Will AI and Blockchain Redefine Time? |618|

9 Apr 202482:09

TLDRIn the episode 'Will AI and Blockchain Redefine Time?' from the skeptic Co show, Jordan Miller discusses the potential of a decentralized future with the Oracle Network that combines blockchain technology and AI. The conversation delves into the concepts of global time versus local time and how Satori, an ambitious project, aims to revolutionize our understanding of AI by managing attention towards truth and reality. Miller emphasizes the importance of creating systems that prioritize transparency and accuracy, and the philosophical questions raised about the nature of reality and AI's interaction with it.


  • 🤖 The conversation revolves around the intersection of AI, blockchain, and their potential to redefine our concept of time and truth.
  • 🌐 Global time and local time are introduced as concepts to describe the broader and more specific progression of events, respectively, and how they relate to AI predictions.
  • 🔄 Blockchain is defined as a decentralized digital ledger technology that records transactions across a network, ensuring transparency and security without a central authority.
  • 💡 Satori, an ambitious project, aims to create a decentralized future Oracle Network by combining blockchain and AI, focusing on real-world data streams for accurate predictions.
  • 🧠 The dialogue explores the philosophical and technological implications of AI systems on our understanding of reality and the nature of truth.
  • 🚀 Jordan Miller envisions a future where AI and blockchain technologies are integrated to manage attention towards truth and reality, potentially revolutionizing our perception of AI.
  • 🌟 The discussion highlights the importance of creating decentralized systems that prioritize transparency and accuracy in AI applications.
  • 🌐 The concept of a worldwide network that predicts the future is brought up, emphasizing the need for an open and decentralized approach to avoid manipulation and centralization of information.
  • 💭 The conversation touches on the potential of AI to serve as a counterpoint to the dangers of centralized control, promoting a more balanced and democratic access to information.
  • 🌿 Satori's approach to using real-world data streams for predictions is emphasized, aiming to create a system that is not controlled by a single entity but is globally accessible and accurate.
  • 🔮 The potential of AI to transform our understanding of time, knowledge, and the construction of reality is discussed, highlighting the profound impact of these technologies on society.

Q & A

  • What is the main concept of the show 'Skeptic Co'?

    -The main concept of 'Skeptic Co' is to discuss topics related to time, technology, and their impact on society, with a focus on real-time updates and global versus local time perspectives.

  • How does Jordan Miller envision the future of AI and blockchain technology?

    -Jordan Miller envisions a decentralized future where Oracle Network, combined with blockchain technology and AI, can aggregate predictions and find truth based on real-world data streams, creating a system that manages attention towards truth and reality.

  • What is the significance of the terms 'global time' and 'local time' in the context of the show?

    -Global time refers to the broad progression of events in the world as measured by various real-world data streams, while local time refers to the specific, granular progression of events within a particular context. The show discusses how these concepts can be applied to AI systems to improve their understanding and predictions.

  • How does the blockchain technology complement AI applications?

    -Blockchain technology complements AI applications by creating decentralized systems that prioritize transparency and accuracy. It allows for the distribution of data across a network of computers, making it difficult to alter or hack, thus ensuring trust and reliability in AI systems.

  • What is the Satori project and its goals?

    -The Satori project is an ambitious initiative that seeks to revolutionize the way we think about AI. It aims to create a system that can manage attention towards truth and reality by aggregating predictions based on real-world data streams, without being controlled by a single entity.

  • How does Jordan Miller's background influence his vision for Satori?

    -Jordan Miller's diverse background, including his experience in business intelligence, programming, and his interest in philosophy and metaphysics, has shaped his vision for Satori. His understanding of the need for a system that can accurately predict and manage information without centralized control has led to the development of the Satori project.

  • What philosophical questions does the integration of AI and blockchain technology raise?

    -The integration of AI and blockchain technology raises philosophical questions about the nature of reality, how AI systems might perceive and interact with it, and the relationship between time, knowledge, and the construction of reality. It also explores the potential for AI to emerge as a virtuous entity, prioritizing truth and transparency.

  • How does the feedback loop between global time and local time in AI systems affect their predictions?

    -The feedback loop between global time and local time allows AI systems to continuously update and refine their predictions based on real-world data streams. This loop enables the AI to adapt and improve its predictions in real-time, making it more accurate and reliable.

