Fletch & Hindy | Safe to say Fletch CAN'T play cricket
TLDRفي هذا الفيديو، يناقش الأصدقاء تجاربهم في لعب الكريكيت، مع التركيز على خيبات الأمل الأخيرة في الفريق الأسترالي. يتم استعراض قصصهم ومشاركاتهم في المباريات المحلية، بما في ذلك تفاصيل مثيرة عن لعبة فقدوا فيها بسبب خطأ بسيط. يظهر التفاعل بينهم شغفهم العميق بالكريكيت والروح الرياضية، مع لحظات من الدعابة والنقد الذاتي. الفيديو يخلق جوًا من الحماسة والتحدي حيث يتحدثون عن تجاربهم الشخصية ويخططون للعب وتحدي أنفسهم أمام لاعبين محترفين.
- ⚾ الشخص الرئيسي في النص يعبر عن خيبة أمله تجاه الفريق الأسترالي للكريكيت بعد خسارة اختبار أخير.
- 🏏 يُذكر أن الشخص الرئيسي كان لاعب كريكيت نشط في منطقته ويُعتبر مميزًا في فئة تحت 12 سنة.
- 🤼♂️ يُظهر النص علاقة الشخص الرئيسي بالرياضة من خلال تفاعله مع لعبة الكريكيت ومشاركته في منافسات الكريكيت.
- 😤 يُعبر الشخص الرئيسي عن غضبه وإحباطه من أداء بعض اللاعبين خلال الاختبار الأخير للفريق الأسترالي.
- 🎭 تحتوي المحادثة على لحظات من المزاح والترفيه، خاصةً عندما يتحدث الشخص الرئيسي عن تجاربه الشخصية واللحظات الكوميدية في الملعب.
- 👟 يتم ذكر رياضات أخرى كان يمارسها الشخص الرئيسي في شبابه مثل كرة القدم والتنس وكرة القدم الأمريكية.
- 📅 يشير النص إلى تجارب الشخص الرئيسي في اللعب ضد منافسين أقوياء في الماضي، بما في ذلك الإشارة إلى مباريات معينة وأحداث كانت مؤثرة في حياته.
- 💬 يتضمن النص العديد من التعليقات الساخرة والمزاح بين المتحدثين، مما يظهر الروح الرياضية والصداقة بين اللاعبين.
- 👕 يُناقش النص أيضًا التفضيلات الشخصية والرمزية في الرياضة، مثل اختيار الرقم 6 لقميص الشخص الرئيسي تكريمًا للاعبين المفضلين لديه.
- 🏆 يُظهر النص أيضا التحديات والضغوطات التي يواجهها اللاعبون في الرياضات التنافسية مثل الكريكيت، ويُعطي لمحة عن التوقعات والأداء تحت الضغط.
Q & A
من الذي تحدث عن خيبة أمله من الفريق الأسترالي للكريكيت في النص المقدم؟
-صديق المتحدث ذو الرأس الكبير هو من عبر عن خيبة أمله من الفريق الأسترالي للكريكيت.
ما السبب الذي جعل المتحدث غاضبًا بعد الاختبار الأخير؟
-المتحدث شعر بالغضب بسبب أداء بعض اللاعبين الذين لم يقوموا بما يجب عليهم.
ما الدور الذي لعبه المتحدث في الكريكيت؟
-المتحدث كان لاعب كريكيت نشطًا ومثّل منطقته وكان معروفًا بمهارته في اللعبة.
كيف وصف المتحدث خبرته في لعب الكريكيت؟
-وصف نفسه بأنه كان جيدًا جدًا في الكريكيت وأنه مثّل الضواحي الشرقية في الفرق تحت 12 سنة.
من هو اللاعب الذي ذهب المتحدث معه لتدريب الكريكيت؟
-ذهب المتحدث مع مارك وار للتدريب على الكريكيت.
ما هي الرياضات الأخرى التي لعبها المتحدث بالإضافة إلى الكريكيت؟
-لعب المتحدث كرة القدم، التنس، ورجبي الدوري بالإضافة إلى الكريكيت.
ما هي الفرق التي أيدها المتحدث في رياضة الرجبي؟
-أيد المتحدث فريق بلدوغز وكان معجبًا بلاعبي رجبي الدوري تيري لام ولوري ديلي.
من هو أفضل لاعب كريكيت واجهه المتحدث؟
-أفضل لاعب واجهه المتحدث كان برايان لارا.
ماذا حدث في النهائي الذي خسره المتحدث مع فريقه؟
-أسقط المتحدث كرة مما تسبب في خسارة فريقه للنهائي أمام الأقاليم الجنوبية.
ما هو تعليق المتحدث على مهاراته في البولينغ خلال المباراة مع مارك وار؟
-قال المتحدث إنه يلعب بولينغ بشكل جيد واصفا إياه بأنه قوي ومؤثر.
🏏 Disappointment in Cricket and Personal Achievements
The speaker expresses disappointment in the Australian cricket team's recent performance, particularly losing the last test. They mention their own experience as a cricketer, having represented their area and being part of the under 12s team. The speaker also talks about their interaction with Mark Waugh, putting him through his paces, and their love for Mike Regan. They share a personal anecdote about missing a catch in a grand final and their determination not to let their team down. The speaker also discusses their passion for other sports and shares a scenario where they had to score 24 runs off the last over in a one-day match.
🏏 Cricket Skills and West Indies Influence
This paragraph focuses on the speaker's cricket skills, particularly their batting and bowling abilities. They discuss a training scenario where they are challenged to bat against test match bowlers and express some nervousness. The speaker talks about their admiration for Brian Lara as one of the best batsmen they've played against. They also share a hypothetical situation where they need to score 24 runs off the last over with only three wickets remaining. The influence of West Indies cricket on the speaker's style is mentioned, highlighting the carefree and energetic approach to the game.
