I Invited 100 Celebrities To My Birthday
TLDR视频脚本讲述了一个年轻人为了吸引他的朋友Mr Beast参加他的生日派对,计划邀请100位名人,希望他们能帮他说服Gordon Ramsay出现。他通过Instagram私信了多位名人,包括Noah Schnapp、Seth Rogen、Peyton Manning等,但大多数没有回应。尽管如此,他还是收到了David Henry的回复,表示无法参加。最后,尽管没有名人出席,他意识到真正的朋友和家人才是最重要的。视频以一个温馨的结局结束,强调了真诚友谊的价值。
- 🎉 主角计划邀请100位名人参加他的生日派对,希望借此吸引Gordon Ramsay和Mr Beast的注意。
- 🤔 主角通过Instagram私信多位名人,使用了各种策略和玩笑来吸引他们的注意。
- 😂 主角在私信中展现了幽默感,包括对名人的调侃和自己的生日愿望。
- 📸 主角提到了使用颠倒的照片发送邀请,以及对某些名人之间的所谓“beef”进行了幽默的提及。
- 🎈 主角为了吸引名人,提到了其他已经确认参加的名人,试图制造一种名人都会出席的假象。
- 👥 主角意识到可能不会有名人真正出席,但他依然保持乐观,并继续邀请更多的名人。
- 🎁 主角提到了制作自己的商品并在Shopify上开设网店,这是视频中的一个赞助内容。
- 📅 主角在生日前的几天内加紧联系名人,并期待他们的回复。
- 🎊 在生日当天,除了他的妻子Haley外,没有名人出现,但最后他意识到真正的朋友才是最重要的。
- 👫 主角最终被他真正的朋友们惊喜,他们由Haley秘密邀请,让主角感受到了友情的温暖。
- ❤️ 主角最后领悟到,重要的不是社交媒体上的粉丝数量或者名人的出席,而是能与真正的朋友共度时光。
Q & A
视频中提到的Mr Beast是谁?
-Mr Beast是一位知名的YouTuber,以其慷慨和进行大型社会实验而闻名。
为什么主角想要邀请Gordon Ramsay来参加他的生日派对?
-主角想要邀请Gordon Ramsay来参加他的生日派对是因为他想通过这种方式吸引Mr Beast的注意,以此来加深他们之间的友谊。
主角为什么认为邀请100位名人参加他的生日派对就能让Gordon Ramsay出现?
-主角认为,如果足够多的名人出席他的生日派对,这将增加Gordon Ramsay出席的可能性,因为名人的聚集可能会吸引Gordon Ramsay的兴趣。
视频中提到的'The Upside Down'是什么?
-'The Upside Down'是电视剧《怪奇物语》中的一个虚构地点,是故事中主要的恐怖和超自然事件的发生地。
-主角在视频中提到了多位名人,包括但不限于Noah Schnapp、Seth Rogen、Peyton Manning、Jimmy Fallon、Conan O'Brien、Millie Bobby Brown、Keanu Reeves、Michael B Jordan、LeBron James、Snoop Dogg、Eminem、Ariana Grande、Jonas Brothers、Willem Dafoe、Andrew Garfield、David Henry等。
为什么主角认为Michael Jordan可能会对他的邀请感兴趣?
