The MOST Ignorant WV Cops Yet! | Exclusive Bodycam | LAWSUIT Inbound

The Civil Rights Lawyer
3 May 202425:22


TLDRThe video script details a disturbing incident involving a property dispute in West Virginia that escalated into a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment rights of James Knotts. The situation began with a neighbor, Charles Shorter, falsely claiming that Knotts' wife's car was on his property, leading to a police intervention. Despite initial recognition by the officers that it was a civil matter, the interaction took a drastic turn when Deputy Knots (sharing the same last name as the complainant) and Deputy Han arrested Knotts on his own porch without a warrant, using excessive force, which resulted in Knotts requiring surgery. The charges against Knotts, including obstructing and battery on an officer, were later dismissed due to a lack of evidence and a Fourth Amendment violation. The video script serves as a critique of law enforcement's actions and a call to action for the public to hold authorities accountable for such abuses of power.


  • šŸšØ A neighbor in West Virginia falsely accused James Knotts of parking on his property, leading to a police intervention.
  • šŸ‘® Deputy Knotts and Deputy Han of the Preston County Sheriff's Department were dispatched for a property dispute involving a firearm mention.
  • šŸ“œ The neighbor, Charles Shorter, presented a property deed and markers, but the car was actually parked on the roadway, not his property.
  • šŸš§ Deputy Knotts incorrectly arrested James Knotts on his own property without a warrant, violating the Fourth Amendment.
  • šŸ¤• The arrest involved excessive force, causing James Knotts to require surgery for a shoulder injury.
  • šŸš« Despite the false arrest, no evidence was provided that James Knotts threatened anyone with a firearm.
  • šŸ  The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unlawful arrests on their private property without a warrant.
  • šŸ“‰ All charges against James Knotts were eventually dismissed after a motion to suppress based on the Fourth Amendment violation.
  • šŸ¤” There's an implication that Deputy Han may have been untruthful or acted inappropriately, as suggested by the body cam footage.
  • šŸ“˜ The public defender's office played a crucial role in getting the charges dismissed and protecting James Knotts' rights.
  • šŸ“‹ A civil rights lawsuit (Section 1983) is planned to be filed in federal court due to the blatant constitutional violations.

Q & A

  • What was the initial reason for the police being called to the scene?

    -The police were called because a neighbor, Charles Shorter, claimed that James Knots' wife's car was parked on his property and that there was a property dispute involving a mention of a firearm.

  • What was the legal status of the car parking according to the neighbor's claim?

    -The neighbor claimed that the car was parked on his property without permission, which he supported with a property deed and property markers.

  • Why was the police's initial response to treat the situation as a civil matter?

    -The police initially treated it as a civil matter because parking a car on private property without permission is generally not a criminal offense but a civil dispute that requires legal action such as filing a lawsuit.

  • What law did the neighbor claim supported his stance to have the car removed?

    -The neighbor referred to West Virginia Penal Code S7C-14, which he believed allowed for criminal charges and the possibility of having the car towed off his property.

  • What was the actual location of the car in relation to the property lines?

    -The car was parked within the roadway, not within the 264-acre property owned by Charles Shorter Jr., as indicated by the survey plat.

  • Why was the arrest of James Knots considered unlawful?

    -The arrest was unlawful because it was made without a warrant on private property, and there was no immediate threat or evidence of a crime being committed that would justify a warrantless arrest.

  • What constitutional right was violated during the arrest?

    -The Fourth Amendment right, which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, was violated as the officers entered the property and arrested James Knots without a warrant.

  • What was the outcome of the criminal case against James Knots?

    -The charges against James Knots were dismissed after a motion to suppress was granted based on the Fourth Amendment violation and the lack of evidence for the alleged crimes.

  • What further legal action is planned in response to the incident?

    -A Section 1983 civil rights lawsuit is planned to be filed in federal court against the officers involved for the violation of James Knots' constitutional rights.

