Insane Subscribers Packs Decide My Team in FC MOBILE!
TLDR在这段视频中,RK,一位游戏频道的主播,通过Twitter收集了200多条评论,从中随机挑选了15个由他的订阅者开出的游戏包。他计划从这些随机包中选择11名球员组成自己的球队。RK设定了一个很高的目标评分(Target over)为95,如果未能达到,他将面临一些后果。在查看和购买球员的过程中,RK展示了多个球员包,包括一些高价值的球员如Paulo Maldini和Kylian Mbappé,并讨论了他们的市场价值。他还提到了如果未能达到目标评分,将进行的5000 FC点数包的抽奖活动,并鼓励观众通过点赞、订阅和评论来参与。最终,RK组建了一个评分为94的球队,并决定即使未达到95的评分,也会进行抽奖,选出三位幸运观众。
- 🎮 主播RK通过Twitter收集粉丝开出的随机卡包来决定他的首发11人阵容。
- 📈 RK从200多条评论中随机查看了15个卡包,并从中选择11名球员加入球队。
- 💰 RK设定了一个目标总评分(Target over)为95,如果没有达到,他将面临后果。
- 🤩 RK首先选择了意大利中后卫保罗·马尔蒂尼,尽管价格昂贵,但他认为无法忽视马尔蒂尼的卡包。
- 👍 RK在查看卡包时,对粉丝Aditya 2609开出的包含施魏因施泰格和拉尔马奥斯的德国卡包表示赞赏,并选择了拉尔马奥斯。
- 🇪🇸 RK选择了罗德里(Rodri)作为球队的中场球员,以及法国的姆巴佩(Mbappé)作为前锋。
- 😅 RK在组建球队时遇到了一些困难,因为他没有获得预期的门将或右后卫卡包。
- 🛒 RK在组建球队时不得不做出一些调整,例如将Will Orban作为中后卫,并将Theo Hernandez作为左后卫。
- 🏆 RK最终没有达到95的总评分目标,只达到了94,但他决定还是送出三个5000 FC点数的礼包。
- 🎁 如果RK没有达到95的评分,他将通过评论区抽奖送出5000 FC点数的礼包,参与者需要点赞视频、订阅频道并留下社交媒体账号。
- ⚽️ RK在组建球队的过程中,不断调整战术和阵容,以适应他从粉丝那里获得的球员卡。
Q & A
-RK在视频中提到,今天的目标评分(Target over)是95。
-如果RK没有达到95的目标评分,他将从评论中抽取三位观众,分别赠送5000 FC点数的包。
-RK选择了包括Paolo Maldini、L. Matos、Rodri、Will Oran、Zidan、Rodrigo和Theo Hernandez等球员。
-RK提到了Paolo Maldini(97评分)、L. Matos(97评分)、Rodri(97评分)、Kylian Mbappé(未提供具体评分但暗示很高)、Zidan(未提供具体评分但被认为很高)等球员。
-RK提到了Paolo Maldini的价格是253 million coins,L. Matos的价格是125 million coins,Rodri的价格是186 million coins,Will Oran的价格是350 K,Zidan的价格是190 million coins,Dembele的价格是1.44 million coins,Theo Hernandez的价格是91.8 million coins。
-RK提到了将Rodri从CDM位置调整到RB位置,Theo Hernandez从LB位置调整到RB位置。
-RK在视频中提到了从初始的阵型变化到433 holding,最后又变化到433 attack。
-RK提到了三个步骤:1. 点赞视频;2. 订阅频道;3. 在评论区留下Twitter、Instagram或Discord ID,并指明平台。
😀 粉丝互动决定首发阵容
🤩 粉丝包开箱与球队构建
RK继续开箱粉丝提供的球员包,其中包括了多位球员的获取,如Rodrigo、Rodri、Mbappé、Zidan等。他根据开出的球员不断调整自己的球队阵容。RK提到,如果最终球队的总评分没有达到95,他将进行一项抽奖活动,给粉丝赠送5000 FC点数的礼包。他还强调了如何参与抽奖,包括点赞视频、订阅频道和在评论区留下社交媒体账号。RK在视频中还展示了一些球员的购买过程,以及他对于球队构建的思考。
🎁 抽奖活动与球队最终阵容
RK在视频中提到,即使达到了95的总评分目标,他依然会进行抽奖活动。他展示了包括Usabo和Dembele在内的球员购买,并讨论了球队阵容的最终构建。RK决定将Theo Hernandez放在左后卫位置,并对球队的总评分进行了计算。最终,球队的总评分为94,因为从Rank Up中获得了一个评分。尽管未达到95的目标,RK决定依然进行抽奖,将从评论区选出三位幸运观众,分别赠送5000 FC点数。视频以RK鼓励观众订阅频道并观看下一个视频结束。
💡Squad Builder
💡Pack Opening
💡Over Target
💡Centurion Fun Pack
💡CDM (Central Defensive Midfielder)
💡Rank Up
第五个卡包开出Kylian Mbappé,是一个巨大的胜利
如果未达到95评分,将赠送5000 FC点数包
决定赠送三个5000 FC点数包给评论区的幸运者
yo RK gang what's going on it's your boy
RK back with another amazing squad
builder on this channel so today my
starting 11 is going to be decided byy
my subscribers packs guys so basically
on Twitter I asked my Twitter followers
to Showcase some of their you know
random packs which they open throughout
the week and I've got lots of comments
guys so I've got like more than 200 plus
comments and out of the 200 plus
comments I'm going to be looking at 15
random packs and out of the 15 random
packs I can choose any 11 pack players
and I'm going to put them in my team and
also today Target over is going to be
very high and today's Target over is 95
and if you fail to raise the target over
I'll let you know the consequences later
guys let's go and start having a look at
my subscribers uh pack so yeah let's go
guys all right guys so this is the post
I'm going to randomly scroll you know
and I'm going to stop at one post so
here we go so I'm going to open this one
here we go this is the pack of Jason
lethal 11 so let's have a look at this
pack it's Italy Center back okay that's
Paulo Malini guys or canavaro oh he I
thought he's stolling for a second but
he got Maldini so I think I'm going to
choose Maldini guys come on you just
can't ignore a Maldini pack he's the
highest Ed carard let me have a look at
my club if I've got him so I don't have
him guys I've got Sergio Ramos but not
Maldini we're going to get him for 253
million wow that is so expensive but
yeah let's go get Malini for 253 million
coins now let's move on to the next pack
guys all right so let me just scroll
down and I'm going to look at this one
so this is a mixed version player pack
into six so it's going to be Italy one
once again don't be Maldini man if it's
Malini that's a pack wasted for us is it
Maldini it's Malini sorry let's have a
look at his other players that he packed
as well probably someone useful might be
there you know a right back or a CDM or
someone some some other potion never
mind I think I'm going to skip this one
so that's already one skip done guys so
out of the 15 I used one skip so yeah I
have to sell it at least for 11 players
guys not a great start to be honest okay
this is the pack of why not uh this is
Aditya 2609 pack so yeah
Germany stimate that's
Schweinsteiger oh my God lar maos oh my
