There Are Thousands of Alien Empires in The Milky Way

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
16 Apr 202413:59


TLDRThe video script explores the possibility of alien civilizations in the Milky Way, considering various scenarios and challenges. It questions the assumption that advanced technology would make space colonization easy, comparing the galaxy to Oceania, a region with scattered islands. The script discusses the potential for civilizations to expand like the Polynesians, colonizing only the most habitable planets and forming interconnected empires. It also addresses the difficulties of maintaining large empires across vast distances and the likelihood of civilizations developing independently, potentially leading to different species. The video ponders whether we are alone due to Earth's isolation or if we are yet to encounter the diverse civilizations that may exist in more densely populated regions of the galaxy.


  • 🌌 The Milky Way could potentially host thousands of alien empires, but we have yet to encounter any, leading to questions about the true nature of interstellar travel and civilization expansion.
  • 🚀 The common assumption that advanced technology will make space colonization easy might be flawed, suggesting that space travel could remain inherently challenging even for highly advanced civilizations.
  • 🌊 Drawing a parallel to Oceania's colonization by Polynesians, the galaxy might be full of life, but the expansion could be slow and arduous, similar to the island hopping across the vast Pacific Ocean.
  • 🏝️ Many Pacific islands, like some planets, are inhospitable or have limited resources, which could explain why certain areas of the galaxy remain uncolonized or abandoned by advanced civilizations.
  • 🌍 Earth-like planets are abundant in the Milky Way, but most are extreme environments like Venus and Mars, which may not be suitable for life or colonization without significant terraforming efforts.
  • 🚢 The idea of traveling for generations to colonize new star systems, only to encounter planets similar to Mars or Venus, might discourage interstellar expansion for alien civilizations.
  • 💡 High-tech civilizations might opt for a more selective approach, colonizing only the most hospitable planets, leading to a patchwork of isolated empires rather than a single galaxy-spanning civilization.
  • 🌠 The Milky Way's structure, with stars moving in their own orbits, creates temporary stellar neighborhoods that could facilitate the expansion of civilizations in regions with more 'good islands' at certain times.
  • 🛸 Civilizations might form and re-form, colonize and abandon planets, and evolve into different species due to the vast distances and isolation, making a unified galactic empire unlikely.
  • 🌐 The concept of isolated Earth might be temporary, with the possibility of future encounters with diverse civilizations as we explore and are explored in the vast galactic 'ocean'.

Q & A

  • What is the Fermi Paradox and how does the video script address it?

    -The Fermi Paradox is the apparent contradiction between the high probability of extraterrestrial life in the universe and the lack of contact with such civilizations. The video script addresses it by speculating that even if there are thousands of alien empires, the vastness and challenges of space might prevent us from encountering them, suggesting that space travel might be harder than we think even for technologically advanced civilizations.

  • How does the script use the colonization of Oceania to draw parallels with potential space exploration and colonization?

    -The script uses the colonization of Oceania as an analogy for space exploration, highlighting the challenges faced by early humans, such as traversing vast distances and settling on islands with varying levels of habitability. It suggests that alien civilizations might also face similar challenges in space, expanding slowly and carefully, rather than rapidly colonizing the entire galaxy.

  • What are some of the factors that might make a planet 'uninhabitable' according to the script?

    -The script mentions several factors that could make a planet uninhabitable, including extreme conditions like lava worlds, frozen dead worlds, barren rocks, high radiation levels, and toxic atmospheres. It also points out that even planets like Venus and Mars, which are considered 'earth-like,' are actually very hostile to human life due to their respective environmental challenges.

  • How does the script challenge the assumption that advanced technology will make space colonization easy?

    -The script challenges this assumption by proposing that space might be inherently difficult to conquer, regardless of technological advancement. It suggests that even with highly advanced technology, the process of colonizing new planets could be resource-intensive and not economically viable for most star systems, leading to a slower pace of galactic expansion than often predicted.

  • What is the significance of the 'good islands' in the Milky Way according to the script?

    -The 'good islands' in the Milky Way are比喻为那些适宜生命存在和文明发展的星球。这些星球可能拥有液态水、适宜的气候和足够的资源来维持文明。根据剧本,这些好的星球可能是星际文明扩张的关键点,文明可能会在这些星球之间跳跃,形成连接的帝国,而不是均匀地在整个银河系扩张。

  • How does the script explain the possibility of Earth being an isolated 'Pitcairn island' in the Milky Way?