  • What was the role of the body cam footage in this case?

    -The body cam footage was crucial as it provided clear evidence of the officers' actions, the violation of James Knots' rights, and the lack of legal basis for the arrest.

  • What advice is given to the public regarding the officers involved?

    -The speaker encourages the public to exercise their First Amendment rights to express their views on the officers' actions and to hold the Preston County Sheriff's Department accountable for the violation of their oath.



šŸš” Police Dispatch for Property Dispute

The video script begins with a tense situation where a man is threatened with arrest for parking his car on what a neighbor claims to be his property. The police are called, and the situation escalates when the man refuses to move his car. The police, representing the Preston County Sheriff's Department, are informed about a property dispute and a mention of a firearm. The deputies, after reviewing the property deed and markers, incorrectly conclude that the car is on the neighbor's property. The video suggests a violation of the Fourth Amendment rights, as the man is arrested on his front porch without a warrant.


šŸ“œ Property Survey and Legal Boundaries

The second paragraph delves into the complexity of the property dispute. It highlights that law enforcement is not equipped to make legal determinations on property ownership at the scene. The narrative mentions an individual, Charles Shorter, who has a history of legal issues, including a conviction for obstruction. The deputy discusses West Virginia penal codes, specifically S7C 14, which addresses the parking of vehicles on private property without permission. The dispute involves a driveway that Mr. Shorter claims as his own, but a survey suggests that the car is not on his property, and the ownership of the land in question is possibly an alley with unknown ownership.


šŸšØ Unlawful Arrest and Fourth Amendment Breach

The third paragraph describes an unlawful arrest that took place without a warrant. The individual, Mr. Knots, is ordered to come down from his front porch by the police, which he refuses to do. The police then arrest him, which is a breach of the Fourth Amendment as it protects citizens from unwarranted arrests in the absence of probable cause or a warrant. The video footage is said to capture the arrest and subsequent use of force, which is considered excessive and unconstitutional. The situation is further complicated by the police's inability to prove a threat was made with a firearm, leading to questions about the legitimacy of the arrest.


šŸ¤• Use of Excessive Force and Legal Repercussions

This paragraph outlines the violent arrest of Mr. Knots, which resulted in him needing surgery for a shoulder injury. The use of force by Deputy Han is criticized as excessive and unwarranted, especially since Mr. Knots was not threatening the officers and had not committed a crime. The narrative also points out that the car in question was not on Mr. Shorter's property but rather on a roadway. The police's actions are depicted as a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment, and the lack of evidence for a firearm threat further undermines the legitimacy of the arrest.


šŸ›ļø Dismissal of Charges and Planned Legal Action

The final paragraph discusses the dismissal of all charges against Mr. Knots. The public defender's office, appointed to represent him, filed a motion to suppress based on the Fourth Amendment violation. The case was dismissed by the magistrate, and despite an attempt by the prosecutor's office to appeal the decision, the case remained dismissed. The video script ends with a call to action for viewers to express their concerns about the violation of civil rights and the announcement of a planned Section 1983 civil rights lawsuit to be filed in federal court against the officers involved.



šŸ’”Fourth Amendment

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures. It is a fundamental right that prevents law enforcement from entering a person's property without a warrant or probable cause. In the video, it is violated when police officers arrest Mr. Knots without a warrant on his own property, which is a significant part of the video's narrative.

šŸ’”Arrest Warrant

An arrest warrant is a legal document issued by a court that authorizes the police to arrest a person. It is a crucial element for a lawful arrest. In the context of the video, the absence of an arrest warrant for Mr. Knots is a key issue, as the police officers arrest him without one, leading to a violation of his constitutional rights.

šŸ’”Excessive Force

Excessive force refers to the use of more force than is necessary or reasonable to accomplish a law enforcement purpose. In the video, the police officers are accused of using excessive force against Mr. Knots, a disabled man, when they arrest him without a warrant and allegedly cause him injury, which necessitates surgery.

