101 Icon Pelé But Insane Packs Decides His Teammates!
TLDRمستخدم يستخدم بطاقة جديدة من نوع P بتقييم 97 OVR في الحدث النووي الجديد، ويهدف إلى رفع تقييم بطاقة بيل (Pelle) إلى 101 OVR. يعتمد المنتخب النهائي على عجلة اللاعبين المذهلة وتبادلات FKS. ويواجه تحديًا لتحقيق تقييم إجمالي لا يقل عن 92 OVR، في حالة فشل في الوصول إلى هذا التقييم يجب أن يبدأ مباراة مواجهة بهدف في المقدمة وإذا فاز الخصم سيتخلص عشوائيًا من لاعب. يستخدم نقاط FC لشراء بطاقات لاعبي فريقه ويتحدى بزيادة تقييم بيل وتدريبه ليتمكن من اللعب في المباراه. في النهاية، يخسر التحديًا ويضطر إلى استخدام لاعب في التدريب بدلاً من التخلص منه.
- 🏟️ في الحدث الجديد لـ 'Luna New Year' يوجد بطاقة P جديدة بتقييم عام 97 OVR.
- 🃏 سيستخدم اللاعب بطاقة OVR 101، وفريقه سيحدد من خلال عجلة FKS الرائعة ومبادئ التبادل.
- 🎯 الهدف اليوم هو الوصول إلى تقييم عام 92 OVR، وإذا فشلت في الوصول إلى هذا التقييم فمن المفترض أن أبدأ مباراة مواجهة منخفضة بهدف واحد.
- 💸 في حالة خسارة المباراة، يجب إلغاء لاعب عشوائي، مما يشير إلى أن المجموعة ستكون غالية.
- 🛒 تم شراء بطاقة بيلي بقيمة 225 مليون عملات، وسيتم ترقيتها لتصل إلى OVR 101.
- 🔄 في محاولة لرفع تقييم بيلي، فشل في المحاولة الأولى، ثم في المحاولات التالية بعدها، حتى استخدم سبع ماساتانوس قبل النجاح.
- 🎖 بيلي بعد ترقيته يمتلك نقاط مهارات 4، وسيتم تخصيصها لتحسين مهارات التصوير.
- 🌟 بيلي عند OVR 101 يمتلك إمكانيات ممتازة، بما في ذلك بطول 125، وتصوير 138، ومرور 134، ودribbling 122، وتوصيل 89.
- 🎲 تم استخدام عجلة FKS لتحديد أطراف الفريق، مما يتضمن الح希 للعجلات التي يمكن اختيار لاعبين منها.
- ⚽ في محاولة لتحقيق OVR 92، تم جمع مجموعة من اللاعبين من عجلات مختلفة، بما في ذلك لاعبين بتقييمات مختلفة.
- 🏆 في النهاية، رغم الفشل في الوصول إلى OVR 92، فشلت في الفوز بالمباراة وعليه إلغاء لاعب واحد، لكن لاعب الخصم الذي كان مختار للإلغاء كان لا يمكن إلغاءه، لذا سيستخدم في التدريب بدلاً من ذلك.
Q & A
ما هي البطاقة الجديدة في الحدث الجديد لـ Luna؟
-البطاقة الجديدة هي بطاقة بتقييم عام 97 في الحدث الجديد لـ Luna.
ما هي البطاقة التي سيتم استخدامها في الجولة القادمة؟
-سيتم استخدام بطاقة بتقييم عام 101 بدلاً من بطاقة بتقييم عام 97.
ماذا تعني عجلة FKS وتبادلات في النص؟
-عجلة FKS وتبادلات هي نظام يحدد أطراف الفريق التي سيتم استخدامها في الجولة القادمة.
ما هو الهدف الهدف لـ OVR في الجولة الحالية؟
-الهدف OVR لهذه الجولة هو 92، وإذا فشلت في الوصول إلى هذا التقييم فمن المفترض أن أبدأ مباراة المواجهة مباشرة بهدف في الخصم.
