I Bought Every Cheap VS Expensive Item in the Mall!
TLDRفي هذا الفيديو، يناضل صديقان أعزاء لمعرفة من يستطيع إنشاء الزي الأفضل. يتكون المنافسة من عدة تحديات لتحديد الميزانية المخصصة لكل قطعة من الملابس، بدءًا من القميص وحتى الملابس السفلية والحذاء والاكسسوارات والعطر. يتنافس الصديقان على الميزانية الكبيرة أو البسيطة، وسيحصل الفائز بجميع العناصر الفاخرة من الزيين، بينما يضطر الخاسر إلى ارتداء الزي المهين في المول. يحتوي النص على تحديات ممتعة مثل لعبة 'Laundry Basket Tic Tac Toe' و 'Find the Logo'، بالإضافة إلى استكشاف متاجر الملابس لإيجاد العناصر المناسبة. يحتوي النص على تفاصيل ممتعة حول اختيار الملابس والتجربة لتذوق شراب 'Tong Gulu'، وكيفية اختيار الأحذية والاكسسوارات والعطر. في نهاية الفيديو، يحدد الجمهور من بين الزيين الأفضل، مما يؤدي إلى نتيجة مثيرة للجدل.
- 🎮两个人通过一系列挑战来决定谁有更好的服装搭配预算。
- 👕第一项挑战是洗衣篮井字游戏,胜者获得$22,000的衬衫预算,败者只有$50。
- 👖第二项挑战是找到标志的游戏,胜者获得$1,000的裤子预算,败者只有$100。
- 👟第三项挑战是翻转鞋子游戏,胜者获得$1,000的鞋子预算,败者只有$100。
- 👜第四项挑战是拼写蜜蜂游戏,胜者获得$750的配饰预算,败者只有$75。
- 🕶第五项挑战是猜价格游戏,胜者获得$1,000的香水预算,败者只有$25。
- 🛍️两位参与者在挑战中访问了多个商店,包括Nordstrom、Urban Outfitters和Forever 21等。
- 🤝两位朋友在比赛中展现了友好的竞争关系,互相尊重,即使面对失败。
- 📈胜者将保留所有昂贵的物品,而败者需要穿着尴尬的服装在商场里走动。
- 👗整个挑战不仅关注服装的搭配,还包括了对时尚品味和个人风格的考验。
- 📉败者虽然预算有限,但依然自信能够通过搭配技巧胜出,展现了时尚的自信和创意。
- 🏆最终的胜者由公众投票决定,增加了比赛的互动性和不确定性。
Q & A
-他们提到了Aloe、Nordstrom、Michael Kors、Urban Outfitters、Levis和Zara等品牌作为购物的选择。
他们为什么选择去Neiman Marcus购买香水?
-他们选择去Neiman Marcus购买香水,因为其中一人之前在Nordstrom没有找到他想要的香水,而且听说Neiman Marcus有。
-他们通过玩一个名为'shoe flip'的游戏来决定鞋子的预算。胜者将获得1,000美元的鞋子预算,而输家则只有100美元。
😀 时尚挑战介绍
🎮 游戏挑战决定预算
描述了第一个挑战,即通过玩Tic Tac Toe游戏来决定衬衫的预算。输家得到了2000美元的衬衫预算,而赢家则得到了较低的预算。同时,还提到了在商场中寻找合适衬衫的过程,包括访问Nordstrom和Urban Outfitters等商店,以及他们对于选择合适衬衫的想法。
👖 寻找完美裤装
在这一段中,两位朋友继续他们的挑战,这次是为了找到完美的裤子。赢家将获得11000美元的预算,而输家只有100美元。他们通过玩“Find the Logo”游戏来决定预算,并在Levis和Zara等商店寻找合适的裤子。
👟 鞋履挑战
本段讲述了鞋履挑战,其中包含了一个名为“Shoe Flip”的游戏,赢家将获得1000美元的鞋子预算,而输家则有1100美元。他们讨论了关于选择鞋子的策略,并访问了City Kicks等商店,以找到符合预算的鞋子。
📿 配饰挑战
在这一段中,他们为了配饰而竞争,通过一个拼字游戏来决定预算。赢家将获得750美元的配饰预算,输家则有75美元。他们在Forever 21等商店寻找合适的配饰,并讨论了如何搭配他们的服装。
🕵️♂️ 价格猜测游戏
视频的最后部分是关于香水的挑战,通过猜测一系列物品的价格来决定预算。赢家将获得1000美元的香水预算,输家则只有25美元。他们访问了Neiman Marcus等商店,以找到合适的香水,并讨论了他们的选择。
🏆 公众投票决定胜者
💡Tic Tac Toe
💡find the logo
💡shoe flip
💡spelling bee
💡guess the price
💡public vote
Two friends, Noah and the host, engage in a fashion challenge to create the better outfit based on five categories: shirts, pants, shoes, accessories, and fragrance.
