What Is an AI Anyway? | Mustafa Suleyman | TED

22 Apr 202422:02

TLDRMustafa Suleyman, a veteran in the field of AI, shares his perspective on the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence and its profound implications for humanity. He reflects on the initial skepticism and the subsequent realization of AI's potential to revolutionize various aspects of life, from diagnosing diseases to playing complex games. Suleyman addresses common questions about AI's impact on society, such as its role in solving the climate crisis, education, and employment. He introduces the metaphor of AI as a 'new digital species' to help understand its growing capabilities and the need to shape its development ethically. Suleyman emphasizes the importance of considering AI not just as tools, but as entities that can act autonomously, communicate, and even exhibit creativity, urging the audience to contemplate the risks and boundaries necessary for their safe integration. He envisions a future where AI companions enhance human life, provided we design them with humanity's best qualities in mind, presenting both the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in this new era of technological advancement.


  • 🤖 AI has evolved from a fringe field to a powerful technology that can perform tasks previously thought impossible for machines, such as understanding images, translating languages, and diagnosing diseases.
  • 🚀 The rapid advancements in AI have raised significant questions about its impact on society, including its potential role in solving global challenges like the climate crisis and education.
  • 🧐 Mustafa Suleyman, an AI researcher, was asked by his nephew what AI is, prompting reflection on the need for a fundamental understanding of AI that even a child can grasp.
  • 🌐 AI is often described as a tool, but Suleyman suggests thinking of it as a new digital species, capable of companionship, support, and collaboration with humans.
  • ⏳ The pace of AI development is accelerating, with models growing exponentially in size and capability, leading to AIs that can create art, hold conversations, and even drive cars.
  • 📈 AI's potential for growth is underpinned by the exponential increase in data and computational power available to train and run these models.
  • 🌟 The future envisions AIs with high IQ and EQ, capable of being kind, empathetic, and supportive, offering personalized assistance in various fields like education, medicine, and business.
  • 🔧 As AI develops an 'actions quotient' (AQ), its ability to perform tasks in the digital and physical world will increase, leading to widespread integration into daily life and industry.
  • 🌍 Every organization and entity may soon have its own AI, creating a landscape where AI companions are as common as smartphones are today.
  • 🤔 Suleyman emphasizes the importance of considering the ethical implications and potential risks of AI, advocating for safety by design and transparency in development.
  • 🌟 The most promising aspect of AI is its reflection of humanity; as we build AI, we have the opportunity to instill our best qualities, such as empathy, kindness, and creativity.

Q & A

  • How has the perception of AI evolved since Mustafa Suleyman started working on it?

    -When Mustafa Suleyman began working on AI, it was considered a fringe field, and researchers were hesitant to openly discuss artificial general intelligence (AGI) due to its association with science fiction. Over time, as AI started outperforming humans in various tasks, public perception shifted, and AI became recognized for its potential impact on society.

  • What are some of the tasks that AI has been successful at that were previously thought to be out of reach?

    -AI has been successful at understanding images, translating languages, transcribing speech, playing complex games like Go and chess, and even diagnosing diseases, which were tasks that people previously thought were beyond the capabilities of machines.

  • What are some of the ethical questions and concerns that have arisen with the advancement of AI?

    -Questions and concerns include whether AI will solve the climate crisis, provide personalized education, lead to universal basic income, impact employment, influence weapons and warfare, and the potential for a mass misinformation apocalypse. There are also concerns about who might lead in AI development, such as China, and the implications of being in a competitive 'race'.

  • How did Mustafa Suleyman respond to his nephew's question about the nature of AI?

    -Mustafa Suleyman initially provided a technical explanation, describing AI as a piece of software that has read most of the text on the open internet. However, he found himself struggling to provide a satisfactory answer that would resonate with a six-year-old, which led him to reflect on the fundamental nature of what AI is and what it represents.

  • What metaphor does Mustafa Suleyman propose to help understand the current moment in AI development?

    -Mustafa Suleyman suggests that AI should be understood as a new digital species. He believes this metaphor helps to convey the idea that AI will become digital companions and partners in our lives, and it allows everyone to prepare for and shape the future of AI.

  • What is the significance of AI's growth in terms of parameters and computation?

    -The growth in AI's parameters and computation signifies its increasing complexity and capability. As the models have grown from tens of millions to billions, and soon to trillions of parameters, and the computation has increased by orders of magnitude, AI's ability to process information, learn, and perform tasks has become far more sophisticated.

  • How does Mustafa Suleyman envision the future role of AI in personal and societal contexts?

