, or even just exploring the limits of AI-generated art.
  • 👀 The quality of the AI-generated art can be high, with some pieces resembling professional artwork, raising questions about the future role of AI in creative fields.
  • 📈 The experience of using Art Breeder can be both exciting and unsettling, with users venturing into 'rabbit holes' of bizarre and sometimes frightening creations.
  • 🔗 The platform's interface and process for uploading and creating art may have some technical requirements and limitations, such as the need for clear faces and appropriate image resolutions.
  • 🌟 Despite the potential for chaos and strange outcomes, Art Breeder showcases the impressive capabilities of AI in the realm of art and its potential to revolutionize creative expression.

Q & A

  • What is Artbreeder?

    -Artbreeder is a website that utilizes programming to blend pieces of art together, creating new images and portraits that can range from professional-looking to surreal and chaotic.

  • How does the 'breeding' process work on Artbreeder?

    -The 'breeding' process involves mixing and matching different art pieces to create new images. Users can adjust sliders to control the level of chaos and generate a variety of outcomes, from landscapes to character portraits.

  • What kind of art can be created on Artbreeder?

    -Artbreeder allows the creation of various types of art, including portraits, characters, landscapes, sci-fi concepts, bio art, album covers, furries, and anime portraits.

  • What are some of the issues the speaker encountered while using Artbreeder?

    -The speaker experienced a mix of fascination and horror, with some creations being impressive and others being nightmarish. They also faced technical issues, such as slow processing times and difficulties with uploading personal images.

  • How does the 'chaos slider' affect the creations on Artbreeder?

    -The 'chaos slider' controls the level of randomness and surrealism in the generated art. Moving the slider towards chaos can result in bizarre, surreal, and sometimes unsettling images.

  • What was the speaker's reaction to the furry art on Artbreeder?

    -The speaker was impressed by the consistency and quality of the furry art generated by Artbreeder, noting that it looked professional and could be used for social media accounts or album art.

  • What are the potential implications of AI-generated art like that seen on Artbreeder?

    -The potential implications include the blurring of lines between human and AI-generated creativity, the impact on traditional art forms, and the ethical considerations of using AI to create and potentially replace human artists.

  • What did the speaker suggest they might do with the Artbreeder platform in the future?

    -The speaker suggested they might return to the platform to upload their own images and those of friends and other YouTubers, with the intention of creating and sharing more content based on their experiences with the website.

  • How did the speaker feel about the website's processing time after making a payment?

    -The speaker expressed frustration with the website's processing time after they made a payment, noting that it seemed to slow down significantly compared to when they were using the free version.

  • What was the speaker's overall impression of Artbreeder?

    -The speaker had a mixed impression of Artbreeder, finding it both fascinating and terrifying. They were impressed by the variety of art that could be generated but also felt overwhelmed by some of the more chaotic and unsettling creations.



🎨 Introducing Art Breeder

The paragraph introduces the concept of Art Breeder, a website that uses programming to merge pieces of art together, creating a variety of portraits and landscapes. The speaker expresses initial confusion about the term 'breed art' but clarifies that it involves mixing different art pieces to produce unique creations. The speaker also mentions the potential for creating concept art for projects and the surreal results when the 'chaos slider' is adjusted, highlighting the range of outputs from impressive portraits to horrifying monsters.


💸 Exploring Art Breeder's Features

In this paragraph, the speaker navigates the Art Breeder website, exploring its features such as the ability to animate creations and the trending section. The speaker expresses a mix of fascination and discomfort with the site, particularly noting the creepy aspect of some animations. The speaker also discusses the limitations and costs associated with uploading personal images and the process of creating new art by selecting 'parents' or base images for the breeding process. The paragraph ends with the speaker's decision to explore further and potentially use the site with their own images in the future.


🖼️ Appreciating the Artwork

The speaker continues to examine the Art Breeder website, focusing on the variety of art produced, including landscapes, portraits, and character designs. They express admiration for the quality and consistency of some pieces, particularly in the furry and character categories. The speaker also reflects on the implications of AI-generated art, questioning the future of human artists and the potential for AI to surpass human creativity. Despite the impressive art, the speaker notes the website's lag and slow performance after payment, hinting at dissatisfaction with the service's reliability.


