🚨 Matt Gaetz gets NIGHTMARE news from his OWN party
TLDRThe transcript discusses Kevin McCarthy's allegations against Matt Gates, accusing him of having relations with a minor and claiming this influenced McCarthy's decision not to become speaker. Gates denies the allegations and attributes his animosity towards McCarthy to an ongoing ethics probe. The House Ethics Committee's investigation into Gates has reached out to the Justice Department and potential witnesses, including the woman at the center of the allegations. McCarthy's comments and Gates' response on Twitter highlight the tension and power dynamics within the Republican party.
- 💣 Kevin McCarthy accused Matt Gaetz of having relations with a minor, a claim that Gaetz vehemently denies.
- 🚨 An ethics complaint was filed against Gaetz prior to McCarthy's speakership, which allegedly involved a 17-year-old.
- 🤝 McCarthy's refusal to get involved in the ethics complaint led to pressure from the member of Congress involved.
- 🏛️ The house Ethics Committee is investigating Gaetz, and has reached out to the justice department and a potential witness.
- 📈 The investigation into Gaetz includes allegations of sexual contact with a minor and other potential crimes.
- 🔙 McCarthy's comments are linked to a history of animosity between him and Gaetz, rooted in an ongoing ethics probe.
- 💥 Gaetz is accused of using his influence to remove McCarthy from his position as speaker as revenge for the ethics probe.
- 🎯 Gaetz's actions are seen as part of a broader pattern of Republicans using fear and power tactics to control the narrative.
- 📢 Gaetz has publicly denied the allegations against him and criticized McCarthy and others in the media.
- 🔍 The house Ethics Committee continues its investigation into Gaetz despite his denials and attempts to influence public opinion.
- 🌐 The outcome of the investigation is uncertain, but it highlights the intense power dynamics and conflicts within the Republican party.
Q & A
Why did the speaker believe they were not able to become the speaker due to an Ethics complaint?
-The speaker was not able to become the speaker because an Ethics complaint was filed against them prior to their potential speakership. This complaint was related to allegations of a member of Congress engaging in illegal activities, specifically sleeping with a 17-year-old, which the speaker did not want to get involved with.
What was the speaker's stance on keeping the government open?
-The speaker was committed to keeping the government open and was against any actions that would lead to its shutdown. They emphasized their willingness to pay troops and expressed their disapproval of those who would suggest otherwise.
What is the motion to vacate, and how has its requirement changed over time?
-The motion to vacate is a parliamentary procedure that allows a member of the House of Representatives to propose the removal of a Speaker from their position. Historically, only one person could make this motion, but when Pelosi became Speaker the second time, she changed the rules, requiring 218 votes to pass the rule package, thus making it more difficult for the minority leader to govern.
What was Kevin McCarthy's response to the allegations made against him by Matt Gates?
-Kevin McCarthy denied the allegations made by Matt Gates and accused The Daily Beast of lying about him. He maintained that his removal as Speaker was due to his failure to keep promises, not because of the Ethics Committee probe.
What was the outcome of the House Ethics Committee's investigation into Matt Gates?
-The House Ethics Committee investigated Matt Gates for allegations of sexual relations with a minor and other potential crimes. However, they did not opt to charge Congressman Gates, and the Justice Department also chose not to press charges.
What was Matt Gates's reaction to the allegations and McCarthy's comments?
-Matt Gates vehemently denied the allegations, calling Kevin McCarthy a liar and stating that his party voted to remove McCarthy from the speakership due to his incompetence and failure to fulfill his promises.
What was the reported motivation behind Matt Gates's push to remove Kevin McCarthy from his role as Speaker?
-Matt Gates was reportedly motivated by revenge against Kevin McCarthy for the ongoing Ethics Committee probe against him. Gates felt that McCarthy was responsible for reviving the probe, which led to his strong resentment and subsequent actions to remove McCarthy from his position.
How did Matt Gates respond to those who criticized him?
-Matt Gates was known to be aggressive in his responses to critics. He publicly exposed a colleague who criticized him, accusing them of living a lie, showing that he was willing to use any means necessary to control the narrative and defend himself.
What was the context behind Ronda McDaniel's name change?
-Ronda McDaniel, previously known as R Romney, changed her name to show her support for Donald Trump. This change was made in deference to Trump's dislike for her uncle, Mitt Romney, and was seen as a move to curry favor with the then-presidential candidate.
What does the speaker suggest about the Republican Party's tactics?
-The speaker suggests that the Republican Party is governed by fear and is willing to destroy anything and anyone in their path to maintain or expand their power. This is exemplified by Matt Gates's actions and the broader behavior of the party, including Trump's treatment of those who disagree with him.
What is the current status of the investigation into Matt Gates?
-The House Ethics Committee, led by Republicans, is continuing its investigation into Matt Gates. Despite the Justice Department's decision not to charge Gates, the committee does not seem to be intimidated by his fear tactics and is proceeding with its uncovering of the truth.