-主角认为Michael Jordan可能会对他的邀请感兴趣,因为他提到了'LeBron is the goat',暗示他认为LeBron James是篮球史上最伟大的球员,这可能会引起Michael Jordan的注意。
-主角提到了多种策略,包括直接发送私信给名人、利用名人之间的关系网络(如提到Ariana Grande的'BFF'Jonas Brothers)、以及使用幽默和创造性的语言来吸引注意力。
🎉 生日派对策划:邀请名人与Mr Beast的友谊考验
该段落讲述了视频主角对于即将到来的生日派对的期待和焦虑。他不确定与Mr Beast的友谊状态,于是通过朋友Isaiah询问Mr Beast是否会出席。当得知Mr Beast不会来时,他计划邀请100位名人,希望通过他们吸引Gordon Ramsay,进而让Mr Beast改变主意。视频中显示了主角给多位名人发送邀请的过程,包括Noah Schnapp、Seth Rogen、Joe Rogan、Peyton Manning、Jimmy Fallon等,以及他们的反应或缺乏反应。此外,还提到了与Doja Cat和Michael B Jordan的互动,以及对LeBron James的提及。整个段落充满了幽默和自嘲,展现了主角为了确保生日派对成功而采取的创造性和坚持不懈的努力。
📱 名人邀请记:坚持不懈的社交媒体互动
这段落继续描述了主角在社交媒体上向更多名人发送生日派对邀请的过程。他尝试通过各种方式吸引他们的注意,包括利用他们的兴趣点和一些幽默的双关语。例如,他提到了给Snoop Dogg发信息邀请他来抚摸自己的狗,给Eminem发送与'orange'押韵的词,以及给Ariana Grande发送信息,试图通过提及她的好朋友Jonas Brothers来吸引她。此外,主角还提到了与Shopify的合作,鼓励观众通过这个平台开展自己的业务。整个段落充满了尝试和希望,展现了主角为了实现生日派对目标所做的努力和创造性思维。
🎂 生日派对实况:意外的朋友和真正的庆祝
在最后一段中,主角描述了生日派对当天的情景。尽管他邀请了100位名人,但最初没有人出现,让他感到失望。然而,随着时间的推移,他的妻子Haley到达,随后是Mr Beast,以及其他一些非名人的朋友。主角意识到,尽管名人的出席很令人兴奋,但最终,与真正的朋友和家人共度时光才是生日庆祝的真正意义。视频以主角对真正朋友的感激和对社交媒体名人追求的一定程度的讽刺结束,强调了人际关系的真正价值。
💡Mr Beast
💡Gordon Ramsay
周末是主人公的生日,但他不确定与Mr Beast的友谊状态,因此他让朋友Isaiah询问Mr Beast是否会参加生日派对。
主人公计划邀请100位名人参加他的生日派对,希望借此吸引Gordon Ramsay和Mr Beast的注意。
主人公以幽默的方式通过Instagram私信邀请多位名人,包括Noah Schnapp和Seth Rogen。
Keanu Reeves确认参加生日派对,给主人公带来了惊喜。
主人公尝试通过联系Michael B Jordan和Michael Jordan来增加派对的吸引力。
尽管被告知LeBron James是篮球史上最伟大的球员,主人公还是选择了支持Michael Jordan。
主人公收到了David Henry(《Wizards of Waverly Place》中的演员)的回复,他感谢邀请但无法参加。
主人公直接向Gordon Ramsay发送了一条坦率的消息,希望他能出席生日派对。
my birthday is this weekend and I'm not
really sure where I'm at with Mr Beast
in terms of our friendship so I have my
friend Isaiah ask him if he's coming to
my birthday party Jimmy are you coming
to Ryan's party this weekend
no and I told him if he said no to say
Jordan Ramsey's gonna be there oh God
don't did he actually get Gordon Ramsay
are you coming so now I'm in a pickle
because Gordon Ramsay is not coming to
my birthday party or is he
here's my plan I'm gonna be inviting 100
celebrities to my birthday party and
hopes that somehow they help me get
Gordon Ramsay to show up
so that Mr Beast will as well
I can tell you right now that these
celebrities see these messages so it's
up to me to fight to get to Gordon I've
got to start at the bottom
get it it says yo Noah schnapps want to
come to my b-day party this weekend I
sent it upside down because you know
because the antagonist of the show
stranger things primarily exists in a
place called The Upside noja cat you're
up I am aware of the beef between Noah
and Doja but get into it yeah my b-day
party that is oh snap
Rogan who I apparently DM three years
ago Seth Rogen more like Seth jokin also
spelled his name wrong
set come on
how much for my b day
you guys related thanks when I say Joe
I'm referring to Joe Rogan please join
us that sounded super cruelty the only
Cults I care about are the Indianapolis
Peyton Manning please come DJ at my
birthday party I'm making soup call that
Super Bowl
Jimmy Fallon hey Jimmy I told Dr Phil a
joke using your name and then he didn't
adopt me as his grandson
uh what do you call a late night talk
show host who lost his balance
Jimmy Fallon
needless to say I will never reach out
to a late night talk show host again
Conan O'Brien you pulling up to my b-day
Millie Bobby Brown are you Millie Bobby
down to come to my birthday party Keanu
Reeves is coming
Keanu please come to my birthday I know
this is a fan account but please let him
send cringe Emoji yikes Michael B Jordan
more like Michael B attending my
birthday party this weekend haha
give me a shout there's no way Michael B
Jordan is replying to me I'm reaching
out to Michael Jordan my cousin said
LeBron is the goat so I cut him off I
blocked him on every social media
platform including be real because
that's the fakest thing I've ever heard
you're the goat
LeBron James
are you
don't judge I dm'd a bunch of older
celebrities who probably have better
things to do than come to my birthday
party like I don't know take care of
their children or run errands I don't
know but it's worth a shot I only need a
few angles to have a strong reason for
Gordon to come to my birthday party and
say what are you and I'll be like 24.