šŸ’”Civil Matter

A civil matter typically involves disputes between individuals or entities where the state is not seeking to punish a party but rather to resolve a conflict, often through monetary damages or an injunction. In the video, the dispute over the car's parking is characterized as a civil matter, not a criminal one, which should be resolved through legal channels such as a lawsuit, not by police intervention.


šŸ’”Property Dispute

A property dispute arises when there is a disagreement over the rights to use, enjoy, or dispose of real estate. In the video, the conflict between Mr. Knots and his neighbor revolves around a property dispute, with allegations that Mr. Knots' car is parked on the neighbor's property without permission.


Obstruction, in a legal context, often refers to the act of interfering with or impeding the operation of law enforcement or the course of justice. In the video, Mr. Knots is charged with obstructing, which is one of the criminal charges levied against him, suggesting that he interfered with the police officers in the course of their duties.

šŸ’”Battery on an Officer

Battery on an officer is a criminal offense that involves the use of force or violence against a law enforcement officer. In the video, this charge is mentioned as one of the additional charges brought against Mr. Knots, although the video's narrator argues that the charge is unfounded based on the evidence from the body cam footage.

šŸ’”Search Warrant

A search warrant is a legal document issued by a court that authorizes law enforcement to search a person or place for evidence of a crime. It is an important aspect of the Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. The video implies that the police officers in question did not have a search warrant when they entered Mr. Knots' property.

šŸ’”Criminal Case Dismissal

A criminal case dismissal occurs when a court terminates the prosecution of a case before it reaches a verdict. In the video, it is mentioned that all charges against Mr. Knots were dismissed after a motion to suppress was granted based on Fourth Amendment violations. This is a pivotal moment in the video's narrative, as it highlights the resolution of the criminal case.

šŸ’”Civil Rights Lawsuit

A civil rights lawsuit is a legal action that seeks to protect the rights of individuals from infringements by government bodies or officials. In the video, the narrator, presumably a lawyer, states an intention to file a Section 1983 civil rights lawsuit in federal court against the officers involved, based on the video evidence of alleged constitutional violations.

šŸ’”Body Cam Footage

Body cam footage refers to video recordings captured by cameras worn by law enforcement officers. These recordings can provide an objective account of interactions between officers and the public. In the video, body cam footage is a central piece of evidence, illustrating the alleged constitutional violations and excessive force used by the police officers.


A neighbor in West Virginia falsely accused James Knotts of parking on his property, leading to a police intervention.

Deputy Knotts, who shares a last name with the accused, was dispatched for a property dispute involving a mention of a firearm.

The neighbor, Charles Shorter, claimed that Knotts' wife's car was on his property, which the police initially accepted without thorough verification.

Deputy Knotts was arrested on his own property without a warrant, violating the Fourth Amendment.

The body camera footage captured a potential excessive use of force against Knotts, a disabled man, by Deputy Han.

The footage shows a dispute about property lines, with a survey indicating that the car was not on Shorter's property.

The police were informed that the property dispute was a civil matter and not within their jurisdiction to resolve.

Knotts was charged with obstructing and battery on an officer, but these charges were later dismissed.

The case was dismissed based on a motion to suppress due to the Fourth Amendment violation.

Despite the dismissal, the prosecutor's office attempted to continue the case, but it was ultimately dropped.

The video serves as one of the most egregious examples of police misconduct and disregard for the Fourth Amendment rights.

The speaker intends to file a Section 1983 civil rights lawsuit in federal court based on the video evidence.

The Preston County Sheriff's Department is criticized for the actions of the deputies involved in the incident.

The speaker encourages the public to express their views on the violation of civil rights and to hold public servants accountable.

The incident occurred on July 31, 2022, in Tunnelton, West Virginia, and has only recently come to light.

The video raises questions about the training and understanding of police officers regarding the Fourth Amendment.