    -Suleyman envisions AI as a ubiquitous presence with personalized interfaces, acting as tutors, medical advisors, lawyers, and business strategists. He also sees AI developing an 'actions quotient' (AQ), enabling them to perform tasks in both digital and physical realms. Furthermore, he predicts that every organization, town, building, and object will have a unique interactive persona represented by AI.

  • What are the potential risks associated with AI's autonomy and recursive self-improvement?

    -The risks include the possibility of AI systems operating without human oversight, potentially leading to unforeseen consequences. If AI systems are allowed to self-improve and update their own code independently, it could lead to a loss of control and an increase in risk to society.

  • Why is it important to consider the ethical implications and potential risks of AI as it continues to develop?

    -Considering ethical implications and potential risks is crucial to ensure that AI serves and amplifies humanity in a safe and beneficial way. It helps to shape the development of AI in a manner that aligns with human values and prevents the realization of dark scenarios that could harm society.

  • How does Mustafa Suleyman describe the relationship between the growth of technology and the evolution of human life?

    -Suleyman describes the relationship as deeply intertwined, with each technological wave amplifying and accelerating the next. He suggests that AI represents a new phase in technological history, one that is both a product of human evolution and a creator of change in our world.

  • What is the 'pessimism aversion trap' that Mustafa Suleyman refers to?

    -The 'pessimism aversion trap' refers to the tendency to avoid confronting the potential negative scenarios of AI development. Suleyman argues that it's necessary to have the courage to face these possibilities in order to maximize the benefits and mitigate risks.

  • Why does Mustafa Suleyman emphasize the importance of designing AI systems with safety as a core consideration?

    -Emphasizing safety in design is important because it allows for the introduction of controls and safeguards from the earliest stages of development. This proactive approach helps to prevent the emergence of dangerous capabilities and ensures that AI systems are aligned with human values and interests.



🤖 The Evolution and Impact of AI

The speaker reflects on their 15-year journey in the field of AI, noting its evolution from a fringe topic to a transformative force. Initially, AI was seen as a science fiction concept, with many doubting its feasibility. However, AI has since surpassed expectations by outperforming humans in various tasks, leading to significant questions about its potential impact on society, including climate change, education, employment, and global competition. The speaker is left pondering the fundamental nature of AI, especially after a conversation with a child, highlighting the need for clear understanding and communication about AI.


🌐 AI as a New Digital Species

The speaker proposes a metaphor to better understand AI, likening it to a new digital species. This perspective is intended to help society prepare for and shape the future of AI. The comparison is set against the backdrop of billions of years of life's evolution on Earth, leading to humanity's development of increasingly sophisticated tools. AI is portrayed as the next wave in this progression, with its rapid advancements in creativity, empathy, and capability. The speaker emphasizes the importance of this new phase in technological history and the intertwined journey of humanity with technology.


🧠 The Rise of Personal AI and Its Implications

The speaker envisions a future where AI becomes an integral part of daily life, with personal AIs offering knowledge, support, and assistance akin to a tutor, doctor, lawyer, and business strategist. The development of an 'actions quotient' (AQ) allows AI to perform tasks in both digital and physical realms, leading to AI companions that are confidants, colleagues, and friends. The speaker discusses the potential for AI to revolutionize various aspects of life, from community organization to scientific discovery, and the importance of considering AI not just as tools but as a new form of digital life that can interact with and enhance human experience.


⚙️ The Challenges and Opportunities of AI

The speaker acknowledges the immense potential of AI to be the most productive era in human history, while also recognizing the need to confront potential risks and downsides. They argue against viewing AI as mere tools, given their dynamic and emergent nature, and instead suggest thinking of them as a new digital species. This perspective is intended to encourage careful consideration of the risks, boundaries, and the type of AI we want to create. The speaker emphasizes the importance of designing AI with safety and human values in mind, to ensure that it serves and amplifies humanity.


🌟 The Future of AI and Human Ingenuity

The speaker expresses optimism about AI's potential to unlock unprecedented economic growth without the negative consequences of past industrial expansions. They liken AI to an infinite inventor, capable of creating abundant, world-changing innovations. The speaker calls for a creative and honest approach to understanding AI, reflecting on its role as a reflection of human evolution and creativity. They conclude by stressing the importance of imbuing AI with the best aspects of humanity, such as empathy, kindness, and curiosity, viewing this as the greatest challenge and opportunity of the 21st century.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is portrayed as an emerging technology with the potential to revolutionize various aspects of human life, from understanding images and languages to playing games and diagnosing diseases. The speaker Mustafa Suleyman discusses the rapid advancements in AI and its ethical considerations.


Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the idea of machines possessing the ability to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can do. The video mentions that the concept of AGI was once considered a fringe topic and viewed with skepticism. Mustafa Suleyman reflects on how perceptions have shifted towards recognizing the potential of AGI in solving complex problems.

💡Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a subset of AI that involves the use of data and algorithms to parse data, learn from that data, and make informed decisions based on what they've learned. In the script, Mustafa Suleyman recalls the early days of his AI career when researchers would shy away from the term 'AI' and instead focus on 'machine learning', indicating the stigma associated with AI at the time.

💡Digital Species

The term 'Digital Species' is used metaphorically by Mustafa Suleyman to describe the future of AI. He suggests that AI could evolve to become a new form of digital companions that are integrated into our lives, much like a species. This metaphor is used to emphasize the potential for AI to develop personalities, creativity, and autonomous capabilities, which are traditionally associated with living organisms.


Ethics in the context of AI refers to the moral principles that should guide the development and use of AI technologies. Mustafa Suleyman emphasizes the importance of considering ethics in AI, as we are creating something fundamentally different from any previous invention. He argues that our ethical considerations should reflect the best aspects of humanity, such as empathy and kindness.


Autonomy in AI refers to the ability of a system to make decisions and perform tasks without human intervention. The video discusses the risks associated with increasing autonomy in AI systems, suggesting that it could lead to unintended consequences if not carefully managed. Mustafa Suleyman stresses the need to approach the development of autonomous AI with caution.

💡Recursive Self-Improvement

Recursive self-improvement is the concept where an AI system can modify and upgrade its own algorithms to improve its performance over time. In the video, Mustafa Suleyman identifies this capability as a potential risk, as it could lead to AI systems evolving beyond human control. He suggests that this is a topic that needs to be addressed proactively in AI development.

💡Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models are AI systems that have been trained on vast amounts of text data to understand and generate human-like language. Mustafa Suleyman mentions that over a billion people have used LLMs, highlighting their widespread adoption and the creative and empathetic capabilities they possess.

💡Human-AI Interaction

Human-AI Interaction refers to the ways in which humans communicate, collaborate, or engage with AI systems. The video emphasizes the potential for AI to become personal companions that can assist with tasks, provide emotional support, and enhance human productivity. Mustafa Suleyman envisions a future where AI is deeply integrated into daily human life.

💡AI Risks

AI Risks are the potential negative consequences or dangers that may arise from the development and use of AI technologies. Mustafa Suleyman discusses the importance of acknowledging and addressing these risks, such as the possibility of AI being used in harmful ways, contributing to misinformation, or causing economic disruption.

💡AI and Society

The term 'AI and Society' encompasses the broad impact of AI technologies on social structures, economies, and human behavior. In the video, Mustafa Suleyman explores questions about the role of AI in solving global challenges like climate change, providing education, and its implications for work and income distribution.


Mustafa Suleyman has been working on AI for almost 15 years and has witnessed its evolution from a fringe topic to a field with significant impact.

In 2010, the concept of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) was seen as a distant, science fiction-like idea.

AI has made strides in various tasks such as image understanding, language translation, and disease diagnosis.

Suleyman discusses the societal questions raised by AI advancements, including its potential impact on climate, education, and employment.

AI's rapid progress has led to complex ethical and existential questions, prompting Suleyman to reflect on the nature of AI.

Suleyman's nephew Caspian's innocent question, "What is an AI anyway?", challenges the common understanding of AI.

AI is described as a 'clever piece of software' capable of consuming vast amounts of information and conversing on numerous topics.

Suleyman suggests AI should be thought of as a new digital species, evolving into digital companions for humanity.

Life on Earth and technological advancements are deeply intertwined, with AI representing a new wave in this evolution.

AI's capabilities are expanding at an exponential rate, with models growing in complexity and computational power.

The future envisions a world where AIs have high IQ and EQ, offering personalized assistance in various domains.

AIs will develop an 'actions quotient' (AQ), enabling them to perform tasks in both digital and physical realms.

Every organization and entity may soon have its own AI, leading to a world where AIs are companions, colleagues, and partners.

AI's potential to replicate rapidly and its power surpassing human capabilities raises concerns about unintended consequences.

Suleyman argues that the risk of an 'intelligence explosion' is theoretical and not imminent, emphasizing the importance of careful language.

AI should be designed with safety in mind, avoiding capabilities like self-replication that could lead to uncontrolled outcomes.

The potential benefits of AI are immense, offering solutions to global challenges in health care, education, and climate change.

AI is not a separate entity but a reflection of humanity, embodying our empathy, kindness, curiosity, and creativity.

Injecting the best aspects of humanity into AI is the greatest challenge and opportunity of the 21st century, according to Suleyman.