I Survived 50 Hours in 2D
TLDRهذا النص يحكي قصة شخص يعيش تجربةً مثيرة لـ 50 ساعة في عالم ثنائية الأبعاد، مما يشير إلى أنه يعيش تقريبًا في عالم الألعاب الإلكترونية. يبدأ الشخص في مقهى نظيف ويتحدث عن تجربته الشخصية مع لعبة شrek 2، التي كانت الألعابة الأولى لديه و التي لم يستطيع التغلب عليها. خلال الساعات التالية، يمر الشخص بالعديد من الأحداث البسيطة مثل تناول وجبة، اللعب بالغولف، التصوير لمواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، وتجربة منزل ذكي متحكم بواسطة الهاتف. يحاول الشخص أيضًا التخلص من العادة من الدخول إلى الهاتف، ولكن يظل يعاني من ال使用的 overuse. ينتهي الفيديو بمحاولة الشخص الفوز في لعبة شrek 2 بعد محاولات متعددة، ويُشير إلى أهمية الخروج من عالم الألعاب وال_PHONE_ لممارسة النشاطات الواقعية.
- 🎮 **2D vs 3D Gaming**: The speaker reflects on the evolution of video games from 2D to 3D, noting the limitations of screen-based 3D experiences.
- 📱 **Screen Dependency**: Highlights the current reliance on screens for entertainment, work, and social interaction, and the impact on personal life.
- 🏠 **Smart Home Experience**: Describes the experience of staying in a smart house where everything can be controlled through a smartphone.
- 📸 **Social Media Influence**: The script touches on the pressure of social media, including the desire to document experiences and the tendency to compare oneself to others.
- 🎨 **Creativity and Art**: Discusses engaging in creative activities like painting and the therapeutic value it can have.
- 🚗 **Luxury Experiences**: Mentions the experience of luxury, such as staying in a high-end house and having access to a Tesla, and how it can feel surreal.
- 🕰️ **Time Management**: The speaker realizes the amount of time spent on the phone and expresses a desire to reduce screen time.
- 🍕 **Everyday Adventures**: Shares anecdotes of everyday activities like getting coffee, eating pizza, and playing golf, which are made more interesting through the video game analogy.
- 🤳 **The Impact of Technology**: Reflects on how technology has changed the way we interact with the world and each other.
- 🏡 **Home Automation**: Expresses amazement at the capabilities of home automation, where even mundane tasks like making coffee can be done via an app.
- 🎉 **Celebrating Achievements**: Concludes with a sense of accomplishment for surviving the 50-hour challenge and a final message encouraging viewers to engage with the real world.
Q & A
-NPC是'Non-Player Character'的缩写,指的是视频游戏中由人工智能控制的角色,而不是由玩家直接控制。
视频中提到的Shrek 2游戏有什么特别之处?
-Shrek 2游戏对视频中的角色来说很特别,因为他在童年时玩这款游戏学到了生活课程,尽管最终因为游戏中对抗教母的战斗太难而放弃了。
视频中提到的“mirror dude”是谁?
-在Shrek 2游戏中,'mirror dude'指的是魔镜,它是游戏中的一个角色,会给出建议和智慧,教导玩家如何在游戏中前进。
-他在挑战结束后立即回家,花了六个小时玩Shrek 2游戏,并最终击败了游戏中的最后一个Boss,完成了他多年前开始的游戏。
视频中提到的“press the button”是什么意思?
-这可能是游戏Shrek 2中的一个提示或指令,鼓励玩家按下按钮来继续游戏或执行某个动作。
🎮 Video Game Nostalgia and 2D Living Experience
The speaker reminisces about the evolution of video games from 2D to 3D, noting the limitations of experiencing 3D games on a 2D screen. They embark on a 50-hour challenge wearing a 2D headset, starting with a coffee shop interaction that feels like an NPC dialogue from a game. The narrative includes a meeting with Adam, discussions about favorite childhood games, and the struggle with the final level of Shrek 2. The speaker humorously recounts activities like playing golf, eating at Subway, and staying in a smart house controlled by a phone screen. The experience is filled with social media moments, including an Instagram post of a sandwich and a failed attempt to enter a house. The speaker also contemplates their screen time and the impact of technology on their life.
📱 The Struggle with Screen Addiction and Real-life Interactions
The speaker continues their 2D headset challenge, reflecting on their awkward real-life interactions and the contrast with their virtual experiences. They share a pizza with Adam, attempt to create art, and engage in a painting competition, which ends with the destruction of their artwork due to feelings of inadequacy when comparing themselves to others on Instagram. The narrative also covers the speaker's efforts to reduce their phone usage, their enjoyment of simpler pleasures like watching cartoons, and the eventual success in beating the video game Shrek 2 after 17 years. The speaker concludes the challenge with a call to action to spend less time with controllers and screens and more time engaging in real-world activities.