ماذا يحدث إذا فشل اللاعب في الفوز في المباراه؟
-إذا فشل اللاعب في الفوز في المباراه فسيضطر إلى تلقي لاعب عشوائي.
ما هي قيمة بطاقة بيل الأساسية وكيف سيتم ترقيتها؟
-بطاقة بيل الأساسية تساوي 225 مليون عملة، وسيتم ترقيتها باستخدام ماستر رانرز لزيادة تقييمها.
ماذا تعني 'Mashianos' في النص؟
-Mashianos يشير إلى ماستر رانرز، وهي ال的一种在游戏中用来升级球员的工具.
لماذا فشلت محاولة ترقية بيل في الدرجة الأولى؟
-فشلت محاولة ترقية بيل في الدرجة الأولى بسبب انخفاض الاحتمالات، حيث كانت فرصة النجاح 50% فقط.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية لبطاقة بيل بعد التدريب؟
-بعد التدريب، بيل يمتلك تقييم بوت 101، مع إعدادات مختلفة مثل بوت 125، وتصوير 138، وتوصيل 122، وتزلج 134، وجسدية 89.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية للمباراة بعد تلقي الهدف الأول؟
-النتيجة النهائية للمباراة هي تعادل 4-4، لكن اللاعب يخسر بسبب القاعدة التي يبدأ بها بهدف في الخصم.
من سيتم تلقيه إذا فشل اللاعب في الفوز؟
-سيتم تلقي ليبي جونيور إذا فشل اللاعب في الفوز، لكن لا يمكن تلقيه لأنه لا يمكن تداوله.
😀 Building a High-OVR Team with P Card and Challenges
The video script details the process of constructing a football team with a high overall rating (OVR) in a game, starting with the acquisition and ranking up of a 97 OVR P card. The player aims to reach a team OVR of 92 or higher, facing challenges such as starting a match with a one-goal deficit if the target OVR is not met, and potentially discarding a player if the match is lost. The player begins by purchasing and ranking up the P card to 101 OVR using Master Runners and Mashianos, despite several failed attempts. The P card is then trained to improve its shooting and dribbling skills, resulting in a powerful center forward with high pace, shooting, passing, and dribbling stats.
🎰 Spinning the Wheel of Fate to Complete the Team
The player engages with a 'wheel of FKS and exchanges' to determine the fate of the team's composition, with only 11 spins available. Each spin offers different player packs with varying OVR ratings. The first spin results in a Master Team of the Year (TOTY) player pack, adding William Saliba with a 91 OVR. Subsequent spins yield players like Ruben Dias from different packs, including a Carnival exclusive offer and a Team of the Year special offer. The player strategically selects players to meet the OVR target, aiming to avoid redundancy and strengthen the team's overall performance.
🏆 High Stakes Match with Discarding Consequences
The player faces a high-stakes match, starting with a one-goal disadvantage due to not reaching the target OVR. The script describes an intense match against a formidable opponent with ranked-up players. Despite the challenging start, the player manages to score goals with the help of the powerful P card, Pelle, who scores a hattrick. However, the match ends in a draw, and the player's premature celebration proves costly. As a result, the player must discard a player from the team, which adds an element of suspense and consequence to the gameplay.
🎁 Discarding a Player and Training Instead of Losing
In the final part of the script, the player spins a wheel to determine which player will be discarded. The player expresses a desire to avoid discarding Pelle, the high-performing P card. The wheel lands on Vinnie Junior, but since he is an untradeable player, the player decides to use him for training instead. The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to subscribe to the channel and check out other pack-opening videos, suggesting a community of players engaged in similar gameplay experiences.
💡P card
💡wheel of FKS and exchanges
💡Target OVR
💡head-to-head match
💡discard a player
💡rank up
💡Master Runners
💡skill points
💡Team of the Year (TOTY)
Introduction of a new 97 OVR card for the Luna New Year event.
Use of a 101 OVR card and the Wheel of FKS to decide teammates.
Target OVR set at 92; consequences for failing to reach it.
Pelle's base card acquisition costing 225 million coins.
Struggle to rank up Pelle to 99 OVR with multiple failures.
