The Adventures of Paddington Bear - Paddington in Paris | Classic Cartoons for Kids HD
TLDRهذا النص يحكي قصة熊本، الدب الذهن، الذي يبدأ بحياة جديدة في إنجلترا بعد مغادرته من بيرو.熊本 يعيش في جناح ويندسور ويحاول دائمًا مساعدة الآخرين وحل المشاكل. يشارك熊本 في بيع أشياءً قديمة في سوق السيارات ولكن يفشل في البيع. بعد ذلك، يحاول熊本 الانضمام إلى عالم الأزياء ولكن يفشل في ذلك أيضًا. في النهاية، يختار熊本 العودة إلى حياة العائلة والأصدقاءه في 32 جناح ويندسور، مما يظهر مشاعر الانتماء والأمان به. القصة ت訴ب القيم الجميلة مثل الود والشرف والشجاعة.
- 🧳 **Paddington小熊离开秘鲁独自前往英格兰,开始了新生活。**
- 🏰 **他在温莎花园找到了一个家,总是尽力帮助每个人。**
- 🔍 **当问题出现时,Paddington从不放弃,总能找到解决问题的方法。**
- 🤝 **他友好且有礼貌,尽管有时会陷入困境。**
- 🗣️ **Paddington好奇心强,直言不讳,但麻烦总是紧随其后。**
- 🎵 **音乐是故事中的一个元素,伴随着情节的发展。**
- 🧳 **在一次阁楼的清理中,Paddington和Brown先生计划将不需要的物品在汽车尾箱销售中出售。**
- 📦 **由于Brown先生生病,原定的销售计划被迫取消,但Curry先生提出了一个替代方案。**
- 🎭 **在一次时尚拍摄中,Paddington无意中影响了服装的设计,使其更具有生活气息。**
- 🎼 **Paddington被发现有唱歌的天赋,并被邀请参加歌剧演出。**
- 🏠 **尽管有成为明星的机会,Paddington选择回到Windsor Gardens的家中,与家人和朋友在一起。**
- 🎉 **故事以Paddington在家庭和朋友中的幸福生活结束,强调了家庭和忠诚的重要性。**
Q & A
هل تشير النص إلى أن بارينغتون بير قد يعيش حياة جديدة في إنجلترا؟
-نعم، النص يشير إلى أن بارينغتون بير قد تغيرت حياته ويعيش الآن في ويندسور جاردن سبيس.
ماذا يحاول بارينغتون بير أن يفعل عندما يظهر مشكلة؟
-بارينغتون بير يحاول دائمًا أن يجد حلًا ويساعد الجميع.
ماذا يقترح مستر براون لترتيب الفوضى في الأتيك؟
-يقترح مستر براون بائع السيارات (car boot sale) حيث يبيع الناس أشيائهم.
ماذا يحدث عندما يحاول بارينغتون بير المساعدة في بيع أشياءً في بائع السيارات؟
-بارينغتون يجد نفسه يبيع أشياءً لبعض الناس ولكنه يفشل في بيع الأثاث العتيق من مستر كوري.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية لبيع الأثاث العتيق من مستر كوري؟
-النتيجة النهائية هي أن بارينغتون يشتري الأثاث العتيق بنفسه، وهو يحاول أن يساعد مستر كوري.
ماذا يحدث في الأحداث التي تدور حول التصوير الأزياء؟
-بارينغتون يساعد في تصميم ملابس الأزياء التي تظهر في التصوير، مما يؤدي إلى تغيير مظهر الملابس بشكل كبير.
لماذا يختار بارينغتون بير العودة إلى حياة عادية بعد الظهور في التصوير الأزياء؟
-بارينغتون يختار العودة إلى حياة عادية لأنه يفضل أن يكون قطًا وعيش مع عائلته بدلاً من العيش كنجم.
ماذا يحدث عندما يحاول بارينغتون بير التدريب على الأداء في الأوبرا؟
-بارينغتون يجد أن التدريب على الأداء في الأوبرا صعبًا، ولكنه يستمر في المحاولة ويُقدّم بجدية.
ماذا تحاول مدام كاسيني في تعليم بارينغتون الأداء في الأوبرا؟
-تحاول مدام كاسيني تعليم بارينغتون كيفية التنفس من ال季膈 (diaphragm) بشكل صحيح لتحسين صوته.
ماذا يحدث في النهاية مع بارينغتون بعد الأداء في الأوبرا؟
-بارينغتون يختار البقاء في المنزل البراون وعدم الذهاب في جولة عالمية لأنه يريد مواصلة العيش كقارس عادي.