💥 Kevin McCarthy's Speakership Controversy
This paragraph discusses the contentious situation surrounding Kevin McCarthy's bid for the position of Speaker of the House. It highlights McCarthy's claim that he was unfairly targeted by an Ethics complaint due to a member of Congress' personal scandal. The paragraph also touches on the political maneuvering and power dynamics within the Republican party, particularly focusing on Matt Gates' role in McCarthy's removal from the speakership. Gates is accused of using revenge as a tactic to oust McCarthy, stemming from an ongoing ethics probe against him. The paragraph emphasizes the intense political rivalries and the lengths politicians are willing to go to secure power or retaliate against their opponents.
🔍 Ongoing Investigation and Political Retaliation
The second paragraph delves into the ongoing investigation by the House Ethics Committee into Matt Gates, detailing their efforts to reach out to potential witnesses, including a woman who alleges having sexual contact with Gates when she was underage. It also mentions the committee's request for materials from the justice department's investigation into Gates. The summary underscores Gates' vehement denials and his willingness to use any means necessary to control the narrative. The paragraph further explores the Republican party's strategy of governance by fear and the potential consequences of such tactics, including the impact on individuals like Lindsey Graham and Ronda McDaniel. It concludes with a call to action for viewers to support independent media and hold politicians accountable.
💡Ethics complaint
💡Motion to vacate
💡Justice Department
💡Narrative control
Discussion of a member of Congress facing an Ethics complaint for alleged relations with a minor.
The Ethics complaint began before the individual became speaker, involving illegal activities.
The speaker's decision to not intervene in the Ethics complaint is highlighted.
The mention of other individuals in jail related to the same issue.
The speaker's commitment to keeping the government open and paying troops despite political pressure.
The motion to vacate and the historical precedent of such a motion in the rules.
The change in rules when Pelosi became speaker the second time, shifting power to the minority leader.
The speaker's stance on allowing the minority to govern and the required number of votes for a rule package.
The revelation of only five people voting against the speaker despite their opposition.
Kevin McCarthy's accusation against Matt Gates, alleging Gates had relations with a minor.
The House Ethics Committee's investigation into Matt Gates and its outreach to potential witnesses.
The Justice Department's decision not to charge Gates based on their investigation.
Matt Gates' denial of the allegations and his public criticism of Kevin McCarthy.
The claim that Gates' motivation for targeting McCarthy was revenge for the ethics probe.
The impact of Gates' actions on McCarthy's career and the broader implications for the Republican party.
The ongoing fear and ambition-driven tactics used by some Republicans in power.
The mention of Ronda McDaniel's name change to curry favor with Donald Trump.
The call for订阅 to support the progressive media ecosystem and the refusal to engage in sponsorships or paid ads.
you made a lot of
concessions in the negotiations no I
didn't okay let's get to the bottom
though that that is such a misnomer in
life let me give you the truth about
that now and I'll give you the truth why
I'm not speaker it's because one person
a member of Congress wanted me to stop
an Ethics complaint because he slept
with a 17-year-old an Ethics complaint
that started before I ever became
speaker and that's illegal and I'm not
going to get in the middle did he do it
or not I don't know but in ethics is
looking at it there's other people in
jail because of it
and he wanted me to influence it and you
know what so then they come out and they
say because I kept government open I do
it all over again we're not going to pay
our troops no I'm going to pay my troops
you can't do the job okay when it comes
to the concession the motion to vacate
about one person being able to make that
motion how long has that been in the
rules forever the only time it was
changed is when Pelosi became speaker
the second time and she put the Power
with the minority leader I think it's
wrong I think you El let let him govern
now it takes 218 to have the rule
package there's nothing I can do there
but I had five people who never voted
for me anyways in the process I had
eight at the end that did the other but
everybody had to live by it I live by it
I think today if you went back to the
people that vote if they think that was
a smart vote I don't think so I had the
choice of having that vote of motion to
vacate where you just put the card walk
away no I made everybody stand up cuz I
think historically it'll be viewed as a
very bad thing that happened to our
Congress a bombshell accusation from
Kevin McCarthy against Matt Gates who
resurrects this long-standing claim that
Gates had relations with a minor this
accusation comes only about 8 weeks
after we found out that the house Ethics
Committee investigating Matt Gates had
reached out to the justice department
and to the woman at the heart of these
allegations breaking news sources say
that the house Ethics Committee
investigating Republican Congressman
Matt Gates of Florida has now reached
out to the US justice department and to
a woman with whom the congressman
allegedly had sexual relations when she
was 17 years old elections that
Congressman Gates denies we should note
Congressman Gates has never been charged
with any wrongdoing here CNN's Paula
Reed has this exclusive reporting Paula
what have we learned so Jake we've