The challenge involves competing in games to determine who gets an expensive budget and who has to work with a cheap budget.
The winner of each category's challenge receives a $22,000 budget for shirts, while the loser gets a $50 budget.
The first game played is a laundry basket Tic Tac Toe to determine the shirt budget.
Noah wins the first challenge and gets the $22,000 budget, while the host is content with the $50 budget.
The host is confident in his ability to create a winning outfit despite having a lower budget.
The host chooses a plain t-shirt for $35 from a store, emphasizing that style is about how you wear the outfit, not how much you spend.
The second challenge is 'Find the Logo', a game where contestants find hidden logos to determine their budget for pants.
Noah wins the pants challenge, securing a $1,000 budget, while the host gets $100.
Both friends try various stores and styles to find pants that match their shirts within their respective budgets.
The host finds baggy jeans at Levi's and a pair of off-white pants at Zara within his budget.
In the third challenge, 'Shoe Flip', the winner gets a $1,000 budget for shoes, and the loser gets $100.
The host finally wins a challenge, securing the $1,000 shoe budget, while Noah has to make do with $100.
The host visits City Kicks and successfully finds a pair of shoes within his budget, while Noah struggles to find a matching pair.
The fourth challenge is a spelling game with blocks, determining the budget for accessories.
Noah wins the accessory challenge with a $750 budget, while the host has to work with $75.
The host manages to find affordable accessories at Forever 21, while Noah goes for a high-end store.
The final challenge, 'Guess the Price', determines the budget for fragrance, with the winner getting $1,000 and the loser $25.
Noah wins the fragrance challenge, gaining a $1,000 budget, and goes to Neiman Marcus to buy a desired cologne.
The host, with a $25 budget, tries to get a sample of a high-end cologne, showcasing a life hack.
The outfits are put to a public vote, with the loser having to wear an embarrassing outfit and walk around the mall.
The host wins the public vote by a narrow margin, and Noah has to wear the embarrassing outfit.