Final successful upgrade of Pelle to 101 OVR after seven attempts.
Allocation of skill points to improve Pelle's shooting ability.
Unlocking and confirming Pelle's position and stats.
Maxing out Pelle's stats with a zard disc.
Introduction of the Wheel of Parks and Exchanges to decide team fate.
First spin result: Master Team of the Year player pack.
Acquisition of William Saliba, a 91 rated card.
Second spin result: Team of the Year 100 player pack.
Addition of Ruben Dias to the team with an 87 OVR.
Third spin result: Carnival exclusive offer.
Inclusion of Vinnie Junor in the left wing position.
Fourth spin result: Luna special offer with Obame Yang.
Fifth spin result: Lunar year special offer B with Di Maria.
Sixth spin result: Ice breaker pack B with disappointing results.
Seventh spin result: 85 to 97 red exchange with a goalkeeper.
Eighth spin result: Team of the Year 100 pack with Rodri.
Ninth spin result: Ultimate Team of the Year special offer.
Acquisition of Virgil Van Dijk and formation of a strong defense.
Failed to reach 92 OVR, consequences include starting a match down a goal.
Highly competitive head-to-head match with a strong opponent.
Pelle's outstanding performance with a hattrick.
Match ends in a draw, facing the consequence of discarding a player.
Winnie Junior is chosen to be discarded but is used for training instead.
there is a brand new P card in the Luna
New Year event so he's got a 97 OVR card
today I'm going to be using his 101 OVR
card guys and not just that his
teammates are going to be decided by
this amazing wheel of FKS and exchanges
and not just that we have some Target
OVR to reach so today's Target OVR is 92
over if I fail to reach 92 over I have
to start the head-to-head match with one
goal down and if I lose the match I have
to discard a player randomly guys so
yeah we better not lose any player
because this team is going to be very
expensive anyways let's get started guys
and first let's put Pelle in the team
all right guys let's get Pelle first his
base card is going for 225 million coins
so I'm going to get him and we got some
master Runners anyway so we're going to
use that to rank him up so let's go get
B for 225 million coins so one of the
first purchases and here we go guys I
have successfully claimed Pelle now it's
time to rank him up so I want to take
him to at least one one OVR so that's my
target so let's go do it guys so let's
begin by first few rank UPS all you need
is one Masano so let's just upgrade
those guarant once so this is the first
upgrade first level up and this is the
second rank up level here we go and even
that's 100% probability and that's going
to take him to 99 OVR now it's a 50%
chance but that's a risk I'm willing to
take so let's go and that's a failure
guys yeah that's a failure I've seen it
let's just use another one here we go oh
my God two failures that is so bad and
let's go again oh my God that's three
failures no freaking way guys I wasted a
lot actually how is it even possible I
just wasted four mashianos I should have
just gone for 100% no but I don't like
to go for 100% five matanos wasted what
is going on oh my God no way guys six
mashas wasted this is a 50% probability
and I'm just doing the same like a dumb
guy I don't even know what to say guys
here we go finally it took me seven Mash
Ranos guys and that's a big loss for me
not going to lie that is a huge loss
this time I'm just going to go four here
we go oh my God that's a failure guys
something is wrong with this game I'm
going to go three this time that's a
failure oh my God did I just waste these
many mashianos okay I'm going 4 it ATM
this time wow Bravo anyways I ranked him
up to one one overr I mean I lost a lot
of mashos guys I'm kind of very
disappointed because the previous time
on my squad upgrade I tried with three
and four it worked out but this time I
shouldn't have just taken the risk but
anyways a one one p is here guys let's
not talk about the bad part and let's
just train him up this P has got four
skill points so let's go use the skill
points and I'm not sure which one to go
with I think probably dribbling let's
have a look he's already got good
dribbling guys I think I should just go
with shooting maybe you know just make
his shooting much better shooting is
what we're going to go with and now his
Center forward and Striker potions have
been unlocked so let's go confirm that
and now it's time to train him up as
well so I already got a trained up P or
else so let me just use it or probably
I'm just going to use this zard disc
guys so let's go use his zard disc and
here we go Pelle maxed out now I mean
101 plus 25 so he's got 125 Pace 138