The neighbor's aggressive behavior and past legal issues are highlighted as potential factors influencing the interaction.



you need to come down here now or you'reĀ  going to go to jail you need to move yourĀ Ā 


car no I a move my car okay you're underĀ  arrest you're under arrest no you've seenĀ Ā 


some of the crazy cases that I've personallyĀ  had in West Virginia here's another one forĀ Ā 


you this sketchy neighbor calls the cops on myĀ  client he convinces the cops that my client'sĀ Ā 


wife's car is parked on the neighbor'sĀ  property I I asked him this morning toĀ Ā 


move or I was going to call you guys out hereĀ  to have him move cuz there's a law states onĀ Ā 


the books that he can't do that it's uh s cĀ  d do they say it's a civil matter you have toĀ Ā 


file a lawsuit take them to court I can't haveĀ  a car towed off of private property I know I canĀ Ā 


have it towed but you can do the CriminalĀ  part I mean it's right here in black and


white this is what they actually did come downĀ  here come here no you my problem no come hereĀ Ā 


you need to come down here now or you'reĀ  going to go to jail you need to move yourĀ Ā 


car no move my car okay you're under arrestĀ  you're under arrest no hurt me stop resist


thing see that steak you're on the wrongĀ  side of it no yes he has the same FourthĀ Ā 


Amendment rights that you do right I understandĀ  that but I'm just trying to save a whole bigĀ Ā 


spill here and ironically that was justĀ  said after those two police officers justĀ Ā 


arrested my client off of his front porchĀ  without a warrant which literally violatesĀ Ā 


the Fourth Amendment this is has got to beĀ  one of the best body cam videos I've seenĀ Ā 


in a long time so let's break it down I'llĀ  show you some of the biggest constitutionalĀ Ā 


violations really that have ever appearedĀ  on body gam I'll tell you what happenedĀ Ā 


with the criminal case it's now over and whatĀ  we're going to do next and how you can help


this happened almost two years ago July 31st 2022Ā  in tunnelton West Virginia which is in PrestonĀ Ā 


County that's up in the northern part of theĀ  state this involves the Preston County Sheriff'sĀ Ā 


department and specifically two deputies and thisĀ  is pretty funny the main Deputy Who's involvedĀ Ā 


Deputy knots has the same last name as my clientĀ  in this case James knots Deputy knots wrote inĀ Ā 


his police report that he was dispatched to thisĀ  location in tunnelton for a threats complaint thatĀ Ā 


the caller this is the neighbor Charles shorterĀ  had stated that his neighbor James knots was wasĀ Ā 


having a property dispute and that Mr knots hadĀ  made mention of a firearm during the dispute soĀ Ā 


Deputy knots and the other Deputy who's namedĀ  Deputy Han arrived and spoke to Mr shorter WhoĀ Ā 


provided the property deed and showed the deputiesĀ  the property markers they concluded and wrote inĀ Ā 


the report that Mr Nat's car was obviously parkedĀ  on Mr shorter's property this guy here okay we hadĀ Ā 


to while back he said the property live hereĀ  well survey okay the property lines where theĀ Ā 


fence is okay so he moved his car out now heĀ  moved it back after so many months he's tryingĀ Ā 


to block his driveway so I can't get up around IĀ  got a road to goes up around there to my buildingĀ Ā 


okay I I asked him this morning to move thereĀ  I was going to call you guys out here to haveĀ Ā 


him move cuz there's law states on the books thatĀ  he can't do that it's uh s c Das no why can't weĀ Ā 


can't make him move a car off private property youĀ  can tow the car off of private property well youĀ Ā 


tell him well cuz he when I told him that he toldĀ  me he was going to go in the house and get a gunĀ Ā 


shoot me okay we'll go talk to him about theĀ  gun thing but as far as the property disputeĀ Ā 


goes that's not a criminal allw that's so I canĀ  legally have it towed right I mean state withĀ Ā 


this law that states it I can I can pull it rightĀ  here up on West Virginia penal codes right here it


is it's s7c 14 that's and it says they canĀ  be charged with $100 in the court systems soĀ Ā 


that's a criminal fence I can I can't have a carĀ  towed off of private property I know I can haveĀ Ā 


it tow but you can do the Criminal part no whyĀ  can't you I mean it's right here in black and


white this dispute between neighbors involves aĀ  RightWay that Mr shorter claims belongs to him andĀ Ā 