today I'm challenging my best friend
Noah to see who can create the better
outfit and here's how it's going to work
we'll be putting together a look based
on five important pieces shirts pants
shoes accessories and fragrance but for
each category we'll be competing in
challenges to see who will get the
expensive budget and who will be stuck
with the cheap budget the winner will
get to keep all the expensive items from
both outfits while the loser has to walk
around the mall wearing this super
embarrassing outfit who's going to look
more fly let's find out all right for
the very first challenge that's right
for the very first challenge don't worry
I got you man who is this guy I'm the
host we're about to play one of my
favorite games
Rock for challenge number one you're
trying to compete for your shirt that's
one of the most essential things to an
outfit all right your first challenge to
determine your shirt is laundry basket
tic TCT toe ooh you're tossing these red
and blue shirts from up here to create
your Tic Tac Toe the winner of this
challenge is going going to get $22,000
for your budget for a shirt that's right
crazy that's too much the loser gets a
$50 budget that's a big big big leap and
change yeah but you could still get a
nice shirt doable for less than 50
you're blue you're red I'm going to be
down there and wishing you guys good
luck because I want to see you guys pull
out the best fit today all right let's
do it come on R since it's your channel
I think you should go first nah I want
no one to go first all right I want the
first Miss of the
video that does not count that's
out now that's that's
it that's it we count that one I'm going
straight across
yes darn it okay okay okay watch this
dead center yes yes Noah I got two
chances to win here
bro what is that Clint that counts in my
what yes
H okay all right we're going to be
playing like that I can't choke like
this oh if you could what was that what
that oh come on $2,000 budget for a
shirt huge that's huge I actually want
the lower budget the entire video and I
still think I'm going to win okay thank
you bro used to his expensive closet he
wants to switch it up a all right guys
we just pulled up to the mall we got a
wide variety of pretty much any store
you can imagine bro it looks like uh
we're in gree I lost the first challenge
but you know what I'm okay with that you
know it's okay to take L's too I am
accepting the L give me the L right
now yep put it in the pocket that you're
going to have cheap pants on in later
even if I lose every single Challenge
and I have to buy the cheapest piece of
clothing I'm so confident that I'm going
to win at the end bro May the best man
win and the best fashion designer win
well I need to go find an expensive top
and you're using your credit card right
obviously yeah I'm not going to spend
your money on your video on your channel
CU it just makes sense so go drop a bag
go drop a bag that's why I'm happy that
I lost like I was saying it's all about
how you rock the fit it doesn't matter
if you spend a lot on a nice outfit it's
all about how you put it on so I'm not
even tripping about spending the least
amount on the top and I already saw a
store that I want to go into we got aloe
the trendy brand right now let's see
what kind of shirts they got I mean so
my mission is just quite simple find the
drip acquire it throw it on and keep it
put at this current moment my Instagram
got permanently deleted for no reason
but when I did have an account best
believe I was looking amazing I would
consider myself a true fashion icon to
Kickstart My journey I'm going to visit
one of my favorite stores and that has
to be Old Reliable always trustworthy
Nordstrom I might go for like a nice
little plain Vibe for my outfit just
kind of how I'm wearing this cardigan if
I could find something cheap like this I
think that's the mood see I would pull
something off like that but the muscles
aren't working today you know what I
mean like I got to get in the gym before
rocking something like this man I wear
plain white teas a lot and this is worse
comes to worse a plain white tea
wouldn't be too bad because we can buy
accessories in a future Challenge and
you know put like a nice little gold
chain or something we'll see come back
to that it always brings me a rush and
so much joy when I get to shop and
realistically I do have rugs credit card
so it's all on him I mean if I want to
be different this lowkey looks like a
carpet bro what RP Virgil off white hold
up so many options this lowy fits my
personality faded 20 13 Vibe but the
item I select I have to be for sure on
so I'm a nice guy but I might need to
throw on some rude my boy all right just
to know what we're working with here I
know this is a little pricey but imagine
what Noah is going to be spending on a
t-shirt so we're going to go explore
other stores and see if we could find