  • What are the potential applications of the Satori project in business and economics?

    -The Satori project has potential applications in predicting commodity futures, identifying correlations, and making informed decisions in business and economic contexts. By providing a decentralized and transparent system for prediction, it could revolutionize how these sectors operate.

  • How does the Satori project address the issue of bias in AI systems?

    -The Satori project addresses bias by aiming to create an open network where anyone can participate. It focuses on using real-world data streams to make predictions, thereby reducing the influence of human biases in the training and operation of the AI system.



🤖 Introduction to the Concept of Global Time vs Local Time in AI

This paragraph introduces the concepts of global time and local time within the context of AI. Jordan Miller discusses the idea of a decentralized future Oracle Network that aggregates predictions and finds truth, using blockchain technology combined with AI. The conversation touches on the importance of managing attention towards truth and reality, and the potential of AI to predict global events based on real-world data streams.


🌐 Exploring the Philosophical Implications of Global Time and Local Time

The discussion delves into the philosophical aspects of global time and local time, emphasizing the importance of understanding these concepts in relation to AI systems. The dialogue highlights the potential for AI to perceive and interact with reality, and how this new way of thinking can revolutionize our understanding and interaction with AI. The conversation also touches on the feedback loop between global time and local time, and its impact on the construction of reality.


🚀 Combining Blockchain and AI for Decentralized Predictions

This section focuses on the technical integration of blockchain and AI, discussing the potential of creating decentralized systems that prioritize transparency and accuracy. The conversation explores the idea of using blockchain technology to build an open network for AI, allowing for the aggregation of predictions and the discovery of truth without centralized control. The speaker shares his journey from a crypto startup to the development of the Satori project, emphasizing the importance of a decentralized approach.


🌟 The Role of Spirituality and Personal Background in AI Development

The speaker's personal background and interest in spirituality and metaphysics play a significant role in the development of the Satori project. The discussion highlights the influence of various religious and philosophical ideas on the project's vision, including the concept of Enlightenment. The conversation also touches on the importance of truth and transparency in AI, and the potential for AI to naturally emerge as a sustainable and reliable source of information.


🧠 The Intersection of AI, Language, and Human Bias

This paragraph explores the relationship between AI, language, and human bias. The conversation discusses the potential for AI to manage and manipulate language, and the implications of this for society. The speakers consider the role of AI in shaping our understanding of truth and the potential for AI to act as an arbiter of truth. The discussion also considers the limitations of human-centric AI training and the need for a more objective approach to AI development.


🌿 The Future of AI and the Importance of Raw Data

The conversation emphasizes the importance of using raw data in AI development, particularly in the context of creating a future Oracle. The speakers discuss the need to remove human bias from the data curation process and the potential for AI to predict the future based on real-world metrics. The paragraph highlights the vision for Satori as a network of AI models focused on global time and the future, and the potential for a decentralized approach to AI that prioritizes truth and transparency.


💡 The Role of Decentralization in AI and the Satori Network

This section discusses the role of decentralization in the development of AI, particularly in the context of the Satori network. The conversation explores the idea of a decentralized future Oracle that can predict global events and the potential for this network to be guided by a broad range of human perspectives. The speakers consider the implications of a decentralized AI network for the distribution of power and control, and the potential for such a network to act as a counterpoint to centralized AI systems.


🌐 The Potential of a Decentralized AI Network for Global Predictions

The discussion focuses on the potential of a decentralized AI network, like Satori, to make accurate global predictions. The conversation explores the idea of using a network of AI models to aggregate predictions and find correlations in data streams. The speakers consider the potential for such a network to provide a more objective and reliable source of information, and the implications of this for various fields, including economics and finance.


💡 The Importance of a Decentralized Future Oracle

The conversation emphasizes the importance of creating a decentralized future Oracle, which could predict future events and trends accurately. The speakers discuss the potential benefits of such a system, including the ability to adapt to the future before it happens and the prevention of disasters. The discussion also touches on the challenges of funding and developing the Satori network, and the vision for its future role in society.


