Funny Matt and Abby Tik Tok Videos 2022 | Matt and Abby Funny Videos 2022
TLDRفيديو مليء باللحظات العفوية والعاطفية لزوجين يستعدان لاستقبال طفلهما الأول. يتناول الفيديو مخاوف الأبوة والأمومة بصراحة وفكاهة، بما في ذلك مخاوف الولادة والتأقلم مع التغيرات الجسدية. يُظهر الزوجان حبهما ودعمهما المتبادل من خلال محادثاتهما وأنشطتهما اليومية، ويشاركان تجاربهما مع المتابعين على يوتيوب. الفيديو يجسد جمال العلاقات الأسرية وأهمية الدعم والتفاهم في رحلة الأبوة والأمومة.
- 😂 الضحك والمرح يسودان الحوار، مما يظهر علاقة مرحة وخفيفة الظل.
- 👶 القلق من التوقيت المناسب لإنجاب الأطفال يظهر بوضوح، حيث يتساءل الزوجان عما إذا كان الوقت مبكرًا جدًا ليصبحا والدين.
- 🤰 تجربة الحمل تأتي بتحدياتها الجسدية والنفسية، كما يظهر من خلال المخاوف من الولادة والتعافي بعدها.
- 📸 تأثير مشاركة اللحظات الشخصية عبر الإنترنت، مثل إعجاب كايلي جينر بصورة على إنستغرام، يبرز أهمية وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في حياتهم.
- 👫 العلاقة العميقة بين الزوجين واضحة، حيث يتبادلان الحب والإعجاب، ويتذكران الذكريات الجميلة سوياً.
- 👗 الاهتمام بالمظهر والأناقة حتى خلال الحمل، كما يظهر من خلال المحادثات حول الجينز المخصص للحمل.
- 👪 ترتيب الأولويات في العلاقات الأسرية موضوع نقاش، حيث يتم التفكير في مكانة الزوجة مقابل الأم والابنة المستقبلية.
- 🏥 الحوادث الطريفة والمواقف غير المتوقعة تضفي البهجة، مثل محاولة الزوج تأدية الحركات البهلوانية والمواقف المحرجة في أماكن عامة.
- 📹 الرغبة في تحقيق معالم في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، مثل الوصول إلى مليون مشترك على يوتيوب، تظهر أهمية هذه المنصات لهم.
- 🎥 استخدام الفيديو كوسيلة لتوثيق ومشاركة تجاربهم اليومية، من التحديات البسيطة إلى اللحظات الكبيرة كالكشف عن جنس الجنين.
Q & A
هل يعتقد الزوجان أنهما أنجبا طفلهما مبكرًا؟
-نعم، يبدو أن الزوجين يتساءلان عما إذا كان قرار إنجاب طفلهما قد جاء مبكرًا جدًا، لكن الزوج يعبر عن شعوره بأنه أصبح مستعدًا ليكون أبًا الآن.
ما هي المخاوف التي تعبر عنها الزوجة بخصوص الولادة؟
-تعبر الزوجة عن قلقها من الألم الذي قد تتعرض له أثناء الولادة، والشفاء بعدها، وتحدث عن المخاوف الطبيعية من العملية وما قد يحدث خلالها.
كيف يرى الزوج علاقته بزوجته مقارنة بأمه وابنته المستقبلية؟
-يعتبر الزوج زوجته الشخص الأهم بالنسبة له، ويشير إلى أهمية تقديم الدعم لها أولًا لضمان توفير أفضل حياة ممكنة لابنتهما، مشبهًا ذلك بتعليمات السلامة في الطائرات.
ما الذي أثار دموع الزوجة أثناء مشاهدة الفيديوهات القديمة؟
-تأثرت الزوجة وبكت بسبب مشاهدة فيديوهات قديمة تعود لأوقات جميلة مضت، مما أعاد إلى ذاكرتها ذكريات سعيدة مع زوجها.
ما التحدي الذي واجهه الزوج عند محاولته تنفيذ حركة القفز الخلفي؟
-واجه الزوج تحديًا عند محاولته تنفيذ حركة القفز الخلفي للمرة الأولى، حيث بدا متوترًا وقلقًا، لكنه حاول مرة أخرى بتشجيع من زوجته.
كيف استجاب الزوجان لتفاعل كايلي جينر مع صورهما على إنستغرام؟
-أظهر الزوجان دهشتهما وسرورهما عندما علما أن كايلي جينر أعجبت بصورتهما على إنستغرام، مما يظهر تأثير التفاعلات المشهورة على مستوى الإثارة لديهما.
