Brainstorm Force
4 Jan 202433:41

TLDRThe video script introduces an AI-powered platform, zwp, which simplifies the process of creating a modern and visually appealing website. It highlights the platform's ability to generate content, design, and even images, based on user input, significantly reducing the time and effort required. The tutorial demonstrates building a sample website for a fictional brand, zstorm, showcasing features like customizable pages, navigation, and a call to action. It also addresses the limitations of free and premium plans, emphasizing the value of zwp in streamlining website creation without the need for extensive technical skills.


  • πŸš€ AI-powered web building with zwp allows for quick and modern website creation without needing extensive technical skills.
  • 🎨 zwp integrates with WordPress, Astra theme, and Spectra visual website builder to create stunning websites.
  • πŸ“ Input a brief description of your business, and zwp's AI generates content, design, images, and copywriting for your site.
  • πŸ†“ zwp offers a free plan that provides instant WordPress sites, three AI sites per month, and 24-hour site availability.
  • πŸ”§ Premium plans unlock additional features like permanent websites, more storage, AI credits, team members, custom domain, and VIP support.
  • πŸ”— The free version of zwp includes a feature to export the website for uploading to your own web hosting after 24 hours.
  • 🎯 The process of building a website with zwp includes choosing a template, adding business details, selecting images, and customizing the site's structure.
  • πŸ–ŒοΈ Customizing a zwp site involves adjusting the logo, color palette, typography, and button styles to match your brand identity.
  • πŸ“– Editing content on zwp-built sites is straightforward; you can change text, add new pages, and modify navigation with ease.
  • πŸ”„ To move your zwp site to a hosting provider, use the WP Vivid plugin to backup and restore your site, ensuring a seamless transition.
  • πŸ’‘ The video tutorial demonstrates creating a website for a fictional bubble tea franchise, showcasing the capabilities and ease of use of zwp.

Q & A

  • What is the main advantage of using zwp to create a website?

    -The main advantage of using zwp is its ability to create a modern looking website quickly with the help of AI. It reduces the time and effort required as the user only needs to provide a brief description of their business, and the AI takes care of the design, content creation, and even images.

  • How does zwp handle the design and layout of the website?

    -zwp utilizes the Astra WordPress theme and the Spectra visual website builder, combined with AI technology, to automatically generate the design and layout of the website. It selects appropriate templates, colors, fonts, and images based on the user's input, making the process efficient and hassle-free.

  • What type of content can zwp assist with in creating for a website?

    -zwp can assist with creating various types of content for a website, including text content, images, and even the structure of the website pages. The AI generates content that matches the user's business description, ensuring relevance and coherence.

  • How does the free version of zwp limit the websites it creates?

    -The free version of zwp creates websites that are available for 24 hours before they expire. This means users can generate up to three AI sites per month, but they will need to export and transfer the website to their own web hosting to keep it permanently.

  • What additional features do premium plans of zwp offer?

    -Premium plans of zwp offer more permanent websites, increased disk space, a higher number of AI credits, the ability to add team members for collaboration, a custom domain option for branding, and access to advanced tools like the upcoming AI Warframe Builder and VIP support.

  • How can a user export their zwp website?

    -To export a zwp website, users need to install the WP Vivid plugin, use the backup feature to create a website backup, and then download the backup as a zip file. This zip file can be used to transfer the website to another hosting service.

  • What is the process for importing a zwp website to a user's own web hosting?

    -The user must first install and activate the WP Vivid plugin on their web hosting. Then, they can use the upload feature of the plugin to import the previously downloaded zip file. This process will overwrite the existing content on the hosting, so it should be done on a staging site or after taking a backup of the current website.

  • How does zwp assist with selecting images for the website?

    -zwp pre-selects images that match the user's business description and the chosen theme. Users can review these images, deselect or add more as needed, ensuring that the final selection aligns with their brand and website concept.

  • Can users edit the content and design elements created by zwp?

    -Yes, users can edit the content and design elements created by zwp. They can change text, images, colors, and layout using the WordPress editor and the Astra and Spectra tools, allowing for customization to better match their brand identity.

  • What is the role of AI in the website creation process with zwp?

    -The AI in zwp plays a crucial role by generating the initial content, design, and layout suggestions based on the user's input. It streamlines the website creation process, making it faster and more accessible for users who may not have extensive design or technical skills.

  • How does zwp ensure that the website created aligns with the user's brand?

    -zwp allows users to input a description of their business and select specific preferences for design elements like colors and images. The AI uses this information to generate a website that aligns with the user's brand. Users can further customize the website by adjusting elements and adding their logo and branding as needed.



πŸš€ Introduction to AI-Powered Website Creation

The paragraph introduces the concept of using AI to create a modern-looking website for businesses. It highlights the challenges of doing it alone, including the need for multiple skills such as design, development, and copywriting. The video offers a solution by showcasing how to build a beautiful and modern website using AI with ZWP, emphasizing that it's free and can be done in minutes. The speaker, K from the Astro team, invites the audience to follow along to see the process of creating a website for a fictional brand, Zstorm, which focuses on bubble tea.


πŸ“ Signing Up and Interface Overview

This paragraph walks through the process of signing up for ZWP and provides an overview of the platform's interface. It explains how to sign up for a free plan, choose a business category, and enter business details for AI to generate content. The paragraph also covers the selection of keywords, images, and contact information. Additionally, it touches on the free plan's limitations, such as generating three AI sites per month that expire in 24 hours, and mentions premium plans for more features.


🎨 Customizing the Website's Identity

The focus of this paragraph is on customizing the website's appearance to match the brand. It explains how to change the color palette, upload a logo, and select typography that aligns with the brand's identity. The paragraph also mentions the use of a brand guide for reference and provides a step-by-step guide on how to adjust the website's global colors, theme color selection, and button styles for consistency.


