STARFALL: FULL MOVIE (Minecraft Animation)
TLDR在这段紧凑的视频剧本中,主角们在宇宙中的冒险经历被精彩地描绘出来。故事以主角之一的CHIP被问及为何不去开门的场景开始,接着是一系列快节奏的对话,展现了主角们在太空船上紧张刺激的行动。他们似乎在逃避追捕,并在太空中寻找废弃的船只以逃避追踪。随着剧情的推进,主角们在Taetrum星球上的多次小规模冲突后,发现Cymari舰队在Arcturan边境集结,引发了公众对大规模冲突的担忧。主角Owen Ryder在Arcturan太空站遭遇法律问题,但他机智地避免了严重后果。Keira,另一位主角,试图说服Owen重新加入Strider,但Owen选择了忠于Arcturan联盟。他们接受了一项危险的任务,去Malagor星球的地热站内取回一个包裹,并计划雇佣Strider来协助。尽管任务充满了挑战,但他们依靠彼此的合作和智慧,最终成功带着宝贵的货物返回Arcturan家园。然而,当他们抵达时,却意外地发现他们的船上被检测到危险货物,引发了一场紧张的对峙。整个剧本充满了悬念和动作,引人入胜。
- 🚀 故事发生在一个科幻宇宙中,主要角色包括Owen Ryder和Keira,以及他们的机器人CHIP。
- ⏱ Owen和Keira在执行任务时展现了他们之间的默契和幽默感。
- 🔍 他们在宇宙中的一艘废弃飞船上找到了货物,并试图逃避追踪。
- 🤝 Keira试图说服Owen重新加入Striders,但Owen选择了忠于Arcturan Union。
- 🚧 Owen和Keira计划潜入Malagor的地热站以取回一个包裹,这个任务充满了危险。
- 💣 他们面临着Dread Pack的威胁,这是一个控制着有毒废土地区的敌对派系。
- 🛸 在执行任务的过程中,他们使用了各种飞船和设备,包括ATLAS飞船。
- 🚨 他们的行为引起了Arcturan法律的注意,Owen在没有许可证的情况下携带武器。
- 🔑 Keira和Owen在执行任务时展现了出色的团队合作和解决问题的能力。
- ⚔️ 故事中提到了Cymari舰队和Arcturan边界的紧张局势,暗示了更大的冲突。
- 🎉 最终,他们成功地完成了任务并返回了Arcturan家园,尽管面临了意外的挑战。
- 🚨 返回时,他们的船被检测到携带危险货物,导致了与Arcturan站的紧张对峙。
Q & A
为什么角色们认为到达某个地方的时间是'pretty fast'?
-他们提到了'Two minutes and thirty nine',这表明他们用了不到三分钟的时间就到达了目的地,因此认为这个速度相当快。
-从对话中的'Alright alright, well I guess we have something to work on.'可以看出,尽管他们的速度很快,但可能存在某些问题或挑战,需要进一步改进。
-从对话中'Is he following us?'和'Yeah he’s following us…huh.'可以看出,他们可能在逃避某些人或势力,担心被追踪意味着他们可能处于危险之中。
为什么说'I found this cargo fair and square'?
为什么提到了'Dread Pack'?
-'Dread Pack'可能是一个有势力的团体或组织,控制着某个区域,并且与主角们有某种冲突或利害关系,因此被提及。
为什么Keira和Owen Ryder要前往Malagor?
-Keira有一个合同,需要在Malagor的一个地热站内取回一个包裹。由于该地区由Dread Pack控制,他们需要潜入并偷走包裹。
为什么Owen Ryder不想重新加入Striders?
-Owen Ryder提到了他不想回到以前的生活方式,并且他想要一个不需要在混乱中挣扎的生活。这表明他对Striders过去的行为或生活方式有所反思和不满。
为什么Gharn对Owen Ryder加入Arcturan Union感到失望?
-Gharn曾是Owen Ryder的领导或同事,对Owen的背叛感到失望,因为Owen加入了Arcturan Union,这是Striders的对立面,这被视为对Striders的背叛。
为什么Keira和Owen Ryder在Arcturan空间站遭遇紧张局面?