💡Shrek 2
💡Smart House
💡Video Game
💡Screen Time
💡Social Media
The speaker reflects on the evolution of video games from 2D to 3D, noting the limitations of experiencing 3D games on a 2D screen.
The immersive feeling of being in a video game is described upon entering a coffee shop and interacting with an NPC-like barista.
The humorous anecdote of spilling coffee and the subsequent Instagram photo highlights the modern obsession with social media.
A nostalgic conversation about childhood video games, particularly the speaker's favorite, 'Shrek 2', and the life lessons learned from it.
The challenges faced by a six-year-old in completing the final level of 'Shrek 2', leading to quitting the game.
The speaker's career dependency on screens and the impact of technology on daily life.
An Instagram photo session with Adam and playful interactions that mimic video game mechanics.
The experience of playing golf, the struggle of making contact with the ball, and the social aspect of sharing the achievement online.
An uncomfortable yet humorous encounter at Subway, where the speaker feels judged by onlookers and responds by ordering a sandwich with double mayo.
The speaker's attempt to flaunt a sandwich on Instagram at the beach, and the mention of an epic house on the beach.
The house's智能化 (smart home technology) is demonstrated by controlling various aspects via a smartphone.
A playful hide-and-seek game in the house and the confusion between art and reality in the bedroom.
The realization that the speaker's life resembles a video game, especially when equipping a plant in the bathroom.
The speaker's multitasking challenge of playing 'Shrek 2' while editing the video, showing a high level of engagement with the game.
The social commentary on the lack of genuine connection due to technology, as the speaker only sees Adam through a screen.
The use of Wander's concierge service to order pizza, showcasing the convenience of modern technology.
A shared experience of eating pizza and the awkward yet genuine interaction with the pizza delivery person, Jorge.
The struggle of getting into bed in a video game-like manner and the humorous attempt to FaceTime a significant other.
The speaker's self-reflection on screen time addiction and the decision to take a break from the phone.
The Tesla car experience with the house and the humorous consideration of driving while wearing a headset.
The artistic比拼 (competition) between the speaker and Adam, highlighting the speaker's confidence in their art skills.
The emotional experience of breaking the art pieces and the metaphorical connection to social media and self-comparison.
The final challenge of playing 'Shrek 2' to completion after 17 years, symbolizing a personal victory and a break from screen time.
The call to action for viewers to put down their controllers and go outside to play, emphasizing the importance of real-world interaction.
this is 3d this is 2g and this is 1d
i wish this video was about them pretty
much every video game i played growing
up was two dimensional meaning the
characters could only exist on the
planes of width and height i guess and
nowadays there's games that feel
three-dimensional right but since we
play them through a screen they still
lack that third dimension of true depth
i'm gonna be spending the next 50 hours
in this 2d headset which means i'm not
even close to the door am i
we're starting at a coffee shop you guys
sell coffee
yeah it's right behind you that sounds
an awful lot like something an npc would
say i immediately felt like i was in a
video game i made my coffee i paid for
it using money have a good one cheers
she didn't even ask what was going on
i took a photo for instagram then i
immediately spilled my coffee thanks 2d
and that's when the person i'm meeting
up with arrived there he is
this actually feels like a video game
really yeah what was your favorite video
game going on
i'm sorry my childhood just flashed
before my eyes my favorite video game
growing up was ironically the first one
i ever played and the only one i never
beat shrek 2. okay what makes this game
so special to me is i vividly remember
every morning waking up walking to my
playstation and learning actual life
lessons from this mirror dude he would
just drop wisdom like press the attack
button to attack a snail destroy the
mouse traps so the mice can pass safely
don't download instagram in 2013. but
the final fight against the fairy
godmother was completely impossible for
a six-year-old so eventually i quit on
the game moved on other games eventually
got an iphone and now my entire career
depends on a screen anyways hour three i
got an instagram photo for adam then i
played in the water a little bit it
looks so cool hour four i looked at this
pretty flower and then tried to high
five a random woman and then hour six we
let's go play some golf we are golfing
how's it going i actually made contact
on my first swing i have no idea where
that went i got a little too confident
and told adam to record some greatness
it took me 16 tries to hit that ball and
then i took some photos of it to flex on
my friends i got the ball in the hole in
hour seven we went to subway which was a
huge mistake
pretty pretty busy in here
every single person in this
establishment was laughing at me i think
probably because i look like a freak so
i did the one thing that all freaks do i
got a sandwich
with double mayo
wow brian is so cool and popular yeah so
i did not tell them to say that and i'm
not telling you to say that either i
went to the beach to flex my sandwich on
instagram and speaking of instagram adam
was telling me about this epic house on
the beach and last week i dm the company
that owns it to see if i can go inside
and look at it for this video and they
said i could spend the night so now this
video is sponsored i guess you gotta be
kidding me
thank you for sponsoring wander