    -The script suggests that Earth might be akin to the Pitcairn islands in terms of isolation. This is based on the idea that we could be located in a region of the galaxy that is surrounded by uninhabitable planets, making contact with other civilizations unlikely. It also raises the possibility that we might be overlooked or deemed not worth colonizing due to our remote location.

  • What are some existential risks that civilizations might face according to the script?

    -The script mentions existential risks such as cultural, technological, and environmental threats that any civilization has to deal with. It suggests that even advanced civilizations might face challenges that could lead to their decline or destruction, such as unsustainable practices, self-destruction, or the inability to adapt to new environments.

  • How does the script view the potential for interstellar communication and cooperation among civilizations?

    -The script posits that the enormous distances between stars could make consistent communication and cooperation among civilizations difficult. It suggests that it might take decades for messages to travel between civilizations, making it challenging to maintain a unified empire or to engage in non-genocidal interstellar wars. It also raises the possibility that isolated colonies might develop their own distinct cultures and species over time, further complicating cooperation and unity.

  • What is the role of the 'Ground News' service mentioned in the script?

    -The 'Ground News' service is presented as a tool to help people navigate the biased media landscape by allowing them to compare different articles on the same topic from media with opposing viewpoints. This service aims to provide users with a more comprehensive understanding of events and issues, helping them to form their own opinions based on a wider range of perspectives.

  • How does the script relate the concept of 'island empires' to the potential structure of civilizations in the Milky Way?

    -The script suggests that civilizations in the Milky Way might form 'island empires' similar to those established by Polynesians in Oceania. These empires would be composed of 'good islands' or habitable planets connected by their proximity and shared resources. However, the script also notes that these empires might be temporary and subject to change due to the dynamic nature of the galaxy and the various challenges faced by civilizations.

  • What is the significance of the 'kurgzesagt lab' and the final inspection by Duck in the script?

    -The 'kurzgesagt lab' represents the creative and scientific process behind the content produced by the team. Duck's final inspection symbolizes the high standards and rigorous review that their work undergoes to ensure scientific accuracy and quality. This segment emphasizes the team's commitment to producing content that is both informative and visually appealing.



🌌 The Paradox of Alien Civilizations

This paragraph introduces the concept of the Fermi Paradox, questioning why, despite the vast number of potential alien civilizations in the Milky Way, we have not encountered any signs of extraterrestrial life. It challenges the assumption that technological advancement inevitably leads to the colonization of space and instead proposes that space travel may always be inherently difficult, even for advanced civilizations. The paragraph draws an analogy between the colonization of Oceania by ancient Polynesians and the potential exploration of space by alien civilizations, highlighting the challenges and the possibility that Earth might be in a remote region of the galaxy, isolated from other inhabited star systems.


🚀 The Hard Reality of Space Expansion

This paragraph discusses the potential difficulties in space expansion for advanced civilizations. It suggests that even with highly advanced technology, the process of colonizing new planets might be as challenging as the Polynesians' oceanic voyages. The paragraph points out that many potentially habitable planets might be inhospitable, similar to Mars and Venus, making the idea of terraforming a massive investment of resources. It also considers the possibility that the economics of interstellar travel and colonization might not be feasible for most star systems. The discussion then shifts to the idea that alien civilizations might only choose the most hospitable planets, leading to the formation of small, isolated empires rather than a single, vast galactic empire.


🌐 Navigating Biased Information and the Quest for Truth

The final paragraph shifts focus from the cosmic scale to the challenges of understanding reality in the face of biased media. It introduces Ground News, a sponsor of the video, as a tool for navigating media bias by comparing articles on the same topic from different sources. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of having a comprehensive understanding of events and issues, rather than relying on a single perspective. It also shares a personal story of the founder of kurzgesagt, who discovered the extent of media framing during a hospital stay, and encourages viewers to use Ground News to gain a broader view of the world. The paragraph concludes with a brief mention of the kurzgesagt lab and an invitation for viewers to support the channel by purchasing products from their shop.


