Virtual Angel

30 May 202403:10


TLDRThe music video script reveals a narrative of emotional depth and transformation. It features characters with hidden powers and complex feelings, who experience love, heartbreak, and the struggle to protect themselves from emotional pain. The lyrics speak of being there for someone when they are vulnerable, and the emergence of new beginnings within a once-frozen heart. The video warns of intense visual effects that could trigger discomfort for some viewers, suggesting a dramatic and potentially overwhelming sensory experience. The theme of angels and Eden suggests a celestial or utopian setting, with characters finding strength in darkness and seeking salvation and love.


  • ⚠️ The music video contains flashing scenes which may cause discomfort or seizures for a small number of viewers.
  • 🎶 The lyrics suggest a theme of emotional support and heartbreak, with lines like 'I’ll Be There For You When Your Wings Break'.
  • 💔 There is a sense of loss and letting go, as indicated by phrases such as 'Letting Go Of You That’s A Heartbreak'.
  • 🤫 The song includes a secret story and hidden emotions, as seen in 'A Secret Story Kept Within Myself'.
  • 🚫 The lyrics mention disbelief in love and inability to express certain feelings, like 'An Emotion Such As Love, Something I Can’t Believe In'.
  • 😢 There is a mention of not being able to cry, which could symbolize emotional suppression: 'I Can’t Cry At All Right Now'.
  • 💪 The song portrays empowerment and self-protection, with 'I Hold A Superpower, To Avoid Hurting Myself'.
  • 😊 Happiness and positive emotions are expressed when seeing someone, as in 'But The Moment I Saw You, I Cried Tears of Happiness'.
  • 🌸 The lyrics use the metaphor of flowers blooming in a frozen heart to symbolize new beginnings and emotional growth.
  • 🌞 The song talks about a 'sin' related to the sun and the idea of harm, possibly referring to the intensity of emotions or love.
  • 👼 The concept of being a 'Virtual Angel' and having feelings that are complete when the moon rises is present, suggesting a protective and guiding role.

Q & A

  • What is the warning given at the beginning of the music video?

    -The video contains repeatedly flashing scenes which may cause seizures, epilepsy, or similar symptoms in a very small number of people. Viewers are advised to stop watching if they experience discomfort such as eye pain, visual disturbance, headache, or seizures.

  • What is the promise made by HeeJin in the song?

    -HeeJin promises to be there for someone when their wings break, indicating a commitment to support someone during their moments of vulnerability or failure.

  • What does HaSeul describe as a 'heartbreak'?

    -HaSeul refers to 'letting go of you' as a heartbreak, suggesting the emotional pain associated with separation or loss.

  • What secret story is mentioned by HaSeul?

    -The specific details of the secret story are not provided in the script, but it implies that HaSeul is keeping a personal and undisclosed narrative to herself.

  • What emotion does Kim Lip struggle to believe in?

    -Kim Lip mentions an 'emotion such as love' that she can't believe in, indicating a struggle with trust or the concept of love.

  • Why can't HeeJin cry at the moment mentioned in the song?

    -The script does not provide a specific reason, but it suggests an emotional state where HeeJin is unable to express sadness or grief through tears.

  • What 'superpower' does JinSoul hold according to the song?

    -JinSoul holds a superpower to avoid hurting herself, which could be a metaphor for self-preservation or emotional resilience.

  • What significant change occurs in Choerry's life when she sees someone?

    -Choerry cries tears of happiness upon seeing someone, indicating a profound emotional reaction and possibly a significant relationship or connection.

  • What transformation happens in HeeJin's 'frozen heart'?

    -In HeeJin's frozen heart, new flowers begin to bloom, symbolizing the emergence of new feelings or emotions that were previously dormant.

  • What was hidden in the 'freezing point' according to Kim Lip?

    -Kim Lip reveals that her feelings for someone were hidden in the freezing point, suggesting that her emotions were concealed or suppressed until a certain moment.

  • What role does HaSeul claim to be in the context of the song?

    -HaSeul claims to be a 'virtual angel,' which could imply a guardian or a comforting presence in a digital or metaphorical sense.

  • What does Choerry's feeling complete when the moon rises?

    -Choerry's feelings are complete when the moon rises, which may suggest a romantic or emotional fulfillment associated with a specific time or setting.

