TLDR在这个视频中,玩家展示了如何构建一个以Kylian Mbappé为中心的终极球队。他首先购买了Mbappé的111评分的左边锋卡片,花费了3.2亿硬币,并将其升级到30级,使其成为FC移动游戏中速度最快的球员之一。随后,玩家通过转盘和目标OVR来选择Mbappé的队友,包括法国图标和英雄,以及来自AS Monaco和PSG的队友。最终,玩家成功地组建了一个94 OVR的球队,并完成了所有挑战,包括Mbappé的两次进球参与、保持不失球以及赢得比赛,没有球员被随机丢弃。视频以Mbappé在首场比赛中上演帽子戏法和一次助攻的出色表现结束。
- 😀 视频讲述了一个团队的事件已经进行了4周,讨论了最佳前锋的候选人。
- 🏆 提到了几位可能的最佳前锋,包括雅博·阿兰、C罗和哈兰德。
- 🌟 特别强调了姆巴佩(Kylian Mbappé)作为最佳左翼球员。
- 💳 视频中展示了购买姆巴佩的111分左翼球员卡的过程,花费了3.2亿金币。
- 📈 姆巴佩的卡片在未升级的情况下已经拥有106的速度、96的射门和92的盘带等高属性。
- 💪 视频中提到姆巴佩的卡片在升级后将拥有154的速度和140的盘带,成为游戏中最快的球员之一。
- 🎯 视频还展示了如何通过轮盘抽奖来构建围绕姆巴佩的终极球队。
- 🎲 通过轮盘抽奖,视频展示了如何获得包括法国图标和英雄、摩纳哥队友、皇家马德里球员等不同类别的球员。
- 🏆 视频提到了一些特定的球员,如大卫·吉诺拉、劳伦·布兰科、贝尔纳多·席尔瓦等,以及他们在游戏中的卡片。
- 🛒 视频中提到了购买和升级球员卡片的过程,以及如何通过抽奖来完善球队。
- 🎉 最后,视频展示了使用姆巴佩卡片进行的头对头比赛,并成功完成了所有目标,包括姆巴佩的两次进球参与、保持不失球和赢得比赛。
Q & A
Kilian Mbappe在视频中被提及为哪个位置的最佳球员?
-Kilian Mbappe在视频中被提及为最佳左翼球员。
视频作者打算如何提升Kilian Mbappe的能力?
-视频作者打算通过购买Kilian Mbappe的初始卡片,将其等级提升至30级,并使用技能点来增强他的灵活性和盘带能力。
购买Kilian Mbappe的初始卡片需要多少硬币?
-购买Kilian Mbappe的初始卡片需要3.2亿硬币。
Bernardo Silva在视频中被选为哪个位置的球员?
-Bernardo Silva在视频中被选为右翼位置的球员。
-视频作者通过查看YouTube上的评论,随机选择一个用户的建议来决定左后卫位置的球员,最终选择了Roberto Carlos。
😀 姆巴佩的终极球队构建
视频讲述了如何围绕Kilian Mbappe构建一个终极球队。首先,以3.2亿硬币购买了Mbappe的111级卡片,这张卡片即便未升级也拥有106速度、96射门、92盘带等惊人属性。随后,将Mbappe升级至30级,并使用了技能点提升了他的灵活性和盘带能力。Mbappe的最终属性包括154速度、131射门、140盘带和97身体,是游戏中最佳的左边锋之一。此外,视频中还介绍了如何通过转盘获取其他球员卡片,包括法国图标球员、伯纳多·席尔瓦等,以及如何通过技能点提升他们的属性。
😀 构建球队并完成目标
视频继续展示了如何通过转盘和购买来完善球队,包括从皇家马德里和PSG获取球员,以及如何根据转盘结果选择球员。提到了通过转盘避免了减一OVR的结果,并且成功地将球队OVR提升至90以上。此外,还介绍了如何根据YouTube用户的建议选择球员,包括将David Beckham放在CDM位置,以及最终将Roberto Carlos作为左后卫加入球队,将OVR提升至94。
😀 完成挑战并展示Mbappe的表现
💡Ultimate Team
💡Kylian Mbappé
💡OVR (Overall Rating)
💡Skill Points
💡Spin the Wheel
💡Head-to-Head Match
💡Clean Sheet
the team of their event has been out for
4 weeks now and if you ask me who's the
best Striker from the team of their
event I would probably say yabo Aran
Ronaldo harand there are several options
guys and when it comes to right wing
there is Messi and zarino but when it
comes to left wing there is only one
winner and that is kilan mbapp so today
I'm going to be using this Ultimate Team
of their kilan mbappe I'm going to be
purchasing his one one rated card guys
and I'm going to rank him up to 30 ranks
and not just that I'm going to be making
a team around him with the help of this
awesome whe but there are some
objectives and targets to reach guys
I'll talk about that later but first
let's begin buying the mbappe card I'm
going to be purchasing his one one rated
card it's going to cost us 320 million
coins and here we go guys the purchase
of Killian mbappe has been successful
101 rated left F card look at that card
guys looks absolutely phenomenal he's
not even leveled up and yet he has
already got 106 Pace 96 shooting one2
dribbling I just can't wait to train him
up guys and also he's got 80 physical
that's quite a lot for a left ping guys
so let's go Place him with the team
first he's going to go to the left ping
potion and and welcome to the team kilan
mbappe now it's time to train him up
guys and here we go I ranked him up to
30 levels now let's have a look at his
stats but before that he's got some
skill points to use let's go use some
skill points I think I'm going to boost
the dexterity I'm going to boost his
dribbling probably let's have a look at
his stats now and also guys this card
can be used to Striker potion as well
154 Pace he's the fastest player in FC
mobile right now 131 shooting 140 a
dribbling one of the best dribblers in
the game and look at that physical 97
physical for a left wing card that's
absolutely phenomenal and coming to the
skill moves obviously he should have the
five star skill moves and four star weak
foot is's got so I wish he had a weak
foot upgrade as well coming to the
trates he got the flare solid player
speed dribbler outside foot shot rate
high attacking work rate and low Defense
work rate he's never going to come back
for the defense this is a phenomenal
card guys so now let's go begin spinning
the wheel but first let's spin for the
Target OVR guys so let's see what's the
target OVR is going to be for us I think