shooting 122 passing 134 dribbling and
89 phys phys girl not going to lie
that's a killer cam card the best cam
card by a mile and he's got four and a
half star stamina five star skill moves
and four star weakfoot I don't know why
guys every time he normally gets five
star weak foot in previous seasons of
FIFA mobile but this time this season
they made him a fourstar weak fooot
player anyways he's got finish shot and
solid player trade High attacking work
rate and medium Defense work rate so we
can either use him in the striker or the
center forward or also in the camp
position all right guys so this is the
wheel of parks and exchanges and this is
going to decide Our Fate today anyways
let's let's begin by spinning the wheel
and here we go guys and the first one
it's going to be the okay oh my God we
begin with Master team of their offer
guys so let's go open the master team of
their offer first so this is the master
team of their player pack so this has a
guaranteed 9297 overr team of their
player and also guys by the way we we
got only 11 spins to use so we have to
be very wise with the players that we
choose and also from every pack we can
choose a maximum of one player so yeah
let's get started 1,500 FC points for
this one come on EA please give me a
massive walk out France this is Center
back oh that is William Saliba oh that's
a 91 rated card I thought he's got a
higher rated nominee card but anyways
Saliba is the first player that's going
into the team so let's go Place him
there welcome to the team William salba
so let's go that's spin number one done
guys so we've got 10 more spins so let's
go and use the next spin now all right
I'm going to hide this slice and let's
go and use a Second Spin come on EA
please give me someone something good
pack I mean uh not here sorry come on
Wheel all right so we got team of there
100 so that's a big pack by the way the
first two packs they are massive packs
so let's go so this has 100 players from
FC mobile I'm hoping for the best guys
obviously so 2,000 FC points for this
one here comes the first 100 player pack
so it's Spain right
back okay
pedoro okay it's 85 rated so I'm not
really considering but we got a Manuel
laer card guys is the goalkeeper so we
might just get goalkeeper n and put him
in the team or else let's have a look at
the bonus unfadable player Park and it's
a team of their player obviously
Portugal Norway oh Center back I thought
that was Cristiano Ronaldo but we got
nine Ruben Diaz guys I mean that's still
great not going to lie I think I'm just
going to go with him we also got kobal I
think I'm just going to go with Ruben
Dias I'm the goalkeeper I know that but
I want to just get high rated players
first so here we go for the Second Spin
we've got Ruben Diaz into the team we
already at 87 over I mean yeah I I put
gold players that's the reason why
anyways let's go and spin the wheel
again let's go again guys come on this
is spin number three so it is going to
be Carnival exclusive offer I guess yes
that's Carnival exclusive offer so let's
go get that offer this is the carnival
exclusive offer guys it's $1 and we have
a chance of packing those big team of
their players as well so let's go I'm
I'm going to hope for the team of the
players obviously and even if you don't
get any good player I could just go with
venicius junor in the left potion either
way it's a I mean win situation for us
it's not a walk out guys all we got is
81 Center back so I think we got to
stick with venicius junr so I'm just
going to skip the animation we know
what's coming there so I'm just going to
go with Vinnie junor in the left wing
position so let's go and Vinnie junor
welcome to the team not bad we are
making a great progress so far let's go
and use our spin number four guys all
right spin number four and here comes
the spin so let's see what we're going
to get this time so it is going to be
okay Luna special offer beat no any
player of the month exchange so let's
have a look at the player of the month
exchange stab we don't need a left thing
obviously we don't need a cam let's just
go and get obame Yang and here we go
Pier Amer obame Yang exchange has been
done and yeah guys if we get another
Striker they they'll just sit on the
bench we got one extra player anyways
welcome to the team pair amerck Obama
Yang so far we are making a great
progress I think we are right on track
for the 92 OVR anyways let's go and spin
the wheel again all right spin number
five I guess or six probably I'm not
sure but yeah let's have a look at this
one okay Luna special offer B so that's
what what we are supposed to open now so