🚶‍♂️ Exiting the Art Breeder Experience

The speaker concludes their exploration of Art Breeder with a mix of awe and trepidation. They acknowledge the potential of AI in the creative field but also the unsettling nature of some creations that can leave a lasting, haunting impression. The speaker expresses intent to return with their own images to create unique content and invites the audience to look forward to future videos. The paragraph ends with a call to action for the audience to engage with the content and a final reflection on the glimpse into the future provided by the Art Breeder platform.



💡Art Breeder

Art Breeder is a website that utilizes programming to blend different pieces of art together, creating new and unique images. It is central to the video's theme as the speaker explores the capabilities of this platform, noting its potential for generating both beautiful and unsettling images.

💡Breeding Art

The term 'breeding art' refers to the process of combining elements from different artworks to generate new ones, akin to genetic breeding but applied to art. This concept is integral to the video as it shapes the speaker's experience and reactions to the outcomes produced by Art Breeder.

💡Chaos Slider

The 'chaos slider' is a user-adjustable control within the Art Breeder platform that determines the level of randomness or distortion in the generated art. It is a key concept in the video as it represents the fine line between creating appealing art and plunging into the realm of chaos and the grotesque.

💡AI-generated Art

AI-generated art refers to the creation of visual content using artificial intelligence, as demonstrated by the Art Breeder platform. This concept is crucial to the video's narrative as it explores the capabilities and implications of AI in the creative field.

💡Nightmare Fuel

The phrase 'nightmare fuel' is used to describe content that is so disturbing or unsettling that it could potentially cause nightmares. In the context of the video, it refers to the more horrifying images produced by the Art Breeder platform.

💡Concept Art

Concept art is preliminary visual artwork used in various creative industries, such as film, video games, and animation, to illustrate ideas and concepts. In the video, the speaker considers how the Art Breeder platform could be used to generate innovative concept art for projects.

💡Furry Art

Furry art refers to artwork featuring anthropomorphic animals, often with human-like characteristics. In the video, the speaker comments on the quality and consistency of the AI-generated furry art they encounter on the Art Breeder platform.

💡Existential Crisis

An existential crisis is a moment of intense doubt or confusion about one's own existence, purpose, or meaning in life. In the context of the video, the speaker humorously describes their reaction to some of the more disturbing images generated by Art Breeder.


The term 'surreal' describes something that is bizarre or dreamlike, often defying logic or reality. In the video, it is used to describe the strange and otherworldly art that the speaker generates using the Art Breeder platform.


Privacy in this context refers to the level of access and visibility granted to the AI-generated art on the Art Breeder platform. The speaker discusses the implications of privacy settings when deciding whether to upload their own images.

💡Pricing and Subscription

The terms 'pricing' and 'subscription' relate to the costs and membership levels associated with using the Art Breeder platform. The speaker mentions different levels, such as 'advanced breeder' and 'champion breeder,' which come with varying features and benefits.


Art Breeder is a website that allows users to breed art using programming to merge pieces of art together.

The merging process can create portraits that look professionally drawn but are mixtures of different people.

Art Breeder offers a variety of creations, from lovely portraits to surreal and chaotic images.

The platform can be used to generate concept art for projects, offering innovative and unique ideas.

There's a 'chaos slider' that can turn the creations from normal to surreal and otherworldly.

Users can mix and match different art to make creations like landscapes, characters, and sci-fi concepts.

The website contains a variety of categories such as general portraits, characters, landscapes, sci-fi, bio art, albums, furries, and anime portraits.

Art Breeder has a trending section where users can see popular creations made by the community.

The process of creating art involves selecting 'parents' or base images to breed from.

Uploading custom images is possible but requires payment for advanced features.

Once images are uploaded, they are processed and encoded into a representation that the neural networks can understand.

The website's AI can generate art that rivals the quality and creativity of human-made art.

Art Breeder raises questions about the future of AI in the creative industry and its potential to replace human artists.

The experience of using Art Breeder can be both terrifying and fascinating, offering a glimpse into the potential of AI.

The creator expresses an intention to use the platform with their own images and those of others, suggesting a future video on the topic.

The video ends with a call to action for viewers to engage with the content and anticipate future explorations of Art Breeder.