God that is amazing I'm going to use
this one it's MLS Quest pack as well wow
he's extremely lucky this guy is
extremely lucky so let's go and get L
Matos guys for 125 million so that's two
players down out of the three pack so
yeah let's go this guy is going for 186
million coins that is expensive let's
have a look at my club as well no I
don't have him we've got no other choice
but to get him from the market so 186
million so let's go get him guys goar
mat and yep that's the next player and
also the Mal purchase is successful you
know let's let's assemble them later in
the meantime let's go and have a look at
the fourth subscribers pack all right
guys the next pack is from this guy okay
Su readyy oh my God uh so pulled him
twice from the UCL Quest pack so I think
that's Rodrigo that is Rodrigo you know
what Rodrigo is definitely not at all a
bad pack and also I think this guy is
also making some content so let me just
like and R this guy and here we go good
luck with the content man not bad so I'm
going to go and put on a right wi player
here we go this is the Rodrigo card I
think I got this Rodrigo card in my club
let me have a look real quick guys oh I
don't I didn't pack Rodrigo guys
unfortunately so let's go and get
Rodrigo 94 rated that's not at all bad
and it's a very good card to pass on
guys so yeah 68 million is what I'm
going to bid on I put a bid on him
successfully and also guys s r is not my
friend or cousin or something like that
R is a very common uh name in uh South
India especially let's get back to the
video all right let's move on uh I'm
going to skip this one I'm going to no
I'm going to skip this one as well you
know yeah let's go to the team of the
Year pack it's been a while since I've
seen this Team of the Year pack so
Santos that's the pack so Spain oh Rodi
that is not bad guys that's definitely
not bad for a second I thought it's like
pedri or someone but thank God it's a
CDM card so Rod is going to be the next
player the first midfielder I guess of
the day oh no it's l Matos anyways let's
go and get a rodri CDM 97 over as well
so far we're going according to the plan
everything's going according to the plan
I'm happy to the progress that you're
making anyways let's go and have a look
at the next follower SL subscribers pack
so let's go all right so let me just
scroll down a bit and here we go okay
this is the pack of the Roy he says
today my pack like 8.99 is on
France oh my gosh that is Killian mbapp
guys wow this is a massive massive dub
that's a massive dub guys so let me just
go and you know oh wait we've got a few
purchases successful except Rodrigo
restall was successful so let's go and
put them in in the team and also guys I
forgot to tell you what I'm going to do
if I don't reach 95 overr so if I don't
reach 95 overr I'm going to be giving
away one of these 5,000 FC Point funds
pack you know for everyone less over
here so basically if I reach 93 then I'm
going to be giving away two of the
Centurion Fun Pack which gives you 5,000
FC points so if you want to get a chance
all you got to do is just like this
video that's step number one step number
two subscribe to my channel and step
number three is comment down below with
your Twitter or Instagram or Discord ID
please make sure to mention what
platform you're if it's Discord if it's
Instagram or if it's Twitter for example
if I want to participate what I'm going
to be commenting is at The RK e AFC in
Instagram so that's how I'm going to
comment and yeah make sure to follow the
similar pattern guys and also my
Instagram my Twitter and my Discord
accounts right now are showcase on the
screen so those are my only accounts
guys if you get message from any other
account they're just scammers so please
be aware of it and also don't worry if I
reach 95 still I'm going to be giving
away three of these guys so even if I
reach the target there is going to be
giveaway even if I don't reach the
target there's going to be giveaway so
so yeah anyways good luck everyone so
the first one is the center back and we
got Pao Maldini 97 overr and the next
one is going to be mbappe so let's bring
in mbappe got his untradeable card
luckily and next one is the Cent mid lar
Matas so welcome to the club larat house
and yeah the next one is a CDM and we're
going to go with obviously R guys so
position CDM and welcome R re to the
team and yep here we go this is how the
team is looking like 87 overr guys so
not it all bad so here we go this is the
team of the Omega pack a he his best
