We ranked artworks by top artists! This happened... (ART TIER LIST)

15 Apr 202418:27

TLDRIn a lively and interactive livestream, the host engages with the audience to rate various artworks from ArtStation. The discussion is dynamic, with a focus on different styles and elements of the artwork, such as character design, color usage, and the expressiveness of the pieces. The community actively participates, voting on the tier of each artwork, ranging from A to SS tiers. Notably, a cat sculpture is unanimously considered SS tier, highlighting the audience's appreciation for exceptional work. The host also addresses the lack of male characters in the rated pieces, encouraging a broader range of subjects. Throughout the session, the host provides constructive criticism, praises the artists' skills, and shares insights into the art creation process, making the stream both entertaining and informative.


  • 🎨 The discussion is about ranking artworks by different artists on ArtStation.
  • 📊 The ranking system used is a tier list with categories like S, A, B, and C tiers.
  • 🤔 The community's opinions are considered in the ranking process, with a focus on the artwork's style, character design, and overall impression.
  • 🐱 A cat artwork is considered to be beyond S-tier, indicating it is exceptionally good.
  • 🚫 The speaker avoids ranking artworks that are inappropriate or do not adhere to the platform's terms of service.
  • 👥 There is a noticeable preference for female characters in the artworks, which the speaker questions and encourages a broader range of character designs.
  • 🤩 High-quality works, especially those with dynamic and expressive elements, are given high rankings, such as A or S tiers.
  • 😕 Some artworks, despite being well-crafted, are ranked lower due to less impressive or overused elements, like generic faces.
  • 👍 The community is encouraged to vote and share their opinions, which influences the final tier ranking of each artwork.
  • 🚷 The speaker expresses the need for more male character designs, advocating for gender diversity in the artworks.
  • ⏸ The session ends with a call to follow the streamer for future content and a reminder about the gaming stream.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the provided transcript?

    -The main topic of discussion is the evaluation and ranking of artworks by various artists on ArtStation, with a focus on differentiating between tiers such as S, A, B, and C.

  • What does the term 'S tier' signify in the context of the discussion?

    -In the context of the discussion, 'S tier' refers to the highest level of quality or the most impressive artworks among those being evaluated.

  • How does the speaker react to the artwork by EV Jen?

    -The speaker seems to appreciate the artwork by EV Jen, focusing on the character and suggesting that it should be considered for an 'A' or 'B' tier, depending on the emphasis on character and color.

  • What does the speaker find controversial about the artwork by Joker y Style?

    -The speaker anticipates getting a lot of controversy for the artwork by Joker y Style because they are unsure whether to rate it as an 'A' or 'B', and they express concern about the character design being potentially too realistic.

  • Why does the speaker express concern about the artwork with a realistic eye?

    -The speaker finds the realistic eye in the artwork to be uncanny and slightly creepy, which detracts from the overall appeal of the piece, even though they acknowledge the skill involved in its creation.

  • What does the speaker notice about the gender representation in the artworks?

    -The speaker notices a lack of male characters in the artworks and questions why there is a focus on female characters, advocating for a broader representation that includes male characters as well.

  • What is the general consensus on the artwork by Yuri Canich?

    -The general consensus on the artwork by Yuri Canich is that it has great shape and style, but some viewers find the mouth to be too large for the character's face, which leads to a debate on whether it should be rated as an 'A' or 'B'.

  • What does the speaker think about the artwork by Dennis Ulanov?

    -The speaker finds the artwork by Dennis Ulanov to be impressive, particularly noting the style and the red jacket. They are torn between rating it as an 'A' or 'B', but ultimately lean towards an 'A' due to its overall quality.

  • Why does the speaker express a desire for more male characters in the artworks?

    -The speaker believes that male characters can be just as cool, interesting, and diverse as female characters, and they want to challenge the apparent bias towards female characters in the artworks being discussed.

  • What does the speaker find particularly impressive about the 3D sculpts?

    -The speaker appreciates the expressiveness and artistic quality of the 3D sculpts, noting that while some may not be as expressive as 2D concept art, the ones they are discussing show a high level of skill and creativity.

  • How does the speaker engage with the chat during the discussion?

    -The speaker actively engages with the chat by asking for their opinions, voting on the artworks, and responding to their feedback. They also use humor and personal commentary to keep the discussion lively and interactive.



🎨 Artwork Rating Session on ArtStation

The speaker initiates a discussion about rating artists' works on ArtStation. They begin by evaluating Thas Sari's artwork, receiving mixed opinions with a majority leaning towards a 'B' rating. The conversation continues with various artists' works being critiqued, including EV Jen and others, with a focus on aspects like character design, color usage, and overall appeal. The speaker provides their insights, occasionally disagreeing with the audience's ratings, and emphasizes the importance of form and character expression in artwork. The session also humorously touches on the prevalence of female characters in the artworks and the lack of male characters.


