I Trained Like a Superhero For 90 Days!
TLDRهذا النص يحكي قصة شخص ي決定 تحدٍ نفسه لتصبح مثل الأبطال الخارقين في السينما خلال 90 يومًا. يبدأ بوزنه 240 رطلًا وي Hire مدرب هوليوودي لمساعدته في التحول. يتضمن التدريب أطباق مكثفة وتغيير نمط الأكل، مع تجارب ممتعة مثل التدريب مع الملك الكبدي وتجربة السباحة الباردة. يستمر في التقدم ويخسر 15 رطلًا، ويلعب كرة السلة على ملعب الدنفر نوجتس. يكافح مع الإغراء وينتصر على التحديات، وحتى يتعلم من ملاك القتال مايك تايسون. في نهاية الرحلة، ينضم إلى فريق مارفل لتدريب القتال ويصور مشهدًا من أحداث الأبطال الخارقين، ويقترب من هدفه بانخفاض نسبة الدهون من 30% إلى 9%.
- 💪 الشخص يهدف لتحويل جسمه إلى مثل الأبطال ال超人ي في 90 يومًا.
- 🏋️♂️ يستخدم مدرب هوليوودي لمساعدة الكابتن الأمريكي في التحول بدني.
- 🥗 الشخص يبدأ بتغيير الأكلات الغير صحية في منزله بالأخضر.
- 🍪 يواجه تحديًا في تجربة الأكل الصحّي مع وجود مقاطع كوكي ضخمة.
- 😴 يعاني من التعب بسبب التمارين الرياضية القوية وتقليل كمية الطعام.
- 🏋️♂️ يستمر في التدريب مع تقليل وزنه بواحدة جرام.
- 🤸♂️ يتعلم كيف يتحرك مثل الأبطال ال超人ي من خلال ممارسة ال杂技.
- 🎥 يصور في مشهد من أفلام الأبطال ال超人ي في النهاية.
- 🚶♂️ يضيف الحزام المقاومة لممارسة التمارين لزيادة الجهد.
- 🏃♂️ يستمر في التدريب مع الأصدقاء والمدربين لتحقيق أهداف ال體型.
- 🎉 يحتفل ب Vier ملايين مشتركين على القناة ويستضيف حفلًا م別عًا.
- 🍎 يختبر نوعًا جديدًا من الhidration بـ Air Up، الذي يعتمد على الرائحة لتقديم الطعم.
- 🌎 يشارك في ممارسات ال杂技 لتعلم تحركات الأبطال ال超人ي.
- 🥊 يتعلم من ملاك ال肝肾 كيف يضرب كبار اللاعبين في السلة.
- 🎁 يشارك في عمل خيري للمساعدة في تزويدي اللاجئين.
- 🎬 يشجع على التدريب الجسدي الصعب والممارسة المستمرة لتحقيق الأهداف.
- 📉 لقد انخفض الوزن من 240 رطلًا إلى 199 رطلًا، ونسبة الدهون في الجسم من 30% إلى 9%.
- 🙌 يختبر الشخص الأداء في مشهد القتال للفيلم الأبطال ال超人ي.
Q & A
ما هي الهدف الرئيسية من التدريب الذي يجريه الشخص في النص؟
-الهدف الرئيسي هو التحول الجسدي ليصبح مثل الأبطال ال超人ي، وتقليل الوزن من أكثر من 240 رطل إلى يصبح في شكل مثالي للتصوير في مشهد مبارزة لبطل ال_ACTION_.
من هو المدرب الذي ا聘请d الشخص لمساعدته في التدريب؟
-المدرب هو مدرب هوليوود يساعد بطل ال_ACTION_ في التدريب.
ما هي أول خطوة التي يتخذها الشخص في رحلته لتصبح مثل الأبطال ال超人ي؟
-أول خطوة هي الأكل بشكل صحيح، مما يتضمن الذهاب إلى ال杂货店 وشراء الأطعمة الصحية.
ماذا يفعل الشخص بعد التخلص من الأطعمة الغير صحية في منزله؟
-يحل محل الأطعمة الغير صحية بالأخضر، ويبدو أنه لا يعرف بالضبط ما هو ذلك.
