OpenAI CEO, CTO on risks and how AI will reshape society

ABC News
17 Mar 202321:38

TLDROpenAI's CEO and CTO discuss the impact of AI on society, emphasizing the need for cautious innovation. They highlight AI's potential for education, creativity, and efficiency, while acknowledging risks like misinformation and cyber attacks. The conversation underscores the importance of a collective approach to developing AI responsibly, with a focus on human-centric outcomes and adaptability to unforeseen challenges.


  • 🚀 The OpenAI CEO acknowledges the excitement and potential of AI, emphasizing its ability to inspire creativity and help with various tasks.
  • 🌐 AI technology like ChatGPT has the power to reshape society, but it also comes with risks and unknowns that could lead to negative outcomes.
  • 🔧 OpenAI is focused on developing AI responsibly, with an emphasis on learning from real-world use and adapting to prevent dangerous scenarios.
  • 🔒 There are concerns about AI being used for disinformation and cyber attacks, and OpenAI is working to create models that resist such harmful guidance.
  • 🤖 AI models are designed to be less likely to provide assistance with harmful activities, such as making a bomb, compared to previous systems.
  • 💡 AI's potential for truth and untruth is discussed, with the goal of creating systems that act as reasoning engines rather than mere fact databases.
  • 🛠️ The impact of AI on jobs is a concern, but the hope is that AI will act as a tool and amplifier for humans, leading to new job opportunities and creative solutions.
  • 📈 The rapid pace of AI development is a worry, as it may outstrip society's ability to adapt and understand the implications of the technology.
  • 🌍 The idea of a global governing document for AI, created by representatives from major world governments and international institutions, is proposed as a way to set guardrails for the technology.
  • 🏫 Education systems will need to adapt to AI, with the technology having the potential to revolutionize individualized learning and support students in understanding complex concepts.

Q & A

  • Why has ChatGPT captured people's imagination, according to the OpenAI CEO?

    -People are captivated by ChatGPT because it's fun to use, offers possibilities for assistance, inspiration, and creation, and rewards experimentation and creative use. They see it as a technology that can help with various tasks and learning processes.

  • How does the OpenAI CEO view the future impact of artificial intelligence?

    -The CEO believes that the future impact of AI will be shaped by the collective power and creativity of humanity. While there are potentials for good, there are also unknowns that could pose significant risks to society. The CEO emphasizes the importance of being cautious and adapting to negative outcomes as they occur.

  • What are the OpenAI CEO's concerns regarding AI technology?

    -The CEO is particularly worried about the potential misuse of AI models for large-scale disinformation and offensive cyber attacks. He also expresses concern about the difficulty in predicting all the capabilities and potential negative outcomes of such a general technology.

  • How does OpenAI ensure that its AI models are safer?

    -OpenAI ensures safety by initially making the technology available in constrained ways, learning about potential negative outcomes, and feeding that knowledge back into future system development. They also intervene at the pre-training stage to make models more likely to refuse harmful directions.

  • What is the CEO's perspective on machines becoming more human-like over time?

    -The CEO acknowledges that machines are becoming capable of many cognitive tasks that humans perform. However, he also notes that there is no clear 'point of no return' in this process, and that human choices and values will significantly influence the behavior of AI technology.

  • How does OpenAI balance the customization of AI behavior with ethical considerations?

    -OpenAI works on making models more capable in ways that allow users to customize AI behavior within certain bounds. They gather public input on what the balance should look like and are dedicated to ensuring that AI serves as a tool and amplifier for humans, rather than replacing them.

  • What potential negative consequences does the CEO foresee with the development of powerful AI?

    -The CEO foresees potential negative consequences such as the possibility of AI wiping out millions of jobs, increasing racial bias, spreading misinformation, and creating machines that could surpass human intelligence in ways that are beyond our current comprehension.

  • How does OpenAI approach the development of AI with the consideration of job displacement?

    -OpenAI aims to develop AI as a tool for humans, an amplifier of human capabilities. While acknowledging that jobs will change and some may disappear, they believe that human creativity is limitless and that new jobs and roles will emerge as technology evolves.

  • What is the CEO's stance on the need for regulation and societal guardrails for AI?

    -The CEO agrees that society should collectively define guardrails for AI and that it's important for governments and international institutions to collaborate on creating governing documents for AI use. He emphasizes the need for the government to understand AI capabilities and to develop thoughtful policies.

  • How does OpenAI plan to address the issue of AI-generated misinformation?

    -OpenAI is training its models to act as reasoning engines rather than fact databases. They are also working on systems to refuse guidance that could lead to harmful outcomes, including the generation of misinformation.

  • What is the CEO's response to concerns about AI increasing racial bias and other forms of discrimination?

    -The CEO acknowledges these concerns and emphasizes the importance of developing AI in a way that amplifies human will and does not lead to discrimination. He believes that the technology should be used to improve lives and that the choices humans make in feeding into the technology will dictate its impact.



🚀 The Impact and Future of AI

This paragraph discusses the widespread influence of OpenAI's chatbot technology and its potential to inspire and assist people in various tasks. The CEO reflects on the excitement and fear associated with AI's unpredictable outcomes, emphasizing the importance of cautious experimentation and learning from mistakes. The conversation also touches on concerns about AI being used for disinformation and cyber attacks, and the need for societal adaptation and responsible deployment of AI systems.