it's going to be 9 to2 overr all right
so yeah 9 to2 overr is a target OVR this
feel is going to be deciding mbappe's
teammate so let's go and use the first
pin come on Wheel please give me
something very good I want a good start
no way I think it's stopping at minus
one never mind it's not so the first pin
is going to be France icon or hero so
that's a nice way to start this is the
list of France icons and heroes guys
lots of amazing cards David ginola as
well but I think I want to start with
the defense guys you know I want to get
my defense sorted so I'm going to use
this Len Blanc card I think I'm just
going to get the Green version maybe 66
million so let's go purchase this card
guys that's the first purchase and let's
go and spin the wheel again now there
are two minus one overs on the spin I
just want to avoid those guys and that's
it here we go so now with stopping at as
Monaco teammate guys as far as I
remember Bernardo Silva and mbappe
played for the same team I was right
guys so Bernardo Silva fabinho and
mbappe play together in as Monaco so I
can use any of them I think I'm going to
go with Bernardo Silva guys the choice
is clear Bernardo Silva has lot of good
cards he's got the right wi card he's
got the cam card and the center mid card
I think I'm going to to go with the
right wing card guys let's just fill the
right wing por as well so with that both
the Wingers will be sorted and I'm going
to get the ranked up card so 48.5
million coins and also don't worry guys
the extra rating which I get from these
rank UPS I'm going to deduct it at the
end of the video L blong purchase has
been successful and also banard Sila
purchase has been successful let's go
play some both in the team now welcome
to the team Bernardo Silva not the
fastest right wi cards for sure but
still his dribbling is so good guys and
Center back Lauren blong another France
icon that is done now let's just use the
skill point points guys I'm going to
boost the defending for luren blong and
then going on to Bernard Silva I think
I'm just going to increase his dexterity
because he needs the pace guys
definitely and here we go with that he's
going to be a little bit faster yes now
he's got 95 P which is decent this is
how the team is shaving up so far 80
overr we still got to reach 9 over it's
going to be hard for sure let's go spin
the wheel again now let's see what the
wheel is going to give us this time come
on Wheel don't be something bad okay I
think is recommended tab or ask YouTube
something among those two so that's ask
YouTube so I think I'm going to ask
YouTube for the left pack portion guys I
have posted on YouTube so I'll be back
to this post at the end of the video
guys so yeah let's go all right it's
time to spin the wheel again so come on
Wheel give me something good I mean the
first three spins they are quite good
not going to lie I just can't lie that
they were trash P trash spins you know
this one also might be good it's a
random footballer so I have to use a
random football generator so let's go
I'm going to click on generate now and
the football player is Lorenzo insign
that's a random one guys does it have a
card in FC mobile I'm not sure but let's
go search guys he does have a card he's
got 87 rated card I'm sure he's got a
center forward or striker portion yes
he's got Center forward portion guys so
I think it's not bad we can probably
change the formation I'm going to try
getting this maxed out card so let's go
and get in the queue now I'm going to
wait until the purchase has been
successful in the meantime let's go and
use an expense and it is going to be all
right okay oh my God oh my God okay it's
dream Club so that means I can use any
player from mbappe's dream club we all
know that guys in his room all the wall
posters say one thing that he supports
Real Madrid so let's go get someone from
Real Madrid Guys these are all the top
cards from Real Madrid I think I'm going
to go with thako guys let's fill in our
goalkeeper portion you know 15.9 million
coins for him as well not so expensive
yeah the purchase of tb2 has been
