Why Yoda's Species Is SO POWERFUL | None Have Turned to the Dark Side

The Stupendous Wave
15 Nov 202117:05

TLDRThe video explores why members of Yoda's species in the Star Wars universe, despite their exceptional strength with the Force, have not turned to the dark side. It discusses the intentional mystery surrounding Yoda's species by creator George Lucas and highlights the known members' resilience and commitment to the light side, even in the face of great adversity. The video also touches on the theory that certain species have a natural inclination towards one side of the Force, with Yoda's species showing a strong pull towards the light. It suggests that their long lifespan allows them to develop their skills in the light side without resorting to the quick and easy path of the dark side, and that their compassion and ability to let go of attachments contribute to their strength and alignment with the light.


  • 🧐 Yoda's species is known for its exceptional strength with the Force and a strong affinity towards the light side, with no known members turning to the dark side in canon or legends.
  • 🌟 George Lucas intentionally kept Yoda's species mysterious, revealing little about their origins to maintain an air of enigma.
  • 🌈 Yoda, Yaddle, and Grogu are the only known members of their species in canon, each demonstrating remarkable force sensitivity and adherence to the light side.
  • 💪 Yaddle, despite being tortured and imprisoned for a century, showed exceptional resilience and did not succumb to the dark side, instead growing closer to the light.
  • 👶 Grogu, known as the Child, uses the Force out of emotion to protect those he cares for, with a single instance of using the dark side inadvertently.
  • 🛢️ The dark side feeds off suffering, hate, and pain, yet members of Yoda's species, like Yaddle, have withstood such darkness while growing closer to the light.
  • 🤔 Yoda's species may have a natural inclination towards the light side, similar to the Ehtorians, due to their inherent nature and societal values.
  • 🌠 The long lifespan of Yoda's species allows them to take a more patient and less急躁 (impatient/hasty) approach to mastering the Force, which may deter them from the dark side's quick path to power.
  • 👴 Older members of Yoda's species, with their extensive experience, understand the catastrophic implications of turning to the dark side and thus remain steadfast in the light.
  • 🧘 The compassion inherent in Yoda's species, despite Jedi teachings of emotional detachment, is a source of their power and a reason for their unwavering commitment to the light side.
  • 🎭 The perspective of Yoda's species on the impermanence of life and the importance of patience aligns with the philosophy of the light side, influencing their choice to avoid the dark side.

Q & A

  • Why is Yoda's species considered so powerful in the Star Wars universe?

    -Yoda's species is considered powerful due to their incredible strength with the Force and their particular affinity towards the light side, which is exemplified by the few members of the species that have been introduced in both canon and legends.

  • Why did George Lucas intentionally keep Yoda's species a mystery?

    -George Lucas wanted to maintain an air of mystery around Yoda's species, believing that revealing too much about their origins and nature would detract from the enigmatic quality he felt was essential to the character.

  • What is the significance of Yaddle's story in understanding the resilience of Yoda's species?

    -Yaddle's story demonstrates the exceptional resilience of Yoda's species. Despite being imprisoned and tortured, she remained steadfast in the light side of the Force, showing that members of the species can endure significant suffering without turning to the dark side.

  • How does Grogu's use of the Force differ from other members of Yoda's species?

    -Grogu, being younger, tends to use the Force from a place of emotion rather than peace, often to protect those he cares about. This emotional use of the Force, including instances where he has used it to harm, sets him apart from the more spiritually focused use of the Force by older members of his species.

  • What is the theory regarding the slow growth rate of Yoda's species and its impact on their connection to the Force?

    -The slow growth rate and long lifespan of Yoda's species may contribute to their strong connection to the light side of the Force. With more time to hone their skills and a perspective that values patience and the greater good over quick and easy paths, they are less likely to be swayed by the dark side.

  • How does the story of Jedi Knight Minch illustrate the struggle with the dark side?

    -Minch's story shows that members of Yoda's species can struggle with the dark side, particularly when faced with intense personal challenges. Despite this, Minch was able to reclaim his sanity and stance in the light side of the Force, demonstrating the strength of his species' connection to the light.