ماذا تشير الأحداث الأخيرة إلى حول الشخصية والقيم الشخصية لبارينغتون بير؟
-الأحداث الأخيرة تشير إلى أن بارينغتون بير هو قطًا شريفًا وودعًا يهتم بالعائلة والأصدقاء أكثر من النجاح والشهرة.
🧳 Paddington's New Life and Car Boot Sale Adventure
The first paragraph introduces Paddington Bear's journey from Peru to England, where he is welcomed by the Browns and begins a new life. Paddington is depicted as a helpful, friendly, and curious character who finds himself in sticky situations. The narrative then shifts to the Browns' attempt to organize a car boot sale to deal with their clutter. They plan to sell various items, but due to Mr. Brown falling ill, the sale is nearly called off. However, Mr. Curry steps in and offers to take Paddington to the sale himself, leading to a humorous series of events at the car boot sale.
🎨 Paddington's Impact on the Fashion World
In the second paragraph, Paddington and the Browns encounter a fashion shoot and become entangled in the world of fashion. Paddington's unique perspective and suggestions inadvertently influence the designer's approach to the fashion show. The designer, initially skeptical, ends up embracing Paddington's ideas, which include the use of everyday, practical clothing and the incorporation of personal items like Paddington's marmalade-stained hat. This leads to a successful and entertaining fashion show that is well-received by the audience.
🎭 Paddington's Opera Debut and Decision
The third paragraph describes Paddington's unexpected foray into the world of opera. Mrs. Cassini, an opera diva, discovers Paddington's singing talent and offers to train him. Despite the rigorous training and the prospect of becoming a star, Paddington ultimately decides that he prefers his simple life at 32 Windsor Gardens with the Browns. He turns down the opportunity for fame and a world tour, choosing instead to remain a bear and live among his friends.
🎼 Paddington's Opera Practice and Mr. Curry's Misunderstanding
In the fourth paragraph, Paddington's opera practice at home with Mrs. Cassini is interrupted by Mr. Curry, who mistakes the loud singing for a disturbance. Paddington's dedication to his opera training is contrasted with Mr. Curry's lack of understanding and appreciation for the art. The humor arises from Mr. Curry's confusion and the exaggerated reactions of those around Paddington to his vocal exercises.
🌟 Paddington's Final Opera Performance and Homecoming
The final paragraph concludes with Paddington's opera performance, which is a success, and his decision to return home, foregoing the offer of a world tour and superstardom. The Browns express their longing for Paddington's return, and there's a sense of relief when he chooses his life with them over the glamorous but unfamiliar world of fame. The paragraph ends on a heartwarming note, with Paddington being celebrated for his loyalty and the Browns for having such a devoted family member.
💡Paddington Bear
💡Car Boot Sale
💡Cultural Exchange
Paddington Bear starts a new life in England, demonstrating his helpful and friendly nature.
The Browns suggest a car boot sale to declutter their home.
Paddington and Mr. Curry attend the car boot sale, where Paddington's honesty contrasts with Mr. Curry's business tactics.
Paddington mistakenly sells Mr. Curry's antique table, thinking it's a fake.
Mr. Curry generously gives up his share of the profits after realizing the table was sold.
Paddington's unique fashion sense influences a high-end fashion show.
The real fashion designer appreciates Paddington's authenticity and incorporates it into his designs.
Paddington is discovered by an opera singer and is invited to perform on stage.
Paddington's opera performance is a hit, but he chooses to remain with his family instead of pursuing fame.
The Browns and Mrs. Bird express their love and appreciation for Paddington's humility and kindness.
Paddington's curiosity and polite demeanor win over the people he meets.
Mr. Gruber shares the secret to a successful car boot sale - piling items high and selling them cheap.
Paddington's perspective on life is portrayed as viewing everything as if it's brand new.
The Browns consider various ways to deal with their clutter, including selling items at a car boot sale and repairing their old chair.
Paddington's innocent mistake with the antique table leads to a valuable life lesson about honesty and integrity.
Mr. Curry's initial disappointment with the car boot sale outcome is transformed into a selfless act of generosity.
Paddington's influence on the fashion world showcases the power of authenticity and individuality.
The fashion designer's willingness to adapt and appreciate Paddington's unique style demonstrates the importance of embracing diversity.
