450 Million Coins Made & Huge Squad Upgrade - 0 to 102 BROKE FC (Episode 3)
TLDRمرحبا بكم في حلقة المسلسل الثالثة في بروك ف.C 0200، حيث يسعى القناة لتحقيق هدف الوصول إلى 100 مليون عملة في لعبة الفوتبال. في هذه الحلقة، قدمت القناة تفاصيل عن كيفية جني 430 مليون عملة، مع توضيح الخطوات التي اتخذتها للتحقيق في ذلك الهدف، بما في ذلك التداول في البطاقات، وشراء وبيعها لتحقيق الربح، وكذلك الاستثمار في بطاقات لاعبين معينين. كما قدمت القناة توصيات للاعبين حول كيفية استخدام بطاقات D لتحقيق الربح، وأظهرت كيف يمكن تحسين فريقهم وزيادة معدلهم الإجمالي. ولقد أصبحت القناة على وشك إنجاز هدفها النهائي، مع وجود 373 مليون عملة متبقية لتداولها في المستقبل.
- 🎮 المستخدم يشرح في سلسلة فيديوهات كيف يحقق هدف الوصول إلى 100 مليون عملة في لعبة FIFA بنفس الاسم.
- 💰 في حلقة السابقة، وصلت المستخدم إلى 131 مليون عملة، وقم ببناء فريق قوي.
- 🔄 قرر المستخدم ببيع بطاقات لديه مثل بطاقة 'Dlish' وبطاقة 'Victor Rman' لزيادة امواله.
- 📈 قام المستخدم بتداول بطاقات لزيادة الأرباح، مثل بطاقة 'Road holet' التي أصبحت بقيمة 49 مليون عملة.
- 💳 يفضل المستخدم المكافآت القابلة للتداول لأنها تعادل الاموال، ونجح في تلقي بطاقة 'Fernando hero' بقيمة 5.2 مليون عملة.
- 💹 قام المستخدم بالاستثمار في بطاقات مثل 'Bran' و 'Van Pery' وحقق أرباح من البيع.
- 🏆 استثمر المستخدم في بطاقة 'Magnan' وحقق ربح من البيع بعد ترقيتها.
- 🤑 استلم المستخدم بطاقة 'David Beckham' من المكافآت الغامضة وباعها لقيمة 6.5 مليون عملة.
- 📈 استثمر المستخدم في فريق من اللاعبين بتقييم 85 وحقق أرباح كبيرة من البيع.
- 🎉 بعد سلسلة من الاستثمارات وعمليات التداول، وصلت المستخدم إلى 400 مليون عملة.
- 🛠️ في النهاية، قام المستخدم ببناء فريق قوي بتكلفة لا تتجاوز 50 مليون عملة واحتفظ ببقية الاموال لعمليات الاستثمار المستقبلية.
Q & A
ما هو الهدف الأساسية لسلسلة BR FC 0200؟
-الهدف الأساسية لسلسلة BR FC 0200 هو الوصول إلى 100 مليون عملة في لعبة الفوتبول دون إنفاق أي أموال.
ما هي المبلغ المالي الذي وصلت إليه في حلقة سابقة من السلسلة؟
-في حلقة سابقة، وصلت إلى 131 مليون عملة.
لماذا قرر بيع بطاقات اللاعبين التي حصل عليها؟
-قرر بيع بطاقات اللاعبين لأن الحصول على العملات هو مهام مهمة للتداول، خاصة مع كمية التبادلات التي يحصل عليها كل يوم أو أسبوع.
ما هي الربح الذي حصل عليه من بطاقة Road holet؟
-حصل على ربح تقريبًا 25 مليون عملة من بطاقة Road holet بعد تصاعدها إلى تصنيف 4.
لماذا يفضل اللاعب المكافآت القابلة للتداول في السلسلة؟
-يفضل اللاعب المكافآت القابلة للتداول لأنها تعادل العملات، ويفضل ذلك على المكافآت غير القابلة للتداول.
ماذا حصل عندما حظي ببطاقة Fernando hero؟
-حصل على بطاقة Fernando hero التي كانت تساوي 5.2 مليون عملة، وباعها على الفور.
ما هي الربح التي حصل عليها من استثمار بطاقات Brand وVan Pery؟
-حصل على ربح من بطاقة Brand حوالي 2 مليون عملة لكل بطاقة، واستفاد من استثمار بطاقة Van Pery بـ 9 مليون عملة.
لماذا قرر استثمار كل عملته في بطاقات 85 تصنيف؟
-قرر استثمار كل عملته في بطاقات 85 تصنيف لأنه يحتاج إلى فريق 85 تصنيف لتبادل الحزم القابلة للتداول التي تأتي في نهاية الأسبوع.
