Best FREE VPN for Windows 2024 💸 TOP 4 Free VPN for PC options! (TESTED)
TLDR在这段视频脚本中,我们得到了一份关于2024年Windows系统上最佳的免费VPN服务提供商的推荐列表。Proton VPN以其高安全性和快速的WireGuard协议脱颖而出,尽管免费版仅提供三个国家的服务器选择,但提供了无限带宽,非常适合需要大量在线活动的用户。Windscribe则以其丰富的服务器选择和完整的功能集而受到推荐,尽管其10GB的月数据限制可能对重度用户有所限制。NordVPN和Surfshark虽然不是完全免费的服务,但它们提供了丰富的功能和强大的安全措施,并且有免费试用期和退款保证,为用户提供了在不支付费用的情况下尝试高级VPN服务的机会。视频强调,尽管免费VPN可以提供基本的安全性和隐私保护,但高级或付费VPN计划将提供更全面的功能和更好的体验。
- 🏆 Proton VPN 被选为 2024 年 Windows 免费 VPN 首选,提供高安全标准的加密,无日志政策经过审计,并且位于隐私友好的瑞士。
- 🚀 Proton VPN 使用 WireGuard 协议和专有的 VPN 加速器,提供高达 400% 的速度提升,是 PC 用户能找到的最快的免费 VPN。
- 🚫 免费版 Proton VPN 无法访问地理封锁的流媒体平台或进行 P2P 下载,且不包含许多高级功能。
- 🌐 Proton VPN 免费计划提供无限带宽,适合长时间在线或需要执行大量数据传输的用户。
- 💰 Proton VPN 的付费计划提供更多功能,包括更大的服务器选择范围、多达 10 个设备同时使用以及广告拦截器。
- 🔒 Windscribe 作为另一个推荐的免费 VPN,提供与 Proton VPN 相同的加密标准,尽管其无日志政策尚未经过审计。
- 🌈 Windscribe 提供更多的服务器选择,覆盖 11 个不同国家,提供丰富的免费功能,无需付费即可使用。
- 📊 Windscribe 的免费计划有 10GB 的数据限制,可能对频繁使用 VPN 的用户来说限制较多。
- 🌟 NordVPN 作为付费 VPN 的推荐选择,提供高质量的加密、RAM-only 服务器和多种安全协议,位于隐私法律严格的巴拿马。
- 🏠 NordVPN 允许每个账户同时连接多达六台设备,提供直观易用的界面和浏览器扩展。
- 🎥 NordVPN 付费用户可以访问多种流行的流媒体服务,Meshnet 功能帮助绕过 Netflix 账户共享限制。
- 🔧 NordVPN 提供的威胁保护功能可以作为杀毒软件的替代品,检测和阻止恶意软件、追踪器和广告。
Q & A
Proton VPN 在 2024 年的免费 VPN 服务中为何排名第一?
-Proton VPN 在 2024 年的免费 VPN 服务中排名第一,因为它使用了黄金标准的加密技术,确保网络连接安全,并且其无日志政策经过审计,确保不会存储用户的在线活动。此外,Proton VPN 位于瑞士,遵循隐私友好的法律,并且提供了快速的速度特性,包括使用 WireGuard 协议和专有的 VPN 加速器。
Proton VPN 的免费版本有哪些限制?
-Proton VPN 的免费版本限制包括服务器选择较少,只有三个国家可供选择,虽然足够用于保护,但对于需要更多选择的高级用户来说,选择性有限。此外,它不能访问地理封锁的流媒体平台或进行 BT 下载。
Proton VPN 的免费版本提供了哪些独特功能?
-Proton VPN 的免费版本提供了无限带宽,这是很多其他免费 VPN 计划所不提供的。这对于长时间在线或需要执行大量数据传输任务的用户来说非常有用。
Windscribe VPN 在免费版本中提供了哪些特色功能?
-Windscribe VPN 的免费版本提供了丰富的特色功能,包括端口转发、白名单、静态 IP 和分流隧道,这些工具允许用户定制他们的 VPN 体验。此外,它提供了多达 11 个不同国家的服务器选择,比其他免费 VPN 提供的选择要多。
Windscribe VPN 的数据限制是多少,这可能会对哪些用户产生影响?
