Trump loses ability to speak, crowd winces in pain!

David Pakman Show
15 Apr 202407:34


TLDRThe transcript discusses a series of cognitive issues allegedly experienced by former President Donald Trump during a rally in Pennsylvania. It highlights instances where Trump seems to struggle with speech, coherence, and memory, as observed by the speakers and backed by comments from mental health experts. The conversation also touches on Trump's controversial statements about overriding the Constitution to choose election dates and endorsing harsh measures against drug dealers, despite his past actions in pardoning individuals convicted of drug-related crimes. The speakers express concern over these authoritarian tendencies and the potential implications if Trump were to serve another term.


  • šŸ¤” Trump's Cognitive Decline: The transcript highlights concerns over former President Donald Trump's cognitive abilities, particularly his struggle to speak coherently at night.
  • šŸ˜Ø Public Speaking Difficulties: Instances where Trump appears to freeze up and struggle with his words during a rally in Shanksville, Pennsylvania are mentioned.
  • šŸ‘© Reactions from Others: The script notes a woman wincing in response to Trump's speech, indicating that his difficulties are noticeable to those around him.
  • šŸ§  Expert Opinions: Mental health experts have weighed in on Trump's speech patterns, suggesting a disconnect not typically seen in individuals who stutter.
  • šŸ‡®šŸ‡± Support for Israel: A speaker expresses concern for Israel, claiming that the country is showing weakness in the face of attacks.
  • šŸš« Constitutional Overriding: Trump's desire to override the Constitution in order to choose when elections are held is seen as a dictatorial倾向.
  • šŸ’Š Drug Policy Contrast: Trump's endorsement of rapid trials and executions for drug dealers is juxtaposed with his past actions of pardoning or commuting sentences of those convicted of drug crimes.
  • šŸ‡ØšŸ‡³ Chinese Drug Policy Praise: Trump praises China's quick trials and executions for drug dealers, which he believes results in a zero drug problem in the country.
  • šŸ¤Æ Authoritarian Tendencies: The transcript suggests that Trump's statements and desires reflect a shift towards authoritarianism and potential threats to democratic norms.
  • šŸ‘„ Cult-like Following: The script ends with a mention of disturbing behavior from some attendees of the rally, implying a cult-like devotion to Trump.

Q & A

  • What event is being referred to as taking place in Shanksville, Pennsylvania over the weekend?

    -The event being referred to is a rally where former President Donald Trump is reported to have experienced a series of cognitive issues affecting his speech.

  • What do the speakers suggest about Trump's speech difficulties?

    -The speakers suggest that Trump's speech difficulties are not typical of a stutter, but rather indicate a more serious disconnect between different elements of cognition, potentially signifying cognitive deterioration.

  • What specific incident is mentioned to illustrate Trump's speech difficulties during the rally?

    -The incident mentioned is a moment where Trump appears to freeze up and then simply waves the white flag, abandoning what he was trying to say.

  • How do the speakers describe the woman's reaction to Trump's speech?

    -The speakers describe the woman's reaction as wincing, indicating her recognition of the severity of Trump's speech difficulties.

  • What is the significance of the mention of 'weak NICs' in the script?

    -The mention of 'weak NICs' refers to a point in the speech where Trump seems to confuse his words, using 'weak' instead of another term, highlighting his cognitive struggles.

  • What does Trump express a desire to do regarding election dates?

    -Trump expresses a desire to override the Constitution and choose when elections are held, indicating a dictatorial inclination.

  • What is the speakers' reaction to Trump's suggestion about moving the election date?

    -The speakers find Trump's suggestion to be both humorous and alarming, as it shows a disregard for constitutional processes and an authoritarian mindset.

  • How does the script describe Trump's stance on drug dealers?

    -The script describes Trump as endorsing the rapid execution of drug dealers, while also highlighting the contradiction of having pardoned or commuted the sentences of 85 people convicted of drug-related crimes during his presidency.

  • What example is given to illustrate Trump's confusion about the Gettysburg Address?

    -The example given is a bizarre rant about the Gettysburg Address that sounds like a fifth-grade oral book report, suggesting that Trump had not read the book or fully understood the historical event.