Mr knots apparently had his vehicle parked thereĀ  who the property belongs to if anyone remainsĀ Ā 


in dispute and is for a circuit court judge toĀ  decide if somebody files a lawsuit to determineĀ Ā 


that issue but the necessary filings would haveĀ  to be made law enforcement officers on the sceneĀ Ā 


are not capable nor can they nor should they norĀ  they nor are they legally allowed to make suchĀ Ā 


determinations at the scene not their job and thisĀ  starts out sort of the correct way the officersĀ Ā 


properly telling him look this is a civil matterĀ  you have to take this guy to court and in fact heĀ Ā 


doesn't seem like somebody you'd want to takeĀ  his word for it anyways I mean he's very agitatedĀ Ā 


and some of the criminal litigation there was aĀ  footnote written by my client's criminal lawyerĀ Ā 


that says this Council for defendant cannotĀ  from the discovery provided from the stateĀ Ā 


determine if this is the same Charles shorterĀ  that Council has been able to research if itĀ Ā 


is the same Charles shorter then this individualĀ  has had his own run-ins with the law including aĀ Ā 


conviction for obstruction and in Galia CountyĀ  for not leaving a residence after a domesticĀ Ā 


disturbance and according to the law enforcementĀ  officer that wrote the criminal complaint takingĀ Ā 


a combative stance with the officer and allegedlyĀ  telling the woman at his home that she was doneĀ Ā 


for B use your imagination on that word itĀ  further appears that Mr shorter has had atĀ Ā 


least two domestic violence protective ordersĀ  issued against him his agitation on the body camĀ Ā 


footage certainly makes it appear that he is theĀ  same person in fact he made a thinly Veiled ThreatĀ Ā 


of his own at the end that he would have to shootĀ  Mr knots and we'll get to that but here's the restĀ Ā 


of the deputy's conversation with Mr shorterĀ  and somehow you'll see things changed it saysĀ Ā 


it shall be unlawful for any driver or vehicleĀ  to stop park or leave standing unattended anyĀ Ā 


vehicle on private property roadway or drivewayĀ  private property without having Express or impliĀ Ā 


permission from the owner tenant leasy such landĀ  any person that violates this provisions of thisĀ Ā 


section of guilty MISD misdemeanor do you haveĀ  your deed that shows this yes this is my 20 footĀ Ā 


right away do you have you have paperworkĀ  that shows that can you show it to me yes


where's this guy lit will you run a registration


where does he live in the trailerĀ  yeah he trailer no matter what IĀ Ā 


want him arrested for cting me withĀ  a gun period that is against the


allall right here is my property rightĀ  here this is my 20ft R I had it pinnedĀ Ā 


all the way down through there butĀ  they ripped them up you know whatĀ Ā 


I mean okay so where's where's this line at right


here than right right there he's just doing itĀ  to be a dick so I can't use this driveway cuz heĀ Ā 


always thought it was his and I just told him IĀ  want going to argue with you I going to have itĀ Ā 


survey do it legal way I've done everything onĀ  my legally you know what I mean title to realĀ Ā 


estate is not the sort of split-second decisionĀ  that police officers are supposed to make at theĀ Ā 


scene as previously discussed but this guy pullsĀ  out a survey PL which is what this is and he'sĀ Ā 


claiming that this is proof that this car isĀ  parked on his property now I don't have a copy ofĀ Ā 


that survey but we can actually pull a screenshotĀ  off the officer's body Cam and zoom in enoughĀ Ā 