✍️ Editing Content and Buttons

This paragraph delves into the process of editing the website's content and buttons. It explains how to access and edit text, change button styles, and link buttons to internal pages. The paragraph provides instructions on using relative and absolute URLs for linking, as well as how to update and save changes. It emphasizes the ease of editing content in the ZWP platform and the flexibility to make adjustments to suit the brand's needs.


πŸ–ΌοΈ Changing Images and Adding New Pages

The paragraph discusses how to change background and image blocks within the website. It provides a guide on selecting and replacing images, adjusting image overlay colors, and setting minimum heights for full-screen displays. Additionally, it explains how to add new pages by copying existing ones or starting from scratch, and how to edit the navigation menu to include new pages. The paragraph highlights the straightforward process of updating and refreshing the front end to see the changes.


πŸ“€ Exporting and Importing the ZWP Website

This paragraph covers the process of exporting a ZWP website from the platform and importing it to a personal web hosting service. It explains the use of a plugin, WP Vivid, for backing up and downloading the website as a zip file. The paragraph also outlines the steps for uploading and restoring the website on a new WordPress installation, emphasizing the importance of making a backup before importing to avoid losing existing content. It concludes by discussing the benefits of premium plans, such as permanent websites, increased storage, AI credits, and VIP support.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is used to automate and streamline the process of website creation, from content generation to design and even copywriting, making it accessible and efficient for individuals without specialized technical skills.

πŸ’‘Website Creation

Website creation is the process of designing and building a website, which typically involves planning, content creation, design, and testing. The video emphasizes the traditional complexity and time-consuming nature of this process, and then contrasts it with the streamlined approach offered by zwp and AI, which significantly reduces the time and effort required to create a website.


zwp is an AI-powered website builder that simplifies the process of creating a website. It leverages AI to handle various aspects of website development, such as design, content generation, and copywriting, making it easier for non-experts to build professional-looking websites. The platform offers both free and premium plans, with the free version allowing users to generate up to three AI sites per month.

πŸ’‘Bubble Tea

Bubble tea is a popular beverage, originating from Taiwan, that typically consists of tea, sweetened with sugar or other sweeteners, and served with the addition of chewy tapioca pearls ('bubbles') at the bottom. In the video, bubble tea is the central theme of the fictional brand zstorm, which is used as a case study to illustrate the process of building a website with zwp.


Navigation in the context of web design refers to the system of menus, links, and buttons that allow users to move from one page to another within a website. Effective navigation is crucial for user experience, as it helps users find information quickly and easily. The video discusses the importance of having a clear and intuitive navigation structure, and shows how to edit and customize the navigation menu within the zwp platform.


Customization in web development involves modifying the default settings, design, or functionality of a website to meet specific needs or preferences. The video highlights the customization options available in zwp, such as changing the logo, color palette, typography, and other design elements, to align the website with the brand identity of the user.

πŸ’‘Content Editing

Content editing refers to the process of reviewing and revising the text, images, and other media on a website to ensure they are accurate, engaging, and relevant to the audience. In the video, content editing is demonstrated as an essential step in the website creation process, where the AI-generated content is reviewed and personalized to fit the brand's message and style.

πŸ’‘Export and Import

Exporting and importing in the context of website management involve transferring a website's files and data from one platform or location to another. The video explains how to export a zwp-created website and then import it into a user's own web hosting, which is necessary for making the website live on the internet beyond the zwp platform.

πŸ’‘Free Plan

The free plan refers to the basic tier of service offered by zwp that allows users to create and publish websites without any cost. This plan comes with certain limitations, such as temporary websites that expire after 24 hours. However, it provides a valuable starting point for individuals or businesses to experiment with website creation and understand the platform's capabilities before potentially upgrading to a premium plan.

πŸ’‘Premium Plans

Premium plans are the paid subscription tiers offered by zwp that provide additional features and resources beyond what is available in the free plan. These plans are designed for users who require more advanced functionality, such as permanent website hosting, increased storage space, additional AI credits for content creation, and priority customer support.


Creating a modern-looking website for businesses can be time-consuming and require multiple skills such as design, development, and copywriting.

AI-powered platforms like zwp can simplify the process of building a website, making it accessible even for those without technical expertise.

The tutorial demonstrates building a website for a fictional brand, zstorm, which focuses on bubble tea.

AI can generate website content, including text and images, based on a brief description provided by the user.

zwp uses tools like WordPress, Astra WordPress theme, and Spectra visual website builder, combined with AI technology.

The free plan on zwp allows users to generate three AI sites per month, though these sites are temporary and expire after 24 hours.

Premium plans on zwp offer additional features such as permanent websites, more storage space, AI credits, and team access.

The process of creating a website with zwp involves signing up, choosing a plan, and providing a business description to let AI generate the site content.

Users can customize the generated website by adjusting the logo, color palette, typography, and other design elements to match their brand identity.

Editing content on the zwp-generated website is straightforward, allowing users to click and edit text, add or change images, and modify links.

The video tutorial guides users through the steps of editing navigation, adding new pages, and adjusting website structure to fit their needs.

Exporting and importing a zwp website to a user's own web hosting is possible, providing a way to maintain the website beyond the 24-hour limit of the free plan.

The tutorial emphasizes the ease and speed of creating a website with zwp, with the potential to have a complete site ready in minutes.

The video provides a comprehensive guide on utilizing zwp, from initial setup to finalizing and exporting a fully functional website.

The potential applications of zwp extend beyond individual businesses, as agencies can use it to draft websites for clients without revealing the use of zwp.