ماذا حصل من الحزمة الفالنتيني؟
-حصل على بطاقة Jude Bellingham بتقييم 96 وبطاقة Patrick Weira من الحزمة الفالنتيني.
لماذا قرر استثمار 310 مليون عملة في بطاقات Declan Rice؟
-قرر استثمر في بطاقات Declan Rice لأنه يحتاج إلى بطاقات 93 تصنيف لفريق TOTW لتبادل 95 تصنيف.
ما هي القيمة السوقية لبطاقة Kim K и J التي حصل عليها من التبادل؟
-القيمة السوقية لبطاقة Kim K و J ليست الأفضل، لكن البطاقة تعتبر بطاقة جيدة بشكل عام.
ما هي القيمة المالية التي وصلت إليها في النهاية من استثماراتها؟
-وصل إلى قيمته المالية النهائية بقيمة 440 مليون عملة.
ما هي القيمة الإجمالية لفريقه بعد التطوير الجديد؟
-بعد التطوير الجديد، وصلت إلى قيمة إجمالية لفريقه تبلغ 96 OVR.
لماذا تغير اللاعب في استراتيجية التطوير لفريقه؟
-اللاعب تغير استراتيجية التطوير لأنه يرغب في إنشاء فريق قوي وصلب أولاً، ثم يخطط لاستثمار العملات المتبقية لتحقيق هدفه النهائي من 1 مليار عملة وتحقيق فريق 100 OVR.
ما هي القيمة المالية التي يملكها اللاعب بعد التطوير الجديد للفريق؟
-بعد التطوير الجديد للفريق، يمتلك اللاعب ما يزيد عن 373 مليون عملة.
😀 مغامرة التداول الناجحة في BR FC 0200
يبدأ النص بمقدمة لسلسلة BR FC 0200، حيث يسعى الشخص لتحقيق هدف الوصول إلى 100 مليون عملة في حسابه الجديد بدون إنفاق أي أموال. يشرح الشخص أنه في الحلقات السابقة قد حصل على 131 مليون عملة وقام ببناء فريق قوي. ويتابع بعرض الخطوات التي اتخذها لزيادة عملاته، مثل بيع بطاقات اللاعبين التي حصل عليها من The Exchange، وزيادة رتبة بطاقة Road holet وبيعها لتحقيق ربح. كما يذكر أنه اختار المكافآت القابلة للتداول لتحقيق المزيد من العملات. وينتهي بالوصول إلى 430 مليون عملة.
😉 استثمارات وتداولات جديدة لزيادة القيمة
يتابع الشخص بعرض استثماراته في بطاقات لاعبين معينين، مثل بطاقة bran وvan pery، وكيف تمكن من ربح بعض الأرباح من خلال بيعها. ويذكر أنه استثمر في بطاقة magnan وbenefited من未使用 cards، مما أدى إلى زيادة عدد العملات. ويكمل بعرض ما حصل عليه من مكافأة، مثل بطاقة David Beckham القيمة، وكيف استثمر في بطاقة 85 rated team of their players لتحقيق المزيد من الربح، مما أدى إلى أن يمتلك 300 مليون عملة.
😎 تحسين الفريق وتحقيق الهدف النهائي
في النص الأخير، يتحدث الشخص عن استثماراته الأخيرة في بطاقات لاعبين مثل Declan Rice، وكيف تمكن من ربح المزيد من العملات من خلال التداول في السوق. ويذكر بذلك أنه وصل إلى 400 مليون عملة. ويتابع ب如何选择 اللاعبين المناسبين لفريقه وتحسينه، بما في ذلك Jude Bellingham وRiad MZ وغيرهم. وينتهي بالوصول إلى 96 OVR لفريقه واحتفاظه ب373 مليون عملة للتداول، مما يشير إلى التقدم الكبير في السلسلة.
💡BR FC 0200
💡Ranking Up
💡Tradeable Rewards
💡Team Rating
The main objective of the series is to reach 100 in a brand new account without spending any money.
At the end of the previous episode, the player had 131 million coins and a 93 or 94 rated team.
The player ranked up a Dlish Ped card and a Victor Rman card from The Exchange and decided to sell them for coin generation.
A Road Holte card with two ranks was ranked up to four ranks and sold for a 25 million coin profit.
The player accumulated 86 million coins by selling high-rated players.
A Fernando hero card was packed and sold for 5.2 million coins.
Investments were made on Bran and Van Pery cards, yielding a profit of 2 million coins each.
Magnan card was ranked up and sold for a 1 million coin profit per Tock spent.
