The Looksmaxxing Tier List

28 Jan 202434:34

TLDRThe video script discusses various methods of 'looks maxing,' a term used to describe the process of enhancing one's physical appearance through different techniques and lifestyle changes. It covers a range of topics from supplementing for better skin and health, to surgical options for altering facial features and body proportions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-improvement, maintaining a lean physique, and achieving facial harmony for an aesthetically pleasing appearance. The script also touches on the psychological impact of looks on self-esteem and social interactions, advocating for a balanced approach to personal grooming and health.


  • 🌟 The importance of supplements like beta carotene for a healthy glow and vitamin D for testosterone levels.
  • 💉 The role of glucosamine in extending the spine and creatine for muscle and brain performance.
  • 🥕 The benefits of L-Tyrosine for dopamine production and focus.
  • 👄 Tips for lip maxing, including the use of Volbella and lip exfoliation for fuller lips.
  • 💪 Melanin maxing advice for achieving a slight tan without overdoing it.
  • 👕 Style maxing essentials for the gym, emphasizing black and white clothing for neutrality and style advice based on skin tone.
  • 💡 The impact of posture on perceived confidence and the use of posture correctors.
  • 🍽️ Gut health's influence on mental and physical well-being and the importance of a healthy diet.
  • 🦷 The significance of dental health and aesthetics, including the use of Invisalign and veneers.
  • 💤 The necessity of adequate sleep for productivity, focus, and brain clarity.
  • 💇 Hair maxing strategies for balancing facial proportions and addressing hair loss.

Q & A

  • What are some supplements that Rose recommends for looks maxing?

    -Rose recommends beta carotene for a glow, vitamin D for testosterone levels, glucosamine for height, creatine for muscle and brain clarity, and L tyrosine for dopamine and focus.

  • What is Rose's opinion on Voline for lip maxing?

    -Rose tried Voline and found the results to be negligible, suggesting that lip fillers are a more effective, though costly, option for those seeking fuller lips.

  • How does Rose feel about melanin maxing and what are the risks involved?

    -Rose advises caution with melanin maxing, as too much can lead to an unhealthy appearance and loss of contrast, which is essential for aesthetic appeal. She mentions the use of fake tan and melanotan as options, but warns of potential risks.

  • What is style maxing and why is it important?

    -Style maxing involves enhancing one's appearance through clothing and accessories. It's important because it complements one's physical features and helps create a cohesive aesthetic, similar to how car modifications can enhance a vehicle's appeal.

  • What are some gym clothing essentials that Rose suggests?

    -Rose suggests a compression shirt for a defined look, a wife beater for versatility, and long pants for comfort and style. She prefers neutral colors like black and white but acknowledges that some may choose more vibrant options.

  • How does Rose approach deblo maxing?

    -Rose explains that a high sodium intake can lead to facial bloating. To deblo, one should consume potassium chloride to achieve a 3:1 ratio of potassium to sodium, which helps flush excess water from the system.

  • What is Rose's strategy for symmetry maxing?

    -Rose shares that he corrected his asymmetrical jaw by chewing on the less developed side during puberty, which stimulated muscle growth and improved the jaw's structure on that side.

  • What are some methods Rose discusses for height maxing?

    -Rose mentions growth hormones, stretching, and the use of shoe lifts as methods for height maxing. He also discusses the surgical option of limb lengthening for those with closed growth plates.

  • How does Rose feel about surgery maxing and what precautions should be taken?

    -Rose advises that surgery should only be considered in rare cases where all other methods have been exhausted. He emphasizes the importance of facial harmony and doing thorough research before opting for surgical procedures.

  • What is Rose's stance on lean maxing and its impact on aesthetics?

    -Rose strongly advocates for lean maxing, stating that being lean significantly improves one's appearance and is the most effective way to achieve an aesthetic look. He encourages those who are overweight to take action and lose weight.

  • How does Rose propose to improve gut health as part of looks maxing?

    -Rose suggests improving gut health by avoiding junk food, fasting, taking probiotics, and getting medical check-ups to address any potential issues.



🌟 Introduction to Looks Maxing

The speaker, Rose, introduces the concept of looks maxing, an iceberg of new ideas and techniques to enhance one's appearance. The video promises to cover a range of topics from supplements to surgery, aiming to leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of aesthetic improvement. Rose emphasizes the importance of exploring these methods thoroughly, despite potential skepticism or discomfort.


💊 Supplement Maxing

Rose discusses the role of supplements in looks maxing, highlighting beta carotene for skin health, vitamin D for testosterone levels, and other supplements like glucosamine, creatine, and L-Tyrosine for various benefits. The focus is on using supplements to boost overall health and appearance, though Rose warns about the potential for overdoing it and the importance of understanding one's body and needs.