learned that the house Ethics Committee
investigating Congressman Gates has done
a new round of Outreach to potential
Witnesses including a woman who was
still 17 years old when she allegedly
had sexual contact with Congressman
Gates we've learned they have also
reached out to the justice department
asking for materials from its yearslong
investigation into the congressman where
they examined these allegations of
possible sexual contact with a minor
along with other crimes but as you not
it they did not ultimately opt to charge
the congressman now McCarthy's comments
from the initial video clip back up
reporting from The Daily Beast that
Gates privately told colleagues that his
real motivation for ating Kevin McCarthy
is speaker was payback for his ongoing
ethics probe the deli Beast reviewed
Communications between Gates and a
friend explaining that quote in the
communications Gat singled out McCarthy
individually for Reviving an Ethics
Committee probe against him and he
indicated that his animist word McCarthy
was over the investigation the baguer
Florida congressman's anger over the
revive probe was so strong that he wrode
his resentment all the way to a
history-making vote to remove McCarthy
and of course Gates's efforts to OU
McCarthy ultimately proved so successful
that McCarthy not only lost to speaker
gavel but has since resigned from
Congress also according to the Daily
Beast other Republican Congressional
sources confirmed that Gates
acknowledged his revenge motive behind
closed doors in one instance over the
summer Gates relayed to a group of
colleagues that his push through move
McCarthy was a direct response to the
ethics investigation in another instance
a senior Republican Congressional
staffer separately told The Daily Beast
that he had also heard Gates laid the
ethics probe at McCarthy's feet quote
I've heard him complain about Kevin
because of it with his Aid also
confirming that g connected the probe to
his rally to remove McCarthy and just
like Gates was reportedly so insense
with Kevin McCarthy over this probe that
he orchestrated stripping McCarthy of
his speakership Gates was similarly
incensed with this reporting by The
Daily Beast he said quote as I've
answered likely a hundred times on the
record I led the charge to remove Kevin
McCarthy from his role as house speaker
because he failed to keep his promises
The Daily Beast continues to lie about
me and I think it's due for a round of
layoffs now gates for his part took to
Twitter amid the allegation by McCarthy
today writing Kevin McCarthy is a liar
that's why he is no longer a speaker
just to ask the 224 people who voted to
remove him and I would just say his
party voted to remove him because he
committed the cardinal sin of allowing
the government to function despite the
Republican's frothing desire to see it
steeped in dysfunction with the eventual
hope that the blame would fall on Joe
Biden's shoulders and to that point I
got to say from reported sexual assault
to molestation to sheer incompetence to
abject chaos you really do have your
choice of a little bit of everything in
today's GOP and look I obviously can't
predict what the house Ethics Committee
is going to do and I will note for
posterity again that the justice
department opted not to charge Gates but
there is an expression that comes to
mind when listening to Gates's frenetic
denials a hit dog will holler so while
this investigation into Gates will
continue I wouldn't be surprised to see
Gates ramp up his attacks against
whoever he views as responsible it's
worth noting that when it comes to
Revenge Gates pulls no punches again he
was responsible for Kevin McCarthy
losing his speakership and he literally
outed his Republican colleague who
criticized him in his Antics by claiming
during a live broadcast that his
colleague was quote Living a lie clearly
Gates isn't unwilling to wield any
weapons he viewed as being at his
disposal in an effort to control the
narrative and by the way this tactic by
Gates should not come as a surprise
given the extent to which Republicans
have had success governing by fear this
is their playbook now they will destroy
anything and anyone in their path in an
attempt to keep or expand their own
power just look at Trump he's proven
that he will attack anyone no matter how
much they've given up for him if they so
much as look at him the wrong way just
yesterday Lindsey Graham came out
against Trump's pretend stance saying
that abortion is a state's issue only
for Trump to take the true social and
right I blame myself for Lindsey Graham
because the only reason he won in the
great state of South Carolina is because
I endorsed him or Ronda McDaniel who was
such a blatant supplicant to Donald
Trump that she literally literally
removed Romney from her own name in
deference to the guy only to be
unceremoniously and publicly discarded
as RNC chair my first question would be
why did you change your name for Donald
Trump before Trump ran for president her
name was R Romney
McDaniel how does that feel to change
your name to Curry favor with a Madman
because he doesn't like your
uncle how did you explain that to your
kids what lesson did your kids learn
from that and I mention her kids because
she always mentions her kids and that
she's a mother whenever she is speaking
publicly it is about naked Power and
ambition at all costs and nothing more
so it remains to be seen what the house
Ethics Committee which to be clear is
led by Republicans uncovers with regard
to Matt Gates but the Florida Republican
is clearly intent on keeping it quiet
Kevin McCarthy might have lost his
career as the result of it but the rest
of that committee doesn't seem to be
allowing Gates's fear tactics to bully
them into
submission before you go I need some
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