David Beckham 90 rated card was obtained from mystery rewards and sold for 6.5 million coins.
An 85 rated team was invested in, converting 200 million coins into 300 million coins after selling.
A 92 to 97 rated player pack was chosen, resulting in a 92 rated Martin Odard.
Jude Bellingham 96 rating card was obtained from a Valentine's Cate Doo pack.
Declan Rice was invested in for 9.5 million coins each, resulting in a profit after selling.
A young Min was bought as an investment for 12 million coins and sold for 18 million when the price rose.
The player reached 400 million coins after various investments and sales.
A team upgrade was initiated with a budget of 50 million coins, eventually spending 60 to 70 million coins.
Canavaro and Jude Bellingham were added to the team and ranked up to improve the squad.
Road Holte was obtained for free and added to the team, aiming to improve the overall rating.
The final team reached a 96 overall rating with 373 million coins remaining for trading.
yo gang what's going on welcome back to
episode number three in BR FC 0200 so if
you're new to this series let me explain
you this series real quick guys so
basically on a brand new account without
spending any money I have to reach 100
over here guys so that's the main
objective of the series so far I have
done two episodes of this series so if
you haven't watched it make sure to go
watch it and in my by the end of my
previous episode I was at 131 million
coins and I made a nice team I think I
made a 93 or 94 team but don't really
remember because it was like 1 and a
half week ago anyways I'm going to be
showing you the whole process of how I
made my coins I have reached all the way
up to 430 million coins guys so close to
500 million coins but you know what some
of my investments didn't really uh go
according to the plan so but anyways I'm
going to be showing you each and every
step guys so let's go so in my previous
episode I ranked up this dlish ped card
which I got from The Exchange and also
Victor rman card so I have decided to
sell these cards guys because you know
what having coins is very important for
trading so especially with the amount of
exchanges we're getting every day every
week you know there is lots of potential
to make coins guys so I've decided to uh
you know generate as many coins as
possible so yeah and also the next thing
I did was remember I had a road holet
card untradeable with two ranks so I
decided to get this three ranked Road
holet card and rank him up to four ranks
and sell him in the market for profit so
that was my target here we go I have
ranked him up I took a risk but it got
paid out guys so yeah with a two ranked
up card I was able to rank him to three
to four ranks so now I can sell him for
49 million coins so that's like 25
million coins profit which is not at all
bad and I sold all my players guys I
mean all my high rated players and I
generated 86 million so like that I
reached 193 million coins and coming to
these rewards I always took the
tradeable rewards guys tradeable rewards
equal to coins I don't like taking
untradeable rewards so I took this and
it paid out well because I packed for
Fernando hero which is not at all bad
and you know these 90 rated cards are
expensive right now because of the
exchanges so yeah this Fernando hero
when I packed him is like 5.2 million
coins which is a decent amount of coins
and I instantly sold him you know I I
I'd like to accumulate as many coins as
possible and the next thing I did was I
invested on bran for 10 million and also
van pery when he got released I I
managed to snipe him for 31 million
coins and then later I managed to sell
brand for 13.3 million coins uh so
that's like 2 million coins profit per
per each card and yeah I made decent
amount of coins like that and also van
pery I snapped him for 31 million and I
sold him for 40 million so yeah overall
I made like 20 million coins profit
something around that guys with all
these cards so that is not at all bad
every small profit counts and the next
thing I did was I got magnan and also
guys let me show you how you can make
use of your DC card so I ranked up this
magnan card and I sold him in the market
for 1 million profit each for each Tock
I spend which is actually quite a good
value guys so I I was able to rank him
up to 91 rating and I was able to sell
him for 3 million coins more so yeah
don't waste your D cards on untradeable
players make coins like this and the
next thing I did was I claimed this 90
rated milestone in the mystery rewards
and this is what I got David Beckham a
90 rated card and the Masano that's
that's what we going to get from this so
the Beckham card is quite good because
it's going for a decent amount of coins
so I would say this is a dub million
coins for free so I'll absolutely take
that and I sold him for 6.5 million
coins so even after tax we make like 6
million and also the next thing as you
can see all my coins are gone that's
because I've invested all in I mean all
my coins every single coin on this 85
team of their players the reason why I
invested on this is because every
weekend every Friday or Saturday the 82
to 97 tradeable packs exchange packs are
coming so yeah for that you need this 85
rated team of the so that's the reason
why I I always buy them so I I bought
this card for 630,000 to 670,000 coins
each and I sold them for 1 million coins
so 950,000 coins after Pro tax so that's
like 300 to 400,000 coins per profit