  • What does JinSoul find upon meeting someone?

    -Upon meeting someone, JinSoul finds her instincts, indicating a natural or inherent response that was triggered by the encounter.

  • What is the significance of 'Eden' in the song?

    -Eden is referred to as a place of happiness and paradise, with Kim Lip expressing a desire to fly to this 'Eden,' symbolizing a pursuit of joy or utopia.

  • What does HaSeul promise to do after crossing a certain 'line'?

    -HaSeul promises to love even more after crossing the line, which could represent overcoming a barrier or reaching a new level of commitment in a relationship.

  • What plea does HeeJin make at the end of the song?

    -HeeJin pleads for someone to save her, calling out 'Please save me, Savior,' which conveys a sense of desperation or a need for rescue.



🚨 Warning: Flashing Scenes and Emotional Expressions

The script begins with a cautionary note, warning viewers about the presence of flashing scenes in the music video that could potentially trigger seizures or similar symptoms in a very small number of people. The lyrics that follow express a range of emotions, from the pain of letting go of someone to the joy of finding love. The narrative unfolds with characters revealing their hidden feelings and powers, suggesting a theme of emotional vulnerability and strength. The chorus emphasizes being there for someone when they are in need, indicating a supportive and protective stance.



💡Flashing Scenes

Flashing scenes refer to rapidly alternating bright and dark images or lights that can cause discomfort or trigger seizures in sensitive individuals. In the context of the video, this term is used as a warning to viewers about the visual content, indicating that the video contains potentially harmful visual effects for those with photosensitive epilepsy or similar conditions. The script mentions, 'This music video contains repeatedly flashing scenes,' which sets the expectation for the viewer about the nature of the video's visuals.


Seizures are sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain that can cause changes in someone's behavior, movements, feelings, and levels of consciousness. The script warns that 'a very small number of people may experience seizures, epilepsy, or similar symptoms when watching this music video,' highlighting the potential health risks associated with the video's content for a specific audience.

💡Wings Break

The phrase 'wings break' is a metaphorical expression that could symbolize a moment of vulnerability, loss, or failure. In the script, [HeeJin] says, 'I’ll Be There For You When Your Wings Break,' which suggests a theme of support and companionship in times of personal crisis or emotional distress.


Heartbreak is a deep emotional pain caused by loss or disappointment in love. The term is used in the script when [HeeJin] mentions 'Letting Go Of You That’s A Heartbreak,' which conveys the emotional turmoil and sadness associated with ending a relationship or releasing someone you care about.

💡Secret Story

A 'secret story' implies a narrative or set of experiences that are kept hidden from others, often due to their personal or sensitive nature. [HaSeul] speaks of 'A Secret Story Kept Within Myself,' which may reflect the theme of personal secrets and the internal struggles that come with keeping them.


Emotion refers to a natural and psychological reaction to a particular situation or event. In the script, [Kim Lip] expresses disbelief in 'An Emotion Such As Love,' which could indicate a struggle with accepting or understanding the concept of love, adding a layer of emotional complexity to the video's narrative.


A superpower is an extraordinary ability or power beyond normal human means. [JinSoul] mentions holding a 'Superpower, To Avoid Hurting Myself,' which could symbolize the metaphorical strength one might develop to protect oneself from emotional or physical harm.

💡Tears of Happiness

Tears of happiness are tears shed as a result of overwhelming joy or contentment. [Choerry] says, 'But The Moment I Saw You, I Cried Tears of Happiness,' which suggests a moment of profound emotional fulfillment or connection with another person.

💡Frozen Heart

A 'frozen heart' is a metaphor often used to describe a state of emotional numbness or closed-off feelings. [HeeJin] and [Kim Lip] both refer to 'In My Frozen Heart, New Flowers Begin To Bloom,' which could symbolize the process of emotional healing or the reawakening of emotions after a period of emotional dormancy.

💡Virtual Angel

A 'virtual angel' could be interpreted as a guardian or guide in a digital or non-physical form. [HaSeul] refers to being an 'I'm Your Virtual Angel,' which might suggest a protective or supportive presence in a virtual or metaphorical sense.