something cheaper than $54 sure we will
I guess it really just depends on what
I'm going for I can go for a wrapper
look and throw in something like this or
I can dress like I'm going to my
grandma's house wo it's like the sweater
from SpongeBob next up we got Michael
Kors I know it's a designer store but I
feel like it wouldn't hurt to see what
kind of shirts they have and what the
price point is fun fact this was the
first ever designer purse I bought from
my mom Michael Kors actually has some
nice clothes I mean even just off the
bat this jacket is so sick oh see
perfect like ooh 60 bucks that's
actually pretty close to the aloe price
see this one 60 bucks these are all
around 60 bucks so not a bad find but
Al's in the lead take a picture yeah
yeah of course let's get it
stor in North stores he's going to break
my bank bro my style senses are tingling
you know what just to be different if
they have my size small I'm a large like
obviously it's not common to wear and
that could either be a good or bad thing
but if there's one thing I learned it's
always good to explore Urban Outfitters
this is where I used to go on the first
day of school you know that first day of
school shopping it used to be Urban
Outfitters for me and pack I feel like
we're going to find our shirt in here
for sure all right guys after looking at
all my options I think I'm set on this
plain tea right here oh I might get a
bigger size actually a little oversized
that's the style nowadays but I think
this is the perfect base to build that
perfect outfit so we got our nice tea
and it's only $35 perfect perfect start
and just like that successful pickup yes
sir I didn't even have to try it on I
just knew it would
work all right welcome back welcome back
I'm kind of sad that I can't see the
shirts that you guys picked but I'm
excited for the reveal at the end all
right so you're going to be competing
for your bottoms for this challenge
something to match that top what's our
budget your budget is $11,000 if you win
$100 if you lose wow okay doable again
dude $1,000 for some pants all you need
is 100 I feel like literally I'm cool
with whatever okay okay so this game is
a really fun game it's find the logo ooh
I'm good at these oh wait let me lock in
find the hidden logo in front of you
will be an image that will have a logo
hidden within it first to three wins all
right sounds good
is that me m didn't make the noise but I
don't know you I'll give it to you no
I'll give it to you rock scissors all
right okay just do a
Nike oh you just did it I did no no did
it's called Nike not just do it Nike
Noah's got one rug let's play next
image rug that was you uh I'm trying to
think of their slogan too um Adidas just
it y wait or is that rebok no that's
Adidas oh that's Adidas
okay oh wait I was going to say Jaguar
Jaguar um oh my gosh that one La cost
yeah damn yeah shout out 21 it's 2 two
this next one is
CH Noah l vitt
oh let me see that
image that one was hard Noah you just
got the $1,000 budget for some pants to
match your $2,000 budget shirt holy moly
I might just go to Lou no no don't
before we move on to our bottoms we
found Tong Gulu yes bro and I've seen it
all over Tik Tok I've never tried it
have you never but I've seen Nick
djovani always say let's try it and
throw it into a little board so I's
taste test I'm down I've always wanted
to try
this it's basically like sugar melted on
wo yeah okay let's cheers our Tong Gulu
eighty no wait holy crap that's actually
really good I wonder how long this has
been around for yeah I wonder if it was
like big in a different country and it
just became popular in the US all right
I'm going to go buy some cheap pants I'm
excited let's do it all right we're
going to check out Levis for some bottom
wear keep in mind I'm going for that
baggy look I feel like that just looks
way better on me what if I dressed like
John Cena like he wears like cargo
shorts see how much these are just so I
can get a good gauge $50 okay that's not
bad since the button up I got is already
pretty crazy and out there I'm going to
look for some pants that are just like
my name simplistic hi how's it going
good so I'm in a bit of a challenge
right now I'm building an expensive
outfit I need some pants bro see some
baggy pants like this would be so good
hold on let's see how much they are okay
this fits within our budget it's $990 we
got up to 100 to spend so I think this
one I'm for sure going to keep on the
side all right guys I saw what I needed
to see in Levis we're going to go Scout
some other stores just in case I find a
better gem but if not we're going to
come back to the baggie jeans the baggie
jeans yes okay what uh car more of like
a denim type of vibe denim yes okay I
have a light blue top so I'm kind of
like trying to pair it with that I
bought some nice things in my life from
Zara specifically pants so I think we