like that I reached to 300 million coins
guys so yeah I spent 20000 million
investing on the 85 rated and that
converted into 300 million coins after
selling those investment which is crazy
good profit and also coming to this 92
to 97 rated player pack so I been I
choose the tradeable pack guys as I told
earlier I always choose tradeable PKS so
this is what I got nor I got excited for
a second then later I realized odard is
also there in the pack so all I got was
92 rated Martin odard but still you know
it's 6 million coins and the next thing
I did was I opened this Valentine's Cate
Doo pack I think that's a 12,500 Gems or
something so yeah but in that pack I've
got something spectacular truly
beautiful guys I got this amazing Jude
Bellingham card 96 rating guys which is
fantastic you know wow just wow for this
account I think he's going to be uh
amazing and also we got Patrick weira so
I think he's going to stay in our team
for the time being so not at all bad
guys two amazing stimate cards so that's
a massive massive dub all right guys
it's time for my next big investment so
I invested on Declan rise for 9.5
million coins each so I went all in once
again all my 310 million coins I
invested on Dean rice the reason why I
invested on him is because for exchanges
you need 93 rated team of their players
for the 95 rated exchange so that's the
reason why and coming to the Luna New
Year packs my luck wasn't really the
best guys all I got is this Hernandez
card EA has also given this Hernandez
card for free so that's the same
Hernandez card which I got and the next
pack is the another Luna newer pack from
the path so yeah even this pack was a
disappointment because I got hiny if I
got a left back asion that would have
been a dub but all I got was hiny uh so
wasn't really happy and yeah the next
thing I did was I bought each card for
9.59 million coins and I sold him for
12.8 million coins so that's like uh let
me calculate real quick that's a 2.5
million coins profit for per card or
something so I don't really remember how
many Dean rise cards I got but yeah I I
went all in and I sold all of them and I
ended up having like 380 or 400 million
coins something in between that yeah I
reached 383 million coins guys after
selling all the Investments and also I
bought a young Min on investment for 12
million coins his price Rose all the way
up to 18 million and it sold then so
that's how I reached 400 million coins
guys so guys uh a little bit of luck
involved in the mixed player pack the 82
to 97 pack so I got Willian and rabio in
the same pack and also by the way once
again I bought these autom cards for
700,000 coins each and it sold for
$851,000 coins each not big profit but
still decent profit I made like 100,000
coins profit and then I reached 440
million coins like that and yeah I got
two 90 rated players already so I've
decided to get the carless P card and do
the 93 to 94 rated exchange and here we
go I have successfully did the exchange
and this is what they got in the
exchange guys I mean not really the best
outcome but still you know what I think
he's a decent card so I got Kim and J
guys uh that's a decent card I mean
stats was very good card to be honest
but market value is not the best so
that's what I got uh that's like 5
million coins lost guys if I sold those
players I would have made more coins so
guys now it's time to do the big upgrade
guys you know what my team has been very
bad this team this is the team I've been
managing to play with uh and I think I
have to make a nice team I I don't want
to spend more than 50 million coins guys
so yeah I got 438 million coins left I
want to invest more but you know what
for now I want to make a decent team
like 50 million coins or 60 million
coins I want to spend into the team and
remaining 390 million coins I want to
keep on investing and reach 1 billion
coins and make the 100 over our team
that's the target as of now so yeah
let's start upgrading the team guys so
we have a solid 93 rated sentiment card
for a team so welcome to the club
canavaro and not just that I'm going to
rank him up as well guys you know what
even rank ups are very important so let
me just put in canaro in the center back
position so the next thing I'm going to
do is obviously rank him rank him up
twice and the next change we got to do
is bring in Jude Bellingham and here we
go welcome to the team Jude Bellingham
and yep it's time to rank him up so this
this is going to be my permanent card so
let's go get the uh I mean get him to
three ranks at least and this is a 50%
chance let's take the risk guys you know
what oh it's a failure man no way uh I I
don't even know why I went for single
card let's go again you know yes this is
a success this time so yeah I used two
Mas shanas at the end so yeah not at all
bad 99 rated Jude Billingham we've
caught in a club and you know what guys
I want to keep this ginola card but I
want to rank him up guys let's go rank
him up I think I'm going to get the
normal ginola as well so yeah 442 flat
is going to be a formation guys and also
I'm going to be replacing Luca Modric
probably I might try getting rudet uh 90
rated card I'm not sure though so or
else I might just try to get the robot
to caros left back card from The
Exchange itself but first let's get the
right back guys by the way I packed this
pedroo yeah I packed him from the Kei
thing so what I'm going to be doing is
I'm going to get his double ranged up