لماذا وضع الشخص الأطباق في جيبه؟
-كان هذا لجعل التحدي أصعب، حيث كان يصور مقطع فيديو لـ _ACTION_ عملاق، مما كان ي构成极大的诱惑.
ماذا يفعل الشخص بعد التدريب الصعب في اليوم الأول؟
-يشعر بالتعب الشديد بسبب التدريب الصعب وانخفاض كمية الأكل، ويذهب للنوم.
ما هي العادة السيئة التي يحاول الشخص تغييرها؟
-العادة السيئة التي يحاول تغييرها هي تناول الأطعمة الغير صحية مباشرة عندما يصحى.
ما هي النتيجة الأولى التي يحصل عليها الشخص بعد التدريب؟
-النتيجة الأولى هي انخفاض الوزن بوزن واحد، وهو بداية رائعة لكن ليس كافي لتصبح مثل الأبطال ال超人ي.
ما هي التجربة التي يجربها الشخص مع الملك الكبدي؟
-يجرب الشخص التدريب مع الملك الكبدي، الذي يشجعه على الاستمرار في الحمل حتى يتمكن من حمل الوزن.
ما هي التجربة التي يشعر بها الشخص بعد الأكل الغير صحي في ملعب الDenver Nuggets؟
-يشعر بالذنب لأن أكل من الوجبات الخفيفة في وقت لا يتناسب مع التدريب الصعب الذي ي经受ه.
ما هي التدريب التي يحصل عليها الشخص من جيمس بيست؟
-التدريب الذي يحصل عليه من جيمس بيست هو تدريبات صعبة تتضمن الضغط على الأرجل والركض وممارسة الountain climbers.
كيف يشعر الشخص بعد مرور 90 يومًا من التدريب؟
-يشعر بالفخر بنفسه وبالإنجاز في التحدي الذي وضعه لنفسه، حيث انخفاض الوزن من 240 رطل إلى 199 رطل ونسبة الدهون في الجسم من 30% إلى 9%.
🏋️♂️ 超级英雄训练挑战启动
🍪 面对诱惑与艰难的节食
🏃♂️ 强化训练与名人体验
🎥 拍摄超级英雄动作场景
💡식이 조절
💡운동 장비
💡체중 감량
💡식품 은행
Training for 90 days to achieve a superhero physique, starting at over 240 pounds.
Hiring a Hollywood trainer known for working with Captain America.
Emphasis on proper nutrition and grocery shopping for a superhero diet.
Removing junk food from the house and adopting healthier eating habits.
Experiencing the difficulty of the first gym session and the commitment to a lifestyle change.
The challenge of adjusting to a new diet, especially giving up beloved cookies.
The physical and mental struggle of intense workouts and the temptation of unhealthy food during a cookie-themed video shoot.
The importance of rest and recovery, including the use of an Arctic plunge.
Weight loss progress and the motivation to continue despite the challenges.
A unique workout experience with the Liver King, incorporating primal exercises.
The struggle with dietary temptations during a special event, leading to a cheat meal.
Learning superhero stunts from a professional and the difficulty of performing them.
The innovative use of Air Up for hydration, which relies on smell for flavor.
Meeting Mike Tyson and learning boxing techniques from a legend.
The emotional milestone of reaching 4 million subscribers and the celebratory party.
The realization of social responsibility and donating food and funds to a local food bank.
Training with fitness superstar Jesse James West for an intensified workout.
Preparing for and filming a Marvel superhero action scene, incorporating elements from various characters.
The final transformation results, going from 240 pounds and 30% body fat to 199 pounds and 9% body fat.
- For the next 90 days,
I'm gonna be training exactly like a superhero,
and this is what I look like right now.
And I weigh over 240 pounds.
So to get me in superhero shape,
I hired a Hollywood trainer
who's helped Captain America get jacked.
- This is where the superhero is made.
- And when I say superhero, I mean it.
I'm gonna be putting my body to the test
with the most insane workouts possible.
The first step to look like a superhero is to eat right.
So we need to head to the grocery store.
- Yes, and no cookies.
(upbeat music)
- This is a new flavor, fudge covered Oreos.
- How do you know that's a new flavor?
Are you really down this aisle that much?
- No. No. No.
- They're superheroes on the boxes.