Eden is traditionally associated with the biblical Garden of Eden, a place of bliss and innocence. In the script, [Kim Lip] and [HaSeul] mention 'Let Me Fly To Your Eden' and 'My Beautiful Eden,' respectively. These references could imply a utopian or idealized state of happiness and peace that the characters are striving for or have found.


Warning about flashing scenes and potential health risks

HeeJin's promise to be there when your wings break

HeeJin's heartbreak from letting go

HaSeul's secret story kept within herself

Kim Lip's disbelief in the emotion of love

HeeJin's inability to cry despite the situation

JinSoul's superpower to avoid self-harm

Choerry's tears of happiness upon seeing someone

HeeJin's frozen heart blooming with new flowers

Kim Lip revealing hidden feelings at the freezing point

JinSoul's sin of absorbing the sun and its harmful moment

HaSeul as a virtual angel providing support

Choerry's feelings complete when the moon rises

Kim Lip's promise to be there for someone when their wings break

HeeJin's smile causing everything to fall

Choerry's revelation of hidden powers

JinSoul finding her instincts after meeting someone

HaSeul's promise to love even more in her Eden

Choerry's claim as the one and only angel

Kim Lip's desire to fly to someone's Eden

HaSeul's declaration of her beautiful Eden

JinSoul's commitment to be there when wings break



Please read carefully before watching. This music video contains repeatedly flashing scenes. A very small number of people may experience seizures, epilepsy, or similar symptoms when watching this music video. If you experience any discomfort such as eye pain, visual disturbance, headache, or seizures while watching, please stop watching immediately.


Ah, Ah


Ah, Ah


Oh, Oh, Oh


Oh, Oh, Oh


[HeeJin] I’ll Be There For You When Your Wings Break


[HeeJin] Letting Go Of You That’s A Heartbreak


[HaSeul] A Secret Story Kept Within Myself


[Kim Lip] An Emotion Such As Love


[Kim Lip] Something I Can’t Believe In Yeah


[HeeJin] I Can’t Cry At All Right Now


[JinSoul] I Hold A Superpower


[JinSoul] To Avoid Hurting Myself


[Choerry] But The Moment I Saw You


[Choerry] I Cried Tears of Happiness


[HeeJin] In My Frozen Heart


[HeeJin] New Flowers Begin To Bloom


[Kim Lip] What Was Hidden In The Freezing Point


[Kim Lip] Were My Feelings For You


[JinSoul] The Sin Of Absorbing The Sun


[JinSoul] The Moment It Causes Harm


[HaSeul] I'm Your Virtual Angel


[Choerry] My Feelings Are Complete When The Moon Rises


[Choerry] Your Angel


Oh, Oh, Oh


Oh, Oh, Oh


[Kim Lip] I’ll Be There For You When Your Wings Break


[Kim Lip] Letting Go Of You That’s A Heartbreak


[HeeJin] When I Smile Once


[HeeJin] And Everything Falls


[Choerry] I’ve Been Hiding My Powers All Along


[JinSoul] Just Like


[JinSoul] Once I Met You


[JinSoul] I Found My Instincts


[JinSoul] Better Now Super Now Hyper Now Oh


Oh, Oh, Oh


Oh, Oh, Oh


[HaSeul] I’ll Be There For You When Your Wings Break


[HaSeul] Letting Go Of You That’s A Heartbreak


[Kim Lip] In My Frozen Heart


[Kim Lip] New Flowers Begin To Bloom


[Choerry] What Was Hidden In The Freezing Point


[Choerry] Were My Feelings For You


[Choerry] Your Angel


[HaSeul] The Sun Will Never Win Against Me


[JinSoul] Darkness Gives Me Strength Even More


[Kim Lip] When I Open My Eyes At Last


[HeeJin] Please Save Me Savior


[HaSeul] Happiness Is Through The Line


[HaSeul] I’ll Love You Even More


[Choerry] Your One And Only Angel


[Kim Lip] Let Me Fly To Your Eden


[Kim Lip] This Is Eden


Oh, Oh, Oh


[HaSeul] My Beautiful Eden


[JinSoul] I’ll Be There For You When Your Wings Break


[HeeJin] Letting Go Of You That’s A Heartbreak


[HaSeul] In My Eden

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Tags associés
Music VideoSeizure WarningLove StorySelf-DiscoveryEmotionAngelic ThemeVirtual AngelEdenSuperpowerHeartbreak
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