Welcome 102 Rated STRIKER! 0 to 103 BROKE FC (Episode 6)
TLDRفي هذا النص المكتوب لقناة اليوتيوب، يعود الرسام RK بحلقة جديدة من سلسلة 0200، يشرح كيفية الوصول إلى OVR 100 بدون إنفاق أي أموال. يظهر RK فريقه الحالي، ويتحدث عن اللاعبين الذين يحتاج إلى تدريبهم أكثر. بعد ذلك، يعرض بعض السحبات الرائعة التي حصل عليها، بما في ذلك كارد كريم ديش، والذي يضيف إلى فريقه الافتتاحي. يحتفظ RK ببعض اللاعبين الآخرين، مثل رودري، بينما يتحدث عن التغييرات التي يخطط لإجراءها في فريقه. يستخدم نقاط اللعب لتحسين مستوى ديش ويُشير إلى أنه يفضل البقاء به بدلاً من اللاعبين الآخرين. يتحدث RK عن اللاعبين الذين سيبيعهم لزيادة ميزانية الفريق، ويتحدث عن التغييرات التي يرغب في إجراؤها في تشكيل الفريق. في النهاية، يلعب RK مباراة في TOTS Arena ويقدم نظرة عامة على أداء فريقه.
- 🎮 RK 开始了新的一期《0200》系列视频,介绍了如何在不花费任何金钱的情况下达到游戏内的目标。
- 🚀 RK 上周已经达到了100 OVR,现在他设定了新的103 OVR目标。
- 📈 RK 提到他将增加视频更新的频率,计划每周至少更新一次,分享他的游戏进展和团队情况。
- 🏟️ RK 展示了他之前视频中的球队阵容,虽然还有一些球员需要训练,但球队表现良好。
- 📦 RK 分享了他在免费游戏账户中获得的一些高价值球员包,包括穆罕默德·萨拉赫和肯尼·达格利什。
- 🤩 RK 特别提到了肯尼·达格利什这张卡,因为它的五星弱脚和出色的统计数据,他决定将其加入首发阵容。
- 💰 RK 讨论了关于球员卡的市场价值,包括考虑出售或升级球员卡以获取利润。
- 🔄 RK 决定对球队进行一些调整,用肯尼·达格利什替换了其他球员,并考虑将阵型改为433或424。
- 🤔 RK 提到了关于是否升级某些球员卡的风险和潜在收益,最终决定保留当前的球队阵容。
- 💰 RK 考虑开始进行交易和投资,因为他注意到市场上没有交换活动,意味着没有投资的机会。
- ⚽ RK 进行了一场头对头的比赛,并以3-0的比分赢得了比赛,他特别赞扬了肯尼·达格利什在比赛中的表现。
Q & A
RK 通过什么方式达到了100 OVR 而没有花费任何钱?
-RK 通过在一个全新的账户上进行游戏,没有花费任何真实货币,通过游戏内的机制和交换系统达到了100 OVR。
-RK的新目标是将他的球队提升到103 OVR。
-RK在免费游戏账户中得到了Muhammad Salah、Ben White、Rodri、Kai Havertz 和 Buio Saka 等重要球员。
-RK在团队赛季中得到了Kenny Dagliesh,这是一个五星级弱脚球员,拥有出色的统计数据。
-RK使用他的游戏内货币来提升Kenny Dagliesh的等级,并在需要时使用点数来提升他的敏捷性和对抗能力。
-RK提到他将从Ron Veron和Eric Canona转向使用Sir Kenny Dagliesh,并考虑将球队阵容改为433或424阵型。
RK提到了他将如何处理Alo R的卡片?
-RK考虑过将Alo R的卡片升级到下一个等级以赚取硬币,但考虑到风险,他决定暂时保留Alo R在球队中。
-RK在头对头比赛中表现出色,他的球队以3-0赢得了比赛,其中Kenny Dagliesh在他的首次亮相中就打进了两个进球。
😀 Introduction and Series Recap
The speaker, RK, greets his audience and introduces a new episode of the 0200 series on his channel. He explains the series' premise of building a team without spending money and reaching a high overall (OVR). RK shares his recent achievement of reaching 100 OVR and sets a new target of 103 OVR. He also mentions an increased frequency of video uploads, with weekly updates on his progress and team. The summary includes a review of his previous team and an introduction to some of the notable players he has acquired, such as Muhammad Salah and Sir Kenny Daglish.