  • What is the significance of Yoda's encounter with Count Dooku and the dark side?

    -Yoda's encounter with Dooku reveals that Yoda has at least briefly explored the dark side out of curiosity, but chose not to give in to it. This encounter underscores Yoda's wisdom and his understanding that the dark side is not stronger, just easier, and his commitment to the light side.

  • Why is it unlikely for members of Yoda's species to turn to the dark side according to the script?

    -The script suggests that the species' natural inclination towards the light side, their long lifespan which allows for patience and understanding, and their compassionate nature contribute to the unlikelihood of them turning to the dark side.

  • What is the role of patience and time in the perspective of Yoda's species regarding the Force?

    -Patience and time are crucial in the perspective of Yoda's species. They view the universe and the Force in a way that appreciates the passage of time and the natural ebb and flow of life, which aligns with the light side's principles of patience and understanding.

  • How does the script explain the potential danger if an older and more experienced member of Yoda's species turned to the dark side?

    -The script explains that an older and more experienced member of Yoda's species turning to the dark side would be catastrophic due to their vast knowledge and power, which could become a weapon for the dark side.

  • What is the key difference between the use of the dark side by Yoda's species and characters like Anakin Skywalker or Dooku?

    -The key difference is that members of Yoda's species, when they have used the dark side, did so not out of self-ambition or a desire for power, but from a place of trying to achieve a greater good or protect those they care about, unlike Anakin or Dooku who were lured by promises of power and control.



🧐 The Enigmatic Species of Yoda: Light Side Affinity

The first paragraph introduces Grand Master Yoda as an avatar of light and one of the most powerful Jedi in the Star Wars universe. It discusses the scarcity of Yoda's species members in both canon and legends, highlighting their strength with the Force and their alignment with the light side. The paragraph also mentions the intentional mystery surrounding Yoda's species by George Lucas. Yaddle, another member of Yoda's species, is presented as an example of their resilience and commitment to the light side, even when faced with extreme torture and suffering.


🤔 Grogu's Dark Side Tendencies and Yoda's Species

The second paragraph explores the character of Grogu from The Mandalorian, who, despite showing some dark side tendencies, is unlikely to fully embrace the dark side. It contrasts this with Anakin Skywalker's fall to the dark side and discusses the potential for dark side inclinations in Yoda's species. The paragraph also delves into the lore of Jedi Knight Minch, who came close to succumbing to the dark side but managed to reclaim his position in the light, emphasizing the struggle with anger and fear.


👴 Yoda's Brush with the Dark Side and the Wisdom of His Species

The third paragraph delves into Yoda's own experiences with the dark side, including a meeting with Count Dooku where Yoda briefly opened himself to the dark side, shocking Dooku with the potential power he could wield. It also discusses Yoda's journey on the Sith homeworld of Korriban, where he faced his darker self and ultimately triumphed by acknowledging but not surrendering to the dark side. The paragraph ponders why members of Yoda's species have not fully succumbed to the dark side and suggests that their long lifespan allows them to appreciate the galaxy and the Force without rushing to power.


🌟 The Patience and Compassion of Yoda's Species

The final paragraph reflects on the compassionate nature of Yoda's species, despite the Jedi teachings of emotional detachment. It discusses how their long lifespan provides a unique perspective on the galaxy and the Force, allowing them to observe life and change without being swept up in it. The paragraph also touches on Yoda's advice to Luke Skywalker, emphasizing the importance of patience and readiness with the Force before confronting one's dark side. It concludes by inviting viewers to share their thoughts on the topic and thanking them for watching.




Yoda is a legendary character from the Star Wars universe, known as a Grand Master of the Jedi Order. He is depicted as one of the wisest and most powerful Force users, embodying the virtues of the light side of the Force. In the video, Yoda's species is discussed in relation to their powerful connection with the Force and their resistance to the dark side.

💡Force Sensitivity

Force sensitivity refers to the innate ability to connect with and use the Force, an energy field that exists within all living things in the Star Wars galaxy. The video emphasizes that members of Yoda's species are not only strong with the Force but also have a natural affinity towards the light side, which is a key theme in understanding their character.