let's go open it so this is the lunar
year special offer B so this has 85 to
95 over here plus 150 FC points so let
me just purchase this real quick guys
and the purchase is set so let's go and
see if we going to get a walk out or a
normal play it's a walk out guys so
let's have a look at this player
Argentina Center forward Messi Oh I
thought that was Messi but that's just
Di Maria okay that's not bad probably
I'm just going to make him sit on the
bench maybe for now here we go welcome
to the team de Mara and so far five
spins are done with still got six more
and we got to fill in a lot of potions
guys so let's go spin the wheel again
time to hide this one and let's go spin
the wheel here comes the next PK and
this time it is going to be oh ice
breaker pack B all right let's go and
open the ice breaker pack B so this is
the IC breaker pack B this has a 85 to
97 player and 75 to 97 into 12 it's $1
so not at all bad I think it's decent
value pack so let's go open this one all
right the purchase is set so let's have
a look at this I'm very excited for this
one come on EA Sports okay it's a normal
walk out all right Endo no that's not
Endo we got a left thing guys I mean
yeah kind of disappointing we don't need
a left F now oh my God that's what we
got so I think I'm not sure which one to
go with in this one I think I'm just
going to go with the left wi guys so
let's go Place him in the right wing
maybe or else probably venicius Junior
in the right wing and this Japanese guy
in the left wing so let's go Place him
in the left wing position the last two
packs were in the best anyways let's
move on again and spin the wheel now
here we go the next one on the wheel is
going to be oh my God it is 85 to 97 red
exchange so let's go do it guys all
right so 85 to 97 exchange so here we go
let's see what we're going to get I I
need a left back or a right back for my
team guys so probably tap SOA no it's a
goalkeeper thank God we got a goalkeeper
I thought we we going to be without a
goalkeeper but we got coffee and we got
two 85 rated players which is kind of
disappointing but anyways I'm just going
to go use this coffee guy in my
goalkeeper position not a bad rating as
well he's he's got 89 rated card so
that's decent and we are already up to
90 over here I know some of the players
are not yet arrived but still let's go
and spin the wheel again here we go I
want the big pack I want the 95 to 97
pack okay another team of their 100 pack
so let's go so this is the pack Let's go
Team of their 100 pack once again come
on EA Sports bless me with someone huge
France cam uh that's Cabella no uh who
is this yeah that's Cabella I was right
never mind and we got Hummel we've got a
left back Rodriguez we've got another
left back nun mench uh let's have a look
at this uh you know unfadable team of
their player hopefully a left back or a
right back back okay Spain rodri oh
that's pedri or Rod okay that's rodri
Nom's card guys so we'll take that one
obviously so not bad 95 R we also got a
San and we also got a Kubo so I think
I'm just going to go with rodri that's
an obvious choice guys that's a
no-brainer Choice anyways let's go and
place rot in the center mid position and
this is how the team is looking like Oh
I thought we're going to increase in OVR
but we still at 90 overr anyways let's
go and use the next pin come on I want
the 95 to 97 pack 95 to 97 pack never
mind okay you you team of the you T is
special offer I think that's a 95 to 97
pack yep yes guys that's the ultimate
team of the special offer pack so I was
asking for it and here we go by the way
guys it's it's not cheating I I was
honest in the wheel throughout the wheel
so don't worry anyways let's go and get
the ultimate team of their pack so this
is the ultimate team of their special
offer which has the guaranteed Ultimate
Team of their player so I'm hoping for a
left pack or a right back I mean yeah I
don't mind a frong as well I mean I
don't think you can pack a frong from
this I don't mind the Messi you know
let's go but let's see here we go so the
the first one is just 10,000 coins or
Ronaldo imagine a Ronaldo guys it's
going to be massive so Netherlands
Center back Vil vanik here we go that is
not bad that's a definite dub guys
that's a big dub pack by the way and
that is crazy let's go play Virgil Van
and probably I'm going to put Saliba in
the right back position you know he
he'll do the job job there and we have
the team of the duo Virgil Van and Ruben
in the center back partnership so I
think we've got two more spins left we
need a sentiment in the left P so let's
go and spin the wheel again so let's go
guys and this time it is going to be 10