- No.
We are starting from the bottom.
Here we go.
- What flavor is this?
- This is the flavor you should be drinking.
Now we're on the right start.
- Watermelon.
- In the cart.
- I'm learning.
(upbeat music)
- Now things are starting to get real.
I removed all of the junk food from my house
and replaced it with this green stuff.
I don't even know what this is.
I'm about to go to sleep on night one.
This is when I would normally want a midnight snack
but I have to stay strong.
So, I'll see you guys in the morning.
Now I am heading to the gym for one of the very first times.
This is definitely a lifestyle change.
(upbeat music)
- Ready to rock and roll?
(upbeat music)
- You hold.
You go up, you go down, you open.
(upbeat music)
- Time to move on to some leg stuff.
- I hate legs.
- The reason why I made legs second today,
is 'cause he wouldn't be able to get up out of that chair
if we did it first.
(upbeat music)
- This is one of the hardest things
I've ever done in my life.
I underestimated how tough this is gonna be.
I'm working out so hard because at the end of this video,
I'll be putting my body to the test on a Hollywood set
filming a superhero fight scene.
I have a really bad habit of eating super unhealthy things
right when I wake up,
but if I want to look like a superhero,
all of that has to go.
So let's go see how much I weigh.
(upbeat music)
- I weigh the exact same today,
and it's going to be a massive challenge
because of the video we're filming.
We're building the world's largest cookie.
And you know I love cookies, so this is gonna suck.
- That's why we got a bunch for you.
- Why are you putting the cookies in my pocket?
Filming this giant cookie video is a massive temptation
and it's making this challenge much harder.
- Hey!
- I want everybody to keep an eye on Matthew,
make sure that he doesn't eat any of this.
- And because I'm eating much less
and working out, I'm very tired.
I'm just extremely tired.
I worked out really hard yesterday,
and I'm not eating as much as I'm used to.
(upbeat music)
- Over the next few days, I continued my training.
I currently weigh one pound less, which is a great start,
but definitely not enough to become a superhero.
- Matthew's up front eating his healthy food,
but what he doesn't know is we got him lunch and a show.
- Are you boys ready?
(instrumental music)
- What is going on right now?
I'm just trying to diet.
- Louder!
(instrumental music continues)
- That is the saddest plate in the world.
That lunch was super painful,
just like the next few days of my training.
(sighs) I'm so out of shape.
Working out every day like this,
doing hours of cardio and weight training
is one of the hardest challenges I've ever given myself.
(intense music)
It is day number nine,
and I have lost seven pounds so far.
(upbeat music)
It's eight o'clock at night.
We're at the movies and they're eating a bunch of junk food.
- I wish you would've told me we're seeing Ant-Man.
- I'm not gonna lie, that popcorn looks delicious.
- You want some?
- Yeah, I do.
- Okay.
- Day 17 was super busy.
First I started with breakfast.
Nothing like egg whites for breakfast, every single day.
No salt, no pepper, not even the yolk.
This is extremely difficult for me because
this was my old breakfast, cookies and milk.
Then I flew to Texas to work out with the Liver King,
- I am the Liver King!
- I'm Matthew.
Do I get sunglasses?
- Did our ancestors get sunglasses?
- So I should take these off?
- Lemme hold 'em for you.
(cracking sound)
That's what you do with sunglasses.
- (laughing) Oh my God.
- Load 'em up!
- How much weight am I about to pull?
- 120 on this lead,
70 pound kettlebells in each hand.
70 pounds in the backpack, 20 pound ankle weight.
When you think you want to put 'em down, don't!
- Pulling 400 pounds is the hardest thing I've ever done.
- This is what Barbarian is about.
[The Liver King] Momentum, more!
- (sighs) I don't think I can do this.
- What kind of man can you call yourself?
You can't carry your own weight.
- Has anyone ever quit?
He's buried at the end of the property.
- Can I get some water?
- Is that good?
- I got this.
(upbeat music)
- Come on Matt, move!
Let it out.
There you go, there you go.
- Back home, the team was up to no good.
- We're gonna have a company barbecue in Matt's office.
We're gonna need some hotdog buns,
and some hamburger buns.
- Now's the time!
Tap. Tap!
There you go.