  • What is the speakers' overall assessment of Trump's performance at the rally?

    -The speakers assess Trump's performance as displaying cognitive deterioration, authoritarian escalations, and dictatorial tendencies, painting a concerning picture of what could be expected if he were to serve another term.



šŸ˜µ Cognitive Issues and Political Rhetoric

The paragraph discusses reports of former President Donald Trump experiencing cognitive difficulties during a rally in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. It highlights instances where Trump seemed to struggle with speech, particularly at night, and mentions expert opinions suggesting a noticeable deterioration in his ability to communicate coherently. The paragraph also touches on Trump's apparent support for authoritarian measures, such as overriding the Constitution to choose election dates and endorsing the rapid execution of drug dealers, despite having pardoned many convicted individuals during his presidency. The discussion includes reactions from speakers who find Trump's behavior concerning and indicative of potential issues.


šŸŒŽ Contrasting Justice Systems and International Relations

This paragraph compares the justice system of an unnamed country, which practices rapid trials and executions for drug dealers, with the U.S. system. It describes how drug dealers are executed within a day of their trial, suggesting this approach eliminates the drug problem in that country. The conversation then shifts to international relations, with one speaker recounting a meeting with China's President Xi and discussing the concept of strength in governance. The paragraph reflects on Trump's presidency, his controversial stances, and the potential implications of his policies on domestic and international fronts.



šŸ’”cognitive events

The term 'cognitive events' refers to any occurrences or incidents that involve mental processes such as thinking, understanding, or remembering. In the context of the video, it is used to describe the instances where former President Donald Trump appears to struggle with coherent speech or memory during a rally, suggesting potential cognitive decline or difficulty.


Deterioration refers to the process of becoming worse or declining in quality, typically over a period of time. In the video, it is used to express concern about the perceived decline in Trump's mental faculties, as evidenced by his speech difficulties and confused rants.

šŸ’”Gettysburg Address

The Gettysburg Address is a historically significant speech delivered by President Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War, at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. In the video, Trump's speech is compared to a student who hasn't read the book they are supposed to report on, indicating a lack of understanding or preparation regarding the historical event.


Dictatorial refers to the exercise of absolute power, especially in a way that is oppressive or authoritarian. In the video, this term is used to describe Trump's expressed desire to override the Constitution and choose when elections are held, which is seen as a characteristic of a dictator rather than a democratic leader.

šŸ’”phonemic paraphasia

Phonemic paraphasia is a speech disorder where words are approximated by other words that sound similar. It is often indicative of cognitive issues. In the video, this term is used by Doctor John Gartner to explain the type of speech difficulties that Trump is experiencing, suggesting a possible cognitive or linguistic challenge.


A stutter, or stammer, is a speech disorder in which the flow of speech is disrupted by involuntary repetitions of sounds, syllables, or words, or by abnormal pauses or prolongations. In the video, it is mentioned to differentiate Trump's speech difficulties from a typical stutter, implying that his issues may be more complex or severe.


In the context of the video, 'weakness' refers to a perceived lack of strength or resolve, particularly in a political or military context. The speakers discuss how Trump's actions or statements may be interpreted as showing weakness, which could have negative implications for his leadership or the country's image.


Execution refers to the carrying out of a legal sentence of death as punishment for a crime, typically murder or treason. In the video, it is discussed in the context of Trump's endorsement of rapid trials and executions for drug dealers, which is contrasted with the more lenient approach he took during his presidency.

šŸ’”show trials

A show trial is a public trial in which the verdict is predetermined by the authorities before the trial actually takes place. It is often used to publicly demonstrate the power of the authorities or to justify political repression. In the video, Trump's admiration for the quick trials and executions in China is described as an example of a show trial, raising concerns about his views on the justice system.


Cultists are individuals who are members of a cult, typically characterized by devotion to a particular person, idea, or object. In the video, the term is used to describe the supporters who attended Trump's rally, suggesting that they have an extreme or blind allegiance to him and may hold disturbing beliefs or attitudes.


Authoritarian refers to a political system in which a single person or a small group of people holds centralized power, often without effective checks and balances, and where the state controls many aspects of life. In the video, the term is used to describe Trump's inclination towards autocratic practices, such as wanting to override the Constitution and control election dates.