enough to where I can see this guy's survey platĀ  and if we look at it you see Mr shorter's boundaryĀ Ā 


it says it's where it says Charles shorter Jr andĀ  it's the Bold dotted line 264 Acres all right thatĀ Ā 


that is Mr shorter's property to the right of thatĀ  is James R's property that's my client's propertyĀ Ā 


now where the car is parked is in this area thatĀ  says Middle School Drive formerly I believe itĀ Ā 


says Franklin possibly Avenue so it's withinĀ  the roadway the stake marker that Mr shorterĀ Ā 


keeps pointing to is presumably and it appearsĀ  to be along his bold dotted line as indicatedĀ Ā 


ated on the plat of survey therefore the car isĀ  not parked within the 264 Acres that this platĀ Ā 


of survey says that he owns in fact if you lookĀ  above his property it points to the the area thatĀ Ā 


is contiguous to this alleged disputed pieceĀ  of property it says unknown ownership possibleĀ Ā 


alley so it appears to me as a West VirginiaĀ  lawyer it appears if his survey is correctĀ Ā 


that he does not even own the propertyĀ  where this car is sitting he might haveĀ Ā 


a rideway across it but I don't see whereĀ  this car is blocking him using this roadwayĀ Ā 


to access his property okay all rightĀ  we'll go talk to we'll be right back


I'm move that car come down


here I don't care come down here I don't careĀ  come come down here no come here no my no comeĀ Ā 


here no and here is where we go completelyĀ  off the rails this was just a call there's noĀ Ā 


arrest warrant that's been issued no warrantĀ  involved at all ironically the officers haveĀ Ā 


just been shown a survey plant identifyingĀ  where Mr Knot's boundary lines are at hisĀ Ā 


home they cross the boundary onto his propertyĀ  they walk towards the trailer that he lives inĀ Ā 


they encounter him standing outside his frontĀ  door on his porch officer knots orders Mr knotsĀ Ā 


to come down off his own front porch Mr knotsĀ  says no the officer again demands that he comeĀ Ā 


off of his porch the officer is standing on hisĀ  property as an American citizen you can orderĀ Ā 


anyone to leave your property including policeĀ  officers unless they have an arrest warrantĀ Ā 


for you or a search warrant for your residenceĀ  the fourth amendment gives you that protectionĀ Ā 


it was given to us by our founding fathers itĀ  blows my mind that police officers across theĀ Ā 


country apparently don't like either understandĀ  that or they were never taught that they treatĀ Ā 


these situations just like they're encounteringĀ  a pedestrian in the parking lot at Walmart orĀ Ā 


on a sidewalk somewhere they don't appreciate theĀ  fact that all right they're on this guy's propertyĀ Ā 


not just his property but they're standing inĀ  his front yard and he's standing on his frontĀ Ā 


porch that completely changes the ConstitutionalĀ  analysis they have no right to be on his propertyĀ Ā 


without his consent unless they come backĀ  with a warrant come here I'm not po I'mĀ Ā 


not moving you need to come down here now orĀ  you're going to go to jail I don't po down


jail you go got cup all you want


to listen no it's not no it's not no it isn't isĀ  this no it's not on I tell you no it's not no CupĀ Ā 


on it it is not you back up on you no listen youĀ  need to move your car no I move my car okay you'reĀ Ā 


under ARR you're underr no notice how DeputyĀ  Han off to the right acting like a total goo MOĀ Ā 


is putting on his leather gloves to get readyĀ  to attack this 60-some year old disabled manĀ Ā 


right on his own front porch after being asked toĀ  leave the property what's the most important factĀ Ā 


here that's that these officers do not have anĀ  arrest warrant police officers cannot perform aĀ Ā 


warrantless arrest of somebody at their residenceĀ  they must have an arrest warrant for this to beĀ Ā 


a legal arrest assuming there was even probableĀ  cause to arrest him they'd have to leave go get aĀ Ā 