just hit the all right so I have a in
this one here ooh that's clean we can
start off with that yeah thank you so
much if it was Star Wars I'm going to
the light side but we also have to
consider the dark side by side both
great material and quality we could try
a different color maybe beige it's worth
a shot this is the style bro this is it
right here we found the ones let's go
act secured let's go back home and do
the next challenge these khakis are
pretty nice ooh I like the way they're
cuffed at the bottom definitely a
fantastic match we have a winner awesome
appreciate it cool I actually am just
flying through this challenge it's easy
welcome back players you're here at your
third Challenge and you're competing for
kicks you need some fire kicks am I
right cereal no not kicks that helps
kids grow I'm talking about shoes wait
don't tell me you actually like kicks as
a kid no no no no no that is very
flavorful flavorless very flavorless to
determine your budget here if you win
you get ,000 to spend on shoes wow wow
okay but if you lose that's $1100 not
bad still get a good get a good pair so
this game is called shoe flip and to
play this game you're going to go into
these Corners here and try to flip a
shoe with your foot and land it here on
this table what is it timed this is
timed first person to get it on here in
the fastest time wins I've lost the
first two challenges I need this bro all
right rug your time starts
now that's a hard one to land it's so
light oh my gosh dude what is
that oh oh oh my gosh yes let's go
what's my time your time is 9 seconds
and 43 milliseconds thank you for
clarifying the milliseconds I needed
that one knowah I think I finally got my
first challenge dub dude I don't know
how you landed that the time to beat is
9.43 seconds we've got this I'm going to
flip you off if I lose okay let's go oh
SL too strong
Noah oh my
gosh what is that 9 seconds seconds and
52 milliseconds you're lying 952 what by
a free that's why the milliseconds bro
I'm actually curious to see what you've
put together so far same here like I I
know we're both creative in our
different ways so it's going to be a
pretty interesting outcome finally
finally I win a challenge and I could
get some nice expensive shoes bro
honestly you would pass with what you
have on right now you got the Travis's
but I mean you're going to have to go
crazier okay all right I have a question
technically every time like you're
outside you do the pH walk wo wo hold on
you just did something still die still
makes no sense get out of here bro
imagine every time I just walk
everyone's like bro why are you doing
the phase rug walk the phase rug walk
for me applies to food but lately it's
been a trend on Tik Tok where people
have been doing it for anything like
when your girl looks so cute that you
have to do the FAS rug walk and you know
what I'm going to do today when the
outfit looks so good I'm going to do the
FAS rug walk cuz I'm taking the DB damn
I was really hoping I won that last game
because shoes are so essential Nike
Adidas Jordan design
so many options I've always wanted to
own a pair of Doc marn just to be
aesthetic and flashy but I have to
consider I only have $100 to spend never
mind just went in and everything's above
110 finally we got the bigger budget but
to be honest I would have been okay with
the smaller budget I wanted to build my
outfit all with the lower budget just so
when I win at the end I could rub it in
Noah's face I got $1,000 budget and I
want help there is a Hy be store called
City Kicks and we're really good friends
with them I'm curious to see if they'll
let me walk out with something under my
budget yo
yo so we're doing an outfit challenge me
versus Rug question do you have anything
around the $100 mark for a shoes that's
where it gets a little complicated I
wonder like if there's one that matches
my fit like i' say the pants that I got
are around like this color I don't know
offwhite kind of like an off-white this
caught my eye right away too how much
are these oh 630 within the budget dang
this this might actually be it right
here what about something like this
ooh no that's oh man I don't know if
it'll match
though all white I think I think the
other ones bro the triple white yeah
white to be SI all right so we got the
amir's on the feet which look great but
my guy brought some more options this
one goes crazy too bro I'm stuck between
this or this but these on the feet look
more casual this one I feel like would
stand out more but we'll see how much
this costs $170 ooh that's out of my
budget but don't worry cuz I actually
like these a lot back secured baby let's
go back home
yep but can we work with my price range
I got are you are you sure yeah yeah
don't worry bro for the Rugrats you guys
are lit I appreciate y'all man thank you
brother problem appreciate that I was