Hypothetical Alien Empires
Absence of Visits
Technological Progress
The Difficulty of Space
Assumptions and Speculations
Polynesian Navigation
Islands and Star Systems
Habitable Zones
Terraforming Challenges
Oceania and Galactic Analogy
Economic Feasibility
Island Empires
Temporal Neighborhoods
Cultural and Biological Divergence
Implications of Galactic Expansion
Earth's Isolation
Potential for Discovery
Self-Destruction and Resilience
Interstellar Communication
Human Perspective and Future
Biased Media Landscape
Ground News
Importance of Perspective
Supporting Kurzgesagt
Media and Information Consumption
Content Development
Quality Assurance
Supporting the Channel
Kurzgesagt's Creative Process
Alien Civilizations and Galactic Expansion


💡Alien Empires

The concept of 'Alien Empires' refers to hypothetical advanced civilizations that might exist within the Milky Way galaxy. In the video, it is speculated that these empires could span multiple star systems and engage in various forms of interaction, such as communication, trade, conflict, or even mutual ignorance. The existence and behavior of these empires are central to the discussion of why we have not yet encountered extraterrestrial life, despite the vastness and age of the galaxy.

💡Space Colonization

Space colonization is the idea of humans or other species inhabiting and establishing permanent settlements on celestial bodies outside of their home planet. The video explores the possibility that advanced alien civilizations might colonize space, drawing parallels with how humans have colonized islands on Earth. It questions the ease of such colonization and whether it might be more challenging than often assumed.


Oceania is a region consisting of numerous islands scattered across the Pacific Ocean. The video uses Oceania as an analogy to the Milky Way galaxy, with its islands representing star systems. The Polynesian colonization of Oceania serves as a historical example to illustrate the challenges and patterns that might be mirrored in the colonization of space by alien civilizations.


Polynesians are an ethnic group of Island peoples in the central and southern Pacific Ocean. The video highlights the Polynesians' remarkable feats of navigation and colonization without modern technology, which is used as a metaphor for how alien civilizations might expand through space. It discusses how they colonized various islands, creating interconnected societies and trade networks, similar to what might occur with civilizations in a galaxy.

💡Habitable Zone

The 'habitable zone', also known as the 'Goldilocks zone', is the region around a star where conditions might be right for liquid water to exist on the surface of a planet. This is crucial for life as we know it. The video discusses that while there may be many rocky, Earth-like planets in the habitable zone, most of them might be inhospitable, drawing parallels with the harsh conditions found on Mars and Venus.


Terraforming is the hypothetical process of modifying the environment of a planet or celestial body to make it habitable for human life. The video suggests that while Mars and Venus could theoretically be terraformed, they are not ideal targets for colonization due to their harsh conditions and the extensive resources that would be required to make them livable.

💡Generation Ship

A generation ship is a theoretical type of starship designed to support multiple generations of humans for long durations, potentially centuries, to enable travel to distant star systems. The video uses the concept to illustrate the immense timescales and challenges involved in interstellar travel and colonization, suggesting that the investment might not be worth it for less hospitable planets.


💡Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility refers to whether the costs of an endeavor are justified by its potential benefits. In the context of the video, it questions whether the vast resources required to colonize and terraform planets across the galaxy would be economically viable for alien civilizations, even those with advanced technology.

💡Interstellar Communication

Interstellar communication involves the exchange of information between different star systems. The video discusses the challenges of maintaining consistent civilization across vast distances, where communication could take decades or longer. This could affect the cohesion of empires and the willingness of colonies to remain connected to their home worlds.

💡Existential Risks

Existential risks are threats that could lead to the extinction of a species or the collapse of its civilization. The video mentions that any civilization, including hypothetical alien ones, would have to contend with various existential risks, such as cultural, technological, and environmental factors, which could lead to the decline or collapse of their societies.

💡Genetic Drift

Genetic drift is the change in the frequency of gene variants in a population due to random sampling. The video suggests that if different colonies on various planets do not exchange genetic information, their populations could evolve separately over time, potentially leading to the emergence of distinct species and reducing the likelihood of a unified rule.


The possibility of thousands of alien empires in the Milky Way, each spanning a few to tens of star systems, raises questions about interstellar communication and conflict.

The Fermi Paradox suggests that despite the vastness and age of the Milky Way, we have yet to see evidence of alien civilizations, leading to the assumption that space travel and colonization may not be as easy as previously thought.