👄 Lip Maxing

In the segment on lip maxing, Rose talks about the desire for fuller lips and the options available, including lip fillers and Volbella injections. The speaker shares personal experiences with Volbella and offers practical advice on maintaining lip health through exfoliation. The emphasis is on finding the right balance and approach to lip enhancement.


🌞 Melanin Maxing

Rose addresses melanin maxing, discussing the challenges of having pale skin and the options for achieving a more even skin tone. The speaker mentions personal experiences with fake tanning and the use of melanotan, advising viewers to research and consider the risks involved. The goal is to find a suitable method for achieving a desired skin tone without overdoing it or causing harm.


👕 Style Maxing

Style maxing is explored with Rose emphasizing the importance of clothing and accessories in enhancing one's appearance. The speaker shares personal preferences and advice on gym clothing, highlighting the significance of choosing the right colors and fits. Rose also suggests finding inspiration from others, like Shan O Pryor, to develop a unique and sophisticated style.


💪 Gym Maxing

Gym maxing is discussed as a crucial component of looks maxing, with Rose sharing personal experiences and advice on exercises to target specific muscles for an aesthetic physique. The focus is on exercises like lateral raises for shoulders, leg raises for abs, and a combination of exercises for chest and lats. Rose emphasizes the importance of a balanced workout routine to achieve a visually appealing body shape.


🦵 Frame Maxing

Frame maxing is introduced as the manipulation of body proportions, with Rose discussing the importance of having a balanced and harmonious physique. The speaker talks about exercises like the Rees deadlift to broaden shoulders and stomach vacuums to minimize waist size. The goal is to create an hourglass figure or a V-shape torso, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal.

🔪 Surgery Maxing

Surgery maxing is presented as a last resort for those with significant facial or physical imperfections. Rose warns about the risks of distorting facial harmony and emphasizes the importance of research and understanding the potential outcomes. The speaker mentions skin maxing techniques like chemical peels, microneedling, and the use of sunscreen and BB cream to improve skin health and appearance.

📈 Height Maxing

Height maxing is explored with Rose discussing various methods to increase or appear taller, including natural growth, growth hormone use, and surgical procedures like limb lengthening. The speaker also mentions the use of shoe lifts and the importance of embracing one's natural height with confidence and a positive mindset.

😎 Jaw and Eye Maxing

Rose delves into jaw and eye maxing, discussing methods like mewing, gum chewing, and the use of jaw fillers or surgery to enhance facial structure. The speaker also talks about eyebrow darkening, upper eyelid fillers, and eye color changing procedures as ways to improve the appearance of the eyes. The emphasis is on finding the right balance and approach to facial enhancement.

🏋️‍♂️ Lean Maxing

Lean maxing is highlighted as the most effective way to improve one's appearance, with Rose stressing the importance of maintaining a low body fat percentage. The speaker shares personal experiences and the benefits of a lean physique, such as defined facial features and improved facial harmony. The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to subscribe, buy products, and support the channel.



💡Looks Maxing

Looks Maxing refers to the process of maximizing one's physical appearance through various methods and techniques. In the context of the video, it encompasses a wide range of strategies from supplementing for better skin and health, to surgical enhancements, aiming to improve one's aesthetics and attractiveness. The video presents a tiered system for looks maxing, suggesting different approaches based on the desired outcome and individual needs.


Supplements are substances that are taken to enhance one's health and well-being. In the video, certain supplements like beta carotene and vitamin D are recommended as part of the looks maxing process to improve skin appearance and boost testosterone levels, respectively. These substances are seen as natural ways to enhance one's physical attributes without resorting to more invasive procedures.

💡Lip Maxing

Lip maxing is a technique within the looks maxing process aimed at enhancing the appearance of the lips. This can be achieved through various methods, such as using certain products like Volbella or through more permanent solutions like lip fillers. The goal is to create fuller, more defined lips, which are often perceived as more attractive.

💡Melanin Maxing

Melanin maxing refers to the process of increasing or enhancing the melanin levels in the skin to achieve a desired skin tone or tan. This can be done through various methods, including tanning products or sun exposure, but it's important to maintain a healthy balance to avoid over-tanning or skin damage. The concept is part of the looks maxing process to improve one's overall appearance.

💡Style Maxing

Style maxing is the practice of enhancing one's personal style and fashion choices to improve overall aesthetics. This includes selecting clothing and accessories that complement one's physical features and personal vibe. The concept emphasizes the importance of aligning one's outward appearance with their desired image and identity.