ماذا تعلم الزوجان عن جنس الطفل؟
-الزوجان يعرفان جنس الطفل ويشعران بالحماس بشأنه.
🤔 Reflecting on Parenthood and Relationship Dynamics
The paragraph discusses the speaker's initial apprehensions about becoming a parent and how those feelings have evolved over time. They express confidence in their partner's abilities and share their fears about the challenges of childbirth. The conversation also touches on their social media interactions, the importance of maintaining a strong bond in their relationship, and the anticipation of their baby's arrival. The speaker emphasizes prioritizing their partner over their child for the benefit of their family structure.
🎉 Excitement for Milestone Subscribers and Pregnancy Updates
This paragraph is filled with the anticipation of reaching a YouTube milestone and the ongoing journey of pregnancy. The speaker talks about their husband's attempt to do a backflip, their shared YouTube posting schedule, and the surprise of their growing family. The excitement is palpable as they discuss the physical changes of pregnancy, the planning of a special Valentine's Day, and the importance of keeping the relationship strong and intentional. The paragraph ends with a humorous anecdote about the challenges of a new car and parking mishaps.
🤰 Pregnancy Challenges and Medical Concerns
The speaker shares personal experiences of pregnancy, including uncomfortable moments and unexpected medical situations. They discuss dealing with a yeast infection, the discovery of additional breast tissue in an armpit, and the emotional impact of these changes. The speaker also talks about maintaining a positive outlook despite the challenges and the importance of taking care of oneself during pregnancy. The paragraph concludes with a humorous incident involving a hot tub and a misunderstanding about safety during pregnancy.
😅 Embarrassing Moments and IKEA Adventures
This paragraph narrates a series of humorous and embarrassing incidents. The speaker shares a story of an unfortunate reaction to the smell of spoiled milk, leading to an unexpected accident. They also recount a shopping trip to IKEA, where they faced challenges with food options, navigating the store, and assembling furniture. The paragraph highlights the speaker's candid and relatable experiences, offering a glimpse into the less glamorous aspects of life and parenthood.
💑 Relationship Advice and Shared Memories
The speaker reflects on past experiences and offers relationship advice based on their personal journey. They share a comical story about pretending to enjoy a superhero movie to bond with their partner and the eventual confession of their true feelings. Another anecdote involves an unexpected shared bed experience during a family trip, highlighting the awkward yet memorable moments that can occur in relationships. The paragraph emphasizes the value of honesty and the importance of laughter in navigating the complexities of life together.
💡Valentine's Day
💡Maternity Jeans
💡Gender Reveal
💡Life Changes
Couple discusses readiness for parenthood and expresses fears and excitement.
The importance of the partner's role in a healthy relationship and prioritizing each other.
The impact of pregnancy on the woman's body, including physical changes and sensations.
The couple's shared memories and the reaffirmation of their love for each other.
The significance of Valentine's Day for the couple and their commitment to keeping their relationship strong.
The gender reveal of their baby and the excitement surrounding this milestone.
The importance of communication and honesty in a relationship, as illustrated by a humorous story.
The challenges of pregnancy, such as dealing with a yeast infection and unexpected public attention.
A humorous incident involving the woman's pregnancy and an armpit ultrasound.
The couple's approach to enjoying life and making the most of their experiences, even in an unfamiliar situation like a warm tub.
The anticipation and preparation for their baby, including shopping for furniture and ensuring safety.
The couple's humorous take on IKEA furniture assembly and the practicality of their purchases.
The value of shared interests and the role of compromise in a relationship, as seen in a story about watching a superhero movie.
A funny anecdote about an unexpected shared bed experience during a family trip, highlighting the couple's history and closeness.