Drawing a parallel between the colonization of Oceania by ancient Polynesians and the potential expansion of alien civilizations across the galaxy, highlighting the challenges and successes of such endeavors.

The vast majority of potentially habitable planets in the Milky Way may be inhospitable, similar to Mars and Venus, making the idea of terraforming a costly and resource-intensive process.

The concept of 'good islands' in the galaxy, which are star systems with suitable conditions for life and civilization, may be rare and far between, affecting the feasibility of large interconnected empires.

The potential for civilizations to expand in regions with abundant 'good islands', leading to the formation of interconnected empires that could engage in trade, conflict, or cultural exchange.

The likelihood that many planets, even those with potential for life, may be abandoned or recolonized over time due to various challenges and the inherent instability of interstellar empires.

The vast distances between stars in the galaxy may make maintaining a consistent civilization and effective communication between colonies difficult, affecting the viability of large empires.

The idea that Earth might be in a 'backwater' region of the galaxy, surrounded by less hospitable star systems, which could explain the lack of contact with other civilizations.

The potential for new civilizations to continually emerge, spread, and die out, with 'islands' being recolonized and abandoned over time, creating a dynamic and ever-changing galactic landscape.

The existential risks that any civilization, including humanity, must face, such as cultural, technological, and environmental threats, which could lead to the collapse of civilizations and the abandonment of colonies.

The concept that the galaxy may be more frightening than previously thought, with the possibility of thousands of diverse civilizations existing elsewhere, but being out of reach due to isolation.

The importance of humanity learning more about the universe and the potential for discovering 'good islands' closer to home, offering hope for future interstellar encounters.

The role of Ground News in helping individuals navigate biased media and gain a more comprehensive understanding of world events, promoting critical thinking and informed decision-making.

The personal story of Philipp, the founder of kurzgesagt, and his realization of media framing biases, underscoring the value of diverse perspectives and a balanced view of reality.

The kurzgesagt lab's efforts to create scientifically accurate and visually stunning content, such as posters, that capture the essence of astrophysical processes and the beauty of the universe.



What if there are thousands of  alien empires in the Milky Way,  


each spanning a few to maybe tens  of star systems, chatting, trading,  


sometimes shooting or ignoring each other  politely? And if so, why is nobody visiting us?


While the Milky Way is ancient and gigantic,  even travelling at 10% the speed of light,  


any civilization could take over the  whole galaxy within a million years.  


But we haven’t seen anybody yet. So it  seems we are alone in the Milky Way.


But this idea is built on a lot of  assumptions. Usually when scientists  


speculate where all the alien civilizations  are, they assume technology will progress  


to a point where colonising all  of space becomes kind of easy.


But what if we are thinking about  this the wrong way? What if the  


universe is full of life, but no matter  how technologically advanced you are,  


space is never easy? What if  aliens slowly crawl through space,  


expanding like humans did over the ocean? Let's  look at the only data point we have: ourselves.


The Available Real Estate in the Galaxy


Oceania is a region with tens of thousands of  islands scattered across millions of square  


kilometers, separated by an unforgiving,  deadly sea. Kind of like a galaxy.


Some 5000 years ago the first people set  out to colonise Oceania. Especially the  


Polynesians achieved mind blowing feats.  Without any modern technology they set  


out into the vast nothingness hoping to find a  new island to claim or like die far from home.


But most of the pacific islands are merely a  few wet rocks or corrals, maybe some palm trees  


and if you are lucky, birds making a pit stop.  Others with more vegetation are often hostile,  


lacking the resources to really sustain a lot  of people and remain uninhabited even today.


And then there are the good islands.


The Polyneisians colonised them, spreading  their culture and society to dozens of remote  


islands of all sizes. Some united in kingdoms  spanning many islands, others were independent,  


many home to competing and belligerent tribes. And  although thousands of kilometers apart, even the  


most remote islands were connected with at least  some trade and exchange. A microcosm of humanity.


But it didn’t always work out. The  extremely isolated Pitcairn islands  


were settled for hundreds of years and relied  on trade with each other and bigger islands  


hundreds of kilometers away. And then  the local population vanished. We don’t  


know why – maybe because the islanders did the  human thing and ravaged the natural resources  


until they became unsustainable. Maybe the  decline on distant bigger islands severed  


important connections. We only know their  culture declined and they left or died out.