💡Dblo Maxing

Dblo maxing, or de-bloating, involves采取措施 to reduce facial swelling or bloating, often caused by an imbalance of sodium and potassium in the diet. The goal is to achieve a more defined and less bloated facial appearance, which is considered more attractive. This concept is part of the broader looks maxing strategy.

💡Symmetry Maxing

Symmetry maxing is the process of enhancing or correcting facial or body asymmetries to achieve a more balanced and harmonious appearance. This can involve strategies like chewing on one side of the mouth to develop the jaw muscles more evenly, or using makeup and other cosmetic techniques to create the illusion of symmetry.

💡Neck Maxing

Neck maxing is the practice of enhancing the appearance and strength of the neck through targeted exercises and training. A well-defined neck is considered an attractive feature and can contribute to an overall aesthetic physique. This concept is part of the broader looks maxing strategy, focusing on the neck area specifically.

💡Posture Correcting

Posture correcting refers to the methods and practices used to improve one's posture, which can have a significant impact on physical health and the way one presents themselves. Good posture can enhance the appearance of confidence and authority, while poor posture may convey the opposite. The video discusses the use of a posture corrector as a tool to train the body to maintain proper alignment.

💡Gut Health

Gut health refers to the condition and functioning of the digestive system, which plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being. A healthy gut can contribute to better physical health, mental clarity, and even aesthetics, as poor gut health can lead to bloating and other symptoms that may negatively affect one's appearance. The video emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle choices for maintaining good gut health.

💡Teeth Maxing

Teeth maxing is the process of improving the appearance and health of one's teeth, which can significantly impact one's smile and overall attractiveness. This can involve dental treatments like veneers, orthodontics like Invisalign, or simply maintaining good oral hygiene. A 'Chad' smile is mentioned in the video as a desirable aesthetic goal.


The concept of 'looks maxing' is introduced as a comprehensive approach to improving one's physical appearance through various methods and techniques.

Beta carotene supplementation is recommended for achieving a healthy glow and improving skin appearance.

Vitamin D is emphasized for its role in boosting testosterone levels and the importance of晒太阳 (sun exposure) for maintaining adequate levels.

Glucosamine is suggested as a supplement that can potentially increase height by extending the spine.

Creatine is mentioned as a supplement beneficial for both gym performance and brain clarity.

L-Tyrosine is discussed for its role in dopamine production, enhancing focus and performance.

The importance of lip care and the options available, including lip fillers and exfoliation, are explored for achieving fuller lips.

Melanin maxing is presented as a strategy for those with pale skin to improve their appearance, with caution against excessive tanning.

Style maxing is introduced as an overlooked aspect of looks maxing, emphasizing the role of clothing and accessories in enhancing one's aesthetic.

Gym clothing recommendations are provided, focusing on compression shirts, wife beaters, and long pants for optimal gym performance and style.

Dblo maxing, or reducing facial bloating, is discussed using a ratio of potassium chloride to sodium intake.

Symmetry maxing is touched upon, with the speaker sharing personal experiences and strategies for addressing facial asymmetry.

Neck maxing is introduced as a method for improving the appearance of the neck through specific exercises and training.

Posture correction is discussed, with the speaker sharing personal experience using a posture corrector for improved confidence and perceived competence.

Guts maxing is emphasized as a crucial aspect of overall health and well-being, with advice on improving gut health through diet and lifestyle changes.

Teeth maxing is presented as an important component of looks maxing, with suggestions for improving the appearance of teeth through various dental treatments.

Hygiene maxing is discussed, highlighting the importance of daily showers, deodorant, and dental hygiene for maintaining a presentable and healthy appearance.

Sleep maxing is introduced, emphasizing the importance of adequate sleep for productivity, focus, and overall health.

Hair maxing is discussed, with advice on choosing hairstyles that complement one's facial features and the importance of addressing hair loss through treatments if necessary.

Gym maxing is explored, with specific exercises recommended for targeting key muscle groups to achieve an aesthetic physique.

Frame maxing is introduced as a strategy for manipulating body proportions, with exercises suggested for creating an hourglass figure or a more balanced physique.

Surgery maxing is presented as a last resort for those with significant facial or physical deformities, with a cautionary note on maintaining facial harmony.

Skin maxing is discussed, with the speaker sharing personal experiences with Accutane and other treatments for improving skin health and appearance.

Height maxing is explored, with various methods discussed for naturally increasing height as well as surgical options for those with closed growth plates.

Jaw maxing is introduced, with techniques such as mewing, gum chewing, and potential surgical or filler options discussed for improving jawline definition.

IM maxing, or eye maxing, is discussed with various non-surgical methods suggested for enhancing the appearance of the eyes.

Lean maxing is emphasized as the most critical aspect of looks maxing, with the benefits of a lean physique for facial structure and overall attractiveness highlighted.