thank you
three two one
the shivers
but you're sucking in
you're sucking in okay let it release
that's adorable
do you think we had a baby too early
do you think we did
i don't think we did i just get worried
i didn't think i was ready to be a dad a
year ago but i feel ready to be a dad
now i feel ready but i think it's more
like i just want us to feel ready i
think i've been ready but then it was um
it's just like the realness of it is
like whoa i think you're going to be
incredible mom
i think you're so good with kids
it's like stupid but i'm like scared
selfish things like it being really
painful to be
like have a baby and stuff that's
totally normal it's kind of scary to the
thought of getting a bird yeah
and like the healing afterwards i think
there's just so many things that can
happen like there's something yeah
it's just like oh frick
it's gonna be okay i'll be with you okay
abby pretend that i'm a bad guy and try
to escape from me here we go
hey come here little girl
oh my gosh
oh my gosh
are you okay i just pulled my hammy no
freaking way
dude kylie jenner liked her instagram
the most recent one
look at this
that's ridiculous
i love you so much she's tearing up
you are
i'm emotional
those old videos are sweet aren't they
they're so sweet you have so many good
does it make you just like fall in love
all over again
i really love you i really love you too
that's why i couldn't sleep last night
i know i was just up looking at those
videos they're so sweet
you really are my best friend you are
not going to believe what just happened
to me
i got wait cat called
i got you that called by a woman
of course you did do you don't you want
to know what she said to me
no she yelled at me she goes you got a
nice ass
did you feel objectified dude i honestly
did it kind of freaked me out i was like
that's my wife's eyes what are you
looking at my breath for who comes first
your mom or your future daughter oh
that's hard you and our future daughter
can't be equal
oh man wow you're just gonna disregard
your mom like that okay i love my mom so
much but you're my wife like i feel like
that's pretty important you're
definitely the most important person to
be in the world but i feel like if i put
our daughter before you then that would
be even worse for our daughter because i
think i need to prioritize you in our
relationship it's almost like how if
you're on an airplane they tell you to
put on your math before your kids mask
because if you put on theirs first then
that would be a bad situation because
you can pass out so you want to make
sure you're good so you can help them
you see what i'm saying
so we're good so like putting you first
that way we give our daughter
the best life possible showing my
husband my new maternity jeans
all right
you like it
that's cute
what look
your bop is no it's maternity jeans
oh those are maternity yeah i couldn't
even tell
i could not tell at all those look great
on youtube
abby guess what
what we are less than 5 000 subscribers
away from having a million friends on
youtube i can't pretend i'm smiling
right now that's okay what's wrong
hey it's okay it's okay
my husband decided to attempt a backflip
for the first time
i was more nervous than he was yeah
okay we ready yep
now for a second attempt
oh my okay now open up a little bit
abby did you watch our youtube video yet
when did that get posted literally
yesterday dude oh my goodness
did you forget we always post thursday
and sunday i don't know what day it is
today's a monday afternoon thursday and
sunday yeah that's the goal
it's definitely the goal i mean i don't
i don't get them posted every time but
it's definitely the goal i'll put it on
my safer letters okay
okay we'll be right here okay okay ready
two one abby's pregnant abby's pregnant
you don't do that
abby's pregnant belly is exploding right
now you look so oh my gosh we're a bump
what the heck abby it's bigger than it's
ever been no it's the baby
holy frick dude it's huge i'm exploding
bobby show me the side angle
what honey you were getting prettier and
prettier every day
abby it is it is massive wait do it
again show me
but move your shirt up higher
oh my gosh dude that is a that is a big
baby in there you're not even halfway
through this pregnancy yet don't say
that i'm so excited dude this is gonna
get so uncomfortable by the end i can
already tell you
matt's gonna be back any second now and
i'm trying to surprise him you see we
take turns planning the valentine's day
date every year and this year marks our
sixth valentine's day together every day
i've planned has been pretty low-key
well that is until this year i was fully
planning on doing a fun little at-home
date those dates are awesome but then i
got to thinking about the fact that this
is our last valentine's day not as
parents then i got the urge to go all
out so with the help of a friend we have
planned a pretty epic valentine's
surprise matt has no clue i'm so excited
i think it's really important to
continue to pursue your partner in
marriage i think that goes for men and
women someone much wiser than me once
said that marriage is like a muscle you
have to continue to exercise it to keep
it strong so i'm gonna keep wooing my
man from our first valentine's day to
our 50th that doesn't mean our dates
will always be extravagant in fact they
rarely are but they will always be full
of intentionality now i gotta go
we know the gender of our babies we know
the gender of our baby we're very
excited about it and we're the only ones
that know we got so excited that we made
a bunch of tick tocks leading up to
finding out but now oh you want to say
that we're now in the problem yeah but
can we wait i'm still on this step this
is why it's way better to i mean since
i've made a few of these i'm just
telling you what the way it can move a
little bit too they're kind of told you
want to do it differently beforehand but