that would be a dream come true the game
plan is being executed to Perfection
there's only five days left until my
birthday and this party is happening
whether celebrities like it or not and
crazy enough Doja cat saw RDM just now
she didn't reply but someone else did
let's see who DMS me
yeah it was just it was Haley
she said can I come to your birthday but
yes Haley you can come to my birthday
party she heard me filming for sure
that's the cool thing about marriage is
that you always have at least one person
who shows up to your birthday
so that's cute you know I don't really
see a future at this party
so I'm dming him hey future can you come
to my birthday party and give me a
get it present it's like uh he's few
genuinely though wondering if you could
bring me a gift hey Snoop Dogg this is
my dog spot he's gonna be at my birthday
party if you're interested in petting
him how much does Snoop Dogg like dogs
next up Eminem what rhymes with orange
imagine he sends back a voicemail
cinnamon finnamon off from an infinite
all Venom and hot venomous cinnamon next
up Ariana Grande
of course I just have a super creepy DM
sent to her three years ago that was
like my Peak celebrity weird era but
we're topping it so Ariana Grande I know
you're going to want to come to my
birthday party because your actual BFF
just confirmed they're pulling up
that'll pique your interest who is her
actual BFF you may ask
what's up Jonas Brothers
I am whoa I'm a shark buzz buzz I don't
make that noise anyways
just wanted to invite you guys to my
party throwing a birthday bash uh here
in Texas let me know oh don't worry
about presents or anything so
Jonas out I don't know I'm naming the
group my birthday party
please open moving on to Willem Dafoe
one of the greatest actors of all time
and the first person to give me a
nightmare from watching a movie Yo
Willem Dafoe huge fan I'm having a party
I'm Chipotle catering and there's gonna
be free guac for attendees you ain't
gonna be the only Green Goblin this
weekend fire Emoji fire Emoji shush
Emoji this account has 358 followers
next up Andrew Garfield you're the best
Spider-Man and please come to my
birthday you're the best Spider-Man
please come to my birthday you're the
best Spider-Man please come to my
birthday you're the best Spider-Man
please come to my birthday you're the
best Spider-Man please come to my
group oh no I sent that to Markiplier
jacksepticeye just got my results back
I'm 68 Irish
I really did I just got my genetic
ancestry back I'm 68 Irish next post
Malone my favorite artist of all time yo
postie I'm having a birthday party this
weekend in Austin if you're free byra I
keep using fire emojis it just makes it
seem more exciting than it is you could
put a fire Emoji behind anything and it
feels like it's got hype behind it just
farted fire Emoji boom easy just knitted
a sweater
fire Emoji just put new shingles on my
fire Emoji I'm telling you it's it's a
thing I should probably find some other
emojis to use but anyways I DM some more
like older celebrities that probably
have an assistant or something that
checks their Instagram these people
aren't going to respond back to me but I
can say speaking from the future that I
will get a reply that the next time you
see me I will have a genuine celebrity
response okay guys we're running out of
time we've got two days until my
birthday party I got a verified check
cake celebrities are seeing my messages
but don't seem to be responding except
for what David Henry responded it's the
guy from Wizards of Waverly Place I mean
he's not gonna be able to make it but
that's he said thank you for the invite
that's that's crazy dude no sweat just
getting a headcount
haha okay this is a good sign I feel
like I should go after some more Disney
stars okay so Debbie Ryan Debbie Ryan
you were my first celebrity crush I'm
married now and an adult I'm having my
birthday party this weekend would be
sweet if you came
oh wait but this is Matt Ryan what
happened there next Demi Lovato Demi
m-a-m-e hey yo hey yeah please respond
by October 7th Selena Gomez she's 349
million followers that's a millionth of