🛠️ Ethical Considerations in AI Development

The focus of this paragraph is on the ethical decisions made by the CEO and his team regarding AI development. It highlights the challenges of distinguishing right from wrong as technology advances and the importance of customizing AI behavior to align with user values. The discussion also covers potential negative consequences of powerful technology and the responsibility of developers to ensure the safe and beneficial use of AI.


🤖 AI as a Tool for Human Enhancement

This paragraph explores the idea of AI as a tool for amplifying human capabilities rather than replacing them. It discusses the potential for AI to revolutionize various professions and improve the quality of life. The CEO also addresses concerns about job displacement and the importance of adapting to technological changes. The conversation touches on the potential dangers of AI, including the creation of untruths and the need for safeguards against misuse.


🌐 The Societal Implications of AI

The paragraph delves into the broader societal implications of AI, including its potential impact on global power dynamics and the importance of international cooperation in setting guidelines for AI development. The CEO discusses the need for a collective approach to governance and the role of governments in understanding and regulating AI technology. The conversation also raises the issue of AI's potential to exacerbate existing biases and societal challenges.


📚 Integrating AI in Education

This paragraph examines the potential of AI to transform education, providing personalized learning experiences and assisting overworked teachers. The CEO discusses the challenges of integrating AI into the classroom, such as the risk of cheating and student laziness, and proposes solutions like using AI as a Socratic method educator. The conversation also touches on the need for educational systems to adapt to technological advancements and the excitement surrounding the future capabilities of students.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence, often abbreviated as AI, refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence. In the context of the video, AI is reshaping society by offering new possibilities in various fields, from education to cybersecurity. The discussion revolves around the potential benefits and risks associated with AI, emphasizing the need for responsible development and deployment of such technologies.


A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the internet. In the video, Chatbot GBT is mentioned as a product developed by OpenAI that has gained significant popularity. It is used to demonstrate the interactive capabilities of AI and how it can be utilized for various purposes, including entertainment, education, and professional tasks.


Society refers to a group of individuals who share a culture, values, and norms. In the video, the discussion about AI revolves around the impact it will have on society, including changes in the way people live, work, and interact with each other. The conversation highlights the collective power and creativity of humanity in determining how to use AI responsibly.


Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. It is a critical aspect of modern technology as it ensures the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and systems. In the context of the video, there is a concern that AI systems, particularly those capable of writing computer code, could be exploited for offensive cyber attacks.


Innovation refers to the process of introducing new ideas, methods, or products. It is often associated with technological advancements that bring about significant changes in various sectors. In the video, AI is presented as a disruptive innovation that has the potential to reshape society by enabling new ways of learning, creating, and solving problems.


Ethics is a system or branch of philosophy that studies and analyzes values, conduct, and decision-making, particularly with regard to what is right and wrong. In the context of the video, ethics is a central theme as the CEO and CTO of OpenAI discuss the moral implications of AI development, the need for caution, and the establishment of guardrails to prevent negative outcomes.

💡Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subset of AI that focuses on the development of algorithms and statistical models that allow computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data. It is a key component in the advancement of AI technologies, enabling them to improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed for every single task.


Safety refers to the state of being protected from harm or risk. In the context of AI, safety measures are critical to prevent potential negative outcomes, such as the misuse of technology or the amplification of biases. The video emphasizes the importance of developing AI with built-in safety features and the need for continuous monitoring and adjustment to ensure that AI technologies are used responsibly.


Technology refers to the tools, systems, and methods used to create, store, and exchange information. In the video, technology is the central focus, with AI being a transformative type of technology that has the potential to reshape various aspects of society, from education to the economy.

💡Human Will

Human will refers to the determination, intention, and desire of people to achieve certain goals or outcomes. In the context of AI, the term is used to emphasize that while AI has the potential to amplify human capabilities, it is ultimately under human control and its direction is determined by human choices.


Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and habits. In the video, the potential of AI in education is discussed, highlighting how it can provide personalized learning experiences and act as a tool to enhance the learning process.


OpenAI's CEO and CTO discuss the risks and societal reshaping potential of AI.

ChatGPT has captured the world's imagination through its creative and experimental uses.

The future impact of AI is hard to predict, but society's collective creativity will play a key role.

AI development should be approached with caution, and products should be released to learn from real-world interactions.

There is a concern that AI models could be used for large-scale disinformation and offensive cyber attacks.

Adaptation and learning from negative outcomes are crucial in AI development and deployment.

The CEO expresses a personal concern about the potential negative outcomes of AI technology.

AI technology is very general and its potential impact and downfalls are initially hard to predict.

GPT-4 is less likely to follow harmful guidance compared to previous systems.

Machines are becoming more human-like, but there is no clear point of no return in their development.

Human choices and values will significantly influence AI behavior.

There's a potential for AI to create more truth in the world, despite concerns about misinformation.

AI should be developed as a tool and amplifier for humans, not as a replacement.

The potential downsides of AI should be acknowledged and avoided while pushing for the upsides.

OpenAI has put safety constraints on their AI models to prevent harmful outputs.

The CEO believes that AI technology should be slowed down if it poses a significant risk to society.

The impact of AI on the next major election in the United States is being closely monitored.

Elon Musk's call for 'truth GPT' aligns with OpenAI's goal for their AI systems.

AI technology has the potential to revolutionize education by providing individualized learning.

Teachers are exploring new ways to use AI in the classroom, such as the Socratic method.