(intense music)
Alright, let's give it a go.
There you go.
You got a pull!
- I can't do that.
- Your legs were off the ground,
you legitimately had a pull.
Now let's get two.
Guess what?
You just got two pulls!
- Yeah.
- You've been whining all day about how hot you are,
so I got you a present, an Arctic plunge.
- This is key to every superhero's recovery.
- You're gonna love it.
- Oh no, I'm not.
Oh, oh my God!
- He holds the record for the world's shortest cold plunge.
- When Matt gets back from Texas,
with Liver King, I found out what the boys were up to.
Oh my gosh.
What happened in here?
There's a microwave on my computer.
Why is there hot dogs in my office?
- Welcome back.
- I'm gonna call my trainer and show him this.
- Look at you, Mr. Lean.
- My friends just put all of this in my office.
Can I have any of this?
- Don't touch any of that.
- I'm just waking up, it's day 20.
I have a lot of big workouts planned,
but let's first go see how much I weigh.
(upbeat music)
I weigh 225 pounds, which means I have lost
15 pounds so far.
Things are progressing very quickly.
Let's go work out
- Superheroes don't give up.
Don't stop.
- This challenge is the hardest thing I've ever done
but I'm super proud of myself.
- So at this point in the transformation
we've really gotta take it up another notch.
I've added a resistance band to the exercise
so there's no rest.
Superheroes don't rest,
Matthew does not rest.
So you can see now, even when we're working here
you see the shoulders are coming in.
You couldn't see it before, but now it's defining.
Wait till we get to the end of this,
when this superhero just pops onto the screen.
- On day 25, my favorite NBA team
the world champion Denver Nuggets
invited me for a personal tour of the arena.
Am I allowed to step on the court?
- Yeah.
- I could just go.
- Go for it.
Oh my God. (laughing)
Where I was also able to work out
and play on a real NBA basketball court.
This is so crazy.
I am on the Denver Nuggets Court right now.
(upbeat music)
- Growing up, I would come to Nuggets games,
and I would sit way over there.
And now I am standing on the court.
Half court.
After getting the private tour
I got to watch the playoff game in the VIP suite.
There is an entire mini bar of delicious food right there,
and I can't have any of it.
But at least I can watch the game.
This was such an incredible experience
and the food was looking too delicious,
so I caved in.
I can't resist.
This is my first cheat meal.
The Denver Nuggets won the game, but I cheated
on my diet really badly, which means
I'm going to have to
diet and work out extremely hard tomorrow.
Because I cheated on my diet for the first time,
my friends booked a special workout as a punishment.
Goat yoga.
Oh my gosh.
(upbeat music)
Oh God.
This is crazy.
The reason they call this goat yoga is because I'm here.
This feels like a really intense massage right now.
(goats bleating)
Oh my God.
This is my favorite post so far.
- Because we're literally just laying down.
- Over the next week, I continued my training
to prepare for my superhero action scene.
(upbeat music)
Now that I'm getting closer to the superhero body,
I need to learn how to move like a superhero.
And that's where my friend Zealous comes in.
He's famous for recreating superhero stunts in real life.
- So the stunt that Matt's gonna be learning
is one that Miles Morales does
in Into the Spider-Verse, the first movie.
He's running towards a taxi and
he has to speed ball over it
so he doesn't get absolutely T-boned.
It looks like this.
Just like our videos, if you don't do this,
I'm slapping.
And we slap hard.
Come on!
Yeah, let's go!
That's what I'm talking about!
- Kind of hurt my wrist a little bit.
So we're now stepping up to level two.
This is a stunt that Thor did in Thor: Ragnarok.
- Instead of diving over bad guys like Thor does,
Matt's gonna be diving over me.
Lemme give you an example.
- During this entire journey, I've had to drink
a ton of water, which can be very boring.
That's why this entire time I've been using Air Up,
the sponsor of this video.
- If he hits me, then I'm gonna slap him.
- Boom, boom!
Air Up is a new take on hydration.
Unlike other flavored drinks that are loaded
with artificial flavors and sweeteners,
all of Air Up's flavor comes through Smell.
- Can I try?
It actually tastes like orange Creamsicle.
- No flavors or sweeteners necessary.