What if space is an ocean to us? A  hostile place that’s hard to conquer?  


Would alien civilizations  spread like the Polynesians?


The Universe is kind of a horrible place


The Milky Way has around 200 billion star systems  and it seems that almost all of them have planets.  


Estimates vary, but there may be some 300 million  to tens of billions of rocky, earth-like planets,  


in the habitable zone around a star, where water  can be liquid. Amazing! Except that most of them  


are terrible. Hells of lava, dead frozen  worlds, bare rocks sterile from radiation,  


blanked by toxic atmospheres. It's easy to  forget, but Venus and Mars are “earth-like”, too.


Mars is the next human frontier and fairly  exciting – but Mars dust is poison and deadly  


radiation and low gravity will make you sick.  Mars is the worst. Except Venus is even worse,  


crushing you to death, burning  and dissolving you in acid.


If humanity was really motivated and had the  resources and energy, both could be terraformed  


within maybe a thousand years – we showed how in  other videos. But the thing is, we already have  


a planet that's pretty great, so currently  humanity's motivation is not very strong.


Now let's think about this in  terms of galactic expansion.


If the milky way is like a vast ocean full of  islands, most are planets like Mars and Venus.,  


Barren rocks or corals, where nothing  grows and the elements kill you.


Imagine boarding a generation ship to travel for  100 years or more, only to arrive at a new star  


and then you get a… Mars. Or worse, a Venus.  What a let down. Terraforming them is such  


an intense investment in terms of resources to  make it worth spending the time to travel to the  


stars for bad planets. Maybe the simple reason  we don’t see galaxy spanning civilizations is  


that the economics just don’t add up for  almost all of the star systems out there.


But wait, you might say: It's actually easy!  A high tech race with unlimited resources  


could automate this process, sending thinking  machines that report back every few thousand  


years with new planets ready for fresh settlers,  or automated ships with embryos. But if it were  


that easy someone would have done it by now. So  either we are really alone – or it's not easy.


Thinking about alien civilizations you  need to make loads of assumptions – and  


for this video we are assuming that space is hard,  


even for high tech civilizations that have  broken free from the limitations we have today.


Now things are getting exciting.


So what if alien civilizations actually  ignore the bad islands and just pick  


the very best? Stringing together  island empires like the Polynesians?


Thousands of Galactic Empires


Every star moves in its own orbit through  the galaxy and most stellar neighbourhoods  


are only temporary. At any given time, in  some regions there will be more good islands  


than in others. While simply because of bad  luck, other regions will be pretty isolated.


Earth might currently be in one of these  backwaters, surrounded by really bad  


islands for dozens of light years in all  directions. We may be Pitcairn island,  


so isolated that nobody knows we are here,  or cares to establish a colony so remote.


But elsewhere in the Milky Way good islands may  be more common! There it would be relatively  


easy for a high tech civilization to jump from one  good star system to the next, creating connected  


empires. Strings of worlds, with all the adventure  and challenges of expansion even to really good  


planets. Do they need to animate dead worlds with  oceans? How do they cope with alien microorganisms  


or strange ecosystems? Do they need to burn it  all down and create a mirror of their home world,  


or do they adapt? How many centuries do  they need to make a planet truly their home?


Empires expanding in regions full of good islands  would probably meet each other. Maybe they trade,  


maybe they fight. Maybe they have coffee  and chat about the meaning of it all.


And just like some of the Polynesian islands,  it is likely that many of these planets would  


be abandoned or for the empires to  break apart for a number of reasons:


First of all, most great neighbourhoods  would dissolve over time and connected  


islands would become remote. Then it just  may be the nature of civilization to become  


unsustainable or self destructive – humanity  is extremely young and we’ve already flirted  


with extinction. There are numerous existential  risks, cultural, technological and environmental  


that any civilization has to deal with. And  smaller colonies on new planets would likely  


be less resilient than their homeworlds and  in bigger danger of dying out. Whenever this  


happens this would leave a good island free  again for others to rediscover and colonise.