Paddington's humility and desire to stay true to his roots, despite the opportunity for fame, highlights his strong character and values.
left Peru and sailed to England alone
there he met the grounds and they took
him home
now a new life has begun he's Windsor
Garden space cause he always does his
best to help everyone
when a problem appears he never misses a
beat and always finds a way to land on
his feet as his very own unique point of
looks at everything as if it's brand new
he is friendly and polite and he tries
to do things right but he gets in sticky
messes just the same he's curious and
speaks his mind but troubles never far
behind it's Paddington Bear he's one of
a kind I'm running to bear
in the Attic it one day found anything
up there at all it's cluttered from top
to bottom
come along Paddington well put them in
the cupboard under the stairs for the
time being
I don't think there's any room for your
clubs Mr Brown
all right then we'll put them in the
oh I forgot this is where I put the
Overflow from the attic we really must
do something about all this mess Henry
you're right everything should go
even my favorite chair from college
but where would everything go to Mr
a car boot sale people drive up in their
cars and sell all kinds of things
perhaps we can sell some of your clutter
at tomorrow's sale Mr Gruber says the
secret of a car boot sale is to pile
things high and sell them cheap people
are always on the lookout for bargains
what a good idea you two can go to the
car boot sale while we do the weekly
shopping right then well get started and
sort out everything right after lunch
I think you're going to need a bigger
boot Mr Brown
yeah it's getting late I'll put the roof
rack on now and first thing tomorrow
morning we'll finish loading up the car
now what have we here
I'm ready to go to the sale Mr Brown oh
I'm afraid we'll have to call it off
Paddington let's see two picked up a
is there anything I can do until Mrs
Brown and Mrs bird get back oh you might
put everything back in the garage
we don't want every Tom Dick and Harry
helping themselves
oh who's the curry for that letter
fits like a glove
find us Keepers as they say
that looked perfect in my living room
if you're interested in that chair Mr
Curry I can sell it to you for a good
price and that jacket is a very good
bargain at one pound one pound whatever
you talking about bear we were going to
sell all this at the car boot sale but
Mr Brown's ill so we can't go is that so
come along bear I have an idea
oh it's very kind of you to suggest
taking Paddington to the sale Mr Curry
it'll be a pleasure I'll gladly
contribute some of my own Antiques and
we can split the profits 50 50.
fine you could take my car but I shall
expect it back in pristine condition
be careful of my table there it's pretty
new humble ever suspect there is a hole
but isn't that dishonest Mr Curry all's
fair in business only the Sharks
survived but I'm not a shark Mr Curry
I'm a bear
don't these people know a bargain when
they see one
perhaps you're asking too much Mr Gruber
says we should pile things high and sell
them cheap you'll never get rich by
undercutting your profit margin man
it's a 20 pounds
it's outrageous
what you are I
particle handed down to me by my great
great grandfather personal valet to the
Duke of Canterbury
really well I never oh no it's far too
delicate to be exposed to the harsh rays
of the sun it's still too expensive 10
pounds I'll take it be careful of the
hole in the back
the Duke of Canterbury indeed
you've lost a perfectly good sail bear
you sell your things and I'll sell mine
let's see how well you get on left your
own devices
but it's still 50 50 because I drove you
all right there you win
what was that catchy phrase you had pile
them high and sell them cheap
suppose you'd care to try your poor at
piling up mine
would you it's thirsty work Mr Curry of
course of course I'll gladly fit you
some refreshments you just get down to
Mr Gruber thanks to you I've sold all of
the Browns things but I'm afraid I
haven't been able to sell anything of Mr
curries not even that antique table
I'm not surprised Mr Brown it's a fake
If Ever I saw one and not a very good
one at that just look at the way the
legs are glued on
well I'm off to see if I can find any
Bargains of my own Mr Brown
Mr Curry won't be very pleased
it's an antique and I'll only take 240
pounds for it not a penny less
I wish I could find another just like it
they would make perfect ending tables
my antique table where is it bear here
it is Mr Curry I managed to sell it for
you you've sold it yes I decided to buy
it myself even if it isn't much of a
bargain but I don't want to sell it to
be here take your money back but you
wanted to sell some of your antiques it
is 50 50 you know I know what I said
keep my half I want that table well if
you insist Mr Curry
I'm afraid this is a fake sir it's not
anything like the other one
and Mr Curry even gave up his half of
the 50 50 Mr Brown I can't believe it
you sold everything not quite everything
ah my old chair we could use our
prophets to repair it oh thank you
what about Mr Curry why did he give up
his half of the prophets
oh I shouldn't worry about Mr Curry
he got what he asked for
just as Mr Gruber had promised Paris is
full of topics for his book the world
and its wonders
the food
the people
the clothes clothes
it's a fashion shoot Mr Brown they take
photos of the clothes for a magazine you
stay and watch while I get our tickets
for the tour boat
we was here group air
try not to wander into any of their
photographs don't worry they won't know
I'm here
hold on what the
oh bad almost here all right the
magazine has just heard from the fashion
designer the show he wishes the models
to wear less Chapel said impossible I'm