- Level one and two are easy
compared to what level three is,
because every single superhero needs to do this,
which is a front flip.
And we're gonna do it on this mat.
- This is the hardest part of the challenge so far.
Oh, shoot!
Lemme try again.
(intense music)
That's like my biggest fear.
I do not like spinning in the air like that.
- You did really well in level one,
really well in level two,
but you failed level three, and I don't wanna do this.
I'm gonna Thanos slap you.
Out of existence.
Are you ready for this, Matt?
- No. (laughing)
If you want to try the newest technology in hydration,
use code BEEM for 20% off all orders.
(intense music)
- Let's go!
You guys have to subscribe for that.
- How bad is it?
- Oh!
Dude, it's yellow here.
No way, dude.
- It's day number 40.
We're starting out by going on a run.
Then we'll be going to Universal Studios
and ending the day with meeting the best boxer of all time,
Mike Tyson.
- We're heading up to the Hollywood sign.
This is quite a run.
- This is way too early for me.
Let's do this.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
(intense music)
My pants are falling down.
They don't fit like they used to.
- (laughing) That's a good thing.
Go, go, go!
Sharpen to those legs.
This is 6:00 AM grind, my friend.
This is where the superhero is made.
- My calves are burning.
- I hear you.
But that doesn't mean you're gonna stop.
(intense music)
- Ah!
- Come on.
- I'm dying. You're so fast.
- You're pushing through.
(intense music)
Way to go.
- Now what?
- We go back down.
- You didn't tell me that when we came up.
How'd you think we were gonna get back to the car?
- After running down the mountain,
it was time to head to Universal Studios,
where superhero movies are made.
- We made it, baby!
- I feel like I should get a workout in.
You see that form?
I'm getting better.
So they have a giant escalator,
and a giant staircase.
I'm gonna take the stairs.
- Meet you at the top.
[Aaron] Come on, pick up the pace, you're losing!
- Later, buddy. (laughing)
I'm working out everywhere I go.
- Pick up the pace.
Let's go!
We made it to Hogwarts, baby!
- We're in Harry Potter World right now,
and Aaron is being his own wizard,
making all of the food disappear.
- Hey, I've got Matthew Beem's credit card,
you want to go get some snacks?
- Really?
- Yeah!
- We can go. (laughing)
Can we actually get this?
Can I get the cookies and cream fudge, please?
You get candy, you get candy,
you get candy, you don't get candy.
- And then it was time for me to learn
how to get into superhero shape
from the greatest boxer of all time, Mike Tyson.
That's my dream, to get punched by you.
- Every YouTuber I see,
they want me to hit them.
- After getting punched by Mike Tyson,
day 47 had an amazing surprise.
I am kind of lost for words right now.
I am trying my best not to cry and get emotional.
We are closing in on 4 million subscribers today.
This is such a special moment.
I am so thankful for everyone watching these videos.
- Yay!
- 4 million!
- To celebrate 4 million subscribers,
my friends threw me an amazing party.
This is the best day ever.
We've been messing with Matt about his diet a lot,
and we thought we'd do something nice for him.
- Everything here, he can eat.
- You guys went all out with the theme
I have to give it to you.
McDonald's french fries made from apples.
This is twice the weight I was doing last week.
Now we're putting in that work.
(upbeat music)
- There we go.
All right, nice form.
- When I started this, I was doing 30 pounds less
than I am right now.
Pushing my body to new limits, new heights.
During this challenge, I've had the opportunity to
select the foods that I'll be putting into my body
in order to get into superhero shape.
On day 65, I realized not everyone has the same opportunity.
So we went shopping and purchased over 700 pounds of food
for us to deliver and donate to my local food bank.
- Some rice, some more beans, more beans.
- This is the biggest scale I've used to weigh myself
on this journey.
Kind of nervous.
What do I weigh Noah?
- 209 pounds.
- That's actually really good.
During this video, I've been trained to be like a superhero,
but after spending the day here,
I realized the volunteers are the real life superheroes.
- I do it every day.
I go out and I do mobile pantries,
drop off the food.
- You're in high school and you volunteer?
- Yeah.
We had to get it for like school hours,
but then I started doing this
and I realized that it was really rewarding.
- Cheyanne's emotional.