💡Dark Side

The dark side of the Force is a corrupting influence that is characterized by negative emotions such as fear, anger, and hatred. It is contrasted with the light side, which is associated with peace, knowledge, and serenity. The video explores why members of Yoda's species have not turned to the dark side, despite facing significant challenges and temptations.

💡Jedi Order

The Jedi Order is an organization of Force-sensitive beings in the Star Wars universe who are committed to upholding peace and justice throughout the galaxy. The video discusses the role of Yoda and other members of his species within the Jedi Order, highlighting their exceptional skills and adherence to the principles of the light side.


Yaddle is another member of Yoda's species mentioned in the video. She is a Jedi Master and former council member known for her exceptional skill with light-side abilities. Her story illustrates the resilience and strength of Yoda's species in the face of torture and imprisonment, further emphasizing their commitment to the light side.

💡Grogu (The Child)

Grogu, also known as 'The Child' or 'Baby Yoda,' is a character from the series 'The Mandalorian.' He is a young member of Yoda's species, who is shown to have a strong connection with the Force, although his use of it is often driven by emotion rather than peace. The video discusses his potential for dark side tendencies but also his strong likelihood of remaining aligned with the light side.


In the context of the Star Wars universe, 'Legends' refers to non-canon stories, characters, and events that are not officially part of the continuity established by the films and newer series. The video briefly touches on members of Yoda's species from the Legends, suggesting that their stories provide further insight into the characteristics of Yoda's species.


Dathomir is a planet in the Star Wars galaxy, known for its dark side Force users such as the Nightsisters. It is mentioned in the video as a contrast to Yoda's species, which have a strong pull towards the light side, illustrating the diversity of Force-sensitive beings in the Star Wars universe.


Ethorians are a species from the Star Wars universe that are known for their natural inclination towards the light side of the Force. The video uses them as a comparison to Yoda's species, suggesting that certain species may have a predisposition towards either the light or dark side.


The video discusses the unusually long lifespan of Yoda's species, which is suggested as a factor in their resistance to the dark side. Their long lives allow them to take a patient and considered approach to using the Force, which contrasts with the quick and easy path of the dark side.

💡Emotional Detachment

Emotional detachment is a concept within the Jedi teachings that encourages Jedi to control their emotions to prevent them from being manipulated by the dark side. The video contrasts this with the compassionate nature of Yoda's species, which despite their emotional connections, remain firmly on the light side.


Yoda's species is known for their exceptional potential and affinity towards the light side of the Force.

George Lucas intentionally kept Yoda's species mysterious, revealing little about their origins.

Every known member of Yoda's species appears to be Force-sensitive.

Yaddle, a member of Yoda's species, demonstrated extraordinary light-side abilities rivaling dark side powers.

Yaddle remained steadfast in the light side even after being imprisoned and tortured for a century.

Grogu, also known as 'The Child', shows emotional use of the Force and a glimpse into the dark side.

Grogu's use of the Force is primarily to protect those he cares for, indicating a selfless rather than selfish motivation.

Jedi Knight Minch from the high republic era was known for his battle prowess and nearly succumbed to the dark side.

Yoda himself briefly opened himself to the dark side to demonstrate to Dooku the potential后果 (consequences) of such a choice.

Yoda's species may have a natural inclination towards the light side due to their long lifespan and slower growth rate.

The patience and perspective that comes with a long life may allow members of Yoda's species to avoid the quick and easy path of the dark side.

Yoda's species is compassionate and their emotional connections are a source of their power, keeping them firmly in the light.

Yoda and his species can closely identify with the Force, observing the galaxy with a perspective that values patience and timing.

The potential for dark side tendencies in younger members of Yoda's species is present but is overcome by their inherent compassion and understanding.

The ethical considerations of an older, experienced Force wielder turning to the dark side are clear to members of Yoda's species.

The choice to not give in to the dark side is a testament to the strength of character and wisdom within Yoda's species.

The exploration of Yoda's species and their connection to the Force provides insight into the balance between light and dark.