🤔 Artistic Preferences and Critiques

The speaker delves into the subjectivity of art appreciation, discussing the varying opinions on different pieces. They mention the challenge of rating artwork, as it is influenced by personal taste. The dialogue includes the audience's feedback and the speaker's own critiques, with a focus on the style, expression, and skill involved in each piece. Notably, the speaker emphasizes the impressiveness of a cat sculpture, which is unanimously considered to be of superior quality ('SS tier'). The conversation also addresses the concept of expressiveness in 3D sculptures compared to 2D art and the speaker's self-critique regarding their own work.


📈 Dynamic Rating Adjustments and Audience Interaction

The speaker engages in a dynamic rating process with the audience, adjusting ratings based on collective feedback. They discuss the artwork of various artists, including Swam Art and others, and the audience's reactions to them. The speaker also addresses the challenge of finding male characters in the artworks and makes a point to include them in the discussion. Throughout the paragraph, there's a playful banter about the criteria for 'S' tier ratings, with the speaker expressing strong opinions about what merits such a high rating. The conversation culminates in a humorous moment where the speaker vetoes the audience's rating for one of the artworks, asserting it deserves an 'S' tier.


🚀 Wrapping Up the Art Rating Session

The speaker concludes the artwork rating session by summarizing the ratings and expressing the need for more voting to finalize the tier placements. They highlight a few pieces that received 'S' tier ratings, including one by Danny Mac, which the speaker strongly advocates for. The session ends with a call to action for the audience to vote on a poll regarding the enjoyment of the stream, indicating the potential for more such sessions in the future. The speaker also promotes their gaming stream and thanks the audience for their participation, signaling the end of the current stream.



💡Art Station

Art Station is an online platform where artists can showcase their work and connect with others in the creative community. In the context of the video, it is the source of the artworks being rated and discussed by the host and the audience.

💡Tier List

A tier list is a ranking system used to organize and compare items, characters, or in this case, artworks into different levels of quality or preference. The video is centered around creating a tier list for the rated artworks.

💡S Tier

S Tier refers to the highest level of quality or preference in the tier list. It is used to denote the artworks that are considered the best or most impressive by the host and the audience. For example, the host states that a cat sculpture is 'SS tier', indicating it is exceptionally high quality.

💡Character Design

Character design involves creating the visual appearance of a character, including their physical features, clothing, and accessories. It is a key aspect of the artworks being evaluated, with the host discussing elements like the shape of the clothes and the expressiveness of the characters.

💡3D Sculpts

3D sculpts are three-dimensional models created using digital sculpting software. They are a type of artwork being rated in the video, and the host discusses their expressiveness and artistic style compared to 2D concept art.


Expressiveness in art refers to the ability of a piece to convey emotion or character through its design and presentation. The host comments on the expressiveness of the artworks, noting when pieces are particularly dynamic or lack emotional depth.

💡Unexpressive Characters

Unexpressive characters are those that do not convey much emotion or personality through their design. The host self-reflects on their own artwork, acknowledging that many of their characters are unexpressive and that they aim to improve this aspect in their future work.

💡Anime Characters

Anime characters are characters from Japanese animation, known for their distinct visual style. The host discusses the design of anime characters in relation to making them too realistic, which can sometimes look off or creepy in the context of stylized art.


Stylized refers to a form of artistic expression where the subject is deliberately distorted or simplified for effect. The host uses this term to describe certain artworks that have a unique visual style, setting them apart from more realistic depictions.


Voting is the process by which the audience and the host decide the tier of each artwork. It is a democratic way to establish the tier list and involves collective input from the chat during the live stream.


Critique in this context refers to the analysis and discussion of the artworks' quality and design elements. The host plans to do a critique session, indicating a more in-depth analysis of the artworks beyond the tier ranking.


The discussion begins with rating artworks on ArtStation, focusing on different tiers (A, B, C).

Thas Sari's artwork receives mixed reviews, leaning towards a B tier rating.

EV Jen's artwork is praised for its impressive forms and clean shapes, earning an A tier.

A cat artwork is immediately deemed SS tier, showcasing the community's love for feline subjects.

Controversy arises over an artwork's rating, indicating varying opinions within the community.

The importance of character design is discussed, with a focus on making it suit the character rather than just appealing to the audience.

Yuri Canich's artwork receives an A tier rating for its great shape and stylized features, despite some debate over the mouth size.

Hiro Kazu Yokohara's artwork is highly rated with four A's, demonstrating a strong consensus on its quality.

The streamer expresses a desire for more male character artwork, noting an imbalance in the focus on female characters.

An AI-generated sculpture is rated highly, with many viewers awarding it an SSS tier, showcasing the advancement in AI art capabilities.

The conversation touches on the expressiveness of 3D sculptures compared to 2D concept art, noting the unique challenges of each medium.

The streamer self-reflects on their own artwork, acknowledging a tendency to create less expressive characters and a desire to improve.

A piece by Helen Stiffler receives a B tier rating, with commentary on the unique expression of the artwork.

The community engages in a lively debate over the rating of a particular artwork, demonstrating the subjective nature of art appreciation.

The stream concludes with a call to vote on a poll to determine the future of the stream's content, emphasizing community involvement.

The streamer announces upcoming streams, including a gaming stream and a sculpting critique, maintaining viewer engagement.