🌿 The Intersection of AI and the Present Moment

The conversation concludes with a discussion on the nature of the present moment and the role of AI in understanding and predicting it. The speakers consider the idea that AI can help us see the present more clearly and avoid disasters by understanding the evolving trends and patterns. The discussion highlights the potential for AI to act as a tool for managing attention and making sense of the world in real-time.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is being discussed as a technology that can be combined with blockchain to create decentralized systems for accurate predictions and data management. The guest, Jordan Miller, envisions a future where AI plays a crucial role in managing attention towards truth and reality, making predictions based on real-world data streams.


Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger technology that records transactions across a network of computers, making it difficult to alter or hack. It operates as a digital notebook that everyone in the network can see and verify without relying on a central authority. In the video, blockchain is discussed as a technology that can be combined with AI to create systems like Satori, which prioritize transparency and accuracy by decentralizing control over information and predictions.


Decentralization refers to the distribution of functions, powers, people, or resources away from a central location or authority. In the context of the video, decentralization is a key concept in creating a future Oracle Network that can aggregate predictions and serve as a counterpoint to the dangers of centralized control over information and prediction.

💡Global Time

Global time refers to the broad overarching progression of events in the world as measured by various real-world data streams. In the video, global time is used to describe how Satori approaches time and its predictions, aiming to find correlations between different events and make predictions based on these trends.

💡Local Time

Local time refers to the specific, granular progression of events within a particular context. It is contrasted with global time in the video, where local time is likened to the short-term memory of an AI, focusing on the present moment and making predictions about the next step based on immediate context.

💡Oracle Network

An Oracle Network in the context of the video refers to a system that aggregates predictions and finds truth, serving as a counterpoint to the dangers of centralized control over information and prediction. It is part of the vision for a decentralized future where AI and blockchain technologies are combined to create a transparent and accurate prediction system.


Satori is an ambitious project mentioned in the video that seeks to revolutionize the way we think about AI. It aims to create a decentralized system that can aggregate predictions and find truth based on real-world data streams, serving as an Oracle Network that is not controlled by a single entity. The term 'Satori' is also associated with the concept of enlightenment in Eastern religions, reflecting the project's goal of seeking truth and clarity.

💡Truth and Transparency

Truth and transparency refer to the accuracy and openness of information. In the video, these concepts are emphasized as essential values that should be naturally emerging in AI systems, as they are the only sustainable traits for the functionality and credibility of AI models. The discussion suggests that AI systems should strive to provide truthful and transparent predictions and analyses.

💡Feedback Loop

A feedback loop is a process in which the output of a system is returned to its input, either to be processed again or to affect the operation of the system. In the context of the video, the feedback loop is discussed as a mechanism that allows AI systems to learn from their predictions, correcting errors and improving their accuracy over time.


Crypto, short for cryptocurrency, refers to digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security and operate on decentralized networks, such as blockchain. In the video, the term is used in the context of discussing blockchain technology and its applications beyond just cryptocurrencies, including its potential to power AI systems and decentralized networks.


The episode discusses the intersection of AI and blockchain technologies and their potential to redefine our concept of time.

Jordan Miller, the guest, envisions a decentralized future where an Oracle Network can aggregate predictions and fine truth using blockchain and AI technologies.

The conversation introduces the concept of global time versus local time, highlighting the difference in how AI systems may perceive and predict events.

Global time refers to the broad progression of world events, while local time focuses on specific, granular events within a particular context.

The dialogue explores the idea of creating a system that can manage attention toward truth and reality, making predictions based on real-world data streams.

Satori, the ambitious project discussed, aims to revolutionize the way we think about AI by prioritizing transparency and accuracy.

The feedback loop between global time and local time in AI systems raises philosophical questions about the nature of reality and AI's interaction with it.

Jordan Miller's background in business intelligence and cryptography influences his approach to developing Satori.

The conversation touches on the importance of open-sourcing and distributing information as much as possible to avoid centralized control and dogma.

The discussion highlights the potential of blockchain technology to create decentralized systems that emphasize transparency and accuracy.

The episode emphasizes the need for AI systems to be able to adapt and predict the future, which requires a deep understanding of the present.

The concept of a future Oracle is introduced as a way to aggregate predictions and find truth amidst various AI models.

The conversation suggests that as AI and blockchain technologies evolve, they could lead to new ways of thinking about the relationship between time, knowledge, and the construction of reality.

The episode concludes with a discussion on the potential of Satori to serve as a counterpoint to the dangers of centralized control over information and prediction.