The TOP 10 WORST Football Shirts Of 2021! *SHOCKING*
- 👕 脚本讨论了2020至2021赛季十大最糟糕的足球球衣。
- 📈 作者提到多特蒙德的球衣设计很吸引人,并鼓励观众关注他的Instagram以获取更多球衣信息。
- 🔗 作者还制作了一个关于当季十佳球衣的视频,链接在视频描述中。
- 💭 作者强调,这些评价完全基于个人主观意见,观众可能有不同看法。
- 📌 第10名是曼联的客场球衣,作者认为它过于商业化,像一个广告牌。
- 🎰 作者不喜欢足球球衣上的赌博赞助商,因为他个人曾有赌博问题。
- 🌍 第8名是皇家马德里的“人种”球衣,尽管作者喜欢“人种”系列,但这件球衣并未入选。
- 🤔 第6名是西布朗的黄绿色球衣,作者认为设计糟糕到让人发笑。
- 👎 第5名是邓迪的客场球衣,作者不理解为何设计团队会认为这件球衣好看。
- 🏆 第4名是水晶宫的所有球衣,作者认为它们都遵循着糟糕的设计模板。
- 🤢 第3名是伊斯坦布尔沙克沙的第三球衣,作者找不到任何积极的特点。
- 😱 第2名是克罗托内的第三球衣,作者认为颜色和设计都不协调。
- 🙀 第1名是哈罗盖特的球衣,作者认为这是他所见过的最糟糕的球衣之一,对其设计感到愤怒。
- 👍 如果观众喜欢视频,请点赞支持,作者希望视频能超过1000个赞。
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😖 20-21シーズン最悪のユニフォームトップ10
😡 ハロゲートの最悪なデザイナーの失敗
The video discusses the top 10 worst football shirts from the 2020-2021 season.
The speaker admits that while most football shirts are great, some can be disappointing.
The Dortmund shirt is praised for its design, and the speaker encourages following their Instagram for more shirt posts.
A video on the top 10 best shirts from the same season is also mentioned, linked in the description.
Opinions on the shirts are subjective, and the speaker invites viewers to comment their own worst shirts.
The Manchester United away shirt is criticized for being too much of an advertising board for Chevrolet.
The speaker expresses a personal dislike for gambling sponsors in football due to past issues with gambling.
The Real Madrid human race shirt is included in the list, with no positive aspects highlighted.
The speaker appreciates the era of shirt design but feels that some risks taken this season missed the mark.
The West Brom yellow and green shirt is described as laughably bad, with no redeeming qualities.
Dundee's away shirt is criticized for its design, which the speaker believes was poorly executed.
Crystal Palace's shirts are all deemed terrible, following a bad template.
The Istanbul Shaksha third shirt is compared to mucus, with no positive features found.
Crotone's third shirt is called out as being so bad that the speaker wonders who would buy it at full price.
The Harrogate shirt is described as an absolute monstrosity, with a design that looks like dungarees.
The speaker is angered by how bad the Harrogate shirt is, considering its significance for the football league.
The video concludes with a call to action for likes and subscriptions, and a promise of future content.
most football shirts are great don't get
me wrong look at them
they can be beautiful but at their worst
some can be absolute stinkers yes guys
the topic of today's video
is the top 10 worst shirts from the 20
to 21
season this list is shirts from this
season that i either thought were
or massively underwhelmed me two things
before we get into this
thing one this dortmund shirt is lovely
isn't it i know
the c-shirts i get like this and other
ones in my collection
be sure to follow my instagram in the
description i'm always posting about the
shirts i have
so follow me thing two i did do the top
10 best shirts from this season as well
so check that out linked in the
description for some
positivity please please bear in mind
that opinions are completely subjective
there is a high chance you won't agree
with me
you'd be wrong so make sure to comment
your top 10 worst shirts from this
in the comments section and without
further ado let's get into this
in at number 10 for being awful is the
united away shirt
one word to describe this shirt
sorry i have to bleep that jesus sorry
what a start but in all seriousness i
hate when a shirt is basically an
advertising board for a brand or a
and this shirt is basically just
chevrolet fc
9th place yeah i know
sorry yes all right i did still buy it
please remember
what i said in the intro this list is
shirts from this season that i either
thought were horrible
or massively underwhelmed me i've made
my thoughts about this shirt
very clear i just hate gambling sponsors
in football
as someone who's been quite open about
the fact that i had issues with gambling
in the past
i just it never sits well with me that
gambling has always forced down the
throats of football fans i just hate the
fact that it's our first season back in
the prem
managed by the elsa we're doing quite
well it's gonna be a season we look back
on quite fondly it's always going to be
associated with this shirt
leads united's first season back in the
premier league brought to you
by spo bet who the spo bet
in at number eight the real madrid human
race shirt
don't get me wrong here i love the human
race collection the juventus
the arsenal the united the buying shirts
they all look great
why is this in the top 10 worst alice
like the images on screen now look at it
do you have anything positive to say no
moving on seventh place
i think we're in an amazing era for
shirt design at the moment
so many amazing shirts that in the
future people are gonna look back on
what an era that was don't get me wrong
at all
nothing but respect to manufacturers and
clubs for
trying new things like taking risks is
how you get
iconic designs like that one however
i think this one has slightly missed the
mark this season
i'm not a big fan of this but thank you
for sending it to me anyway sixth place
is the west brom
yellow and green shirt i even laughed
saying it awful
the shirt is on screen right now look at
it and say three positive things about
go on you've got 10 seconds
you can't can you no one can it's shite
shout out to boilerman though one of the
greats into the top five and in at fifth
is dundee's away shirt
the thing i don't get about this shirt
is right like a talented team of people
have sat there meticulously designed
this shirt
they've looked at it and they thought
yeah that's pretty good
the shirt genuinely looks like someone
has sniped barney the dinosaur
fourth place every single one of the
palace shirts
they're just so bad just so painfully
bad like
they all follow the same horrible
they all look awful and
it's impressive how bad as a trio they
it's just woeful third place
the istanbul shaksha third shirt
have i said that right first time no way
oh my god come on
when scripting this video i was trying
to come up with words and like phrases
to kind of
describe most of shirts on here the only
word i could use for this shirt was
mucus like oh don't get me wrong
every shirt before this isn't great but
at least some of them have redeeming
what is redeeming about this there there
isn't a positive i honestly cannot find
a positive
in the club and the shirt let's get down
to business
second place crotone's third shirt
once this pandemic is over we need a
worldwide hunt
to find the one person that has bought
this shirt at full price
because he needs sectioning the colors
do not work at all
the design does not work at all every
single thing about this shirt
falls completely short it is shambolic
and yet there's still one shirt worse
than it drumroll please
this absolute monstrosity from harrogate
my god it's bad it's so so bad
your first shirt in the football league
your legacy
everything that's going to be looked
back on for decades maybe centuries
and you're wearing this this is the best
you could come up with
it actually irritates me how bad it is
what is the strava sponsor doing why is
it just this big red square
in the middle of the design that looks
like dungarees what is going on
genuinely and i mean this wholeheartedly
top five worst shirts i have ever seen
it is so bad and it actually angers me
anyway that is my top 10 worst shirts
from the 20 to 21 season
if you have enjoyed the video be sure to
leave a like if you're new around here
can we hit over a thousand likes would
mean a lot to me in the videos where i
don't do a giveaway
or a like target you know for you guys
to still show the support because
yeah i can't give away a shirt every
single three days of my life
i'll catch you guys soon ciao bye
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