into team of their value pack all right
let's go and open 10 into team of their
value packs if you're confused which
pack I was referring to so this is the
one 10 into 25 FC points pack 75 to 97 R
player possibility and not even a walk
out and the best is 80 rated wow we got
to Kim pmbe though probably I can go for
Kim pmbe in the left P por so I think
that's why to do so let's go do it guys
let's just use Kim PM in the left pack
position here we go Kim pmbe in the left
pack probably he might have affected our
OVA for sure all we need is a CID player
and that's it we are done anyways let's
go and spin the wheel again here we go
let's see what is the next one going to
be okay 87 to 997 DED exchange so let's
go do it guys here we go 87 to 97 DED
exchange so come on EA please give me a
sentiment that's what I ask for come on
a stimate okay dor I guess H that's CDM
I think that does the job guys that that
does the job for sure AA dor as well we
got D Lorenzo guys I mean I wish he
popped up earlier but anyways we can use
dor in the center mid portion it's time
guys I don't think we we will reach 9
overr but let's have a look never mind
we didn't reach 9 overr we we fell short
just a little bit short so that means I
got to start my game with one goal down
and if I don't win the match I have to
discard one player randomly so lots of
amazing players in this team guys I
don't want to discard anyone of them but
yeah let's go guys let's try our best
I'm sure we can come out Victorious so
let's go do it all right so this is my
opponent's team oh my God he's got nice
ranked up players guys it's it's not
going to be a cakewalk for sure and I
also remember I got to start with one
goal down and I'm going to win this
match if not I have to discard a player
yeah let's go okay please pass me the
ball so that I can give you a goal man
oh my God this guy he not chilling he's
not stopping oh my God look at that goal
guys look at that goal I still haven't
given him a goal back but yeah let me
just give him a goal back now let's go I
gave him a goal back guys just like we
agreed before if I want to win this
match I got to get three goals I think
that's impossible I I you know thaty
this guy is on Fire come on
P come on Pelle P scores the first goal
already that didn't really take a lot of
time that was a perfect run from Pelle
obang to Pelle Pelle back I mean Pelle
with the perfect shot there and no
keeper is stopping that I think I can
sense a good match guys come on P come
on get another goal now
let's go nice well done
Pelle wow P score that one oh my God
that was a master class from Pelle look
at that guys no one's getting close to
him look at
that perfect curve we level we equalize
already it's not even 20 30 minutes gone
I told you guys it's going to be a good
match for sure winie Junior come
on I am a pro guys I'm pro at this we
created enough space for Vinnie junor to
shoot that was easy guys obviously wow
look at that look at that Pelle and oh
my God what a beautiful hattick p is him
he is him yes my opponent scored a
similar goal in the first half I mean
the power shot and we did score a power
shot and also hatrick with Pelle guys
he's an absolute
Beast oh my God my opponent got one goal
back now look at that I mean I just
couldn't win anything there guys
Ronaldinho seriously but anyways 43 we
still have one goal lead I just got to
keep it I sense a big counter
attack oh yeah I was
right ah he equalizes guys for all I was
breing way too early man I just couldn't
do anything there Alo run too good too
good to be stopped there and it's four
all I told you this is going to be a
crazy match I thought so not going to
lie that was a great performance from me
guys I mean I did all everything
possible but I think I celebrated way
too early I think that costed me this
match but for all great match but still
I got a discard one player guys so let
me just put all the players on the wheel
and I'll be back all right guys now it's
time to spin the wheel and whoever name
comes on this wheel they are going to be
discarded so let's go and spin the wheel
I don't want to get Pelle anyone apart
from Pelle that's fine okay uh it's
Winnie Junior so yeah Winnie is supposed
to be discarded as is an untradeable
player I can't discard him but instead
I'm just going to use him in training so
let's go do it here we go I'm going to
use Winnie junor for training here we go
it's discarded guys so that's it guys I
hope you all have enjoyed this video if
you did make sure to subscribe to my
channel and also go check out my pack
opening video guys
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