Report on cognitive issues faced by former President Donald Trump during a rally in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Mental health experts comment on Trump's struggle with coherent speech, especially at night.

Instance where Trump appears to freeze and wave the white flag, abandoning his speech.

A woman's reaction caught on camera, wincing at Trump's speech difficulties.

Comparison of Trump's speech issues to Joe Biden's stutter, suggesting a more serious disconnect.

Concerns about the deterioration of Trump's cognitive abilities.

Trump's controversial statement about showing weakness and its relation to current events.

Trump's confused rant about transports, indicating a lack of clarity in his thoughts.

Unusual fixation on moving the election day to Tuesday, similar to the UK's system.

Trump's endorsement of rapid trials and executions for drug dealers, despite his past actions on pardons.

Description of China's swift justice system in handling drug dealers, as shared by Trump.

Contrast between Trump's praise for China's zero drug problem and his own record on drug-related issues.

Bizarre rant about the Gettysburg Address, likened to an unprepared book report.

Trump's controversial desire to override the Constitution and choose election dates.

Observation of Trump's twitching habit when certain topics are mentioned, hinting at underlying issues.

Analysis of Trump's authoritarian tendencies and potential impacts on democracy.

Examination of the cult-like following and disturbing behavior of some attendees at Trump's rally.



just this week it was reported that anĀ  illegal Al and you just look at this what'sĀ Ā 


happening Speaker 1: Failed former PresidentĀ  Donald Trump suffering another series of scaryĀ Ā 


cognitive events at a rally in Shanksville,Ā  Pennsylvania, over the weekend. As we've heardĀ Ā 


from a number of mental health experts in recentĀ  weeks, Donald Trump really seems to struggle atĀ Ā 


night to coherently speak. And here is another oneĀ  of those examples where Trump just seems to freezeĀ Ā 


up and just waves the white flag, completelyĀ  aborts what he's trying to say. You'll see, by theĀ Ā 


way, a woman over his right shoulder. So on theĀ  left of the screen, over Trump's right shoulder,Ā Ā 


a woman who winces when Trump does this, she knowsĀ  how bad it is. This is really difficult to watch.Ā 


Speaker 3: Crazy, really. Just this week, it wasĀ  reported that an illegal adult in the same. AndĀ Ā 


you just look at this. What's happening? Speaker 1: And as you can see, there is thisĀ Ā 


moment here where the woman just winces. Oh, asĀ  Donald Trump short circuits again. And this is oneĀ Ā 


of those moments that Doctor John Gartner told usĀ  about. And Doctor Siegel, Trump just doesn't seemĀ Ā 


to connect. This is not you know, Joe Biden has aĀ  stutter. This is not a stutter. This seems to beĀ Ā 


a true disconnect between, a number of differentĀ  elements. And it is sad to see the deterioration.Ā 


Speaker 3: Crazy, really. Just this week, it wasĀ  reported that an illegal. Hardly anything. AndĀ Ā 


you just look at this one. Speaker 1: And just whiteĀ Ā 


flagging completely a number of otherĀ  I don't know what to call these anymoreĀ Ā 


during this speech. Something very, veryĀ  wrong. Trump on the word weakness insteadĀ Ā 


referring to weak NICs. And thisĀ  is a classic phonemic para fazer asĀ Ā 


described by Doctor John Gartner. Speaker 3: Before going any further,Ā Ā 


I want to say God bless the people ofĀ  Israel. They're under attack right now.Ā Ā 


That's that's because we show great weakness. Speaker 1: We are showing great weakness. AndĀ Ā 


when it happens, Trump always twitches becauseĀ  something is going on there that we are notĀ Ā 


yet fully able to describe. One other one whereĀ  there is a very confused rant about transportsĀ Ā 


and just really he seems super confused. Speaker 3: Now I don't use it. I mean,Ā Ā 