📈 Team Progression and Pack Openings
RK discusses his strategy for team improvement, focusing on acquiring high-rated players and avoiding lower-rated ones unless they are exceptionally good. He details the process of ranking up Sir Kenny Daglish, a new addition to his team, and compares him to another player, Eric Canona. RK also talks about selling a player named Veron and considers the financial implications of ranking up another player, Alo R. He emphasizes his satisfaction with the current team and shares his plans for trading and investments in the game's market.
🎮 In-Game Performance and Future Plans
The speaker concludes the video by discussing a match he played in the TOTS (Team of the Season) Arena, highlighting the performance of his team and the key player Sir Kenny Daglish, who scored multiple goals. RK expresses his enjoyment of the game and satisfaction with his team's performance. He also hints at future content, encouraging viewers to watch his next video for continued updates on his gaming journey.
💡Team of the Season (TOS)
💡Pack Opening
💡Squad Upgrade
💡Head to Head
💡Ranking Up
💡World Class
RK introduces a new episode of his series focusing on reaching a high overall (OVR) without spending money.
He has already reached 100 OVR last week and sets a new target of 103 OVR.
RK plans to upload more frequently, providing weekly updates on his team and exchanges.
He shows his current team and mentions the need for more training and experience.
RK shares his first big team of the season pull, which includes getting Mohamed Salah.
He discusses the outcome of various player exchanges, highlighting the acquisition of Ben White and others.
RK opens a 'Team of the Season' pack and gets a high-rated player, Sir Kenny Dalglish.
He ranks up Sir Kenny Dalglish and discusses his impressive stats, making him a valuable addition to the team.
RK decides to replace Eric Canona with Sir Kenny Dalglish in his starting lineup due to superior attacking stats.
He sells a player, Veron, for 52.5 million coins, which increases his in-game currency balance.
RK considers selling another player, Alo R, to make a profit but decides against it to keep the team strong.
He discusses the potential risks of ranking up a player and the financial implications of failure.
RK experiments with different formations for his team, considering a change to 433 or 424.
He emphasizes the importance of the team's performance over individual player ratings.
RK plays a head-to-head match in the TOTS Arena, aiming to score at least three or four goals.
Sir Kenny Dalglish scores a hat-trick in his debut match, contributing significantly to the team's victory.
The match ends with a 3-0 win, and RK expresses his satisfaction with the team's performance.
RK concludes the episode by thanking viewers and encouraging them to watch his next video.
yo RK gang what's going on it's your boy
RK back with another episode of 0200
series on this channel if you're new to
this series or if you're new to my
channel let me explain you how this
series works so basically on a brand new
account without spending any money I
have to reach hovia but I actually
reached it last week itself 100 OV is
done without spending any money but now
we have new Target guys so our new
Target is 103 OVR and last time guys
under 100 over I was uploading the video
Once in every 3 weeks or once in 2 weeks
guys but this time the frequency is
going to be much higher every week I'm
going to be giving you my updates on my
exchanges and also I'm going to be
giving you the updates of my team every
week guys so you can expect at least one
episode per week so before we get into
the squad upgrade let me show you where
I stopped in the previous episode so
this is my team in the previous episode
guys it's a solid team I still have to
train a lot of them I don't have enough
exp or bronze players to train them up
so that's the reason why I haven't
trained them but still this team is
actually playing well I haven't really
played a lot of head to it once again I
wish I have some time to grind head to
it guys anyways guys now I'm going to be
showing you some of the Banger pulls
which I got in this free toplay account
so yeah let's go so guys this is my
first big team of the season pull I've
got I don't remember what exchange is
this but I got Muhammad Salah at first I
was not recording this exchange but
after I saw Muhammad Salah I re-recorded
it you know you can watch the pack
animation again so that's how I got this
footage so I got more more Salah from
the TOs player into two exchange
basically you put in some untradeable so
yeah this exchange this is where I got
uh moella let's have a look at the next
exchange as well and here is the next
exchange guys so this is a pre-record
video by the way way and England right
back I got Ben white guys so which is
nice but I don't really need him because
I've got a Philip Lam already in my club
so I don't really need him and the third
94 to 98 exchange is here so I think
moel was the only good one guys I've got
and the next one is Sky Howards so 94