successful and let's go Place him in the
goalkeeper position and with that we
reach 81 overr still 11 over short off a
Target over here let's go and spin the
wheel again and this time it's going to
be all right the wheel is about to stop
once again I think it's PSG teammate so
that is not at all bad so I can use any
PSG teammate Guys these are all the top
PSG cards I think I'm just going to go
with Z guys so 5.68 million coins so
let's go get on the bit so far I've
escaped the minus one OVR guys hopefully
I can escape it again uh so let's go and
it's going to be France teammate guys
the wheel has been very kind to me today
not going to lie before we get a France
teammate let's Place Insignia and zy in
the team guys so first let's place the
sentiment card zire em so welcome to the
team and then now it's time for Insignia
so let's go get Insignia also guys we
can do one thing we can play mbappe the
strike Insignia the left F position we
can do that as well let's go rank up
Insignia guys all right so now he's up
to a 91 overr I think he's ready now so
we all we got to do is use the skill
points and then he's going to be
converted to a center forward yeah I
think I want to I want to play mbappe
the left wing position itself I'm going
to use it on dexterity one more time and
here we go so let's change the formation
to the center forward formation I think
this 433 false 9 formation guys yes here
we go this is the formation I was
talking about so yeah this is how the
team is shaping up so far now we got to
go and get a France teammate for mbappe
I could have gone with magnan but you
know what I already choose the
goalkeeper and tbok what that was a
wrong move guys I should have just
chosen Jude Bellingham when it got the
Real Madrid spin but anyways so coming
to the center back William Alba he
doesn't start quite often guys so I
think I'm just going to go with Varan or
probably I'm just going to go with kund
or else yeah I think I'm just going to
go with Varan guys let's just go with
Varan he's just going for 1.1 million
coins as well so let's go get him and
the purchase has been successful so
let's go and place him in the team guys
wean welc comes to the team here we go
now we reach 89 overr I think 92 over is
quite a small Target guys uh you know
we've got lots of high rated players
already anyways let's go and spin the
wheel now we need a CDM a sentiment and
a right back and then we are sorted this
time it is going to be all right oh my
God this might be a very good one
Ultimate Team of the Year player just
wow guys I mean this is probably one of
the best spin the wheel uh video for me
because we haven't got a single bad on
over everything has been really at least
decent or above decent for sure so guys
I think I want to fill my right back
portion with the ultimate team of their
player which is Theo Hernandez I know
he's going to be out of position but you
know what that's fine he's still going
to be a 9 to overr at right back
position now we need a sentiment and a
potion that's it so far we have
managed to escape the minus one OVR and
also okay now mind okay X PSG teammate
that is not at all bad I can use any
former teammate of mbappe when during
his spell at PSG I think I'm going to go
with veratti guys he's gone to Qatar for
sure but I think yeah his card is still
available in the game so I'm just going
to get veratti let's go get his 8 88
rated card and I'm going to rank him up
to 90 rated guys so let's go do it the
purchase of veratti has been successful
and also I'm going to rank him up to 100
overr so let's go do it and finally ver
30 to 90 rank UPS is done so 90 OV is
done so I ranked him up twice the Blue
version to Red version now we reach 91
OVR guys all we need is a left pack and
a CDM so let's go and spin the wheel now
I just want to ignore that minus one
let's go oh my God no way I think it's
going to stop there no it's a PSG icon
or Hero guys David Beckham guys David
Beckham definitely played for PSG so I'm
going to use David Beckham in the CDM
position I think he going to do just