pack ever so let's have a look at this
guy's pack Hungary Center back will
Orban wait why did he say it's the best
pack ever he just baited me guys no way
this guy just baited me let's have a
look at his I mean you know his players
though so probably out of all these
players I can probably just go for vly
Oban I think I'm just going to go with
Oban guys you know 85 Center back I know
that's very low rated but you know what
I think that's the only good choice I
can go for 350 K cheapest card in this
team for sure and this guy baited me so
badly guys but yeah I appreciate him to
be honest you know all packs being good
that's not really a lot of fun for me
some packs some trash packs in the
comment section it's going to be good
it's going to be much fun for us uh
anyways yeah let's get back to looking
at the packs and also so far I skipped
only one pack guys I got three more
packs to skip should I skip this pack or
not I think I'm going to stick to this
one guys I already bought the players so
let's just stick to this anyways that's
fine let's go and have a look at the
next pack and this is the pack of pram
uh he says that's the best pack I got
this entire season so let's have a look
I I hope this is a center back or a left
pack okay
England okay chew belly goal is not at
all bad for sure it's not at all bad but
you know what let's have a look at the
second player as well I think there are
two players in this pack right I might
be wrong though but let's have a look at
this guys uh you know the full pack oh
never mind he got vtina and Bellingham
so we're going to go with belly goal
guys obviously and I think I got belly
goal in this club uh so let me just
check if I got belly goal our Midfield
is SED on already so let me just put R
here for a second and then let's have a
look at the sentiment and yes I do have
belly gold untradeable card in my club
guys so that is not at all bad and also
let's change it to 433 holding formation
because we got one CDM card and yeah
this is how the team is shaping up so
far and will Oban is going to take this
Inigo Martinez position so yeah and also
the purchase of will Oban is done we're
still waiting for Rodrigo guys so let's
go and assemble you know willan in the
center back position welcome to the team
will Oban I mean he might look like a
imposter among all these high rated
players but that's fine the Sy 89 over
are and let's go and have a look at the
next pack all right so let's scroll down
and I'm going to oh my God yeah let's
have a look at this guy's pack he says
the my best packs ever so let's have a
look at his first best pack and it's a
Centurian player
France oh my God another cam it's zidan
guys wow you know what I don't want to
pass on zidan to be honest I don't want
to pass such a good card man how can we
just oh he's got Sanchez as well so I
you know what I'm just going to get
zidan I'm going to go and get Zan and
I'm going to place R in the left back
portion I think that is absolutely fine
you know ziran is going into the team
for sure and coming to Ry I'm going to
get his ranked up version and yeah we're
going to get one rating from this ranker
portion so I'm going to DED that one
rating that I get from the rankup so
don't worry guys and yeah let's go and
get zidan zenan zidan and yeah the
highest hit at cam in the game right now
so I mean zenid and zidan uh here we go
190 million coins so let's go get him so
yeah that's the latest edition guys and
also Rodrigo purchase is done I think
the Zan purchase is also done and yep
the purchase of Zan is also done guys
it's time to put them both in the team
and yep right wing Rodrigo and the cam
it's going to be of course zidan I think
it's time to change the formation guys
we got to change the formation because
this doesn't work anymore like before so
I'm going to change it to 433 attack and
no more midfielders please I don't want
to see any more midfielder packs yeah I
think it's better this way I think it's
better this way Oran in the center back
and D in the left pack portion so we've
got three more portions to sort out and
we got six more packs to see so not at
all bad we are doing great but we need
to find a goalkeeper pack and a right
backpack which is going to be extremely
hard guys no one's going to show off
their frong or Naas or t Alexander anal
packs but anyways let's go let's try our
best MLS upgrade exchange I want to skip
this one instead I want to see this one
mix version player into three I want to
see this one because we have a chance of