about to go to Vans too nothing against
them but I'm a true skater at heart
these just go way harder oh wow bro 3
welcome in truly blessed yes sir bro I
that all right guys Challenge number
four and we're playing for something
great you always need it for a fit an
accessory what can that mean so that
could mean anything an accessory is a
watch a purse and you know even a nice
belt like I got my gvan belt right here
so this game right here is a spelling be
with blocks you're going to be balancing
those plates on your head spelling the
words backwards up okay okay fastest one
to keep it balanced and have the word
correct wins that round
$750 if you win for that accessory okay
and $75 if you lose let's just make sure
these are all just jumbl du you know
what I mean I like it I like it cool you
know what we call that when you jumble
up the letters some jumbalaya that's ins
bro you're on a roll all right your
first word is
hat oh
hat I'll allow it
no rug gotam let's go that's what you
get for trying to always use a cheat
code man your next word is sock this
isn't cheating right no I
love okay okay okay dude dude that's
hard that's hard
okay oh my God no I got it suck is right
and balance let's go all right guys one
to one your last word and the winner is
determined by this is watch don't get
those M's mixed with your W's can I do
this or no uh I like like I said I like
strategy ah wait no no no
no Noah stop Noah got it dang Noah
you're crushing me in the challenges
today bro I think I just have a flat
head I have a Advantage 750 bucks dude
you you can get a nice watch I don't
know what I could get for under 75 for
accessories all right I think the best
place to go to for some jewelry would be
Forever 21 some affordable jewelry at
least I think with my outfit I'm looking
for something more on the silver side
not gold cuz I don't think it would
match I think silver bracelet watch
necklace whatever it is I can find in
there I'm going to cop this the one for
sure like I think that's what I'm going
to get right here this bag go for an
accessory it gets a little tricky
because there's a lot to choose from
personally I already know exactly what I
need I'm going to grab something to
protect my precious green hazel eyes
there's not many of us out here on the
Earth but for everyone who's privileged
enough to have some color they're very
valuable dude I haven't been in Forever
21 in a minute but wait it's actually
fire well no men's jewelry here at
Forever 21 so we got to find another
store do you guys have men's jewelry any
of these go with the fit this one's kind
of hard how much is H this solar powered
one budget's $100 so I don't know if I'm
off how's it going good thank you
looking for something expensive
expensive yes what brand any brand just
kind of like along the lines of very
simple very clean 573 yep that's right I
didn't even need to think twice about
that one wow yes sir what was your name
Miguel Miguel appreciate you oh let's do
it again let's do it again there we go
appreciate it 150 150 you sure yeah 150
man you guys have jewelry men's
jewelry like necklaces or bracelets or
anything like that right over here oh we
actually have let's go how you doing to
meet you nice to meet you I appreciate
that thank you have a good one thanks
you too I've never wore pearls before
you think this could go with a lot of
fits I think it cuz I have like I have
like a gray shirt some like grayish
white pants and gray shoes do you think
this could go with it I think so I think
pearls always make it better I'll take
this yeah yes let's
go all right boys see you guys are
already uh officiating your white boards
when ra fug comes out you should be
scared so with those white boards in
hand we're going to be playing a little
game of guess the price okay you're
simply going to go one by one through
these items and gu that's the price the
closest to the price of the item wins
whoever gets the most right by the end
is going to get a great budget for this
last one which is fragrant your budget
for your scent that is going to get you
the win here is $1,000 if you win did
you see how we pointed at me that's
crazy predetermined $25 if you lose see
I can point at you twice so here for
your first item you have a Lego City wow
Adventure Pack they're getting away with
this okay all right Reveal Your prices
to me o $24.9 99 and 30 this Lego set is
oh yes $19.99 I thought they upcharged
141 guys this next item not to be
confused with a Clint roller is a lint
roller okay you locked in always got it
Noah all right Reveal Your Price this
lint roller is $5.49 wait why did I
overshoot it I think the jumbo side
really threw me
off this next item here is a beautiful
iron okay I don't know like I feel like
I'm going to unders shoot it this iron
is wo $
2849 damn I definitely I don't think I
got this one let's reveal your
answers wait who's closer guys well we