over which is not at all useful because
I've got 968 Canton and 968 dieago foran
the next exchange is is 94 to 99 I don't
remember uh if I got any good uh player
from this exchange honestly but let's
have a look three TOS player if you're
extra lucky you might get someone good
and it's pain so I think that's Ry no
it's not this is not the Ry pack it's
moika which is absolutely a big L pack
so this is my first initial pack opening
of thoughts on this account this
happened the next day guys you have to
say it for yourself this is a DB pull
this is a very big DB for us guys
probably we're going to be making a big
change to our team with this card let me
show you the pack animation guys and you
can have a look at the pack yourself so
this is what it
Scotland Striker sir Kenny daglish so
that's what they got five star weak foot
player and he's got fantastic stats guys
he's got very good stats so I was very
happy with this PK he's making it to my
starting 11 without a doubt guys come on
and we got muha and bisc twice so this
is what he got very good exchange this
is the next day guys this is immediately
the day to of team of the season this is
94 to9 exchange on day two of the team
of the season even and this is what they
got guys so I think this this account
has some decent luck I got rodri I'm not
sure if he's going to go into my team
but you know what 96 stated rodri is
actually a big fat W in my opinion and
yeah that's the next card I've got from
the 294 to 99 98 players pack this is a
big big fat W and we got Kai Howards as
well in the same pack all right guys so
this is day three exchange 94 to 99
rated player so let me show you this one
even this is a big fat W because I've
packed one of my favorite players which
is buio Saka so nice 6 over we right
wing card is what we got so that's a
massive W guys but unfortunately we
already packed moella I think moella is
much better than the right F position
because Saka has got three star weak
foot and three star weak foot if I'm not
wrong I mean three star skill moves and
three star we foot so but still that's a
big fat W Guys these are my top packs uh
in this three days now the next thing
I'm going to be doing is I'm going to go
to the steam of the Season Arena and
here I can claim a few packs guys I can
open two of these so 30 tokens each guys
so you know what this is going to
refresh today so anyways we begin with a
very bad walk out probably Argentina
right mid and that's from River Plate
guys so yeah we got Solari that is very
bad let's move on to the next one come
on second exchange all we want is never
mind I didn't even get a walk out here
guys but you know what we can open this
one this has 86 to 99 rated player into
one possible rewards of thoughts cards
Heroes cards and probably all the
program cards are there in this Here
Comes The Exchange and it's a normal
walk out disappointing Ecuador okay
Center back that's H copy guys but what
version is this it's a 9 H copy is this
tradeable yes this is tradeable at least
you know we make some coins back from
this and let's go and open the next one
40 more tokens come on the walk out
froze for a second it's a Rivals player
Argentina senent Enzo Fernandez no BGA
okay that's banega guys we got Eric
lamea and banega so yeah two
argentinians there that was very bad by
the way that was very bad you know what
let's begin the squad upgrade so the
first change I want to do is you know
what I loved Eric C on a card but I
think it's time to bring on Sir Kenny
dlish he's going to stay in this team
guys you know what I'm not going to
bring in any 96s or n unless I pack a 97
player I'm not I'm not going to bring
them to the team guys because throughout
this event I'm sure I'm going to be
packing lots of 96 players so I'm going
to Target to getting only 9 players into
the team so I'm going to bring on Sir KY
dlas instead of canona and I'm going to
rank him up guys we've got a few match
Runners so let's go so I'm going to rank
him up to at least four ranks I'm going
to try at least you know so here we go
the first one is always 100% success and
k d is here and this is two rank number
two so let's have a look it's a success
guys so wow it's 100% probability I was
just joking the next one come on I'm
going to try with one please please be a
success and that's a success guys here
we go so three ranks for sir Kenny dlish
and you know what I'm going to rank him
up again he's going to be a player for
so long in my team guys that's for sure
here comes the next one come on please
be a success and that's a success guys
so overall we saved three match shanos
so once again my free to PlayOn luck has
been fantastic FC so it's time to use
the points guys so I'm going to use it
on dexterity obviously and counter so he
can play as a camp he can play as a
center forward that's fantastic we have
sir Kenny dlas in the team and I think
you know what we got to move on with
some players probably Ron we got to move
on from him and I'm going to bring back
road hullet guys I didn't really like
Veron much and also sir Kish look at
