Where Is Tartaria? Has History Been Rewritten?

Zachary Denman
26 Jan 202312:46

TLDRThe video script discusses the lost civilization of Tartaria, an advanced and spiritual empire that once covered much of Northern Asia. Known as the Golden Empire, its existence has been seemingly forgotten or erased from history. The script explores the historical evidence, such as maps and CIA documents, that suggest Tartaria's reality and its technological prowess, including free energy systems and advanced architecture. It also delves into the theory of 'mud floods' that led to the civilization's destruction and the subsequent 'great reset', questioning why this information is not widely taught and emphasizing the importance of uncovering the true history for societal progress.


  • 🌍 The concept of Tartaria refers to a lost civilization that supposedly existed in Northern Asia, known as The Golden Empire.
  • 🏺 Tartaria was believed to be a highly spiritual and technologically advanced society, covering a vast landmass including parts of China and Mongolia.
  • 🗺️ The Dutch cartographer, William Bligh, is noted for creating a map in 1627 that depicted the extensive reach of the Tartarian civilization.
  • 🕰️ The Tartarian civilization was said to have been established in October 1586 but fragmented over centuries, eventually becoming separate republics in December 1922.
  • 💡 The culture of Tartaria was advanced, utilizing free energy systems and grandiose architecture that harnessed the Earth's electromagnetic frequencies for abundant living.
  • 🇷🇺 Russian President Vladimir Putin is mentioned to have acknowledged the historical maps of Tartaria, indicating its significance in history.
  • 📚 The narrative of Tartaria being a myth is challenged by numerous documents and historical references that suggest its existence.
  • 🌌 The term 'Tartary' was used by Europeans for the largely unknown regions of Central, Northern, and Eastern Asia, hence the entire geographic territory was known as such.
  • 🔍 A CIA document from 1957, declassified in 1998, mentioned the existence of the Tartarian civilization, hinting at a possible rewriting of history to omit references to Russian aggressions.
  • 🌿 The Tartarians are believed to have掌握了 advanced methods of capturing and storing natural energy, creating self-sustaining communities through their innovative use of the Earth's resources.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the lost civilization of Tartaria, which was once a highly spiritual and technologically advanced civilization in Northern Asia.

  • What was Tartaria also known as?

    -Tartaria was also known as The Golden Empire and it covered most of the northern Asian continent.

  • When was the civilization of Tartaria established?

    -The civilization of Tartaria was established during October 1586.

  • What happened to Tartaria after December 1922?

    -After December 1922, Tartaria was made into separate republics.

  • Who was the Dutch cartographer that mapped Tartaria?

    -The famous Dutch cartographer who mapped Tartaria was William Blaah.

  • What does the term 'Tartare' mean in Greek mythology?

    -In Greek mythology, 'Tartare' refers to a frightful place, which became more commonly known as Tartarus.

  • How did the Tartarians utilize the Earth's geomagnetic frequencies?

    -The Tartarians used the Earth's geomagnetic frequencies to power their buildings and create energy systems that could heat, ventilate, and light their homes without the need for combustible substances.

  • What is the significance of the mud floods between 1740 and 1894?

    -The mud floods between 1740 and 1894 are believed to have caused significant destruction and upheaval, leading to what is referred to as the 'Great Reset', which erased much of the Tartarian civilization and its advanced knowledge.

  • What is the claim about the historical existence of the Tartarian civilization?

    -The claim is that the Tartarian civilization did exist historically, but its history has been deliberately censored and deleted, possibly to control the narrative of human history and maintain a certain power structure.

  • Why is the information about Tartaria not widely taught?

    -The information about Tartaria is not widely taught because its history is believed to have been deliberately kept from the public to maintain control over the narrative of human history and prevent people from accessing their true heritage.

  • What is the role of the historical trauma of the Tartarian civilization in the video's narrative?

    -The historical trauma of the Tartarian civilization is used in the video's narrative to illustrate the loss of advanced scientific knowledge and the deliberate erasure of a significant civilization from human history.

  • What is the video's stance on the veracity of the Tartarian civilization?

    -The video asserts that there is no doubt about the historical existence of the Tartarian civilization due to the evidence that has been discovered, despite it sounding like a Hollywood sci-fi movie or a fantasy adventure novel.



🌍 The Lost Tartarian Civilization

This paragraph introduces the concept of Tartaria, an alleged advanced and spiritual civilization that once existed in Northern Asia. Known as the Golden Empire, Tartaria was said to be vast, covering most of the Asian continent. The civilization was believed to be technologically advanced, utilizing free energy systems and grandiose architecture. The narrative suggests that this history has been largely forgotten or erased, and questions the主流 historical accounts, proposing that Tartaria's existence has been deliberately hidden from the public.


🌐 Advanced Technology and Breatharian Giants

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of Tartaria's advanced technology and the unique characteristics of its inhabitants, known as the Tatasky Velakani or mighty giants. These giants were believed to be breatharians, obtaining energy directly from the Earth's grid and geomagnetic frequencies, rather than relying on food and water. The civilization's architecture and engineering were designed to harness and utilize natural energy, creating a sustainable and efficient society. The paragraph also discusses the potential historical events, such as mud floods, that led to the decline of Tartaria.


📚 Suppressed History and the Great Reset

The final paragraph addresses the implications of the Tartarian civilization's existence and the potential reasons for its suppression from mainstream historical narratives. It suggests that the knowledge of such advanced civilizations could empower humanity, challenging the control systems that rely on historical censorship. The paragraph also draws parallels with other historical 'great resets' and posits that the story of Tartaria is a reminder of the importance of understanding true history to progress and evolve as a society.