gonna create the Masterpiece when the
shot is always changing his mind
with a heavy beard
it's sort of like
oh yeah the name is
well I really like the boat
I'm not so sure about those clothes
are beautiful what's the word
oh they are but they're all wrong for a
boat you need sensible clothing like my
willing to melt in my hat they come in
very handy if it rains and you never can
predict the weather when you're on water
I have to go but it was nice talking to
you good luck with your photographs
he wants Wellington Boots and a fluffy
yet what are you waiting for
Exquisite designs there was someone at
the photo shoot claiming to be you Mr
show he told them to do it
I must appear at my fashion show tonight
and clear this matter up myself I must
expose this imposter and when I'm
finished he will wish he had never heard
an invasion
that boat trip on the sand was most
enjoyable Mr Brown
his fashion show the artist's ticketing
down to the fashion world is here look
Mr Gruber
he's my friend from this morning Madame
over here
you go miss you it's nice to have
friends in high places Mr Brown I'm sure
this fashion show will be very
stay close Mr Brown
we don't want you to get lost
goodness you can we desperately need you
backstage to switch
Mr Brown
your ticket miss you I do not need a
ticket I am fashion the great designer
excuse him that's a real mon is already
inside it must be that imposter again
what what do you think of the clothes
they look very nice but perhaps a bit
too nice they don't look very lived in
do they
pick my hat for instance this was handed
down to me by my uncle this home was
already there and look at this stain
it's marmalade if you look closely all
clothes have one or more stains
excuse him what
are you sure it's just my opinion oh if
you say so I miss you
I wonder what on Earth this happened to
Mr Brown
I must find my way backstage
my designs
just wait until I find the one
ruined my designs
now I've got you Mr Grouper there you
are I hope you enjoyed the show they
used all of my suggestions right down to
the holes in my hat at the stains my
apologize I'll throw this man out
my name is Paddington Brown
well you must admit there is a strong
ladies and gentlemen meet the real Monk
still look the real Miss Universal is
wearing the style himself
yes my new fashion is born
the young people these days where do
they get their taste in clothes I don't
know Mrs bird I just don't know
thank you
I had no idea you had such a good voice
Mr Brown why I'm sure with some practice
you could sing as well as any of the
Great opera stars do you think so Mr
Gruber take it
and I must tell you that your voice is a
master beautiful I used to be an opera
star and now I am putting on the very
Opera that you are singing
ah yes
repeat after me
you would have been perfect as Adagio
would you like to be in my own
you'd have to start
but I could make you a star in no time
to make
I wonder what it would be like when
paddington's an opera
good morning Mr and Mrs Brown good
morning Mrs bird may I have the
marmalade please
has anyone checked if we have any posts
when did he say the Opera was on
trying to help The Travelers find their
to learn in a shorter period of a time
so first you must learn to breathe
which means you must learn to breathe
from the diaphragm
but I didn't bring a diagram no no the
diaphragm here feel the breath and move
it through you like a waterfall a
waterfall in here perhaps I should call
a doctor this is not going to be as easy
as I thought we are going to have to
work work a workout
I'm sorry Mr Curry you see I'm
practicing an opera Aria for my teacher
Mrs Cassini I don't care what you're
did you say a casino
the Great opera Diva yeah yeah she
discovered me and I'm going to sing in
her Opera oh my well
it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs Cassini
I'm Mr Curry and I'm sure Paddington
must have told you that I have a quite
exceptional voice myself that's a very
nice Mr Askari now
you must arrest your voice we don't want
to lose it oh and the name's not Scully
it's Curry if it looks so good in lights
how did your lesson go today
something wrong
I don't see anything
is this one of your vocal exercises
you're going upstairs to lie down
it will be rather nice to have some
peace and quiet around here
do not fear adagio's here
well that's it for peace and quiet
I barely heard a thing at least
everything will get back to normal after
the performance tomorrow night
away quickly
thank you
my job is done it has been fun and now
it's time to rest
without me what would this world be
what's best
oh dear he's going off with Madame
Cassini I thought we would at least get
a chance to congratulate him they have
loved you you were a fabulous now after
our world tour you will be a superstar
World Tour
I don't think I want to go on a world
tour I'd have to leave the Browns and
all my friends behind but
don't you want to be famous no I think I
just want to be Paddington Brown
when do you think he'll come home I miss
him already I don't miss him a bit why
that bear always gets all the attention
I will never understand
Paddington you were wonderful you're
going to be famous thank you Mrs Brown
but I've decided I don't want to be a
star anymore I just want to be a bear
and live at number 32 Windsor Gardens
you are indeed the very lucky people to
have such a devotee the family member
Madame Cassini perhaps you'll be looking
for a replacement for your star pupil
do not fear or does he use
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The Adventures of Paddington Bear 109

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A Day to Remember/Paddington in Spain/A Most Unusual Ceremony

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Paddington Bear - A House-Training