- I know, I am.
- We couldn't do it without you all.
- So we also wanna donate $4,000 as well.
- Fantastic!
Thank you so much.
We're getting very close to the end of my transformation.
Soon I'll be filming with the Marvel team,
so I need to prepare.
And that's where my friend Jesse James West comes in.
He's a fitness superstar.
And today he'll be training me to get
into Marvel superhero shape.
- See these meat sticks?
Give it a slap.
- Slap it? (laughing)
- When is the last time you trained leg?
- Like a week ago.
He should be recovered and ready.
We'll start off nice and light.
Bulgarian split squat.
- Am I gonna be doing the same weight as you?
I think you should.
- There we go, one,
get five, two.
Come on now!
You wanna be weak?
Or do you wanna be strong?
Yeah, that's the face of glory!
That was just the warmup.
- That was fun.
He's still curling when he puts the weights back.
- We got squats.
This builds character.
- I hate this.
Quit talking, under the bar!
Up, up!
Two more!
Shut up and do it!
Up, good!
That's it, that's all you need.
- I'm done, right?
- I'll let you finish this workout under one condition.
- What's that?
- Get in the cold plunge.
- He holds the record for the world's shortest cold plunge.
(upbeat music)
- You're good!
You're good, you're good.
He's good!
- It's so cold!
- Please.
- Get lower, no, get lower, do it, trust me!
- (screams) It's so cold!
- Look at me in eyes!
Look at me in the eyes now!
- It's so cold.
- Ready?
Breathe, Breathe.
- I can't.
- Yes you can.
No, no!
- I'm sorry.
I can't walk.
- Buddy, I'm just chilling!
- I can't feel my legs.
Before shooting my Marvel action scene,
I have one last workout with my trainer.
- These arms did not look like this.
They were like half the size.
The way we've been able to accomplish this,
when he's traveling the globe, is through ATU mobile.
I'm able to be his trainer, even when he's not here.
And that's the beauty of it.
Good work, good work!
36 seconds.
More than double what we did
the first time we ever walked in.
After getting a great workout in on day 90,
it's finally time to become a superhero.
- Hey, what's going on?
My name is Gita Silvergreen.
I've been a ninja turtle, an avenger, a transformer.
And today we're at Jam,
where some of the best martial artists, movers,
performers, all train for the entertainment industry.
- Today we're gonna teach Matthew
how to fake fight like this.
- This is crazy.
Today we're doing exactly what Marvel actors
would do to prepare for an action scene in the movies.
- So I put together a combination of moves
that take from Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Panther,
and put them all into one superhero to make
an eight beat piece of choreography
for you to perform in one take.
- This is exactly what you guys would do for a movie?
- Yes.
- And my trainer Gee has been in some of
the most iconic marvel scenes of all time.
And today it's my turn.
We started the Marvel stunt training
with a warmup to awake my inner superhero.
- This hand is so important 'cause if this hand's dead,
even though that hand's working, it looks bad.
So we pick it up to protect ourselves.
So you just have to duck low enough
that I clear your head, showing the hook,
I know that he's ducked now, I throw it over.
- We practiced the techniques of the fight scene
for hours to make sure I was ready for the big screen.
Is this how close that you guys would do that,
like in an actual movie scene?
- Yep.
- It's that far?
- Yep.
- And it looks that real.
- Exactly.
- You don't want to hit hard and not move,
you wanna move your whole body and then just move soft.
- You're about to be an Avenger, brother.
- These guys are my villains.
- Don't be afraid to open up your voice
when you're throwing punches. (grunts)
- Louder.
- Louder!
- I'm starting to do a lot better.
- Position.
After 90 days of hard work, it's finally time
for me to put my new body to the test
and shoot this superhero fight scene.
I'm impressing myself right now.
Time to become a superhero, on this take.
- Ready? Camera's rolling.
3, 2, 1, action!
This is what superhero movie fight scenes look like
behind the scenes.
And now let's watch it through the Marvel
fight director's camera.
- Three, two, one, action!
(intense music)
- Over the last 90 days,
I went from 240 pounds down to 199 pounds.
I went from 30% body fat down to 9% body fat.
This was truly an amazing experience.
I appreciate everyone's help.
I enjoyed every second.
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