you didn't really listen to that i'm
sorry that's so cute
oh my gosh but now we have a little bit
of a problem we're not releasing it for
a whole month i really wish we could
tell you sooner because i feel annoying
for not telling you for keeping it a
secret but the fact is is we kind of
need to tell our families first we moved
to arizona
sorry and they can't make it out for
another month but then you guys will be
the second people to know maybe we'll
sprinkle some paints in there you never
know oh my gosh this is really really
good in the meantime enjoy abby's really
cute baby bump mostly made up of yogurt
yesterday our brand new car got towed or
so we thought right now abby and i are
living downtown and that means we have
to park our car in a parking garage two
days ago we bought a brand new car and
while i was hanging out with a friend
abby parked our car back in the parking
garage fast forward to the next day abby
had a doctor's appointment she was
running late so she asked me to go get
the car we run late all the time i run
to the parking garage and when i show up
i can't find our car anywhere now again
this is a brand new car like it
literally has 20 miles on it after
looking for the car for about five
minutes abby calls me asking me where
i'm at that's when i saw the big red tow
sign so if you park your car at the
front of our parking garage they tow
your car away because those spots are
reserved so as a hail mary i decided to
press the panic button one last time on
our car key and that's when i hear our
car i'm so happy that our car wasn't
towed but at this point abby is super
late for her doctor's appointment i
immediately call her to let her know i'm
on my way and to that she replies i
found a man named robert to drive me
she took an uber i'm not saying there's
a good time to find out you have a yeast
infection it's definitely not when
you're walking around disneyland all day
apparently it's a lot more common during
pregnancy but before i get a lot of
medical advice i contacted my doctor and
she simply recommended some
over-the-counter medication i had spent
the entire previous day at disney made
the five hour journey back home i'm
exhausted and so so hungry plus i'm in
need of some medication my first stop
was taco bell take it to the target
parking lot and i'm scarfing down a
power burrito bowl naturally it ends up
all over my shirt but i still make my
way to target then straight to the
medicated cream aisle i'm standing there
pregnant bags under my eyes when i hear
two men whistling and cat-calling at me
they literally came back a second time
in case i didn't hear them the first
here's my psa for all men out there if
you see a pregnant lady with taco bell
oliver shirt and bags under her eyes
holding some monostat three is tempting
as it may be just don't approach her how
does she care take a picture
oh my god
what's better than two boobs three boobs
my pregnant body never ceases to amaze
me so the other day when i was working
out i began to feel some discomfort in
my left armpit i kind of felt around the
area and i definitely feel some type of
mass in there but i try to just be
proactive about it and shoot my doctor a
message she thinks i should come in to
get it checked out so the next day she
kind of feels around there too and then
suggests that i get an ultrasound of the
area i'm starting to get increasingly
more concerned i'm used to getting
ultrasounds here not really here you
so i go in to get an ultrasound of my
armpit and after reviewing it another
doctor comes in and she tells me it's
nothing to be concerned about it's just
breast tissue
in my armpit
in my book that's a cause for concern
turns out that's just yet another
strange pregnancy thing i'm trying to
look on the bright side though i'm
feeling sexier than ever
i really like your outfit today that is
the cutest baby
your bump is popping the bump is out
so now we're literally walking through a
hotel i think this is the way that we
have to take to get there there she is
i'll do the post workout uh cinnamon
toast crunch shake
these feel better because i don't like
that abby you weren't supposed to take a
sip yet
you weren't supposed to take a set we
need to wait tell me what you got
captain crunch how good is it on a scale
of one to ten ten oh my gosh you're
dancing now okay if you're watching this
video you're watching this after we
announced abby's pregnancy and if you're
wondering oh my gosh you guys were in a
hot tub when abby was pregnant here's
the thing guys he made sure that the hot
tub wasn't hot so check this out i set
it to 92 degrees what people don't tell
you is you can't get in the hot tub if
it's not hot so technically this is a
warm tub
this is colder than a bathtub but it
feels cool like the vibe is great out
i have toothpaste on my lip that's
disgusting why do you still have a long
hair on your back
why didn't you tell me this
do you know what this is stop
dude that's the one you wanted isn't it
that's so sweet
i love mickey mouse stop
happy the little sweater that is
this is so sweet you guys it's just a
little local place a little sweater do
you kidding me the magic pants stop i
can't even
let me see it stop it what is it
swagged out dude oh my gosh
i can't say that we can't put that in
the video so i am 18 weeks pregnant
right now and my body is already going
through some pretty crazy changes the
other week we were at our friend's house
and i accidentally left my reusable
insulated coffee cup at their house now
i had drank all the coffee in the cup
but there was still some like residual
milk and cream because i'm not freaking
crazy i don't drink my coffee black but
in signature abby fashion i left my cup
at their house now flash forward a week
later i'm back at their house and i
remember to pick up my coffee cup my
friend does warn me that she hasn't
touched the cup since i've last been
there so whatever's in there is still in