-Windscribe VPN 的免费计划有一个 10 吉比特的数据限制,这可能会限制那些打算将 VPN 用于所有活动的用户的使用。
NordVPN 如何在安全和隐私方面提供保障?
-NordVPN 提供高质量的加密、仅在 RAM 中运行的服务器(每次重启后自动清除数据)和多种安全隧道协议。此外,NordVPN 位于巴拿马,遵循隐私友好的法律,并且其严格的无日志政策已经过多次独立审计。
NordVPN 的 Meshnet 功能是什么,它如何帮助用户?
-NordVPN 的 Meshnet 功能允许用户快速且安全地绕过例如 Netflix 账户共享限制等安全措施。这对于希望在保持安全的同时享受流媒体服务的用户来说非常有用。
Surfshark VPN 的服务器覆盖范围如何?
-Surfshark VPN 提供了一个非常大的服务器群,覆盖了 100 多个国家,这为用户提供了市场上最广泛的覆盖范围之一。
Surfshark VPN 的 CleanWeb 功能是什么,它如何为用户提供帮助?
-Surfshark VPN 的 CleanWeb 功能是一个广告和恶意软件拦截器,它可以帮助用户在上网时避免恶意软件的侵害,并减少广告的干扰。
Surfshark VPN 允许多少个设备同时连接?
-Surfshark VPN 允许无限数量的同时连接,这意味着家庭中的每个人都可以同时受到保护。
如果用户对 VPN 有疑问或建议,他们应该如何提出?
-如果用户对 VPN 有疑问或视频建议,他们可以在视频下方的评论中提出,这样可以帮助内容创作者了解用户的需求并提供帮助。
-推荐用户从描述中获取折扣链接是因为这些链接可能提供了特别优惠,如独家折扣代码,可以帮助用户以更低的价格购买 VPN 服务,从而节省费用。
🔒 Proton VPN:安全与速度兼备的免费VPN选择
Proton VPN是2024年Windows免费VPN的首选,它采用了黄金标准的加密技术,保障网络连接安全,并有经过审计的无日志政策,确保在线活动不被存储。Proton VPN位于隐私法律友好的瑞士。尽管其免费版服务器选择有限,但提供了快速的速度特性,使用WireGuard协议和专有的VPN加速器,可实现高达400%的加速。然而,免费版无法访问地理封锁的流媒体平台或进行P2P下载。尽管如此,Proton VPN免费版提供了无限带宽,适合长时间在线或需要进行大量数据传输的用户。如果用户选择升级到付费计划,将获得更多新功能,包括更大的服务器选择范围、多达10个设备的同时连接以及实用的广告拦截器。
🌐 Windscribe:功能丰富的免费VPN选项
Windscribe是另一个在安全性上表现出色的免费VPN选项,使用与Proton VPN相同的加密技术,尽管其无日志政策尚未经过审计。Windscribe位于加拿大,属于五眼联盟成员国,可能应要求共享用户数据。Windscribe在服务器选择上提供了更大的多样性,有11个国家的服务器可供选择,远超其他免费VPN服务。界面简洁现代,易于新手用户操作。Windscribe的免费计划包含了所有付费计划的功能,没有隐藏在付费墙后的工具,如端口转发、白名单、静态IP和分流隧道等,是寻求功能丰富免费VPN的用户的绝佳之选。尽管使用WireGuard协议,速度表现与Proton VPN相似,但免费版有10GB的数据限制,可能对频繁使用VPN的用户有所限制。
Proton VPN 被评为2024年Windows免费VPN的首选,使用黄金标准加密,确保网络安全。
Proton VPN 的无日志政策经过审计,确保在线活动不会被存储。
Proton VPN 位于瑞士,遵循隐私友好的法律。
Proton VPN 的界面设计简洁,易于导航,特别是拥有大型服务器地图。
Proton VPN 免费版服务器选择有限,只有三个国家,适合基本保护但缺乏多样性。
Proton VPN 因使用WireGuard协议和专有VPN加速器,成为最快的免费VPN之一。
Proton VPN 免费版不能访问地理封锁的流媒体平台或进行P2P下载。
Proton VPN 免费版提供无限带宽,适合长时间在线或需要进行大量数据传输的用户。
Windscribe 提供与Proton VPN相同的加密标准,但无日志政策尚未审计。
Windscribe 提供免费计划中最多的服务器选择,覆盖11个不同国家。
Windscribe 的界面设计极简,适合初学者使用。
Windscribe 的免费计划包含所有高级功能,没有隐藏在付费墙后。
Windscribe 提供端口转发、白名单、静态IP和分流隧道等工具,以定制VPN体验。
Windscribe 使用与Proton VPN相同的WireGuard协议,速度表现相似。
Windscribe 免费版有10GB的数据限制,可能限制了VPN的使用。
NordVPN 是2024年Windows免费VPN的另一个好选择,提供持续的改进和最快的VPN体验。
NordVPN 提供高质量的加密和RAM-only服务器,保障安全。
NordVPN 位于巴拿马,遵循隐私法律,无日志政策经过多次独立审计。
NordVPN 拥有6000多个服务器,支持同时连接6个设备,并提供直观易用的界面和浏览器扩展。
NordVPN 的Meshnet功能允许用户绕过Netflix账户共享限制。
NordVPN 的NordLynx协议是市场上最快的P2P下载协议之一。
NordVPN 提供威胁保护功能,类似于防病毒软件,可检测和阻止恶意软件、跟踪器和广告。
Surfshark 使用与NordVPN相似的安全实践,服务器遍布100个国家。
Surfshark 允许一个账户进行无限数量的同时连接,适合家庭使用。
Surfshark 的Windows应用程序包含CleanWeb广告和恶意软件拦截器、专业服务器和分流隧道工具。
Surfshark 提供7天免费试用和30天无理由退款保证,几乎无使用承诺。
Finding a VPN that is both free
and compatible with Windows can be confusing.
So today, I compiled a list of my top four free VPN for PC providers
so let's jump in.