every day of the week that's not true
that's bad math wanna Gomez to my
birthday party
oh no it says go Max Gomez dang it now I
ruin the execution okay guys I grew up
watching Shark Tank with my dad on
Friday nights such a core memory for me
I've got all the sharks here in a group
chat this is my opportunity that I've
always dreamed of
hi sharks I'm looking for thirty dollars
in exchange for this t-shirt I made I'm
not very good at merch but I gave it a
shot in fact I built the website myself
too using Shopify Shopify is actually
the sponsor of this video
are you proud of me Barbara Shopify is a
Commerce platform through and through
they give you all the tools you need to
launch a small business or the next
million dollar company I'm looking at
you mark okay yes this is me plugging my
merch drop but I worked super hard on it
and you guys have been cheering me on
you've been supporting starting a little
business can be scary and overwhelming
but Shopify enables the everyday person
to be able to chase their dreams and
start something so if you're like me and
you've been wanting to start your own
thing go for it this is your sign you
can get a free trial at Shopify at
shopify.com Ryan Trahan even if you
can't buy it or don't want a Yeehaw
hoodie it's totally fine I'm just really
excited to be getting out of my comfort
zone with howdy howdy it's so fun and
there are only 48 Hours remaining to
pre-order this drop that's it so don't
miss out unless you don't care I mean
that's fine too
oh my goodness it did text to speech
yeah well it's honest for that reason
I'm out
I DM to some more famous old people
until I got down to one of the Final
Bosses is their last name property has
anyone looked this up that would be
crazy I'm just gonna cut to the chase
guys please respond in the next 24 hours
this is important
oh here we go Gordon Ramsay this is a
shot in the dark you know I've got
nothing no leads he follows 7 500 people
I'm not one of them something to tell
you all
official there is pineapple
on the pizza goodness gracious it's
worse than I thought I'm gonna send a
message to Gordon unless I get a
response overnight oh yep I mean I've
basically been harassing him for the
past three years so
yeah hey Gordon I'm gonna be honest here
man I'm in a pickle I told Mr Beast that
you were coming to my birthday party
because I thought it would impress him
enough to get you to come the truth is
there's no Shadow you even know I exist
some people say you could be my
biological father which isn't far from
the truth however I couldn't cook a Hot
Pocket if my life depended on it so I'll
cut right to the chase
my birthday is tomorrow
and I would love for you to be there
if not I'm gonna have a lot of
explaining to do what do you say
they always say Yeehaw but they never
ask call Yee
might as well go straight to the source
what's up guys that's right it's my
birthday quiet down quiet down yeah but
the party's going on already so
no one is here
absolutely nobody showed up look at this
I got howdy celebs we've got exactly 100
chairs here
I hear a car and this is either gonna be
my wife or Doja cat
let's see come on
come on oh it's Haley hey
you look nice thank you where is
everyone we've got 100 seats or actually
we've got 98 remaining
98 who's the two it's you and me yeah
right I got a verified check cake made
we got howdy cookies made and like a
penny can you guys just Spam happy
birthday in the comments
I hear another car
okay I'll be back genuinely though I'm
hoping Mr B shows up it's he knows it's
happening he knows the address
oh gosh he's beckoning
no way
it'd be weird if I said it again
I'm gonna do it anyway let's party
wow would you look at that all these
people at my party and they're not even
celebrities and I had no idea Haley
invited everyone it was such a pleasant
surprise these are my real friends and
at the end of the day that's what it's
all about it's not about the blue check
on your Instagram account it's about the
people that you can really be yourself
that was kind of awkward
fire Emoji
love you guys bye
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