Also space is just a different ballpark.  The enormous distances between stars make  


it hard to maintain a consistent civilization  – just think about how many cultures we have  


on Earth alone. Imagine if sending a message  between continents took decades to arrive.  


Would colonies care what the home world wants  from them, if it can neither help nor really  


enforce its will on them? This also would make  interstellar war, except the genocidal kind,  


completely uneconomic. Would you go to war with  someone because their great grandfather killed  


yours? At these distances, it's not like anyone  could easily sneak up on each other anyway.


And on a much more fundamental level, if  island empires don’t exchange relevant  


amounts of genetic information – if there  are no hook ups between worlds –, sooner  


or later these populations will develop in  different directions and eventually become  


different species. Making it less likely  that they’ll want to be under common rule.


So the idea of enormously big, connected  empires may just not be feasible if the  


galaxy is an ocean where good islands are few  and far between. But this also means that new  


civilizations may pop up constantly, spread and  partially or completely die out, even if just  


by splitting into different factions. Islands  may be recolonized and abandoned over and over.


What would this mean for us?


We might think we are alone only because  we are on an isolated island right now.  


But there could be thousands of worlds full of  diverse civilizations elsewhere, that we would  


eventually drift closer to - does this make  the milky way more scary or less scary? Is it  


a good thing that we'd have time to get our act  together before we face anyone else? Or is it a  


great tragedy that we might not have the chance to  meet our neighbours beyond for a long, long time?


Well we don’t know, but it is something for you to  ponder tonight when you look up at the sky again.  


Hopefully humanity is still at the beginning  and we’re learning a tiny bit more about the  


universe every day – one day, we might spot a good  island. And if we are lucky, many more close by.


One huge problem we face as a species is that we  can’t agree on what's going on. There are loads  


of news media but most of them tend to frame  reality through their point of view. And worse  


they are trying to get your attention with the  most alarmist take, distorting reality further.


Ground News, the sponsor of this video,  helps you navigate our biased media  


landscape by letting you directly compare  different articles on the same topic,  


from media with opposing viewpoints. This  not only reveals how different sides are  


framing reality for you, it also provides you with context you would  


otherwise miss. Which massively improves how  you can access what's really going on in the  


world and can help you to make up your own mind  – similar to what we try to do with kurzgesagt.


It’s like reading a meta study instead of  one single study, giving you a much better  


understanding of the world. Give it a try  at If you  


sign up through this link you’ll get 40% off  the Vantage plan which gives you unlimited  


access to every Ground News feature. Your  subscription directly supports Kurzgesagt  


and Ground News so they can continue to  make you less reliant on single sources.


This is personal to us – like most people,  kurzgesagt founder Philipp, who wrote this video,  


got his information from the same news site for  most of his life. Until during a long hospital  


stay, he read all German newspapers out of  boredom, every day – it was simply shocking  


and revealing how much framing was going on,  especially in headlines. One would be framing  


an event as mildly noteworthy another as a huge  scandal – or one side would completely ignore  


events. If it seems to you that people who you  disagree with live in a parallel world, this is  


a huge reason why. But all of us really should  have a complete picture of what's going on.


And this is why Ground News is a genuine,  personal recommendation. If you consume news,  


do it with a bird's eye perspective,  above the framing. So check them out at  

12:19 to make  sure you’re seeing the full picture.


Welcome to the kurzgesagt lab. Let’s  conduct a few stellar experiments!


We’ll first add some more mass to this protostar.  More.. a bit more.. Wow! We’ve just created a blue  


giant, a star with 10 times the mass of our sun.  Let’s now add a couple of million years and see what  


happens. A supernova! Breathtaking. And look! It  leaves behind a black hole. Fascinating stuff.


Now we record our findings. Be  careful to preserve the sparkle!


It’s now time for Duck’s final inspection.  This one is always a nailbiter. He has  


incredibly high standards. Luckily for us our work is  


scientifically accurate, offers an overview  of important astrophysical processes and is  


a real stunner. Duck approves.


Looks like it’s ready to be shared  with the world as a poster. A very  


special piece of kurzgesagt  you can take home and touch.


You can get this very special poster  along with many other science-y and  


space-y things created with  love and care from our shop.


Every kurzgesagt product you buy directly funds  another moment we get to spend working on our  


videos. Thank you so much for being a part of  our story and for making this channel possible.

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