Tartaria refers to a purported lost civilization that is said to have been highly advanced, both spiritually and technologically. In the video, it is described as the Golden Empire covering most of the northern Asian continent, which was allegedly forgotten or erased from common historical records. The civilization is linked to the concept of advanced occult technology, free energy, and grandiose architecture.

💡Tataski Velakani

Tataski Velakani refers to the mighty giants who were the rulers of Tartaria and were essentially from the Aryans. They are depicted as a significant part of Tartarian history and are thought to have possessed advanced knowledge and abilities, including being breatharians, which means they derived energy directly from the Earth's grid and did not rely on food and water for sustenance.

💡Golden Empire

The Golden Empire is a term used in the video to describe the flourishing state of the Tartarian civilization. It is characterized by its advanced technology, free energy systems, and grandiose architecture. The empire was known for its extensive geographic expanse and cultural achievements, which were allegedly erased from history.

💡Mud Floods

Mud floods refer to a series of catastrophic events that the video suggests occurred between 1740 and 1894, leading to the destruction of the Tartarian civilization. These events are described as upheavals that caused significant geographical changes on Earth and were part of what the video calls the 'great reset', erasing evidence of advanced scientific knowledge.

💡Free Energy Systems

Free energy systems, as discussed in the video, are advanced technologies that the Tartarians were believed to have used for generating electricity from the Earth's geomagnetic frequencies. These systems were integrated into their buildings, turning every property into an etheric generator station, providing power without the need for combustible substances.

💡Geomagnetic Frequencies

Geomagnetic frequencies refer to the natural electromagnetic oscillations that resonate around the planet Earth. In the context of the video, these frequencies were harnessed by the Tartarians for their advanced technologies, including free energy systems, and were central to their ability to live as breatharians, drawing energy directly from the Earth.


Breatharians, as defined in the video, are beings who do not rely on digestion for sustenance. Instead, they receive energy directly from the Ether, the Earth's grid, and geomagnetic frequencies. This concept is used to describe the Tataski Velakani, the rulers of Tartaria, who were believed to have achieved a mastery over their own energy consumption.

💡William Blah

William Blah is mentioned as a famous Dutch cartographer who completed a map of Tartaria in 1627, which showed the vast expanse of the Tartarian civilization. His map is presented in the video as evidence of the existence and extent of Tartaria, despite it being considered a myth or erased from history by mainstream accounts.

💡Great Reset

The term 'Great Reset' in the video refers to a series of upheavals, specifically the mud floods, that caused significant geographical and historical changes on Earth. It is used to describe the erasure of advanced civilizations and scientific knowledge, leading to a controlled rewriting of history and the suppression of true accounts of the past.

💡Tartarian Architecture

Tartarian Architecture refers to the building styles and techniques used by the Tartarians, which were highly advanced and integrated with their free energy systems. These structures were designed to harness the Earth's geomagnetic frequencies, serving as both residential spaces and energy-generating stations.

💡Historical Manipulation

Historical manipulation, as discussed in the video, refers to the deliberate alteration, censorship, or erasure of historical records and knowledge. This is done to control the narrative and maintain a certain version of history that serves specific interests, often at the expense of the truth. In the context of the video, it is suggested that the history of Tartaria and its advanced civilization were manipulated to keep the public ignorant and maintain control.


The discussion revolves around Tartaria, a lost civilization that is believed to have existed in Northern Asia, known as The Golden Empire.

Tartaria was apparently a highly spiritual and technologically advanced civilization that covered most of the northern Asian continent.

The civilization was originally ruled by the Tataski Velakani, also known as mighty giants, who were essentially from the Aryans.

Tartaria was a massive landmass that would still be the largest today if not for the mud floods that destroyed it.

The term Tartaria was established in October 1586, symbolizing a strong place.

The unity of the Tartarian civilization fragmented over the centuries, leading to the formation of separate republics in December 1922.

William Blah, a famous Dutch cartographer, completed a map of Tartaria in April 1627, showcasing its vast expanse and reach to the borders of China and Mongolia.

President Vladimir Putin made Tartarian maps public in May 213 and shared a map created by William Blah with the former president of Tartistan.

The advanced culture of Tartaria utilized free energy systems and grandiose architecture that still stands today, harnessing the electromagnetic frequencies of the Earth.

The historical landmass and territory called Tartare and Great Artery existed in Northern Asia between the Caspian Sea, the Ural Mountains, and the Pacific Ocean.

The term Tartar was a blanket used by Europeans for the regions of Central, Northern, and Eastern Asia due to their relative unknown nature to European explorers.

A CIA document from 1998 declassified in 1957 mentioned the existence of the Tartarian civilization, hinting at a history that was to be rewritten or falsified.

The book 'The One World Tartarians' by James William Lee discusses how the historical presence of Tartaria was deliberately censored and deleted.

The mighty giants of Tartaria, known as Tatasky Velikani, were believed to be breatharians, obtaining energy straight from the Earth's grid and geomagnetic frequencies.

The Tartarian civilization was highly efficient, controlling a vast geographic expanse and flourishing due to advanced occult technology, free energy, and grandiose architecture.

The Tartarians had advanced methods of capturing and storing natural energy, creating systems that could power, heat, and ventilate their buildings without the need for combustible substances.

The information about Tartaria has been obscured, and it is not taught in schools, colleges, and universities, possibly to control the narrative of human history and maintain societal control.

The idea of a Golden Empire in Northern Asia, while seemingly fantastical, is supported by evidence that suggests the Tartarian civilization did indeed exist.

The true history of Earth and its advanced civilizations should be remembered and acknowledged to ensure productive progress and evolution of society.