💡Australian cricket
💡Under 12 representatives
💡Mark Waugh
💡Mike Regan
💡Test match
💡Rip cricketer
💡Rugby league
💡Canterbury Hospital
💡Eastern Suburbs
Disappointment with the Australian cricket side due to a recent loss.
Speaker's personal involvement in cricket, having represented their area.
Eastern Suburbs Under 12 representative's team performance.
Interaction with Mark Waugh and the impact of watching cricket.
Mike Regan's commentary and the speaker's emotional reaction to a test match.
Speaker's experience with a three-hour trip and the absence of a guest.
Morrie's characteristic lateness and its humorous implications.
The speaker's introduction to cricket and their journey through various sports.
Representing Eastern Suburbs and the significance of the number six jersey.
Favoring rugby league and the speaker's birth at Canterbury Hospital.
Bowl against Mark Waugh and the anticipation of a competitive game.
The best batsman the speaker has played against: Brian Lara.
A hypothetical one-day cricket scenario requiring strategic play.
The speaker's confidence in their bowling skills and a challenge.
Batting against Test match bowlers and handling nervousness.
A cricketing anecdote involving a lost catch and its emotional impact.
The speaker's admiration for Terry Lamb and Laurie Daley, their shared jersey number, and its personal significance.
The West Indies cricket team's influence on the speaker's style.
to the show now my large-headed friend
here said a couple weeks ago that he was
disappointed with the Australian cricket
side he well it was we lost the last
test because you're a rip cricketer as
well working I have represented my area
as a cricketer yes I was pretty handy in
cause ISIL caused issue number 12 cause
he's under 12 representatives so eastern
suburbs have made a rip town so we went
out with Mark war and put him through
his paces we're not watching the cricket
I love Mike Regan as you know and I was
very angry after the last test and
there's been a few guys who haven't been
pulling their weight didn't know you're
such a creative a couple of cricketers
would you be interested in that session
we'll see unless you say I don't want
some sort of nothing I want to feel he
can Creek it up you organized that I can
organize it it will happen
I'm sorry about these it's been I'm very
sorry about well he said he was gonna be
here and ah it's 10:30 11 o'clock and
still not because I the three-hour trip
down answer all that oh sorry Morrie
series sorry sorry he's always like I
I tell you everything put my cheat my
warts my if you can't be a cricket at
least you look like I'm which although
it's start how did you get into cricket
what made you choose out of school
played all sports like soccer tennis one
game rugby league actually and okay Kent
young TV got something I mean why we
here like what because you rate yourself
as a cricket well I did represent
Eastern Suburbs
cause he field on 12 yeah agent same guy
I dropped the catch against southern
districts to lose it to lose the grand
final okay I didn't cry that oh okay so
I really you doubt my team let's see
you've liked a bit backward I yeah well
okay that's 300 as we changed it yeah
you a purely thing junior grown up yeah
yeah dogged man Bulldogs so I was born
at Canterbury Hospital just down the
road here he said follow the doggy
junior number six on the jersey yes
another special meaning I did
Terry lamb and Laurie daily my favorite
rugby league players both number six or
so that's hence the number six on my arm
strain one day anyway let's go
juniors yeah bowling against mark wall
and I hope my core is 120 Plus test met
his first rail here tell me what are you
I'm gonna rip bar just middle chin music
just digging a big shorter needle and
leg which is middle and leg no late okay
ready here he comes first delivery
I don't trust you you've liked that
politics pads okay Bob nice oh say Tommy
if Richard for put your back seats one
junior who's the best batsmen you've
ever played against Brian Lara and
session 10 dogger haha hang on what
about be Richards as you play against V
yeah call you
hey nothing's a best sledge best sleds
at least on the best cricketer in my
here's a scenario it's a one-day right
you need 24 off the last over about 12
which cancel and I are 2020 okay you
know 2020 up to last target
oh that's something that nicely I've got
a buck you out there who don't have it
like there 16:05 the hell put it on 812
off 1204 you changed up is over
oh that's leaning over your head - yeah
you need still three single back of the
hand to the back of the head Oh huge
so the seats back at 6:00 all right put
on e3 last one
all right let's we've seen how your ball
might pretty good but you're saying an
all around so let's see how you can bat
so we're gonna find you and put you up
against some Test match barley
oh you notice I'm a little bit nervous
but I as I mentioned I'm cause why is
this all been brought in its safety
gonna stay put all that you don't need
that where's the worst place give you
comes to the box yeah
what happens here have you ever seen
anyone lose a testicle well we'll give
him a side I'll give you some half
volleys oh yeah some features of my what
pace well I want to do a team are now
but all the stuff at 70 come on is how I
practice okay we're just gonna change
the balls okay okay scenario here we go
so you have Nova yeah all right we're
gonna bury it out you tell me runs
service for that short ball you seen
them all six balls 12 runs give you two
actually good running between wicked sir
what's that turn off for you know for
okay head wickets in hand you still need
10 off turn off 209 off till we give me
a single gone off to that's nicely hit
Irene I scrambled three these six off
the last ball there's six six say what
did you write what did you write like
thank you
all right at he's balling saw Lee
Hartley's benning's I and I knew that
I'm gonna get what and also I can't get
away Lou section excuse the ball well
what's West Indies are out watching the
West Indies a lot that's why yeah Europe
when the West Indies walk twisting in
banging yeah just cruzi very carefree
fleshy you know
if these Tuscan councils are now
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