All right, so my first choice in this free VPN for Windows 2024 review
goes to Proton VPN.
It uses gold standard encryption which means your network connection
is going to be safe from prying eyes.
Their no-logs policy is audited to ensure that your online activity is never stored,
and it's based in Switzerland, which follows privacy-friendly laws.
Moving on to the dashboard,
the interface was surprisingly organized and easy to navigate,
especially with the large server map.
But Proton VPN does have the smallest freemium fleet of the day
with only three countries to choose from.
That's definitely enough for protection
but it lacks variety for more advanced users.
Now, the reason I'd say this provider is one of the top free VPN
for PC Windows options is thanks to its speed features.
The use of WireGuard protocol means the app can already support fast rates.
But in addition to that, there's a proprietary VPN accelerator.
Enabling this is going to allow for up to 400% faster speeds
by far making it the fastest free VPN PC users can find.
Unfortunately, like with any unpaid service,
Proton VPN can't access geo-blocked streaming platforms or torrent at all.
This also means that outside of the premium plans,
there's not going to be a lot of included features.
With that being said though, Proton VPN actually does include something
that very few free plans do which is unlimited bandwidth.
If you're someone who spends
a lot of time online or you need to do some heavy lifting tasks,
this is definitely one of the best free VPN for Windows 11 options.
If you do enjoy Proton VPN and then decide to switch
to one of their premium plans,
you'll have access to tons of new features
including a larger server fleet with more countries,
up to 10 simultaneous devices you can use at once,
and a useful ad blocker.
If you want a VPN that doesn't have any restrictions
and can fully secure your Windows PC, I've left some exclusive discount codes
in the description below.
The next free VPN for PC on my list
is also a pretty solid option security-wise.
It uses the same encryption as Proton VPN,
and although it also has a no-logs policy, it's not yet audited.
Also, this provider is based in Canada,
which is a member of the Five Eyes Alliance
and can share users data upon request.
But Windscribe has more to offer when it comes to variety.
This app comes with plenty of servers to choose from in 11 different countries,
way more than any other freemium offers.
As you can see, the interface is very minimalist and sleek,
making it easy for even beginner users to navigate.
What's more, Windscribe's unpaid plan comes with all the features
that are included in the premium ones, so nothing is hidden behind a paywall.