there and i take a
big old whiff
of the cup when i tell you the stench of
spoiled milk was so strong it was
horrible now i haven't gagged since the
first trimester i thought i was over
that whole section of this
yet i pregnancy right there in front of
everyone but i didn't just gag i also
peed my pants at the exact same time it
wasn't like everything in my bladder but
it was a notable amount of pee in my
pants it's not like i was shocked at the
fact that
a pregnant woman pees her pants like i
know this is a thing that happens
but it was just the shock of it
happening so early i'm not even halfway
through this pregnancy and this is
already happening
we're shopping for furniture at ikea we
haven't we have an escalator in here
what the heck there's food
this place is freaking massive dude this
is a huge bummer no food today there's a
stabbing shortage the only food they
have are these frozen meals and abby's
really hungry because she's pregnant so
we're gonna go get some food sorry babe
so hungry so hungry guess how much it
was abby how much literally under 20
bucks this is the greatest hack of all
time we get both types of rice both
types of beans and then we get double
chicken it's a ton of food and then we
even got chips and guac i don't know if
i rolled it right it looks good to me
holy crap dude why is that just like
tripping me out right now that sunset is
that pretty is because there's no clouds
to mess it up yes that's totally it
you're good
where's the
are you kidding me
are you absolutely it was literally open
the whole time i am mad as a hornet
let's go over here for lunch tomorrow
we're lost we got lost inside the ikea
wherever we even put this stuff together
you need to put these together
probably i'm guessing there's no way
that comes made dude they're screws
they're screws right there right there
yeah you definitely have to put that
that looks so good in a guest bedroom we
need a handyman to do it though i'm not
going to wait i should have recorded
that same right what did you just say
abby abby what what did you just say i
accidentally said you're handy in other
ways i didn't mean it in any weird way
it's so cute
okay why am i so tempted to get this
crib we need to look up and make sure
it's safe they have certain matches that
are more safe for babies because they're
not very strong like with their necks
face down on the mattress they can still
breathe get one of those bars abby take
them all seriously take them all i'll
get at least one i have a stash of
chocolate at home for a dollar have you
ever told a little white lie that came
back to bite you in the booty because i
have gosh this story never gets old so
rewind back to
when me and my husband sweet horrible
first started dating neither of us had
been in a relationship before so we
needed all the good advice we could get
and i feel like i remember my grandma
saying something about how it's good to
take interest
in the other person's interests and matt
didn't really care about sports but he
was into superhero movies so when matt
called me up one day and said hey we
should go to guardians of the galaxy
together i was like
yes i was born for this i can't wait for
this movie now in reality i actually
hate superhero movies don't come for me
if you're a big marvel fan or something
i'm not even sure who makes guardians of
the galaxy i see why other people like
them it's just not for me so we go to
this movie and i'm like acting stoked on
it like i
my favorite movie ever i walk out of
that movie theater thinking you know we
did it i didn't like it but i can do
anything one time oh no a year later
matt is so excited to tell me that they
are making a sequel of my favorite movie
ever i'm wondering what movie that could
be guardians of the galaxy
he was talking about guardians of the
galaxy so what do i do i keep up the act
amazing cinematic experience for the
both of us
until he tells me that they're making an
avengers movie and guess who's in it
guardians of the galaxy
and heaven knows how many of those
movies they've made so i eventually just
had to come clean i mean i just
literally couldn't do it anymore so now
i've come to the conclusion that the
best relationship advice honesty is the
best policy
i really thought i'd never share this
story but i think enough time has passed
and this story is too good not to tell
it rewind to my then boyfriend now
husband's senior year of high school and
i feel like the luckiest girl in the
world because my parents tell me that i
can invite him on our family spring
break trip
now we were going to florida and like
any good old midwestern family we were
planning a road trip now it was an
18-hour drive from where we lived so we
knew we were going to have to stop
overnight everything went smoothly on
the way there but on the way back we
were kind of having a hard time finding
a hotel to stop off at for the night so
when we finally found one that said they
had a room that slept five we took it we
get the key and walk in the room to find
two double beds and a literal armchair
it didn't even recline so we had a bed
for my dad and brother me and my mom and
we had them a wheel and a cot for matt
to sleep on because that chair wasn't
gonna work we were all exhausted and get
right in bed but matt is a 6-2 man on
this teeny tiny cot and this thing is
squeaking and creaking
so bad
because he just can't get comfortable
now my mom is a super light sleeper and
it's been a long day
she leans over to me after about an hour
of this keeping her up and she says
scoot over and let him in
um what so it's my mom
me and my high school boyfriend for a
couple that didn't plan on sharing a bed
together until marriage this was pretty
exhilarating but equally disturbing at
the same time let's just say i'm glad
that it worked out and that we are now
married and can look back at that night
and laugh
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