unironically everything in this house is
controlled by your phone screen i just
unlocked a door
with my phone even i can tell this view
is crazy
quick iphone photo yep there it is how
about a tour the living room
i'm gonna hide and see if you can find
the dining room they gave me an
assortment of snacks the kitchen
i just turned on light bulbs with an app
confirming that this house is smarter
than i am then i made a coffee the
i can't tell which one of these is a
window and which one is art i'm playing
minecraft now that's what i'm doing i
don't know why i keep doing headset
the bathroom i haven't done this in a
few days
this literally just feels like a game
oh that's familiar oh gosh i equipped
the plant
how do i unequip it then i went to the
home gym with a sauna of course did some
walking rode on a bike i found wanderer
has a ton of cool houses across the u.s
and they're going to give away a free
trip to some of you guys if you sign up
to my link just make an account and you
can also become a founding member and
get a cool hoodie and tons of other cool
perks but in the meantime i'm gonna meet
up with that about the beach he should
be here any second i wasn't kidding he
was there five seconds later
spend with me
come here
while i was spinning with adam i
realized i hadn't even seen his real
face i'm literally only seeing him
through a screen and frankly he hasn't
seen my face either and probably neither
of you watching this video and oh you
suck oh sorry i'm trying to i'm
literally playing shrek 2 while editing
this video he's multitasking right now
it is so hard and magic mirror is woke
anyways back to spinning with adam
oh he's leaving
then we hung out for a bit
i'm watching him take a talk
here's a tip don't ever check your
screen time when other people are in the
room dude i averaged 10 hours 5 minutes
adam didn't say a word i immediately
regretted saying that honestly i'm
baffled that that is that high but it
makes sense because i feel sick of my
phone i'm like genuinely sick of going
on my phone yet i can't stop watching
snoop dogg dance like that anyways we
wanted pizza so i use wander's concierge
service and a guy named jorge pulled up
to our door with pizza jorge yep all
right cheers thank you oh
oh my gosh why am i so awkward all the
time i don't even know why i was trying
to shake his hand but his sincere
laughter made me feel better about
myself i'm i'm in 2d right now
that's nice
you want a slice well i'm good right now
thank you appreciate it all right jorge
i'll see you around man okay thank you
take care
that was the nicest man i've ever met
you want to eat this pizza
adam and i shared a pepperoni pizza like
some true gentlemen and then i said
goodbye he went home
yemen see you
at hour 16 i was trying to figure out
how to get into bed but you know it's so
hard to get in bed in video games i
don't know why i'm doing this
got it
i'm gonna facetime bae see if she
notices anything
looking gorgeous as per usual
you look so weird
will you smile honestly it looks like
and then we said good night i'm going a
i look like a raisin
bruh i have like zero toothpaste left
i've been using this too with two threes
for like two months i was able to
squeeze out an actual single atom of
toothpaste i struggled to put the cap on
and then i got brushing
i was somehow on my phone eight hours
yesterday how does that make any sense
that's absolutely sad i'm making it go
i'm gonna try to not go on my phone
today then i was on my phone taking
photos of the beach you can't make this
up on hour 25 i finally took a break
from my phone at least and then i
invited adam over because i wanted to
drive the tesla that comes with the
house wait you're gonna drive with the
headset off i can drive this i can drive
this thing
you can you can but
yeah this would have been pretty
dangerous i think
probably yeah what do you think about me
adam what do i think buddy yes thank you
kind goofy
we got coffees hour 28 i came back home
to make adam a sandwich threw down some
cheese some meat
double mayo like a freak and then we
danced with them dude this literally
looks like a painting for me
next thing i know jorge is at my door
with art supplies i hate you
sorry i'm talking about these trolls i
can't beat this game oh no way you
didn't yeah
anything you need so or hey you have a
great day appreciate it man
all right cheers i love him adam chose
to pain with me which is a huge mistake
because i took four years of art class
so i'm pretty much gonna destroy him
right now true painting
is never done dang that's deep we're
we did it
and now it's time to see our art two one
you're kidding me
dude this literally looks better than
what i'm seeing outside
that's comical dude i'm just gonna break
it just yeah i'm just kidding
adam left and then i broke his art and
then i broke my art
this is why i unfollowed everyone on
instagram i can't stop comparing myself
to people when i was 34 i watched tick
tocks on hour 36 i looked at cartoon
fire it was fun
and then i went to bed
i made a coffee as this challenge comes
to an end the sunrise was beautiful
but not as beautiful as adam entering
the door to help me celebrate good
i did it i survived 50 hours in 2d
whatever that means like i said i rushed
home to try to beat the last mission on
trek two 17 years since i last played it
by the way it took me six hours but i
did it i beat that old lady is that
offensive i'm sorry i was happy to see
shrek and fiona absolutely slapping each
other's lips together and now i just
regret not hearing what the mirror guy
had to say sooner shrek and fiona got
there happily ever after after all now
put down the controller and go outside
to play put down the controller and go
outside to play i'm serious
we're done really
press the button press the button press
the button press the button
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