warrant and then come back and arrest him but theyĀ  didn't they just put on the gloves and grabbed himĀ Ā 


now the violent Parts I'm going to have to censorĀ  but in the link below at the blog post I will putĀ Ā 


the uncut raw violence that was used againstĀ  Mr knots and that includes Deputy Han goingĀ Ā 


behind him grabbing Mr Knot's arm and twistingĀ  it violently behind his back and throwing himĀ Ā 


through the air this resulted in Mr knots havingĀ  to get surgery to repair the rotator cuff on hisĀ Ā 


shoulder and when you look at these screenshotsĀ  of exactly what Deputy Han violently did to thisĀ Ā 


guy who was standing on his own porch who was notĀ  threatening the officers in any way who had notĀ Ā 


committed a crime it's completely unreasonableĀ  and in my opinion a excessive force violationĀ Ā 


yet another for Amendment violation on top of theĀ  fact that they performed an illegal false arrestĀ Ā 


of Mr knots within the curtil edge of his home andĀ  and when I say in his home the US Supreme CourtĀ Ā 


in Florida versus jardines held that the frontĀ  porch is an integral part of the home and it's toĀ Ā 


be considered as the same thing as being insideĀ  the home so even though he's on his front porchĀ Ā 


legally speaking constitutionally speaking it'sĀ  treated the same as as if he was inside his houseĀ Ā 


stop resisting put yourĀ  hand behind your back right


now you're hurt me stop resistingĀ  it do have to go like this you


understand me up no you sit still you'll getĀ  up when I say you can get up you understand


[Ā __Ā ]


anything roll


over all


right you're in service damn it hurt me no 10:15


can I show you see that steak that's it you'reĀ  on the wrong side of it no yes I'm right there noĀ Ā 


you're on the wrong side of it but the deputĀ  is absolutely wrong the car is on the roadĀ Ā 


way side of the stake it's not on the otherĀ  side of the stake which presumably would beĀ Ā 


on Mr shorter's property what is he even talkingĀ  about and that's not an arrestable offense anywaysĀ Ā 


that is a civil matter and he wasn't arrestedĀ  for allegedly threatening anyone with a firearmĀ Ā 


no firearm was found this guy doesn't even own aĀ  firearm according to his wife and then the copsĀ Ā 


come back on the rails sort of and they inform MrĀ  shorter that there's no evidence that a firearmĀ Ā 


had anything to do with this and they can't arrestĀ  him for allegedly threatening Mr shter with aĀ Ā 


firearm despite everything they just did I'mĀ  right no you're not you're on the wrong side of


it you're under rro


truck 66 come on sir


he's going he's going to jail quite right now soĀ  yeah he's intoxicated you can smell the problemĀ Ā 


with the threatening thing is it's he it's one heĀ  said he said she said or he said he said right IĀ Ā 


got cameras all around but they don't take pickĀ  up sound you know what I'm saying he's going toĀ Ā 


jail but I I can't charge him with threaten youĀ  with a gun cuz I don't have any evidence of itĀ Ā 


actually happened I'm not saying he didn'tĀ  well I'll talk to master about it cuz youĀ Ā 


can get a personal safety order against him y butĀ  there's there's I have to have evidence that theĀ Ā 


crime occurred and you saying it okay just theĀ  same as he could come remember and say the sameĀ Ā 


thing right I don't say nothing that's [Ā __Ā ] IĀ  but he could easily say that about you and if ifĀ Ā 


I could just go arrest him because you said itĀ  I could go arrest you cuz he said it right youĀ Ā 


understand I just don't want him come back beingĀ  ignorant pulling a gun and I have to shoot him IĀ Ā 


don't want that on me I don't want you to haveĀ  to do that either but he has the same FourthĀ Ā 


Amendment rights that you do right understandĀ  that but I'm just trying to save a whole big spill


here document it if you can well there I'm goingĀ  have all right y by the way notice how Deputy HanĀ Ā 