I think it's terrible, but I don't.Ā  I just say from a common sense, it's.Ā 


Speaker 1: From a common stanceĀ  rather than common sense standpoint.Ā 


Speaker 3: Ridiculous. I'm always I'm alwaysĀ  embarrassed when I say, and I will stop men fromĀ Ā 


playing in women's, but who the hell would care? Speaker 1: He would stop men from playing inĀ Ā 


women's. What? Trump lost and disorientedĀ  and clueless. Maybe the weirdest momentĀ Ā 


was an extraordinarily bizarre rant aboutĀ  the Gettysburg Address, which sounds like,Ā Ā 


remember in fifth grade when you had to giveĀ  an oral book report and you hadn't read theĀ Ā 


book? That's what this sounds like to me. Speaker 3: Where our union was saved by theĀ Ā 


immortal heroes at Gettysburg. Gettysburg?Ā  What an unbelievable battle. That was theĀ Ā 


Battle of Gettysburg. What an unbelievable.Ā  I mean, it was so much and so interestingĀ Ā 


and so vicious and horrible and soĀ  beautiful in so many different ways.Ā 


Speaker 1: Donny, did you read the book? Speaker 3: It represented such a bigĀ Ā 


portion of the success of this country.Ā  Gettysburg. Well, I go to Gettysburg,Ā Ā 


Pennsylvania to look and watch you look. And,Ā  the statement of Robert E Lee, who's no longerĀ Ā 


in favor. Did you ever notice that? No longer in. Speaker 1: Favor. It's wild. They they're just notĀ Ā 


big on Robert E Lee anymore. So really,Ā  just short circuiting and aimless rants.Ā Ā 


Maybe the most dictatorial moment of the speech inĀ  Shanksville, Pennsylvania, was when Trump said heĀ Ā 


wants to be able to override the ConstitutionĀ  and to choose when elections are held. That'sĀ Ā 


funny. Who else likes to do that around the world? Speaker 3: I wish we could move the election toĀ Ā 


Tuesday. Is there anything we can do? I wantĀ  to move the election to Tuesday. You know,Ā Ā 


in the UK they can pick their election. They sayĀ  we're going to have the election next week. I wantĀ Ā 


to be able to do that. Would that be possible? Speaker 1: Constitution be damned. I wantĀ Ā 


to pick Election Day. And then, ofĀ  course, Donald Trump endorsing theĀ Ā 


rapid execution of drug dealers. FunniestĀ  part about this is Trump, on the one hand,Ā Ā 


pardoned or commuted the sentences of 85Ā  people convicted of drug drug trafficking orĀ Ā 


distributing large quantities of drugs. But thenĀ  now he's going the other way, which is he wouldĀ Ā 


want some of those people, I guess, killed to. Speaker 3: Stand to strength. They understandĀ Ā 


strength and it'll all stop. You know, whenĀ  I met with President XI of China, I said,Ā Ā 


do you have a drug problem? No, no, no, we haveĀ  no drug problem, you know, quick trial. I said,Ā Ā 


tell me about a quick trial. When they catch theĀ  seller of drugs, right. The purveyor of drugs,Ā Ā 


they immediately give them the drug dealers. TheyĀ  immediately give them a trial. Takes one day. OneĀ Ā 


day. At the end of that day, if they're guilty,Ā  which they always are, according to people.Ā 


Speaker 1: That sounds like aĀ  super just justice system doesn't.Ā 


Speaker 3: Exist, I think. I don't think anybodyĀ  has never been guilty. Within one day that personĀ Ā 


is executed. They executed there, they executeĀ  the drug dealers. They have zero drug problem.Ā 


Speaker 1: Trump waxing poetic about the rapidĀ  show trials and immediate executions of drugĀ Ā 


dealers, 85 of whom he pardoned when he wasĀ  president. Wild and deranged stuff. So Trump,Ā Ā 


cognitively deteriorating authoritarianĀ  escalations, dictatorial wet dreams.Ā Ā 


Basically what we can expect if we get fourĀ  more years of him and we're now going to lookĀ Ā 


at some of the cultists who went to thisĀ  event, really, really disturbing stuff

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Related Tags
Political AnalysisCognitive DeclineSpeech EvaluationTrump RallyPennsylvania EventMental HealthAuthoritarian TendenciesDrug PolicyConstitution OverruleCult Following