card so let's go search in the market
for the good right back yeah this is the
card so I'm just going to get his 13.1
million coin worth card so yeah let's go
get this one and I'm going to try rank
him up using the ungradable which I've
got guys let's go give it a try you know
why not and then I'm going to try
ranking him up with the single card you
know what even if I B him I don't really
care let's go do it and it's a failure
guys it's a failure unfortunately uh but
yeah but still I think I'm just going to
keep him at two ranks and the next
Center back tap so I think he going to
stay there guys so that's a nice card I
love this card he performing well so so
even the goalkeeper is going to stay
cobal has been performing very well guys
so I think I'm going to keep him and the
next thing I'm going to do is I going to
get in Riad MZ so I'm I want to get his
ranked up version so let's get Ri mares
so I'm just going to get this R marus
for 5.97 million coins so let's go get
him and the purchase of Riad MZ has been
successful so yeah now what I'm going to
be doing is I'm going to try ranking him
up again you know with one Riad MZ if
that's a success it's a success or else
I'm going to leave it all right here we
go guys and it's a success guys 90 rated
R M is here so yeah finally we have
solid left mid and right mid and I got
to train these cards as well yeah I'm
going to try getting this uh say green
color ranked up C I'm going to get two
of this so I'm I'm spending 3.5 million
coins on him so that's not a lot of
coins and let's wait for him guys and
I've actually decided which Striker to
go with and I think I'm going to go with
Y Menon guys I'm going to show you the
card as well that star pass y Menon this
is a very good card as well so I'm going
to get this purple ranked up Striker for
17.1 million coins quite quite worth it
in my opinion so let's go get him for
17.1 million and the purchase of son is
successful let's go guys Place him in
the team so Striker portion welcome to
the team son so yeah that's a crazy good
card this arst card is amazing look at
the stats as well 127 Pace 110 shooting
110 dribbling 93 physical crazy crazy
card all right one Jola purchase has
been successful so let's just rank this
ginola to Red ranks guys uh so I think I
got to use these and I think with that
it's going to be success
and yes it's a success guys 93 rated
ginola is here so this is one of my
favorite cards in the game and I think
it's it it's it's going to be worth it
and I'm probably just going to spend on
the white Target man so let's go so yep
we have a nice uh team right now guys oh
I've already completed a few Road holet
uh packs so let me just continue and
complete this rad hullet all right guys
so far I spent like 5 million coins for
this exchange and this is the final one
so let's go I I I used all the F in my
club I'm almost I I used almost all the
high rated players guys so yeah this is
the final token and let's go and claim
Road hullet and welcome to the free
toplay Club Road hullet so let's go guys
that is a solid addition to our team and
with rud hullet entry our team is going
to just get better guys so let's go
welcome to the team rud hullet so yeah
94 overr not a change in the team rating
though I think we got to rank him up a
bit now we got to get a solid lift back
so that's the next Edition that we need
for this team so let's go and search in
the market for a good left back guys I
think I'm going to go with Capilla guys
uh I think I'm going a bit beyond my
budget my budget was 50 million coins
for this squad upgrade but I think I'm
going to be spending like 60 to 70
million coins I think that's fine guys
let's go do it you know let's have a
nice Foundation now and then we can
grind the head to it and also a little
bit of versus attack and maybe maybe
with the manager mode and and pile up
more Challenger tokens and open division
rival packs as well so so yeah I I mean
I think this is for the betterment of a
club guys so let's go cap Dilla welcome
to the team and hopefully after I place
capila we better reach 95 or 96 guys or
else I'm going to be very pissed and we
did reach only 95 guys I don't know
where I went wrong uh but we are
supposed to actually reach 96 rating uh
I think I I I I was wrong somewhere with
my calculations well guys I've just made
the calculations and I'm just one rank
shot of 96 over here I'm not sure what
to do to be honest uh probably I should
just try ranking up uh Bellingham maybe
but that's going to be a risk guys I
don't want to do it or else I'm just
going to rank up blood let's go do it
guys let's go do uh do this yeah I'm
going to use both let's go and with that
we should definitely reach 96 OVR now so
let's have a look after this and yes we
reached 96 over here so yeah our
Midfield is looking solid Jude Bingham
and also rud both of them they're going
to stay in our club for a while guys
that's for sure so yep we reached 96
over and the best part is we've got 373
million coins to trade with guys so I'm
quite very happy with this progress in
fact that's it guys I hope you all have
enjoyed this video if you did make sure
to subscribe to my channel and also make
sure to go watch one and two episodes of
broke FC guys without that you won't
understand how I made the initial coins
and also I hope this video was quite
helpful so that's it AR Des sign go see
you in the next one bye-bye
4.9 / 5 (34 votes)

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