this card you know what let's train him
up a bit guys well here we go I was only
able to train him up to level 11
unfortunately I didn't have enough exp
but you know what let's quickly compare
canona and also dlish I know that dlish
had a little bit higher you know OVR but
still in in FC mobile stats is what
matters guys so Eric Canon has got
better passing better physical and
better defending you know what I don't
really care about you know defending
stats for a striker but I was actually
impressed with Eric K but coming to the
attacking stats mainly the striker stats
which is acceleration speed and also the
shooting stats that dlish is clear so
yeah we're going to stay with dlish it's
time for you know both Veron and also
Eric Canon to you know get away from a
club I love canona by the way this is a
great card one of the best cards I've
used but we've packed a high card so I'm
just going to go with him you know I'm
not getting rid of fand because he
untradeable if he's tradeable I would
have definitely gotten rid of him and
the next one is Veron can I sell him yes
we can sell him for sure so 52.5 million
coins and you know what guys the next
thing I want to do is I want to probably
convert aloan to the next ranked card
and maybe make some coins guys so let's
have a look at Alo R's uh card price so
his purple card is 90.9 million and his
red card is 130 million coins so I can
make a decent profit maybe I can make
like 18 to 20 million coins profit so I
think that's a very bad profit in my
opinion so I you know what let's not
think about it that's kind of bad how
much is the max R card going it's going
for 24 million coins cuz but that's
going to be a risk if I get this carard
for30 million coins and if I try to rank
him up and if if it fails we're going to
lose a lot of coins and exp as well I
don't want that happening you know for
now let's just keep Alo on in the team
guys he's doing great to be honest but I
want to change it to 433 formation or
424 formation and by the way D this is a
very good card by the way you definitely
got to try it you know he's worth every
single coin guys so Eric Kona has been
sold so our balance is back to 179
million if I sell weon we going to be
back to 230 million coins or something
so I think I should start slowly trading
guys uh you know maybe making some
Investments I haven't made any
Investments for the past 1 month because
there are no exchanges guys guys so that
means there is no scope for Investments
we are ready with the team now let's go
on play a head to-head match guys so
we're going to play in the tots Arena
you know why not let's accumulate some
points guys team of this is an arena
point so yeah let's go by the way don't
ask me why I'm at World Class 3 that's
because I haven't grinded guys as simple
as that anyways let's go and try to
score at least three or four goals guys
that's the basic standard when when I'm
playing in World Class 3 I love my team
not going to lie I love this team more
than my f to win Team guys and my
opening team it's not at all bad I mean
yeah I mean it's average to be honest
and that's nice from Dage good dribbling
oh that's a foul for sure no come on ref
that's a foul man okay that's a nice
pass can gerro catch up Soul Campell
with a great save and very good
clearance as well and that's nice from
sirish and let's shoot oh that's a nice
power from the shot but yeah o saves it
straight into him let's pull off a cross
here so Soul Campbell nope that's that
was one of the worst Corner takes ever
that's great dribbling he still got the
okay okay we got to score two or three
more guys so that's my target okay skny
dlish gets the
ball that is nice dribbling crazy good
dribbling and look at that I knew this
card is gold this is a diamond card guys
wow and despite lots of players
surrounded he still somehow gets a shot
and that's a freaking goal it's a brace
on his debut match guys and that's
halftime so two goals to nil by the end
of first half so that was a good start
hopefully in the second half I can
repeat the first half result so yeah I
want to score two more goals okay that's
nice okay that's a fall for
sure oh keep complaining keep
complaining to the ref in the meantime
dlas takes the ball and can he finish
the atrick and yes he does finish the
hatrick guys he's so smooth guys he so
he feels so agile with the ball and his
dribbling so good I think he might be
one of the closest cards to R9 guys I
mean without the five star skill moves
for sure that's nice for
football and Kenny dlish despite the
pressure somehow has the ball but yeah
finally gives it away from a nice tackle
from gual so I think we got to settled
with a 30 win guys I was expecting a 4-0
win but yeah yeah just 1 minute left in
the added time and yes guys that's full
time so three goals to nil so that's it
guys I hope you all have enjoyed this 0
to one or3 broke FC series thank you so
much for watching if you enjoyed this
video I'm sure you're going to enjoy
this one as well so make sure to go
watch it guys
4.9 / 5 (31 votes)

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