went to the mathematician of it all our
phones calculator to really determine
this and rug you are not the winner of
this one Noah you got it so slight we
were so close on that one though it's
crazy all right well then let's play for
our next item some classic
hangers wait I might undershot this one
oh$ on the dot dang and our last thing
here is a Hamilton Beach waffle maker yo
teacher you're going too fast I really
don't know but is it a mini waffle maker
no Belgian waffle maker reveal 1850 that
was a good year by the way right and 20
no 99 nope just straight 20 Hilton baby
oh $1 199.99 yes bro let's go let's go
$11,000 for a fragrance listen I know
those can get pricey bro look mama
didn't raise no fug because you killed
it there's this cologne I've had my eyes
on that I wanted to get before this
video and now I have a reason to get it
you did this video just to get your
cologne well how did I know I was going
to win the challenge true you're going
to go to where for this I'm going to hit
up Neiman Marcus I actually have been
looking all over for this cologne they
didn't have it in Nordstrom but I heard
they have it at Neiman funny part is I'm
joining you at Neiman yeah with your
budget yeah there's a life hack I've
been doing I mean since I don't know
when but I'm I'm going to use it looking
for bakarat rou bakarat rou is one two
all right thank you so much oh is this
it Y no way
hi wo this is insane can I buy it of
course okay you know what I want I want
to get a sample of it though that for
you he's a cheater so listen listen
we're doing a challenge long story short
I have up to $1,000 to spend on cologne
he has only $50 and he's trying to get a
sample is that not cheating in the
challenge which fragrance were you
thinking ooh that's a good question
appreciate it thank you Martha look it I
got packaged too ready mhm May the best
outfit win mhm good luck let's
go yo
hold on hold on hold
on John Cena is crazy I'm not going to
who it's a plain tea bro are you what
did the glasses due to you I think I'm
tripping right now no no yeah you're
wait Noah this is crazy wait our pants
are lowkey almost identical bro we got
we got cuffed now it's up to the public
to decide who has the better outfit and
you already know what the loser has to
do I love how it's unbiased too cuz we
are going to the general public yep all
right let's do this all right guys it's
time for the public to decide who has
the better outfit oh nerve-wracking we
got 10 check boxes here whoever gets 10
first wins and the loser has to wear
that embarrassing outfit and walk around
the entire Mall man I don't want to do
it please please win all right and now
we wait dude I promise this wasn't us
bro wait like actually what are the
chances so uh watch lug here thank you
bro thank you who has the better outfit
he let's go let's go I respect let's go
first vote appreciate you bro thank you
check out both outfits whichever one is
nicer in your opinion be real
too ah okay okay okay yo I'm a Yo Can
can I uh take a pict with yeah of course
do you want to vote uh for sure yeah who
has the better fit hey L ke since I was
a little kid I was like you know I was
like Dona hey let's go okay let's go
let's go thank you so much I appreciate
you who like the better fit I got to
vote for FaZe rug bro wait no bias
though no
bias oh oh let's go five more and I win
appreciate it
o do you want to Market on the board do
I have to Market I'll come to you I'll
come wait so whose outfit do you like
more mine or his yours you want his
outfit yeah okay okay let's needed
that hi
a oh comeback season we need it comeback
season thank you so much respect respect
7 to 5 7 to five you're wearing red
biased he was wearing blue though oh
yeah true okay okay got you thank you
bro all along and I didn't even know it
8 to 7 it's come down to this okay okay
9 to 7 let's go thank you so much no
way yes I love you give me a hug give me
a hug yes Dam yes hey it was close it
was close I was three off dude damn Noah
I'm so sorry GG's I'm so sorry for
what's to come let's get it yo I'm not
going to lie this fit is fire I feel
like Young Thug I feel like you would
have won if you had this fit on I might
have bro Jaden Smith would approv it's
different you know what I mean bro this
is sick let's go get some reactions what
do you think what do you
cool two thumbs up all hi can I take a
picture yeah yeah I'm PR sure what do
you think about my friend's outfit it's
nice I what do you rate it out of 10
seven seven I'll take it I'll
take all right thank you thank you
appreciate it he had he had to wear this
honestly I like it hey looks good on you
man it's sick right it's not that bad I
mean could could be worse exactly all
right guys well that is the end of the
video shout out my boy Noah I still
think you had a hard fit bro honestly it
was a good battle well
4.8 / 5 (39 votes)