finding some goalkeeper or right back in
this one Portugal Striker oh you sa you
imagine if that was Ronaldo guys I would
have just gone for Ronaldo but usabo
that's not at all bad I'm going to pick
usabo for sure and he's SC bremar and
Morata no right back or goalkeeper so
I'm going to just go with the striker
yabo guys so let's go get yabo and yep
he's going for 175 million this this
squad builder is definitely not at all
cheap guys this is emptying a lot of a
wallet uh yeah anyways let's go and have
a look at the next pack all right you
know what I'm just going to scroll a
little bit down guys a further down here
we go ah this is the one this is the one
so got roll so hard by EA I thought it
was team of the Malini I think this is
canavaro no way if this is canaro that's
a l pack for us and it's a 90 canaro
let's check if I've got any version of
canar in my club if I do have a canaro
version I'm going to get it or I'm going
to skip that pack let me just check
canavaro and okay no I don't have any
canavaro version man unfortunately I
think I'm going to skip that one I'm
going to go further down further down
further and this is one here we go this
is the pack of Eric Mugi miti so yeah
let's go mix Version play into three so
hopefully one goalkeeper among these
three players all right back it's a
centurions yeah England right pack leing
that's rashford guys that's a great pack
but we already got mbappe in the leing
position but let's have a look at the
other he hasn't show the other two
players so I have to skip this one as
well so that's three skips done and only
one more left guys and this is the pack
of entity he says this is the best one
I've packed so far it's a hero player
and it's France hero leing that's David
Jola unfortunately I got to skip this
one as well so yeah I used all my skips
and I can only use two more packs and
I've got use both the players I get I I
get in the next two packs so let's go
okay here we go I'm going to have a look
at this McAn pack he says here it is so
it's going to be German walkout all
right CDM okay that's loar Matas
unfortunately I already used this card
and I can't use a skip for this one
because it's not exact duplicate of L
Matas and we got demele and lamea no
freaking way guys that is a very bad one
honestly but you know what I think I
want to change the formation I'm going
to CL usabo and also what has he packed
he's packed L Matas and he's got demele
so I'm going to get demele guys the
right wing card so where is demele here
we go yeah this is the Dem version he
pack so let me just get this version you
know it doesn't really matter much 1.44
million coins anyway so yeah let's go
and I think we got to change the
formation guys I I think it's too late I
should have changed the formation
previously itself but I think or else
you know what I'm just going to use
demele in the right back position I'm
just going to use Dem in the right back
position so let me just bring in usabo
guys now we reach 93 overr and dember is
going to join the right back potion and
yeah this is how the team has been
shaping up uh I mean it's good to be
honest but no I don't think we're going
to reach the 95 over here honestly and
we got one last you know pack to see
let's go scroll down a bit I I need a
vanders pack let's go this is the pack
of bod FC nice name bod and he got a
France walk out it's not a oh left back
oh my God it's too late I guess I think
it's too late he got Theo Hernandez
hopefully a goalkeeper after Theo
Hernandez please be a goalkeeper he's
not skipping it I don't think we can see
the rest of the fact no way so you know
what I'm going to do one thing I'm going
to just leave Lopez you know my existing
goalkeeper just like that and I'm going
to bring Theo Hernandez and put him in
the left back position so yeah let's go
do it yeah he's going for 91.8 million
coins yeah he is one of the cheapest
players in this team to be honest and
you know dem is going to be useless for
us I'm just going to you know I'm going
to get rid of the goalkeeper portion uh
and yeah the purchase of Theo Hernandez
is done and it's time to see how much
rating did we actually reach and I'm
going to put uh yeah rodri in this CDM I
inan right back position and then the
left pack the final card in this team is
Theo Hernandez we reached 95 over but
you know what guys we actually reached
only 94 over because we getting one
rating from the rankup yeah actually I
should only give one 5,000 FC points but
you know what I'm going to give three
5,000 FC points guys so yeah I'm going