🚀 太空追逐与货物争夺
🌌 星际政治与个人冲突
第二段涉及了星际政治紧张局势,特别是Cymari舰队在Arcturan边境的集结,引发了可能的大规模冲突的担忧。接着,主角Owen Ryder在Arcturan贸易区遭遇法律问题,被要求出示交易许可证。在一系列的对话中,Ryder与官员之间发生了微妙的权力博弈。Keira出现并与Ryder进行了简短的交流,表明她正在执行一项任务,需要Ryder的帮助。她透露了任务的细节,即在Malagor的地热站内取回一个包裹,并提到了需要雇佣Striders来协助。Ryder表达了对重新加入Striders的犹豫,但Keira坚持认为这是她个人的请求,并且他们可以信任彼此。
🔫 敌对势力的对峙
第三段描绘了主角们在Malagor的不愉快的欢迎,以及与Gharn的对话,Gharn是Striders的领导者。Gharn对Ryder加入Arcturan Union感到失望,并透露他一直在追踪Ryder。Keira试图说服Gharn让Ryder重新加入Striders,但Gharn提出了条件,要求Ryder先处理Dread Pack。Ryder坚持自己的选择,并表示他不会回到Striders,即使这意味着他的生命将处于危险之中。
⚔️ 决断与背叛
第四段展示了Ryder和Keira在没有Striders帮助下对抗Dread Pack的决心。Gharn同意了他们的条件,但警告说一旦任务完成,Striders将会来找Ryder。Keira和Ryder讨论了他们的处境,Ryder重申了他不想回到Striders的生活,而Keira虽然尊重他的选择,但也指出了即将到来的危险。他们准备出发去执行任务,尽管前方充满了挑战。
📦 神秘的货物与逃脱
⚠️ 意外的障碍与紧张的逃脱
第六段中,主角们在返回Arcturan家园的途中遭遇了意外的障碍。当他们接近Arcturan gate 25时,被要求验证身份并说明来意。尽管他们试图保持轻松的气氛,但很快就发现他们的飞船上被检测到了危险的货物。主角们试图解释情况,但最终被要求关闭引擎,否则将面临攻击。这段对话以紧张的气氛结束,主角们面临着未知的危险。
💡Arcturan Union
💡Dread Pack
💡Cymari Collective
💡Owen Ryder
公众对Cymari Collective的紧张关系可能导致的主要冲突表示担忧。
Owen Ryder被要求出示交易许可证,暗示了他的身份和当前的法律问题。
Owen Ryder和Keira之间的对话揭示了他们过去的联系和当前的困境。
Owen Ryder表达了他不再愿意回到Striders的生活,寻求更稳定的未来。
对话以一种紧张的对峙结束,Gharn对Owen Ryder的背叛表示失望。
CHIP, why don’t you get the door?
Two minutes and thirty nine. HA! I’d say that was pretty fast, huh?
Well it definitely wasn’t slow.
Alright alright, well I guess we have something to work on.
Is he following us?
Yeah he’s following us…huh.
Why do they always follow us?
H-hey buddy. I found this cargo fair and square, sorry, not sorry.
There are plenty of other derelict ships out here, look…look there’s one right over there.
Look I’m sure you can go and find-
He cut me off.
Ah, don’t worry CHIP. They wouldn’t risk damaging the cargo.
Ok! Never mind!
CHIP! Hit the button on your right!
No not that one. The big one.
No! No no no no no! The one next to that!
There’s our window! Let’s get out of here!
Let me see, uh, nope.
Ooh, that’s shiny, um- that’s not gonna work for this.
Hm? Hm.
Yeah no, nah, definitely not.
Oh, aha! Perfect.
Looking sharp, buddy.
After multiple skirmishes on Taetrum, ships from the Cymari fleet have been gathering on the Arcturan borders.
As tensions rise with the Cymari Collective, the public are concerned this could erupt into a major conflict.
What are you doing here?
Trying to scare you.
I wasn’t scared. Startled maybe.
Startled’s different than scared, right?
Uh... Keira?
Here we go…
Hello there, how can I be of-
Ah! Hey! Watch it. I like that gun.