Mr tough guy doesn't need the glovesĀ  anymore he's taking the gloves offĀ Ā 


and he's putting them back in his pocketĀ  let's review Deputy Han puts his gloves onĀ Ā 


getting ready to use violence againstĀ  this old man who is disabled you needĀ Ā 


to come down here now or you goingĀ  to go to jail I don't give a [Ā __Ā ]


ja you bet got C all you want to I'm over heĀ  all your listen L it's not puppy I don't giveĀ Ā 


a [Ā __Ā ] it's not puppy no it isn't is thisĀ  no it's not what I tell you and Deputy HanĀ Ā 


taking the gloves off again come back being anĀ  ignorant pulling a gun and I have to shoot him IĀ Ā 


don't want that on me I don't want you to haveĀ  to do that either but he has the same four amĀ Ā 


rights that you do right I understand that butĀ  I'm just trying to save a whole big spill here


docent you all


right obstructingĀ Ā 


what I told you to come downstairs orĀ  down off the porch and talk to us no you


didn't 6X con James knots was arrested without aĀ  warrant he was charged with obstructing and thatĀ Ā 


was the only charge that the officer told himĀ  he was charged with but when I guess they satĀ Ā 


around and came up with some additional thingsĀ  they could charge him with they charged him withĀ Ā 


more they also Char and this is laughable inĀ  addition to obstructing they charged him withĀ Ā 


battery on an officer I mean I don't need toĀ  show you the screenshots again clearly thatĀ Ā 


was battery on an officer two counts of batteryĀ  on an officer and refusal to fingerprint I meanĀ Ā 


give me a break but the ending was a good one theĀ  public defender office was appointed to representĀ Ā 


Mr knots and they got all the charges dismissedĀ  and it wasn't just because the prosecutor tookĀ Ā 


a look at the body cam footage and did the rightĀ  thing no they had to force it through the criminalĀ Ā 


justice system so they filed a motion to suppressĀ  based on the Fourth Amendment violation that tookĀ Ā 


place as I had already explained to you and onĀ  September 29th of 2022 the magistrate dismissedĀ Ā 


the case based on that motion to suppress in theĀ  prosecutor's office was still intent on proseĀ Ā 


Ting poor Mr knots they even filed a petitionĀ  for rid of prohibition to the Circuit Court toĀ Ā 


try to get that overturned but the case from myĀ  understanding remained dismissed and went awayĀ Ā 


as it had to that was a blatant Fourth AmendmentĀ  violation and also blatant excessive force thisĀ Ā 


is as I said one of the most egregious bodyĀ  cam videos I've ever seen certainly worstĀ Ā 


things have happened to people but I've neverĀ  I don't know if I've ever never seen policeĀ Ā 


officers just so blatantly disregard really theĀ  most important constitutional right and that isĀ Ā 


our home is our Castle the fourth amendmentĀ  that is the heart of the Fourth Amendment I'mĀ Ā 


willing to guarantee there's been no disciplineĀ  to the officers here and that's where you comeĀ Ā 


in express your first amendment protected freeĀ  speech and let them know how you feel let theĀ Ā 


Preston County Sheriff's Department know howĀ  you feel about public servants violating theirĀ Ā 


oath and treating people in this way and forĀ  my part I'm going to file a section 1983 civilĀ Ā 


rights lawsuit in federal court here it's beenĀ  almost two years I just got this yesterday andĀ Ā 


I'm going to file lawsuit as soon as possible butĀ  this should be one of the easiest cases probablyĀ Ā 


I've ever had it's all on video and there's justĀ  blatant violations here so if you want to followĀ Ā 


along Please Subscribe both here and at the blogĀ  at the Civil Rights if you have a videoĀ Ā 


you want me to review use the submission linkĀ  below also follow me on Twitter at John BrianĀ Ā 


Esq or on Facebook at the John hban attorney atĀ  law page remember freedom is scary deal with it