This means that you'll have access to tools like port forwarding,
whitelisting, a static IP,
and split tunneling to customize your VPN experience.
If you're looking for the most feature-rich free VPN for Windows 10,
Windscribe is an excellent choice.
Since the provider uses the same WireGuard tunneling protocol
as Proton VPN,
I found that its speed rates yielded similar results.
I was certainly able to go about my daily online tasks comfortably.
But the 10 gigabit data limit can be restrictive
if you plan on using a VPN for all your activities.
As you can tell by now, the free VPN PC download options
are really limited compared to the incredible potential
the premium versions hold.
I gathered a couple of alternatives that will allow you to enjoy the benefits
of a paid plan without paying a price for the trial.
My first suggestion,
NordVPN is one of the best alternative free VPN for Windows 2024 has to offer
thanks to its consistent implementation of improvements.
Not to mention, this is the fastest VPN I've tested on the market.
NordVPN reinforces its security measures with high-quality encryption,
RAM-only servers that wipe clean after each reboot,
and a variety of secure tunneling protocols.
This provider is also based in Panama which abides by privacy-friendly laws,
and their strict no-logs policy has been independently audited multiple times.
There's also an abundance of included security features
ranging from a useful kill switch that ensures a secure connection 24/7
to dark web monitoring.
In addition to robust security and privacy measures,
NordVPN comes with a 6,000 plus server fleet in 61 countries.
Each account can connect to six devices simultaneously,
and the interface and browser extensions alike are both intuitive and easy to use.
Now, unlike any free VPN plans on the market,
you can use NordVPN to gain access to tons of popular streaming services,
plus the Meshnet feature allows users to quickly and securely
bypass things like Netflix account sharing restrictions.
And if you're looking to torrent safely and at high speeds,
the NordLynx protocol is one of the fastest on the market.
Keep in mind as well, installing a free VPN on computer
or mobile devices will rarely provide the amount of features
the premium plans include.
The best example of this is NordVPN's threat protection feature
which comes with every paid plan.
This acts as an antivirus alternative and is able to detect malware, trackers,
and threats, as well as blocking annoying ads.
There's also a split tunneling tool, DNS leak protection,
and a variety of specialty servers.
Okay, I get it, this technically isn't a free plan,
but it will provide you with the best Windows experience,
and NordVPN does have quite a few ways that you can try it without paying.
For starters, there's a seven-day free trial
so keep in mind,
you do need to initially sign up on an Android,
but after that, you're free to sign in on any device.
And of course, they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.
This means even if you pay for your first month
and don't want to continue, you're going to get a refund completely.
Another great option is their friend referral program
which extends your subscription by three months for every friend
who signs up with your link.
If you want to use our link to make these plans even cheaper,
I've left them in the description.
All right, another top-tier provider
that I'd suggest at least trying out for a month is Surfshark.
This VPN uses most of the same security practices as NordVPN,
with the exception of the jurisdiction being in the Netherlands,
it's a member of an intelligence sharing alliance.
The server fleet is already really large,
but when you pair that with 100 countries to choose from,
you get some of the most extensive coverage on the market.
Surfshark is also able to access all the popular streaming platforms,
and thanks to its WireGuard protocol, it can torrent at lag-free speeds.
What's more,
just one account allows for an unlimited number of simultaneous connections.
That means that every person in your family
can be protected at the same time, and thanks to the well-organized interface
users of all levels are going to be able to navigate it with ease.
In addition to all that,
the Windows app is also chock-full of extra features including
the CleanWeb ad and malware blocker, specialty servers,
and the split tunneling Bypasser.
Even though Surfshark's paid plan is still very much on the affordable side,
you can try out their seven-day free trial.
Plus, they also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee,
so it's totally commitment-free to use for over a month.
To sum everything up,
if you're wondering how to get free VPN on PC
simply for some extra security and protection,
then the basic free plan is going to suffice.
But if you're looking to enjoy all VPN benefits and experience
all the features, I'd strongly recommend the premium ones.
Remember, if you have any VPN-related questions
or video suggestions,
you can always leave those in the comments down below.
Don't forget to grab your discount link in the description,
and I'll see you in the next video. Bye.
5.0 / 5 (46 votes)