Section 42 of Arcturan Law states civilians aren’t authorised to carry weapons in trading areas.
I'm gonna need that...
And Section 6, Paragraph 17 states trading permits are required to do business at Arcturan space ports. State your name.
Owen Ryder.
Mr Ryder, do you have a permit?
Shouldn’t your little device tell you that?
So you don’t have a permit.
I didn't say that.
So you do.
And I for sure didn’t say that.
Mr Ryder, need I remind you the consequences for insubordination.
Failure to provide the necessary documents will result in a fine.
Repeated offenses will result in more fines.
If the party involved does not wish to comply further, their assets and licenses will be confiscated
and the individual or individuals will be apprehended.
Is that clear?
Yes ma’am! Loud and clear!
Now collect your permit and leave.
And no weapons next time!
I can see why you like it here.
All these rules are... exhausting.
I think I handled that quite well, don’t you?
Uh huh...does this belong to you?
I was wondering where I’d put that.
What are you doing here, Keira?
You never venture this close to faction space.
*gasp* CHIP!
Who’s my favourite droid? Yes you are!
Oh, what a good boy. What a good, cute boy!
Can I not simply visit my beloved friend?
And you as well I guess.
But, you’re right, I’m on business. I could use your help.
And by business, you mean…?
I have a contract to retrieve a package on Malagor.
It’s located inside one of the geothermal stations out in the toxic wastelands.
Apparently the Dread Pack have control of that sector.
We’ll need to break in, steal the package and return it to the Arcturan home world.
The place is heavily fortified so we’ll need to stop by and hire a few Striders to assist us.
Please don’t make me repeat all that.
Keira… I appreciate you looking out for me, but...
I’m no longer a Strider… I quit, remember?
And besides, you know the crime for leaving.
They’ll want me dead if they found out I joined an opposing faction.
This isn’t a contract for the Striders, it’s for me.
I’m asking for their help, but that’s as far as it goes.
It shouldn’t be a problem anyway, Gharn has no reason to suspect you joined the Arcturan Union.
I want their help, but I also need people I can trust.
And you look like you could use the work.
*sigh* Well...
Sounds like you need quite the pilot to get you there.
And I figured you missed having me around.
I know someone did.
It’s good to see you again.
Yeah... you too.
This is Arcturan gate 25, please state your business.
Uhh- Hey Arcturan station! This is the ATLAS requesting permission to travel.
Roger, ATLAS. Stand by for clearance.
They really have you bowing at their feet, huh?
Ship registration verified, you may begin your approach.
Never thought I’d see Malagor again.
Well…it’s nice to have a warm welcome.
Slow down CHIP, it isn’t safe here.
We’ll be back soon, ok?
I can see why you like it here.
Oh come on Gharn, give me a break. My ship’s engines gave up on me, piece of junk.
Oh, and my team, oh man, I tried telling them what to do, but did they listen?
Nope! No, they didn't.
It’s not easy when incompetent fools can’t follow simple orders.
I keep hearing excuses, Garrick, you’re not giving me any results.
*tch* It wasn’t my fault, man. These weapons break down at the worst times.
Maybe if you gave me some better ones, I’d actually have a chance.
Four contracts, four failures. I’m beginning to lose my patience.
Well if you weren’t so tight on payments, maybe I’d have a bit more incentive to get the job done.
I think I see what the problem is.
Haha! You think you got problems? Oh boy, lemme tell ya.
I have a whole list of problems!
As my day grows darker, suddenly it’s made a little brighter.
Keira... to what do I owe the pleasure?
I see you’ve chosen to shoot your problems away.
A minor inconvenience. Garrick wasn’t quite as… effective as you.
Though your recent lack of contracts is adding to my list of concerns.
Surely you could find another Strider to fill my shoes?
Besides, I’ve had my own business to take care of.
Part of which has led me here.
And what is this... business you speak of?
The Dread Pack have something of mine.
It’s guarded of course, but nothing the Striders can’t handle.
You’ve wanted them dealt with for some time, right?
Indeed. Well it shouldn’t be hard for someone of...
your reputation.
You flatter me.