fine there I'm going to be getting this
David Beckham card I'm just going to get
this 91 card for 7.2 million coins so
let's go Place him in the team and I'm
going to place veratti in the CDM
portion actually and then David beckhams
in the ctim mid portion let's have a
look at the team rating now 92 OVR I
think we are on track for the 93 OVR now
let's go to YouTube and see what my
subscribers have suggested for the left
pack portion all right so 180 comments
are there so what I'm going to do is I'm
going to open the comment box and I'm
going to scroll randomly up and down and
I'm going to stop at one random comment
and that's going to be my LIF pack guys
all right I'm scrolling guys so let's go
I'm I think I'm going to stop here here
we go this is the comment the big one
Roberto Carlos guys so that's a
suggestion wow that's a big suggestion
by the way so I'm going to get Roberto
Carlos and put him in the left back
portion so 96.9 million coins for this
one so let's go he's the best left Park
in the game so I think the price is good
as well so yeah and the perchase of
Roberto caros has been successful let's
go Place him in the team now robertto
caros welcome to the team he's going to
be our left back guys with that we reach
94 OVR which is not at all bad and let
me just calculate how much rating we
getting from the rank UPS I have just
calculated and I'm getting two rating
from the rank UPS so that means I have
to subtract two so we have exactly this
90 over here that means I don't have to
start the head to-head match with one
goal down and also let me tell you the
head to-head objectives which I'm which
I'm supposed to complete the objective
number one is get two goal involvements
with mbappe either two assists or two
goals or one goal and one one s anything
works and not just that I have to keep a
clean sheet guys and the final one is
win the match but every failed objective
I have to discard one player randomly
from the starting 11 there are quite a
lot of expensive players guys so we
better complete all the three objectives
now all right guys so we are ready for
the head to-head match and let's have a
look at our opponent team and not going
to lie that's a very nice Team guys so
let's go I'm quite excited I think we
might get another chance mbapp oh that's
a nice he to shoot and that is saved
guys so I think we get a corner now
mbapp is going to take the corner
and what a cross and what a finish by
David Beckham guys that was a perfect
cross from mbappe and David Beckham hits
the ball into the net and yep that's one
goal involvement for mbappe already guys
so let's go all right mbappe oh my God
that is
oh what a goal that was from mbappe guys
that is a fantastic goal look at that
and he celebrates guys he absolutely
deserves to celebrate that one look at
the lane change and the Finish shot
absolute perfection guys and what a
card oh my God what a what what a pass
at first mbappe come on all right let me
just let's go
shoot that's a hatrick guys for mbappe I
mean I think that's two goals yeah this
mbappe is just a Madness pure Madness
card dribbling passing crossing shooting
everything it's just perfect let's go
mbappe oh wow that was beautiful come
on hattick for mbappe guys look at that
goal that fake shot and then the open up
fake shot and then the Power Shot
everything was
mbappe let's go guys that it's easy
peasy this card is a cheat code you know
what ar9 was my favorite card but now I
I should say officially that empp is my
favorite card guys that was perfect run
into the box and yes guys that is
fulltime so hatrick for mbappe I mean
four goals and one assist for mbappe on
his debut match guys that is fantastic
and also I have completed all the three
objectives cleen sheet done win the
match done and two goal involvements
with mbappe done I don't have to discard
any player so that's it guys I hope you
all have enjoyed this video if you did
make sure to subscribe to my channel and
also go watch the video of Ronaldo next
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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