And all of this wouldn’t be a problem of course…
had Owen Ryder not joined the Arcturan Union.
Owen... you disappoint me.
To think, a once great Strider turning their back on it all.
And for what?
That wretched faction continues to expand into our territory…
and now you’ve elected to aid them.
Yes… I had you tracked the moment you joined the Union.
Part of me is grateful you eluded one of my Striders.
Now I have the opportunity to eliminate you myself.
Hold up. It was me who convinced Owen to join the Union.
Things got dicey for us back then, I figured protection from a faction would keep him safe.
He kneels before the Union now, I will not allow such filth into our guild.
Come on, Gharn, it wouldn’t be hard for Owen to leave the faction and re-enlist with the Striders.
You could certainly do with the replacement.
Your persistence is relentless, Keira.
I will accept these terms.
Then we have a deal.
The decision to join the Arcturan Union was mine, Keira had nothing to do with it.
I still stand by my choice.
Is that so?
Let us deal with the Dread Pack, you want them gone, right?
If we succeed, great, if not… well you wanted me dead anyway.
You don’t even need to risk your Striders.
How… unfortunate.
You have a spark of tenacity… Owen Ryder.
Very well, deal with the Dread Pack on your own, I will grant you this much.
But when the job is done, my Striders will come for you.
And Keira...
We shall discuss your… deception...
when you return.
Owen, without their help, we’ll be seriously putting our lives in danger.
We had everything worked out-
Yeah, except for the part about me re-joining the Striders!
I can’t go back to that way of life, not after everything we did.
Yeah, the factions aren’t perfect,
but I want a life where I don’t need to claw my way through the chaos.
At least in the chaos there is a balance to things.
Everyone has the same freedom to live whatever life they want to lead.
I made my choice, Keira. I’m sorry.
Are you sure that’s what you want?
I’m certain of it.
Then... I guess there's no other way.
*sigh* Come on, let’s head out.
A few guards near the landing area. The rest of them must be inside.
Let’s handle this like we did back on Galeston.
You mean when I dragged you unconscious back to the ship?
Ok, maybe not exactly like Galeston.
How’d I do, CHIP?
Yeah, yeah you would say that.
You’re up, CHIP! Work your magic.
*phew* That wasn’t so bad.
Not as bad as your timing.
You were saying?
This must be it. How do we move this thing?
Not that one...nope…this one? Why would it be that one?...
Oh, haha…that's right, It’s the green one. I knew that.
What do you think’s inside?
I’d like to think it’s something no one’s going to miss.
You know, like a box of socks or something.
Fifty thousand credits for a box of socks?
Maybe they’re really nice socks.
Hey we're home CHIP! Clear the cargo bay, we’ve got quite the package.
Owen! Get down!!
CHIP! Help me out buddy!
Yeah, I’m on it CHIP! Hold on!
Come on come on come on…
All aboard!
Thank you for choosing Air ATLAS! Destination:
the hell outa here!
Wooo! Did you see that? Ha!
We were so close to death, but as always I’m the one pulling you out of the fire!
Yes I am! Every time.
I was enjoying myself.
If it weren’t for me we’d be leaving empty handed.
Alright Keira, I guess you can take some credit.
I owe you one.
More than one.
Soon we can fix the cargo bay door, add some bigger guns to the front of the ATLAS-
*gasp* Oooh CHIP! We can finally get that paint job you always wanted!
This job’s really gonna get us back on our feet. Thanks Keira.
Ahahahaaa, the Arcturan home world.
See Keira? That’s what I call a warm welcome.
Fwaah, look at all those ships…
security seems tighter than usual.
Are the Cymari fleet this close already?
ATLAS we’re detecting unusual signals on board. Please verify.
Uhh negative on that one buddy, everything’s fine and dandy over here, mhm.
Stand by, scan in progress. Continue your approach.
What’s... going on?
Scan complete. We’re detecting dangerous cargo aboard your vessel.
Please power down your engines or we will fire on you.
Woah woah! Hahaha... h-hold on there.
We’ve just come here to make a trade that’s all!
What did we...?
ATLAS power down immediately! Please respond!
4.8 / 5 (41 votes)

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